Seeking religious freedom
From Voice of the Martyrs

“Children get down!” Anne Hutchinson screamed as she heard
the arrow sharply strike her door. Then they heard the harrowing
screams of the Indians who surrounded her home. More arrows
seemed to come from everywhere, and she could hear footsteps
near the window. “I will see you today, Lord!” Anne said.
Anne Hutchinson was a woman of courage. By the time she was
twenty-three years old, she had been imprisoned three times for
speaking out about her Puritan beliefs. The Puritans wanted to
hear about the Bible in their church services because few
Christians in England had a Bible in the English language.
Anne and her husband, William, had come to America in 1634
seeking religious freedom, but even in America, they had been
met with persecution for holding religious meetings in their
home. People who supported their ministry had been arrested and
had even lost their right to vote.
At forty-six years old and pregnant with her eighteenth child,
Anne was convicted and imprisoned for four months. After being
banished from the colony, her family and friends started a new
town and home church in Rhode Island.
With her pioneering spirit, Anne Hutchinson helped make the idea of
freedom in worship an American ideal. She and five children died at the
hands of her Indian attackers. She met her Savior with courage and faith,
just as she had lived her life.
Freedom is never free. It always comes with a cost. Jesus Christ was the
first to pay the ultimate price for religious freedom—giving us access to
God through his death on the cross.....
"Enter by the
narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that
leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.
Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which
leads to life, and there are few who find it." Matthew
See also
God's Way versus our
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