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UN Agenda 21 ~  2011-2012

Green Lies and Deceptive Science

Agenda 21 - The U.N. Plan for Your Community

The U.N. Plan For Global Control: The Habitat II Agenda

World Heritage 'Protection': UNESCO's War vs. National Sovereignty

Al Gore's Vision of Global Salvation


Climate Depot




False Science



"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill...." [1] The Club of Rome

"The latest twist in the global warming saga is the revision in data at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, indicating that the warmest year on record for the U.S. was not 1998, but rather 1934.... The new data undermine another frightful talking point from environmentalists, which is that six of the 10 hottest years on record have occurred since 1990. Wrong.

     "NASA now says six of the 10 warmest years were in the 1930s and 1940s, and that was before the bulk of industrial CO2 emissions were released into the atmosphere." [2] Not So Hot," WSJ

December 2012

Bitter cold records broken in Alaska : "...the all time record coldest temperature of -80°F [was] set in 1971, which is not only the Alaska all-time record, but the record for the entire United States. Unfortunately, it seems the battery died in the weather station just at the critical moment.

      "While the continental USA has a mild winter and has set a number of high temperature records in the last week and pundits ponder whether they will be blaming the dreaded 'global warming' for those temperatures, Alaska and Canada have been suffering through some of the coldest temperatures on record during the last week."

Stop subsidizing the slaughter!  [Birds not children this time] "Terminate Big Wind’s Production Tax Credit to save eagles, bats, whooping cranes – and jobs."
      "The US Fish and Wildlife Service and American Bird Conservancy say wind turbines kill 440,000 bald and golden eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, cranes, egrets, geese and other birds every year in the United States. Turbines also eradicate countless night-flying, insect-eating bats. However, new studies reveal that these estimates are frightfully low, and based on misleading or even fraudulent data. The horrific reality is that, in the United States alone, 'eco-friendly' wind turbines are killing an estimated 13,000,000 to 39,000,000 birds and bats every year... Terminate Big Wind’s Production Tax Credit to save eagles, bats, whooping cranes – and jobs

Climate Tyranny Avoids Scrutiny: "Negotiators have sprung a dangerous proposal on the conference at the 11th hour. ...they have inserted a ‘Loss & Damage Mechanism’ into the final text which would require developed countries like the U.S. to pay poor nations for climate damages supposedly resulting from extreme weather events.'

      "...the last money grabbing gambit failed. It was time for the 7,000 'observers' and its delegates to go home, all knowing that even the Kyoto Protocols will end in 2014...

     "There have been periods in the Earth’s history when there were far higher concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) and the result was an abundance of vegetation.... It is useful to know that Canada, Japan, and New Zealand have already rejected any participation in the agreements....

     "The United Nations isn’t just involved in climate treaties. It is seeking control over the worldwide Internet, the oceans of the world, gun control, and regulating the rights of parents to exercise control over their children’s health and well-being."

Saving the planet – or protecting power grabs and cash cows? [By David Rothbard  and Craig Rucker -- two long-time friends of mine] "...climate alarmism is again taking center stage this week at the COP-18 confab in Doha, Qatar. The agenda remains the same: slash or end hydrocarbon use, transfer wealth, and control energy use, economic growth and lives. The strategies likewise remain unchanged: treaties, laws, regulations and higher taxes for hydrocarbon energy – with control placed  in the hands of unelected, unaccountable elites who claim they are saving Planet Earth from ecological collapse....

      "...contrary to incessant claims that Earth is warming uncontrollably, average planetary temperatures have not risen in 16 years, even as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have crept upward.... Meanwhile, Antarctic sea ice continues to expand, setting new records."

Obama Quietly Handing Over Billions of Dollars to the UN in the Name of Global Warming: "Over the past decade, I [Senator Inhofe has]  been leading the charge in Washington to make sure the global warming hoax is exposed. A big part of that effort has been putting the spotlight on what takes place at the UN’s annual global warming conferences....This year’s UN conference is in Doha, Qatar and I’m pleased that Lord Christopher Monckton is there working with his partners, including CFACT Executive Director Craig Rucker.... Three years ago, President Obama helped create a United Nations Green Slush Fund that would redistribute over $100 billion from developed countries to developing countries. While he has been racking up huge deficits and talking up tax increases, the President has already sent billions of American taxpayer dollars to the United Nations....There appears to be little in the way of transparency."

Chants, secret backroom negotiations and the CFACT "Truth Warrior": "Unlike previous UN climate gatherings, COP 18 in Doha is attempting to make a 'serious' statement about lowering its carbon footprint. No, it’s not requiring delegates to forgo their jet travel, five-star hotels and restaurants, air conditioning, limousine rides, or anything that exacting.....Senator Inhofe went on to praise CFACT and Craig Rucker, Marc Morano, and Lord Christopher Monckton as voices of reason in the climate change debate." See Agenda 21: The U.N. Plan for Your Community

‘A Complete Economic Transformation of the World’: "Ms. Christiana Figueres, chief secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, told a press conference in Doha today that the 18th Conference of the States Parties would bring about 'a complete economic transformation of the world.'...

     "At each event I asked the obvious question: 'After 16 years without global warming, how confident are you that the official predictions of doom have not been overblown?” A shrewish spokesman for the Gaia Foundation replied: 'Why should we answer that? You’re a well-known climate denier.'" See Green Lies and Deceptive Science

November 2012

Feds to Designate 9.6 Million Acres as ‘Critical Habitat’ for Spotted Owl: "The northern spotted owl is expected to be allocated roughly 9.6 million acres of forest land to protect it from extinction.... The full 'critical habitat' plan will not be published until next week, but the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced that areas of Oregon, Washington and Northern California will come under its provisions..."

Obama vows to take personal charge of climate change in second term: "Barack Obama claimed climate change as a personal mission of his second term...." See Green Lies and Phony Science and The EPA’s Planned Destruction of the U.S. Economy

Video: The horrors behind AGENDA 21. Note: I don't like the comments added to some of the  episodes. But the overall message matches the UN Agenda and its ongoing call for a reduced world population. Since the sound fades near the end, read the conclusion by Paul Harvey here: "If I were the devil."

Rivers Are People, but People Aren’t People: "'The government of New Zealand and the... indigenous people recently agreed that the Whanganui River will be legally recognized as a person. The agreement has given a whole new meaning to the term 'natural rights' by literally bestowing rights upon nature. The river will now hold legal status as a person because of its role in sustaining the Whanganui iwi people.'

     "'...90 percent of animal rights and environmentalist activism is about disenfranchsing people and enfranchising things that cannot represent themselves, but can only be represented by liberal activists."'

    This plot has been well under way for decades. See World  Heritage 'Protection': UNESCO's War Against National Sovereignty

October 2012

The EPA’s Planned Destruction of the U.S. Economy: "In 'A Look Ahead to EPA Regulations for 2012' the minority staff (Republican) of the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works has issued a chilling review of a massive rise in the costs of living for all Americans, massive layoffs in all sectors of the economy, and the destruction of the nation’s energy and manufacturing sectors.....For example, the utterly bogus greenhouse gas regulations are based on the debunked global warming theory...

