A A Hindu girl comes to Jesus
Sita was born in India, a huge country half way around the world. Her four grandparents, fourteen aunts and uncles, and her twenty-four cousins, brothers and sisters all lived in a big, noisy city called Benares. Lots of people, cars, buses and animals filled the crowded street in front of her house. Some people blind or crippled. Someone would help them to the street, then leave them all day long to beg for food and money.
They used to make Sita very sad. She wanted to help them, but she didn't have any money. And her cousin, kino, told her not to bother anyway, since suffering was part of their karma.
What is karma? asked Sita.calcutta
A few years later, Sita's parents decided to move to California.
Bare, Beautiful Feet & other missionary stories for children (Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications, 1992), page 21. Compiled from past issues of the The Alliance World (a missionary education tool published by Christian Publications)
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