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Under the Spell of Mother Earth
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Chapter 1
1. Richard N. Ostling, "When God Was a Woman," Time (6 May 1991): 73.
2. Elinor W. Gadon, The Once and Future Goddess (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989), 229-30.
3. Donald Bloesch, "Lost in the Mythical Myths," Christianity Today (19 August 1991): 23.
4. Spaceship Earth: Our Global Environment, a project of The American Fo-rum for Global Education (45 John Street, Suite 1200, New York, N.Y. 10038). Contributors include Turner Broadcasting System, Ted Turner's Better World Society, Gaia Corporation, Tree People, National Wildlife Federation.
5. Thomas Berry, The Dream of the Earth (San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1988), 201.
6. Ibid., 87.
7. Julie Lanham, "The Greening of Ted Turner," The Humanist (November/December 1989): 6.
8. Barbara G. Walker, The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983), 450.
9. Henry Morris, Ph.D., The Biblical Basis for Modem Science (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1984), 37.
10. This attitude permeates environmental philosophies and literature. Much historical distortion was fomented through an article by Lynn White, Jr. titled, "The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis," Science (10 March 1967).
11. Elliot Miller, A Crash Course on the New Age Movement (Grand Rapids-: Baker Book House, 1989), 87.
12. Matthew Fox, "What is Creation?" Creation (March/April 1990): 4.
13. Ibid., 18.
14. Michael and Alison Dowd, "A Christian Relationship to Earth," Firmament (Spring 1990): 3.
Chapter 2
1. Barry McWaters, Conscious Evolution, 10. Cited in Elliot Miller, A Crash Course on the New Age Movement (Grand Rapids; Baker Book House, 1989), 73.2. Mike Samuels, M.D. and Hal Zina Bennett, Well Body, Well Earth (San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1983), 73.
3. As told by a participating parent in Walnut Creek, California.
4. Brooks Alexander, "Mind Power and the Mind's Eye," SCP Journal (Vol. 9:3, 1990): 14.
5. Thomas Berry, The Dream of the Earth (San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1988), 48.
6. Samuels and Bennett, 68.
7. Ibid., 69.
8. Ibid., 73.
9. Ephesians 6:12-18; Luke 8:30-36, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Zechariah 4:6.
Andy LePage, Transforming Education (Oakland, Calif.: Oakmore Press, 1987), back cover.
Ibid, 5.
12. Ibid, 17, 56, 118.
13. Ibid., back cover.
14. Suzanne Alexander, "Schools Sow Environmental Seeds Early," The Wall Street Journal, 26 June 1990.
15. Mike Weilbacher, "Education that Cannot Wait," E Magazine (March/April 1991): 30.
16. Ibid., 33.
17. Steve Van Matre, "Earth Spirit," The Earth Speaks (Warre nville, III.: The Institute for Earth Education, 1983), 125.
18. Ibid., 129.
19. "Parents Rally, Pull Kids from Class," San Jose Mercury News, 25 March 1991.
20. Brochure from Timperline Press Inc, Eugene, Ore. Jill Anderson de-veloped the curriculum with the help of a government grant.
21. Bob Simonds, "President’s Special Report - News Alert," May 1990 (Box 3200, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92628).
22. Mission S.O.A.R. Curriculum, 36. Cited by Bob Simonds.
23. C.S. Lewis, Screwtape Letters (New York. Bantam Books, 1982), xiii.
24. Joseph Cornell, Sharing Nature with Children (Nevada City, Calif.: Dawn Publications, 1979),11-14.
25. Ibid., 6.
26. Joseph Cornell, Listening to Nature (Nevada City, Calif.: Dawn Publica-tions, 1987), 68.
Chapter 3
1. Bill Devall and George Session, Deep Ecology (Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith Publisher, 1985), ix.2. Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth (New York: Doubleday, 1988), 207.
3. Ibid., 22, 24.
4. The New Lexicon Webster's Dictionary (New York: Lexicon Publications, Inc., 1989), 660.
5. Deuteronomy 32:17; 1 Corinthians 10:20; Revelation 9:20.
6. Thomas Berry, The Dream of the Earth (San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1988), 34.
7. Ibid, 124.
8. Ibid., 41.
9. Paul Vitz, Censorship - Evidence of Bias in Our Children's Textbooks (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Servant Books, 1986) 3.