     " fact, the Earth has been cooling since 1998 and there is zero evidence that CO2 has any impact on the temperature of the planet.....One astonishingly stupid aspect of greenhouse gas regulation is called the 'cow tax' in which ranchers will be required to pay a cost-per-animal permitting fee. More than 37,000 farms and ranches would be subject to greenhouse gas permits at an average cost of $23,000 per permit annually. It would affect more than 90% of the livestock production in America and drive the cost of meat and pork out of sight."

      [The EPA and the global elites may be pleased with rising possibilities of war and Islamization in America. The Islamic quest for a Global Caliphate and effective jihad may serve their purpose well.] See the next link:

Radical Population Reduction.  Global Enviro-Eugenic Consensus Fixes 500 Million as “Optimum Population Size: "The Georgia Guidestones - a collection of standing stones mimicking ancient Celtic stone circles in Britain and a commemoration of ancient sacrifices performed by the Druid priest-class satisfying their deity’s unquenchable blood thirst. One of the inscriptions carved into the Guidestones proposes an elite class will 'Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.'...CNN founder Ted Turner went even further in his ideal of optimum population: 'A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.'"

      [I heard Ted Turner say that in an interview at Gorbachev's 1995 State of the World Conference attended by international elites from around the world. Plenary speaker Sam Keen was slightly less radical. His suggestion: 'Cut the population by 90 percent..."]

September 2012

 UN Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy: "I am not sure when subsequent generations, our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will no longer be permitted access in zones marked off-limits to human habitation and trespassing in accordance with the dictates of UN Agenda 21 and the now infamous Wildlands Project map." See The U.N. Plan for Your Community

Agenda 21 and Global Warming: "As Blaise Pascal once noted, once science is divorced from ethics, scientists will use their skills to pursue power, not truth. The following is a study on this exact issue. What is behind the global warming?

      "The same thing that was behind the global cooling scare of the 1970s: The 1974 Club of Rome report titled, 'Mankind at the Turning Point stated,' 'The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Their solution was simple—engineer a massive reduction in population and utterly change the socio-economic system through centralized planning via total government control. This 'man is the enemy' was reiterated by the Club of Rome in 1993, as well, when they stated in their The First Global Revolution... that 'In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…"

August 2012

A Brief History & Description of Agenda 21: "Sustainable development....sounds nice, until you scratch the surface and find that Agenda 21 and sustainable development are really cloaked plans to impose the tenets of social justice/socialism on the world. At risk from Agenda 21... Private property ownership; Single-family homes; Private car ownership and individual travel choices; and Privately owned farms....Agenda 21 is the global blueprint for changing the way we 'live, eat, learn and communicate'...

     "Agenda 21 is broken into 8 sections: Agriculture; Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management; Education; Energy and Housing; Population; Public Health; Resources and Recycling; Transportation, Sustainable Economic Development.... Governments take control of all land use....People packed into human settlements, islands of human habitation, close to employment centers, and transportation..." See Saving the Earth

July 2012

Obama’s Assault on U.S. Energy: "'...if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas [mainly CO2 which is essential to plant growth] that’s being emitted.'

     "Barack Obama....declared war on coal during the 2008 campaign and few were paying attention. In 1985 coal accounted for 57 percent of all power generated in the U.S. By 2011, it was down to 42 percent." See Green Lies and Deceptive Science

Manipulating Nature.  What is geo-engineering? "Geo-engineering aims to tackle climate change by removing CO2 from the air or limiting the sunlight reaching the planet....The first category of scheme – those designed to remove CO2 from the air – include machines (sometimes called 'artificial trees') that pull the gas from the atmosphere using plastic polymers. Other proposals seek to increase the amount of CO2 absorbed by the oceans – for example by adding large quantities of lime to the water. Other related schemes – sometimes but not always described as geo-engineering – involve harnessing the capacity of trees and plants to absorb CO2 from the air." But CO2 is essential to forests, agriculture and even life itself! What is their real goal?

Politicized science. Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for large-scale geoengineering: "A small group of leading climate scientists, financially supported by billionaires including Bill Gates, are lobbying governments and international bodies to back experiments into manipulating the climate on a global scale to avoid catastrophic climate change. The scientists, who advocate geoengineering methods such as spraying millions of tonnes of reflective particles of sulphur dioxide 30 miles above earth, argue that a 'plan B' for climate change will be needed if the UN and politicians cannot agree to making the necessary cuts in greenhouse gases, and say the US government and others should pay for a major programme of international research.

      "Solar geoengineering techniques are highly controversial: while some climate scientists believe they may prove a quick and relatively cheap way to slow global warming, others fear that when conducted in the upper atmosphere, they could irrevocably alter rainfall patterns and interfere with the earth's climate." See Agenda 21

How Insider Politics Saved California's Train to Nowhere: "Environmentalism may be religion to some on the left, but its high priests aren't all pure and righteous.... Last week, the state's legislature authorized $4.7 billion in bonds to start construction on high-speed rail, which had been stalled in Sacramento for more than a decade.... This train is now out of the station—though it's almost certain to break down soon....

     "Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood...threatened to claw back federal funding if Sacramento didn't green-light construction before summer's end. 'We can't wait,' he said. And why not? ... Next year taxpayers will have to start paying interest on the rail bonds—about $380 million annually for the next 30 years—assuming investors bite. That's nearly as much as the governor is proposing to cut from higher education..." See Green Lies and Deceptive Science

From Charming to Alarming: Riop+20 Sustaniability Propaganda: "CFACT's sand art stood in stark contrast to the images selected by radical NGO's to decorate the Rio Earth Summit. CFACT's cameras recorded the scene so we could share it with you. Please take a moment to view them at our 'From Charming to Alarming: Rio+20 Sustainability Propaganda' photo gallery. I have included a couple below to whet your appetite." See Humanity is about to pay the price

October 2009 

Here is another senseless and expensive "use" of the false climate crisis:

Global Control. Lethal gas may have to be stored under villages: "Millions of tonnes of potentially lethal carbon dioxide may have to be stored deep under towns and villages to prevent climate change, according to a senior government adviser."

       Carbon dioxide is not a "lethal" gas! It's all around us! It makes plants grow and produce food. It's essential to our forests, farms... everything! Our God made it that way! See Green Lies

Shocker! Ice melt lowest in 30 years: "Ice melt on the world's coldest continent was the lowest in 30 years during the 2008-2009 melt season..."

For previous news on this topic, please go to Environment 1 or 2006-2007 or 2008-2009

Here is an interesting video-song:

1. Alexander King & Bertrand Schneider, The First Global Revolution (New York: Pantheon Books, 1991), 115.

2. "Not So Hot," WSJ, August 29, 2007.


