I am but one Veteran, one who has seen the horrors of war, 

But as many others, I will never forget those left behind.

Young men of whose life lost in their prime, just a number to many,

But to all those who have walked the bloody trails,

We will never forget those left behind.

We live in a country that boast of its freedom, 

and I wonder how many realize the cost of it all.

Every Veteran that has given his time, knows the cost

of it all, and will never forget those left behind.

Every breath I take I know I live on God grace and favor,

I will never take for granted this freedom so dear, 

In my heart, my life, I will never forget those left behind.

From our dear friend, Thomas Faunce, missionary, poet, photographer and Veteran of the Vietnam War

C/O/ Frontline Outreach
PO Box 618 Hillman MI 49746
Email: frontlineom@yahoo.com