10. Scholastic News, Ed. 4, Vol. 53 (2 November 1990), 7. Statistics from Subscription Department, N.Y. (212) 505-3000.
11. Mary Micallef, Floods & Droughts (Carthage, IIL: Good Apple, Inc, 1985), 7.
12. Jan Thurman-Veith, Natural Wonders (Palo Alto, Caff.: Monday Morn-ing Books, 1986), 44.
13. Elaine Kitteredge, Twelve (Chicago: Optext, 1983), 4.
14. Ibid., 45.
15. Ibid., 12-13.
16. Michael A. Banks, Understanding Science Fiction (Morristown, N.J.: Silver Burdett Company, 1982), 11.
17. lbid, 6.
18. Richard B. Bliss, Ed.D., Good Science for Home and Christian Schools, 4-6th grade (El Cajon, Calff.: Creation-Life Pubhshers, 1989), xv. Minor change made with Dr. Bliss' permission).
19. Henry Morris, Ph.D, The Genesis Record (San Diego: Creation-Life Publishers, 1976), 74.
20. Tim Stafford, "Animal Lib," Christianity Today (18 June 1990): 19.
21. Ibid.
22. Dean A. Ohlman, "Confession Good for the Soul - and the Land," Christian Nature Federation (1 May 1991): 2.
23. Clark Wissler, PILD, Indians (New York. Anchor Books, Doubleday), 270.
24. Ibid, 8.
25. Ibid., 287.
26. Ibid., 63, 181.
27. Ibid., 131-32.
28. Ibid, 145.
Chapter 4
1. Starhawk, Spiral Dance (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1979), 25.2. Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth (New York. Doubleday, 1988), 167.
Ari L. Goldman, "Religion Notes," The New York Times, 1 January 1991.
4. Starhawk 16-17.
5. Judith Plant, Healing the Wounds (Santa Cruz: New Society Publishers, 1989), 216.
6. "Hard Copy," Fox (television), 20 July 1990.
7. Brochure for Bay Area Pagan Assemblies.
8. Kathleen B. Paquette, "Doorways into Women's Ritual: A Curriculum," 19 November 1987.
9. As told by another member of the class.
10. Phyllis Evelyn Johnson, "Which Step Are You On?" Changes (May-June 1990): 32.
11. Jeanie Geis Oliver, "Reading Selections for the Young Pagan," Sage Woman (Fall-Winter 9989 [1989]): 47.
12. Starhawk, 34, 91, 117, 208, 41, 186-87, 44, 42, 179, 199.
13. Susan Cooper, 7he Dark Is Rising (New York. Atheneum, 1982), 142, 122, I26, 75, 124, 161, 13, 108.
14. Starhawk, 123.
15. Ibid., 124.
16. Craig S. Hawkins, "The Modern World of Witchcraft," Part Two, Christian Research Journal (Summer 1990): 25. Hawkins quotes Starhawk, 11-12, 14.
17. Ibid, 24.
Chapter 5
1. Judith Weinraub, "The New Theology - Sheology, The Washington Post, 28 April 1991.2. Sonia L. Nazario, "Is Goddess Worship Finally Going to Put Men in Their Place?" The Wall Street Journal, 7 June 1990.
3. Genesis 15:13-16.
Jennifer Barker Woolger and Roger J. Woolger, "The Wounded Goddesses Within," New Realities (March/April 1990): 11.
Ynestra King, "The Ecology of Feminism and the Feminism of Ecolo-gy, Healing the Wounds (Santa Cruz, Calif.: New Society Publishers, 1989), 19.
6. Carol P. Christ, "Why Women Need the Goddess: Phenomenological, Psychological, and Political Reflections," Heresies (Spring 1978): 277.
7. Elizabettt Roberts, Dharma Gaia (Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1990), 153.
8. "Invoking Ancient Gods for Modem Studies," The New York Times, 19 December 1990.
9. Ibid.
10. Weinraub.
11. Peterson’s Guide to Four Year Colleges 1991 (Princeton, NJ: Peterson’s guides, 1991), 254.
12. Jacynth Hope-Sirnpson, Cavalcade of Witches (New York: H.Z. Walck, 1967) and Mildred Boyd, Man, Myth and Magic (New York: Criterion Books, 1969).
13. Steven Erlanger, "Women Challenge Church Council Assembly," The New York Times, 2 February 1991.
14. Ellen Dahnke, "Athena Home at Last," The Tennessean, 21 May 1990.
15. Christine R. Downing, "The Mother Goddess among the Greeks," The Book of the Goddess Past and Present (New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1989), 49.