June 2012

Humanity is about to pay the price: "During the UN's Rio+20 summit last week, the walls of the conference center were festooned with disturbing images, many painted by children under the rubric, 'children teaching their parents.' In one painting, a child painted the sun, dressed as a doctor taking the temperature of the earth. The diagnosis? 'I'm sure you have humans!'...
      "Our children are being taught by fraudulent scientists and extremists that people are a plague!....These extremists who are teaching our children are so entirely detached from any form of rationality or reality that they no longer understand how malevolent, unpleasant...and how downright unfair their policies are to the people and the other creatures on this planet."
See Saving the Earth

Lord Monckton discovers plans not for environment, but global government: "Monckton, a former advisor to U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher...explained that many attendees openly admitted the 'green' agenda was failing, but that the dream of a global socialist government must nonetheless go on.

Rio+20: Final Declaration "The Future We Want": "We reaffirm our commitment to making every effort to accelerate the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015.... We reaffirm that we continue to be guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations [its primary author was the communist Alger Hiss, who persuaded President Roosevelt during the post war meeting in in Yalta to yield Eastern Europe to the Stalin], and with full respect for international law and its principles....

      "We reaffirm our commitment to strengthening international cooperation.... In this regard, we reaffirm the need to achieve economic stability and sustained economic growth, promotion of social equity, and protection of the environment, while enhancing gender equality and women's empowerment.... It can only be achieved with a broad alliance of people, governments, civil society and private sector, all working together..." See Communitarianism

A Warning: The Future We Dread: "The United Nations plans to make its Rio+20 Sustainable Development Conference 'the most significant environmental conference in history.'...The document ["The Future We Want"] also seeks to impose staggering financial burdens on people in developed nations. It would give the UN 0.7% of a nation’s gross domestic product – some $1,325 per year for an American family of four. A Canadian family would pay $1,211, while their counterparts would be taxed $1,206 in Germany and $1,171 in Japan. Norwegian families would take dubious first place honors, paying a whopping $2,445 every year....

    "To pay for this expansive eco-wish list, the United Nations and NGOs also want to give the UN authority to tax every currency conversion and financial transaction, fuel sales and air travel tickets – and seize all funds that currently provide subsidies and tax deductions for fossil fuel and nuclear power." See The U.N. Plan For Global Control: The Habitat II Agenda

HUD: Super-planning is Coming to Your Community: "On March 15, 2012, President Obama signed Executive Order 13602 authorizing HUD to 'engage with and support local communities...' to provide assistance with 'planning resources to develop and implement their economic vision and strategies.' ...The agency has the ability to 'guide' regionalization planning that bypasses local governments, define what type of planning is needed in your community and identify what is an effective or ineffective plan. Nor does HUD work alone. In June of 2009, EPA, HUD and DOT formed the Partnership for Sustainable Communities....You may be engaged with one agency, but you are married to them all."

Rio+20’s expensive wish list: "The NGO Major Group Organizing Partners have finalized their key document for the Rio+20 Summit. 'The Future We Want' outlines the common vision for 'sustainable development' throughout the planet sought by those nongovernmental organizations - mostly social and environmental activist groups.... Results of the U.N. conference in Rio de Janeiro, which concluded Friday, calls for annual 'donations' from the European Union and Annex II (Kyoto Protocol) countries amounting to 0.7 percent of their gross national product (GNP). With the combined GNP of contributing nations totaling about $45 trillion in 2010, the transfers would add up to $315 billion per year, or $3.2 trillion per decade."

Sustainable justice" = redistribution of Scaricity: "To ensure that 'sustainable development' permeates every aspect of society, the Group proposes a new 'Sherpa' for Sustainability (with cabinet rank), a parliamentary committee on policy coherence for sustainability, a UN Sustainability Council, a Universal Periodic Review on Sustainability, and an Ombudsman for Intergenerational Justice and Future Generations. It also proposes an International Panel on Sustainability that builds on the 'success' of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change."

Why isn't Obama in Rio? "..Inhofe notes that the very existence of the eco-conference has been buried in Washington: '...President Obama is avoiding it like the plague, and his allies in Congress haven’t made a single speech on the conference.... It appears that even the liberal establishment in Washington wishes this whole U.N. Conference would go away."'


The New Eco-Scare: ["Sussman covers Rio U.N. conference 20 years after Agenda 21's birth"].... The U.N. Conference on Sustainable Development is wrapping up in Rio de Janeiro.... Just the mere presence of so many human beings, they claim, is enough to send the entire world into a complete species meltdown.... This year’s gathering of representatives from virtually every nation (and environmental organization) on the planet is meant to further the goals presented at the first Rio 'Earth Summit' in 1992, via a detailed plan known as Agenda 21 – the global political agenda for the 21st century.

       "The 1992 conference was unique in that it made global warming a household term, introduced the planet to Al Gore and presented the details of a term conjured up by U.N. masterminds nearly 10 years earlier: 'sustainable development.' In short, sustainable development insists that the human species is certainly no more significant than any other species on the planet....

      "That 'business plan' sees liberty-loving humans as carriers of a plague. It’s prescribed cure is liberty-sapping, heavy-handed regulations and laws designed to control human behavior....The Agenda also encourages government-sponsored societal brainwashing, stating, '...Of course, Agenda 21 also heralds the abolition of private property rights, something Maurice Strong began pushing via the U.N. in 1976 at the Conference on Human Settlements, aka Habitat I....

      'Private land ownership is a principal instrument of accumulating wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice....'Public ownership of land is justified in favor of the common good, rather than to protect the interest of the already privileged.' ... 'Fiscal controls [are to be employed], e.g. property taxes, tax penalties and tax incentives [in order to eradicate private lands]....This plank from Rio has done more to abolish physical private property in the United States than any other governmental policy."


Rio+20: Final Declaration "The Future We Want": "We reaffirm our commitment to making every effort to accelerate the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015.... We reaffirm that we continue to be guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations [its primary author was the communist Alger Hiss, who persuaded President Roosevelt during the post war meeting in in Yalta to yield Eastern Europe to the Stalin], and with full respect for international law and its principles....

      "We reaffirm our commitment to strengthening international cooperation.... In this regard, we reaffirm the need to achieve economic stability and sustained economic growth, promotion of social equity, and protection of the environment, while enhancing gender equality and women's empowerment.... It can only be achieved with a broad alliance of people, governments, civil society and private sector, all working together..." See Communitarianism


HUD: Super-planning is Coming to Your Community: "On March 15, 2012, President Obama signed Executive Order 13602 authorizing HUD to 'engage with and support local communities...' to provide assistance with 'planning resources to develop and implement their economic vision and strategies.' ...

    "HUD...has the ability to 'guide' regionalization planning that bypasses local governments, define what type of planning is needed in your community and identify what is an effective or ineffective plan. Nor does HUD work alone. In June of 2009, EPA, HUD and DOT formed the Partnership for Sustainable Communities. This linking effectively integrated "Liveability Principles" governing the outcomes of community planning.... You may be engaged with one agency, but you are married to them all." See The U.N. Plan For Global Control: The Habitat II Agenda

Mission Rio: "Twenty years after the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, environmentalists and U.N. bureaucrats are back in Brazil. ...they say the 'real threats' involve sustainable development, biodiversity, and widespread species extinction. In Rio, they are hosting the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development — seeking greater power to control national, state, community, and family decisions on energy use, living standards, and economic development . . . and to secure direct funding of U.N. organizations via taxes on global financial transactions.

     "Two hundred miles away, in Belo Horizonte, more activists are holding an equally lavish Agenda 21 'ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability' summit..." 

Rio+20: ICLEI Members Admit “Bait and Switch” to Boost Climate Agenda: [Brazil] "To advance public action on global warming, participants attending the ICLEI World Congress admitted today that they are deliberately employing new terminology to misdirect opponents.... By utilizing terms like 'sustainability' and 'sustainable development,' the group wants to mask its objectives and disarm would-be critics who might otherwise oppose their agenda...

      "ICLEI stands for the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives. It was founded in 1990 to advance 'sustainable development,' as enshrined in a document called 'Agenda 21,' by persuading local governments around the globe to support restrictions on energy use and economic development.... [ICLEI] is calling for economic 'contraction' in America and the rest of the developed world. Their 'World Congress'... however, is a lavish affair replete with rich food, champagne and opulence. The blatant hypocrisy is stunning."
It reminds me of Gorbachev's Plan For A United World

Watch two new videos [one is quite humorous] from the UN's current Rio+20 "World Congress" in Brazil.

     1. If they can't define "sustainable development" at ICLEI who are they to run the world?

     2. Champagne flows as enviros demand lower living standards

Inhofe to level strong criticism of Rio+20: "The United States has always been a principal funder of the UN and understanding America’s policy response is crucial to interpreting the outcome of Rio+20. Senator Inhofe is the leading voice in the U.S. Senate critical of UN attempts to restrict energy development and subject sovereign nations to intrusive green mandates that provide little meaningful benefit to the environment."

Older background information:  What is a Sustainable Community? "The term 'sustainable community' is an offspring of the term 'sustainable development,' which was coined by the World Commission on Environment and Development back in 1987, and refined in Agenda 21, adopted by 179 nations (including the U.S.) at the U.N. Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. Among the first recommendations found in Agenda 21 is the recommendation that each nation establish its own program of 'sustainable development' to implement all the recommendations in the 40 chapters of Agenda 21. President Bill Clinton complied with this recommendation when he issued an Executive Order to create the President’s Council on Sustainable Development.

More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims - Challenge UN IPCC & Gore : More than 1,000 dissenting scientists (updates previous 700 scientist report) from around the globe have now challenged man-made global warming claims made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and former Vice President Al Gore. ....This updated 2010 report includes a dramatic increase of over 300 additional (and growing) scientists and climate researchers since the last update in March 2009. This report's release coincides with the 2010 UN global warming summit in being held in Cancun."

Sustainable Development: Transforming America: "Sustainable communities of the future will bear little resemblance to the towns and cities of the 20th century. Single-family homes will be rare. Housing will be provided by public/private partnerships, funded by government.... Shops and office space will be an integral part of each unit....Schools, daycare, and recreation facilities will be provided. Each unit will be designed for bicycle and foot traffic, to reduce, if not eliminate, the need for people to use automobiles. ...The highways that remain will be super transport corridors.... Government, too, will be different in a sustainable America. Human activity is being reorganized around eco-regions, which do not respect county or state boundaries."

UN Official: "Western Nations 'Don't Need More Cars, More TV, Whatever": "If Clark’s remarks are indicative of the goals of the conference, attempts to stress 'sustainable development' in developing countries, at the expense of developed countries, will be put into motion." See Agenda 21: The UN Plan for Your Community

EPA power grab to regulate ditches, gullies on private property: "Lawmakers are working to block an unprecedented power grab by the Environmental Protection Agency to use the Clean Water Act (CWA) and control land alongside ditches, gullies claiming the sources are part of navigable waterways.These temporary water sources are often created by rain or snowmelt, and would make it harder for private property owners to...grow crops, raise livestock and conduct other activities on their own land....'Never in the history of the CWA has federal regulation defined ditches and other upland features as ‘waters of the United States,’ said Rep. John Mica (R-Florida)." See Green Lies and Deceptive Science

Klaus shuns Rio summit: "As hundreds of leaders from across the globe gather in Brazil in late June for one of the most important environmental summits ever held, there will be at least one significant absence. President Václav Klaus, an infamous climate-change skeptic, has confirmed he will not attend the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, or Rio+20, event. ...Klaus used his speech at the Prague conference to reiterate his stance on global warming...'What is endangered: Climate or freedom?'  -- environmentalism is the 21st century's biggest threat to freedom, the market economy and prosperity."

April 2012

Forget Homeland Security, Now It’s About “Environmental Justice”: "According to a DHS report entitled 'Environmental Justice Strategy', issued February 2012, it is a 'commitment of the Federal Government, through its policies, programs, and activities, to avoid placing disproportionately high and adverse effects on the human health and environment of minority or low-income populations.' This has NOTHING to do with homeland security....

     "It gets its authority from Executive Order 12898 and this is the way government expands....Now add to the EPA, the Homeland Security Department with its own Green Police empowered to protect 'minority and low-income populations.' This is a deliberate effort to divide Americans from one another, inspiring racial and class warfare. It is a vast reinterpretation of its responsibilities and authority. Welcome to the Soviet Union of America or the National Socialist States of America." See Social Justice and the New Morality

Look out! U.N. now invading your home: "...the federal government and the United Nations are teaming up to control energy usage in American homes. ...The first step in the plan is the installation of 'smart meters,' which are being introduced by power utilities nationwide.... Sussman reports that the Energy Act of 2005 also permitted the construction of the SmartGrid, 'a national interest transmission corridor designated by the [Energy] Secretary.'....
     "The 2009 American Clean Energy and Security Act also contained federally mandated energy-efficient building regulations that supersede all local and state codes. ... All of this is being done at the behest of the United Nations and its Agenda 21....Sussman explained... 'one of the main objectives of Agenda 21 is to lessen the ‘carbon footprint’ of individual consumers. By tying in a federally mandated SmartGrid that can track every person’s energy usage to a global agenda of reduced consumption.... 'Eco-Tyranny' 'is about control, not about the environment.'”

Some Himalayan glaciers actually growing, scientists find: "...some Himalayan glaciers in the Karakoram mountain range may actually be getting bigger, according to a study published in the April issue of the journal Nature Geoscience -- a surprising quirk in the planet’s response to a changing climate."

March 2012

Some Himalayan glaciers actually growing, scientists find: "...some Himalayan glaciers in the Karakoram mountain range may actually be getting bigger, according to a study published in the April issue of the journal Nature Geoscience -- a surprising quirk in the planet’s response to a changing climate."