16. Peter Steinfels, "Idyllic Theory of Goddesses Creates Storm, The New York Times, 13 February 1990.
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid.
19. Ibid.
20. Judith Plant, Healing the Wounds (Santa Cruz: New Society Publishers, 1989), 3.
21. Barbara G. Walker, The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983), 346.
22. Ibid., 263.
23. Ibid., 264.
24. Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth (New York: Doubleday, 1988),99.
25. Encyclopaedia Britannica XII (Chicago: William Benton), 661.
26. Elinor Gadon, The Once and Future Goddess (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989), 115.
27. Carl Olsen, The Book of the Goddess Past and Present (New York: Cross-road, 1989), 1.
28. Otto Baab, The Theology of the Old Testament (New York: Abingdon--Cokesbury, 1949), 105, 110. Cited by Paul C. Vitz, Psychology As Religion (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1988), 93.
29. Henry Morris, The Genesis Record (San Diego: Creation-Life Publishers, 1976), 264.
30. Walker, 451.
31. Ibid., 452.
Chapter 6
1. Joanna Macy, "The Greening of the Self," Dharma Gaia, (Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1990), 53.2. Mike Wyatt, "Humanism and Ecology - the Social Ecology/Deep Ecology Schism," Green Synthesis (October 1989): 8
3. Elizabeth Koda-Callan, The Magic Locket (New York. Workman Pub-lishing, 1988), 12
4. Ibid, 30.
5. Virginia Satir, Meditations and Inspirations (Berkeley: Celestial Arts, 1985),15,26, 29.
6. Calvin Miller, The Finale (Downers Grove, III: InterVarsity Press, 1979), 29-30.
7. Ibid, 60, 70-71.
8. Marion Woodman, The Pregnant Virgin (Toronto: Inner City Books, 1985), back cover.
9. Jennifer Barker Woolger and Roger J. Woolger, "The Wounded God-desses Within," New Realities March/April 1990): 11.
10. Ibid., 13.
11. Carl Jung, Man and His Symbols (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1938),95.
12. Elinor W. Gadon, The Once and Future Goddess (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989), 230.
13. Brooks Alexander, "Mind Power and the Mind’s Eye," SCP Journal (Vol. 9:3, 1990): 15.
14. Doug Groothuis, Revealing the New Age Jesus (Downers Grove, M: InterVarsity Press, 1990), 76.
15. Satir, 23.
16. Ibid.
Virginia Satir, Self Esteem (Milbrae, Calif.: Celestial Arts, 1970), 41-42
18. Alexander, 9.
19. Paul C. Vitz, Psychology As Religion (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1977), 93.
20. The Family Educator, "Who Would Build on a Crumbled Foundation" (March/April 1990): 3.
21. Cassette tapes of Dr. Coulson's messages can be ordered from the Research Council on Ethnopsychology, 2054 Oriole Street, San Diego, CA 92114.
22. Ibid.
23. John Bradshaw, The Family (Deerfield Beach, Fla.: Health Communi-cations, Inc, 1988), 229.
24. Ibid.
25. Charles Colson, Against the Night (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Servant Publica-tions, 1989), 98.
26. Ibid.
27. Ibid.
28. Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest (New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1935), 279.
29. Ibid., 246.
30. Benjamin Schmolck, 1672-1737
Chapter 7
1. Elinor W. Gadon, 7he Once and Future Goddess (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989), xv.2. Brian Swimme, The Universe Is a Green Dragon (Santa Fe, N.M: Bear & Company, Inc., 1984), 49.
3. United Press International, "New Study Of Teenage Sex" San Francisco Chronicle, 5 January 1991.
4. Don Feder, "Colleges Facilitate Intramural Sex," AFA journal (November/December 1990): 23.
5. Richard Harrington, "Madonna Thriving On Her Own Chaos," San Francisco Chronicle, 5 December 1990.
6. Ibid.
7. Camille Paglia, "Madonna - Finally, a Real Feminist," The New York Times, December 14, 1990.
8. Jay Cocks, "Madonna Draws the Line," Time (17 December 1990): 74.
9. Tom Sabulis, "Her Fans Speak Out on Spanking," San Jose Mercury News, 20 May 1990.
10. Cocks, 74.
11. Ibid., 75.
12. Harry Sumrall, "Madonna's Tour Spotlights Her Ego More Than Her Talent," San Jose Mercury News, 20 May 1990.
13. Matthew Fox, "My Final Statement Before Being Silenced By the Vatican," Earth Island Journal (Winter 1988-89): 50-
14. Carol P. Christ, Laughter of Aphrodite (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1987), 176-77.
15. Ibid., 188.
16. The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol 2 (Chicago: Encydopaedia Brittanica, Inc., 1968), 110-111.