February 2012

The Global Warming Hoax is Now Killing People: "By Friday, February 10th, an estimated 500 Europeans had died from the freezing weather gripping the continent. This is the price they and British citizens are paying for embracing the global warming hoax, spending billions for wind power.... The Telegraph reported on Friday, 'Serbia has started implementing power cuts in a desperate bid to stave off the collapse of its national grid as the country suffers the effects of days of freezing temperatures.'...'Thick ice closed vast swaths of the Danube on Thursday, crippling shipping on Europe’s busiest waterway, as the death toll from bitter cold across the continent rose…as it has every day for nearly two weeks.” See Green Lies and Deceptive Science

December 2011

Welcome to Hotel Kyoto: "After federal Environment Minister Peter Kent announced Monday that Canada would be withdrawing from the Kyoto Protocol on carbon emissions, the head of the UN agency that administers the protocol said she would not permit Ottawa to do so. Christiana Figueres, the Costa Rican diplomat and bureaucrat who is executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), said Tuesday, 'I regret that Canada has announced it will withdraw,' but...'whether or not Canada is a party to the Kyoto Protocol, it has a legal obligation under the Convention to reduce its emissions.'...

    "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.'"

CFACT kills UN's International Climate Court [Conference held in Durban]: "Late last week, CFACT became aware that a long list of radical ideas -- including the Climate Court, 'Rights of Mother Earth,' and other Green favorites -- were part of the draft final agreement the UN was working towards in Durban. Recognizing the danger of allowing such radical ideas to be codified and agreed to by the U.S. and the rest of the world, CFACT broke the story early Friday morning on Climate Depot with Lord Monckton's exclusive special report. The story spread like wildfire....

     "We caught the UN off-guard, as they don't expect anyone to actually report on the substance of the negotiations. They rely on the media to coddle them with adulatory coverage that repeats the party line. With their true agenda exposed to the world, they quietly removed the International Climate Court from the working documents."

There Are Seven Billion of Us: "Seven billion people now inhabit the earth, causing many observers to wring their hands about the need for increased use of birth control and abortion to combat our supposed over population.... The rights of nature are already guaranteed in the constitutions of Ecuador and Bolivia, and both countries vow to bring the matter to the UN for international imposition. Not only that, more than a dozen US municipalities have passed laws granting nature rights within their jurisdictions, thereby allowing any citizen to sue—in the name of trees or other natural elements.... A 'Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth' has even been published and disseminated widely....
The Nature Rights movement is a neo earth religion that seeks to turn human beings into the equivalent of mere animals in the forest. Its nihilistic intent is to shrink economies, reduce wealth, and depress living standards." See Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules

U.N. mischief from Durban to Rio: [Phyllis Schlafly] "The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa, opening Nov. 28, called COP-17, is one of a series of U.N. meetings working toward a specific goal. Advertising for this meeting features a long list of invited celebrities including Angelina Jolie, U2's Bono, Ted Turner, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Al Gore and Michael Bloomberg. The U.N. goal is to move the United States into a global government by environmental regulations and a vast network of taxes. These newly imposed taxes will give the U.N. a tremendous stream of money in addition to U.S. dues and congressional appropriations. The plan for taxes was launched at the 1992 U.N. meeting in Rio de Janeiro, known as the Earth Summit, where Conference Secretary-General Maurice Strong produced a 300-page document with 40 proposals called Agenda 21." See Agenda 21

November 2011

The Green War on Children: "A sadistic video released by global warming fear-mongers reveals an inconvenient truth about eco-radicals: They despise the very children for whom they claim to be saving the planet.... In the opening scene of 'No Pressure,' a four-minute short clip... a teacher urges her elementary school charges to fight climate change by cutting their carbon emissions.... When a few uncooperative students object, the teacher... presses a red button at her desk -- which immediately detonates the nay-saying children. Their heads explode in graphic, bloody detail. Skin and body parts splatter all over their horrified classmates. Message received loud and clear: No dissent allowed, little rascals....

      "President Obama's own science czar, John Holdren, has escaped accountability for his embrace of international eugenics champion and mentor Harrison Brown. Brown looked at the world's children in contempt, referring to them as a 'pulsating mass of maggots.'...The eugenics-inspired officials of Planned Parenthood have blanketed the Third World with population control signs and stickers that preach, 'The fewer, the merrier.'"

EPA to Increase Tenfold: "The Environmental Agency is planning to double its budget to $21 billion and expand its workforce of 18,000 to 230,000 regulators over the next four years. The Clean Air Act states that any stationary source that emits as little as 100 tons of pollutants per year must get permits from the EPA and state agencies....Currently about 14,000 entities have to get permits. But by regulating CO2 through the Clean Air Act, the number of businesses requiring EPA permits will soar to more than 6 million....

      "In a 5-4 strange decision the court said that carbon dioxide—the air every human and animal exhales [and that every green plant needs to grow]—is a pollutant under the Clean Air Act and that the EP vehicle

October 2011

Why the double standard? "Seven oil companies have been charged under America’s Migratory Bird Treaty Act for the killing of 28 migratory birds.... The statutory maximum sentence is six months in federal prison and a $15,000 fine. The case is due to be heard at the end of the month in North Dakota. ...[The] wind industry has yet to face a single charge, despite being responsible for more than 400,000 bird deaths each year." See Saving the Earth

Energy: Bat blackout: "Thirty-five windmills at a Western Pennsylvania wind farm have been silenced at night since a bat that belongs to an endangered species was found dead under one of the turbines....The windmills will start up again sometime in mid-November, when bats go into hibernation....Not only is it more costly than carbon-based power generation, it is also much less reliable."

Oil Companies Prosecuted for 28 Dead Waterfowl: "You may have gotten wind of the seven North Dakota oil companies recently charged in federal court with the deaths of 28 migratory birds. ...the maximum penalty for each charge under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act is six months in prison and a $15,000 fine....But did you know that wind-power companies are responsible for more than 400,000 bird deaths annually, and not one has faced a single charge?"

June 2011

School Boots Boy Scouts for Mother Earth: "The school...told the Cub Scouts this week that their flyer cannot be distributed because it mentions God in the 12 core values. While this constitutional misstep is unseemly, it is somehow made worse when contrasted with the always-welcome creed of environmentalism....

     "Does this worship of the environment constitute a religion? Turns out that it does....A bit of search-engine query reveals that the World Pantheist Movement officially established themselves as a religion on June 29, 1998....'Why call this a religion rather than a philosophy? Like Buddhism or Taoism, it is both..." See Is Earth our Mother?

Lorne Gunter: Global warming? Try global cooling: "Most of the historic periods of major solar activity correspond very well with past eras of extra-warm climate on Earth. Meanwhile, a period known as the Maunder Minimum (from roughly 1650 to 1720) corresponds to the coldest period of the Little Ice Age that occurred between the early 14th Century and about 1850. In other words, the sun is the biggest driver of climate change on Earth, not idling SUVs or oil and mining."

What's Down with the Sun? Major Drop in Solar Activity Predicted: "A missing jet stream, fading spots, and slower activity near the poles say that our Sun is heading for a rest period even as it is acting up for the first time in years, according to scientists at the National Solar Observatory (NSO) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). As the current sunspot cycle, Cycle 24, begins to ramp up toward maximum, independent studies of the solar interior, visible surface, and the corona indicate that the next 11-year solar sunspot cycle... will be greatly reduced....Spot numbers and other solar activity rise and fall about every 11 years, which is half of the Sun’s 22-year magnetic interval since the Sun’s magnetic poles reverse with each cycle."

February 2011

Boy Bagged For Taking Eco-Unfriendly Ziploc to School: "Isabel Theoret was preparing a sandwich for her 6-year-old son's Kindergarten class one day last week, when he screamed out, 'No Mommy! Not a Ziploc!'...'Felix explained with lots of emotion and tears in his eyes that there was a simple condition to entering the drawing: Don't use a Ziploc bag in their lunch.'" See False or Politicized Science

January 2011

Cold winter: "The cold, snowy December in Northern Europe and Eastern US continues to prompt many citizens to question official pronouncements of mild winters and global warming. Of course, weather is not climate; however, warming alarmists continue to offer increasingly spurious explanations of this cold and snow. ....Parts of the British Isles experienced one of the coldest Decembers since measurements began. For example, measurements began at the Armagh Observatory in Ireland in 1795, during the Little Ice Age. Yet, 2010 is the second coldest December, exceed only by 1878..." See Green Lies and Deceptive Science

December 2010

What to do about Wikileaks & dwindling support for warming? Ramp up the fear! "Wikileaks reveal that U.S. diplomacy under President Obama has been geared towards bribing and bullying countries to support climate deals. These countries are not buying the global warming scare on the merits (or lack thereof). It takes cash and arm twisting to keep them in line. What to do? Why, ramp up the rhetoric and fear-mongering....First, blame every death from floods and mudslides, droughts and fires, hurricanes and typhoons... on 'dangerous manmade climate change.' Pretend there were no similar cataclysms in the past: no floods in China, India or Bangladesh; no droughts..." See Green Lies and Phony Science

November 2010

Global Warming Hysteria: Opposing Global Warming Should be a Crime Against Humanity? "Penn professor...Donald A. Brown, wants global warming denying by major corporations and scientists... to be considered a crime against humanity....'As long as there is any chance that climate change could create this type of destruction, even assuming...that these harms are not yet fully proven, disinformation about the state of climate change science is extraordinarily morally reprehensible [just what Brown and ClimateGate have been doing!] ...If you wait until all the uncertainties are resolved it is likely to be too late to prevent catastrophic climate change..."

Biofuel worse for climate than fossil fuel: "...the extra biofuels that Europe will use over the next decade will generate between 81 and 167 percent more carbon dioxide than fossil fuels, says the report. Nine environmental groups reached the conclusion after analysing official data on the European Union's goal of getting 10 percent of transport fuel from renewable sources by 2020."  The U.N. Plan for Your "Sustainable" Community

Radical Environmentalism: Should 25% of Land be Off Limits?  "...the environmental radicals wants to essentially close 25% of the land from significant development: 'Environmental groups are pushing for a goal of protecting 25 percent of all land on earth and 15 percent of the sea by 2020. At the moment, roughly 14 percent of terrestrial areas and less than 1 percent of the ocean enjoy some degree of environmental safeguards.' And actually, even that estimate is too small..." See The UN Plan for Food and Land

October 2010

The Green War on Children: "Halloween isn't for another three weeks, but environmental ghouls are on the haunt. A sadistic video released by global warming fear-mongers reveals an inconvenient truth about eco-radicals: They despise the very children for whom they claim to be saving the planet....

      "In the opening scene of 'No Pressure' ...a teacher urges her elementary school charges to fight climate change by cutting their carbon emissions by 10 percent by Oct. 10. When a few uncooperative students object, the teacher ... presses a red button at her desk -- which immediately detonates the nay-saying children. Their heads explode in graphic, bloody detail.... Message received loud and clear: No dissent allowed....

     "President Obama's own science czar, John Holdren, has escaped accountability for his embrace of international eugenics champion and mentor Harrison Brown. Brown looked at the world's children in contempt, referring to them as a 'pulsating mass of maggots.'...The eugenics-inspired officials of Planned Parenthood have blanketed the Third World with population control signs and stickers that preach, 'The fewer, the merrier."' See Saving the Earth

Climate Change Ad Features Young Girl in a Noose: "It seems gruesome images of children in trouble are popular marketing tools in the environmental movement. Last week the climate change group 10:10 released a propaganda video featuring exploding children. But before that, the group ACT-Responsible featured an equally disturbing photo of a young girl in a noose: ...ACT’s goal 'is to federate, promote and inspire responsible communication on sustainability, equitable development and social responsibility. ACT shows how advertising professionals from all continents can use their core talent — creativity — to play a significant role in addressing today’s crucial world issues.'”

Behold, the gospel according to the UN: "Anyone who has observed the way the belief in man-made global warming has become for many a new religion might be intrigued by a lengthy document published by the Methodist Church.... Entitled Our Hope in God’s Future, it kicks off by proclaiming that 'the theological task is to reflect on modern scientific accounts of the threats posed by climate change in the context of affirming the triune God as creator and redeemer of the ut goes on, 'is repentance.' The first step must be 'confessing our complicity in the sinful structures which have caused the problem'....

     "Quite what the Methodist faithful are supposed to do to avert all these disasters, the document doesn’t make clear, apart from droning on...about the need to work for salvation by creating a low-carbon economy.'" See I forgive - or curse

 EPA Estimates Its Greenhouse Gas Restrictions Would Reduce Global Temperature by No More Than 0.006 of a Degree in 90 Years. "...these rules would “slow construction nationwide for years,” the EPA said in a June 3 statement. ....the benefit of regulating those mobile sources is, also by the EPA’s own estimations, as little as less than two thousandths of a degree in temperature reduction over a century....

     "Instead of operating within the law, EPA believes it can dictate to Congress that legislation needs to be passed for more government authority. And if Congress doesn’t act, it threatens to regulate anyway.”

     [Remember, the actual world has entered a cooling, not a warming phase. But what willl happen if our government assumes control of the media and all inconvenient facts are hidden from public sight?]

September 2010

Green Terrorism’s New Left Roots: "On September 1, James J. Lee was shot and killed by police after he took several hostages and threatened to set off explosives...The Washington Post called him an 'environmental militant'....To the general public, his views are certainly extreme, but the alarming reality is, within the Green movement, his views are mainstream. Lee wrote that he was greatly influenced by Al Gore’s 'Inconvenient Truth.'... What has grabbed the most attention was Lee’s hatred for the human race." See Al Gore's Vision of Global Salvation

Chris Dodd's last act: 'Control the people': "...the Livable Communities Act.... would create a new federal bureaucracy, the Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities, armed with some $4 billion in federal grants, to pressure local communities into a more 'green' development agenda. Detractors say its priorities can be traced back to the U.N., which at an Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 adopted Agenda 21, outlining the goal of having government control over people." See Local Agenda 21: The U.N. Plan for Your Community

August 2010

Cold Wave Kills 6 Million Fish in Eastern Bolivia: "Authorities in the eastern Bolivian province of Santa Cruz declared an alert following the death of 6 million fish from the unusually cold weather gripping the country in recent weeks. The provincial government said the fish died in the Grande, Pirai and Ichilo rivers that run through the tropical region. This is an 'environmental catastrophe' brought on by the lowest temperatures registered in Santa Cruz in nearly half a century, Gov. Ruben Costas told reporters.... Bolivia’s weather service has announced that a new cold front will enter the southern and eastern parts of the country this week." See Green Lies (concerning global warning)

May 2010

How Obama’s Green Policies Will Bankrupt America: "If Obama’s team has its way, life in the U.S. will be radically transformed—and soon. The administration wants to change the cars we drive, alter the way we heat our homes and lessen our leisure time through draconian legislation meant to make people feel better about their carbon footprint. And’s not really about climate change or environmentalism but expanding governmental reach....