17. Judy Harrow, "A Season with Aphrodite," Gnosis (Fall 1990): 17.
18. Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth (New York: Doubleday, 1988), 182.
19. Peter L. Berger, "Cakes for the Queen of Heaven: 2500 Years of Religious Ecstasy," The Christian Century (December 25, 1974): 1218-1219.
20. Andy LePage, Ph.D., Transforming Education (Oakland, Calif.: Oakmore House Press, 1987), 118.
21. Pupul Jayakar, Earth Mother (San Francisco: H arper & Row, 1990), 134.
22. Tal Brooke, "Myths-Adhesive for a Generic Religion,: SCP Journal (Vol 9:2,1990): 8-9.
23. Alice Walker, The Color Purple (New York: Washington Square Press, 1982),187.
24. David Hinckley, " 'Dick Tracy' Shouldn't Have Sex’ The San Jose Mer-cury News, 25 June 1990.
25. Berger, 1219.
26. W.F. Albright, From the Stone Age to Christianity, 214. Cited by Merrill F. Unger, Archeology and the Old Testament (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1977), 177.
27. James B. Pritchard, editor, Ancient Near Eastern Texts (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969), 394.
Chapter 8
Posted with the chapter
Chapter 9
1. The Dalai Lama, My Tibet (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990), 81.
2. Bill Devall and George Session, Deep Ecology (Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith Publisher, 1985), 206.
3. Peter Russell, The Global Brain (Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher, Inc., 1983), 164.
4. Susan Hooper, "Educator Proposes a Global 'Core Curriculum,’" Education Week (27 November 1985): 8. Cited by Eric Buehrer, The New Age Masquerade (Brentwood, Tenn.: Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Pubhshers, Inc., 1990), 74.
5. Robert Muller, New Genesis: Shaping a Globd Spirituality (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and Co., 1848),145.
6. Ibid., 153.
7. Eric Buehrer, The New Age Masquerade (Brentwood, Tenn.: Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Publishers, Inc., 1990), 117.
8. Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol. 15 (Chicago: Encydopaedia Britannica, Inc. 1968), 640.
9. Dr. Anis A. Shorrosh, Islam Revealed (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Pub-lishers, 1988). Also told by Ron Carlson in lecture titled Islam. Audio cassette from Christian Ministeries International (7601 Superior Terrace, Eden Prairie Minn.).
J. Dudley Woodberry, "The March of Islam Across the Centuries," Target Earth (Pasadena, Calif.: Global Mapping International 1989), 124.
11. Wrestling with Dark Angels, eds. C Peter Wagner and F. Douglas Pennoyer (Ventura, Calif.: Regal Books, 1990), 317.
12. Bill Musk’s The Unseen Face of Islam (Eastboume, Great Britain: MARC, 1989), 223.
13. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol 20 (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1968), 695.
14. 1 John 4:1; Matthew 7.16 (NASB); 1 Thessalonians 5.21.
15. Mary Fergusori, The Aquarian Conspiracy (Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher, Inc., 1976), 369.
16. Buehrer, 114.
17. Philip Vander Velde and Hyung-Chan Kim, eds, Global Mandate. Ped-agogy for Peace (Bellingham, Wash.: Bellwether Press, 1985), 10. Cited by Buehrer, 114.
18. "Govemment Tells Churches What to Teach," AFA Journal (October 1989): xx.
19. "Hate Literature Laws Sweep the U.S. and Other Western Democra-cies," The Christian World Report (April, 1989): 1.
Gary L. Bauer, "Colleges: Watch Out for the Sensitivity Police," Washington Watch (December 1990): 4.
21. "Is the U.S. on the Verge of Criminalizing Christianity?" The Christian World Report, (November 1989): 1.
22. Matthew 28:19.
23. Lewis M. Sirnons, "Me-First Cults Thrive in Japan," San Jose Mercury News, April 16,1990.
24. Don Lattin, "Esalen Institute's Ties with Soviet Philosophy Project," San Francisco Chronicle, 6 November 1990.
25. Rabi R. Maharaj, East-West Gospel Ministries Newsletter, 1, 1990.