     "'Environmentalists seek to use the state to create scarcity in order to further impose their will over our lives,' [Horner] writes....The cap-and-trade bill currently under discussion reveals the truth in the fine print. Each variation of the bill includes funding for workers displaced by the legislation. Why would a bill that’s supposed to bring an avalanche of new, green jobs need such a back-up plan?... Simply put, green jobs are government jobs because they often don’t exist without government support.....

      "Consider Gerd Leipold, the outgoing leader of Greenpeace who went on record saying the Western lifestyle is unsustainable and that his old organization lied to 'frighten people into accepting its agenda.'...Obama’s policies prop up energy production that’s inefficient and costly while shutting down other energy resources, like nuclear power, that could be both effective and affordable. It’s all about creating scarcity—and a heightened dependence on the government." See The U.N. Plan for Your "Sustainable" Community

The truth behind green jobs: "If green jobs were cost effective, industries and companies would have adopted them absent government prodding. They haven't because green technologies are usually more expensive... or they are untested, experimental, or unreliable...and large rejected by consumers....

     "A 2009 study... found that for every green job the government 'creates,' 2.2 jobs are lost in competing industries or as factories lay off workers to cover the higher energy costs of the green technology. In addition, only 10 percent of those green jobs were permanent with the average green job adding nearly $750,000 in costs to consumers' bills. Germany and Denmark have had similar green job experiences. Both countries are far ahead of the United States in forcing consumers to choose expensive green energy..." See The U.N. Plan for Your "Sustainable" Community

April 2010

Arbor Day: Junk science and pagan worship: "These immense forests contain more trees than at any time in recorded history. ...the plains of the U.S. are now sharing their natural prairie vegetation with an abundance of trees that 100 years ago were not present....

     " ...the earth's atmosphere does not have an artificially induced fever... carbon dioxide is great for trees.... Carbon dioxide accounts for a scant 38-thousandths (.038) of our planet's atmosphere.... And what percentage of CO2 is produced by the activities of man, including the utilization of fossil fuels? ...only 3.207 percent – all of this global whining over an atmospheric component so tiny, it is difficult to comprehend.....

      "When flowers and vegetables grown in a greenhouse experience a tripling of CO2, production increasing dramatically....Rice, wheat, barley, oats and rye show yield increases ranging to 64 percent. Potatoes and sweet potatoes produce as much as 75 percent more." See Al Gore’s Vision of Global Salvation

Glacial goose bumps! Arctic ice at 10-year high: "To the dismay of Al Gore and global-warming alarmists, ice covering the Arctic has increased dramatically after years of declining, reaching levels not seen this time of year for nearly a decade....Still, Corsi noted, 'the Obama administration appears determined to tax carbon emissions, either with Congress through an energy bill, or without Congress through the Environmental Protection Agency, declaring CO2 to be a chemical noxious to human beings – even though humans exhale it.'" See Green Lies and Amazing Truths

"Change" Is Not New: "Back during the 1970s, there were computer models predicting mass starvation and global cooling. The utter failure of those predictions ought to make us at least skeptical of computer models.... The word 'science' has been used as a magic mantra to shut up critics, even when those critics have been scientists with international reputations as specialists in climate science....

     "Stealing the aura of science for political purposes is nothing new for the left. Karl Marx called his brand of Utopianism 'scientific socialism.'... Genuine science is the opposite of dogmatism, but that does not keep dogmatists from invoking the name of science in order to shut off debate.... Educators who turn schools into indoctrination centers have been going all out to propagandize a whole generation with Al Gore's movie, 'An Inconvenient Truth'-- which has in fact carried a message that has been very convenient for Al Gore financially, producing millions of dollars from his 'green' activities." See Saving the Earth

March 2010

Wind farms fail to give much power: "...many wind farms are performing well below par.... Although wind power is expensive, the industry has boomed because of the 'renewable obligation' subsidy system, under which consumers pay roughly double the normal price for energy from wind.... Nick Medic of Renewable UK, which represents the wind industry, said Britain’s ambitious targets for clean power meant the country needed 'every bit of green energy it could generate.'” See Green Lies

The New Paganism: "...climate science has metamorphosed into a religion—or, more accurately, a cult in religious dress. It has its high priests (Al Gore, David Suzuki, James Hansen, Rajendra Pachauri), its sacred texts such as computer models whose inconsistencies and disparities are blithely ignored by the myriads of true believers, its prevailing orthodoxies that cannot safely be questioned or violated....

     "Lovelock proposes in The Revenge of Gaia that, in the face of imminent catastrophe, 'we write a guidebook for our survivors to help them rebuild civilization without repeating too many of our mistakes.'... It would be a book 'written on durable paper with long-lasting print'which we would need 'to accept and believe in.'... Nevertheless, he allows, we still have one last, fading chance to avoid plunging into Hell, if only we recognize the need for 'restrictions, rationing and in addition suffer for a while a loss of freedom.' We must put our trust in a sort of clerical synod whom he describes as a 'small permanent group of strategists'....modeled on 'the climate agencies of the UN'..." See Merging Religion and Mystical "Science"

Ships freed from Baltic Sea ice: "Dozens of ships have been freed from thick ice in the Baltic Sea on Friday after iuce breakers worked diligently to end the ordeal of of thousands of passengers and crew stranded in freezing conditions off the Swedish coast."

Energy Suicide: Unplugging America: "...when you lose electricity, you lose light and warmth, and you are instantly back to the dark ages before magical power flowed into your home.... Currently, coal-burning plants provide just over half of all the electricity generated in the nation. Coal is abundant and cheap. Wind and solar energy is neither.... Unlike the other energy sources, it provides few jobs. Under the cold conditions of recent winter events, some wind turbines simply froze and ceased to function.... If it weren't for massive amounts of government cash and subsidies, there would be little or no renewable energy....

    "The purpose of cap-and-trade legislation, the next horror the Obama administration wants to foists on us, is to make the use of coal very expensive by claiming that it generates so much 'greenhouse gas' that global warming is always just around the corner. This is no global warming and those greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, vital to all life on Earth as plant food." See Green Lies

February 2010

Green fuels cause more harm than fossil fuels: "Using fossil fuel in vehicles is better for the environment than so-called green fuels made from crops, according to a government study seen by The Times. The findings show that the Department for Transport’s target for raising the level of biofuel in all fuel sold in Britain will result in millions of acres of forest being logged or burnt down and converted to plantations.

      "...some of the most commonly-used biofuel crops fail to meet the minimum sustainability standard set by the European Commission.... The EC has conducted its own research, but is refusing to publish the results. A leaked internal memo from the EC’s agriculture directorate reveals its concern that Europe’s entire biofuels industry, which receives almost £3 billion a year in subsidies, would be jeopardised if indirect changes in land use were included in sustainability standards. A senior official added to the memo in handwriting: “An unguided use of ILUC [indirect land use change] would kill biofuels in the EU.”

New federal climate change agency forming: "The Obama administration... proposed a new agency to study and report on the changing climate. Also known as global warming, climate change has drawn widespread concern in recent years as temperatures around the world rise, threatening to harm crops, spread disease, increase sea levels, change storm and drought patterns and cause polar melting. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Jane Lubchenco, head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, announced NOAA will set up the new Climate Service to operate in tandem with NOAA's National Weather Service and National Ocean Service." Al Gore's Vision of Global Salvation

January 2010

ClimateGate, the Green Dragon, and the End of Christianity: "Ignoring the growing scandal, the National Religious Coalition on Creation Care issued a press release... declaring that 'climate change is a moral and ethical issue because it deals with lifestyle issues and choices that all people must face.' Cardinal Theodore McCarrick was quoted as saying that Catholic bishops will be promoting a new 'Climate Covenant' and 'take the message on the seriousness of climate change to every Catholic parish in America.' But what is the real agenda behind the fraudulent 'science?'...

     "Dr. James Wanliss, Associate Professor of Physics at Presbyterian College, has written The Green Dragon, a book about how environmentalism is actually committed to 'the reconstruction of a pagan world order' and 'rejection of Christian spirituality.'...

     "Major U.S. religious groups involved in the 'climate change' campaign include the National Religious Partnership for the Environment, the Catholic Campaign on Climate Change, the Evangelical Environmental Network and the Evangelical Climate Initiative."

U.N. climate chief turns carbon to green: "...U.N. climate chief Rajendra K. Pachauri's resume shows more extensive international business relationships through which he stands to profit from global warming activism. ... A Mumbai-based Indian multinational conglomerate with business ties to Pachauri, the chairman since 2002 of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, stands to make several hundred million dollars in European Union carbon credits simply by closing a steel production facility in Britain with the loss of 1,700 jobs."

What? Obama diverts CIA to spy on these...: "The program, called Measurements of Earth Data for Environmental Analysis, or MEDEA, has already been used by a group of government-chosen scientists to measure Arctic sea ice....  

     "'In times of peace and prosperity, this center would completely defy common sense,' Barrasso said in a statement last week. 'But today, only two weeks after a terrorist attempted to blow up a plane over our country, this center is absolutely ridiculous. The CIA's resources should be focused on monitoring terrorists in caves – not polar bears on icebergs." See Corruption

December 2009 

Mother Nature's Mid-life Crisis: "Spring started the year off as a nightmare with planting dragging on due to non-stop rain. The summer that followed was one of the coldest and wettest on record. And now we're ending the year with the slowest harvest on record due to the uncooperative weather. At this rate, harvest will drag on into spring for some who haven't finished yet.... Last week, the northern and western halves of Kansas achieved new record-low temps. Farther south, Houston was hit with a snow storm....

       "If we're in the middle of a warming trend, then why are we setting new records in the opposite direction? ... It's a colossal scam.....Temperatures.... peaked around 1000 A.D. at levels that were even warmer than they are today. A little Ice Age followed from around 1400-1600, and then ended in the early 1800s. Temperatures began rising significantly again at the beginning of the 20th Century and into the 1940s, at which point they changed direction and began cooling through the 1970s....  The principle greenhouse gas, though, isn't... CO2. It's water vapor.... 'Trying to stop climate change is like trying to eliminate the tide.'"

U.N. climate chief turns carbon to green: "...U.N. climate chief Rajendra K. Pachauri's resume shows more extensive international business relationships through which he stands to profit from global warming activism. ... A Mumbai-based Indian multinational conglomerate with business ties to Pachauri, the chairman since 2002 of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, stands to make several hundred million dollars in European Union carbon credits simply by closing a steel production facility in Britain with the loss of 1,700 jobs.... Another member of the Asian Development Bank Advisory Group on Climate Change is the U.N. Millennium Project economist Jeffrey D. Sachs..." See Green Lies

Snow Storms Cause Death and Chaos in Europe: "Snow storms across western Europe killed at least five people on Monday and disrupted flights and train services in Britain, France and Spain as authorities warned of worse to come. Snow storms killed two climbers on Mount Snowdon in Wales while three people died in accidents and from the cold in Italy as some of the heaviest snowfall in years shut down transport links in some of western Europe's major cities.

     "In London, which experienced some of the worst snow in 20 years, most flights at Heathrow airport were grounded, buses were taken off the roads, subway services suspended and schools were closed, bringing traffic in the British capital to a virtual standstill. London Mayor Boris Johnson... appealed to higher powers to end the bad weather. 'My message to the heavens is -- you have put on a fantastic display of snow power, and I think that is probably quite enough,' he told the BBC.

      "But authorities in Britain said the country is bracing itself for further disruptions with more snow expected.... Storms also hit France and Spain, closing roads and rail tracks, and spread as far south as Morocco." See The Creator of all

Snowstorms stall journeys across Midwest, Plains states: "Roads have been dangerous and highways closed across the Dakotas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin as blizzards move across the country.... Residents across the Midwest and the Plains were digging out Friday after a fierce snowstorm, while those who spent the night in airports and shelters tried to resume their journeys. Meteorologists warned that roads across the region remained dangerous.... Even residents in the Dallas area briefly experienced a white Christmas, their first in more than 80 years." See Green Lies and Deceptive Science

[Video] Proud Flag-Waving Communists March in Copenhagen to Stop Global Warming: "Kommunistisk Parti: Fight capitalism to save the planet! ... Revolution! ... Long live socialism!"

Globe may be cooling on Global Warming: "Australia... has alerted Americans that we see Earth's climate upside down: We're not warming. We're cooling. 'Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously,' Dr. Phil Chapman [MIT staff physicist, Apollo 14's Mission Scientist] wrote.... 'All those urging action to curb global warming need to take off the blinkers and give some thought to what we should do if we are facing global cooling instead.'" Shortage of food could be a major problem

Snow Storms Cause Death and Chaos in Europe: "Snow storms across western Europe killed at least five people on Monday and disrupted flights and train services in Britain, France and Spain as authorities warned of worse to come. Snow storms killed two climbers on Mount Snowdon in Wales while three people died in accidents and from the cold in Italy as some of the heaviest snowfall in years shut down transport links in some of western Europe's major cities.

     "In London, which experienced some of the worst snow in 20 years, most flights at Heathrow airport were grounded, buses were taken off the roads, subway services suspended and schools were closed, bringing traffic in the British capital to a virtual standstill. London Mayor Boris Johnson... appealed to higher powers to end the bad weather. 'My message to the heavens is -- you have put on a fantastic display of snow power, and I think that is probably quite enough,' he told the BBC.

      "But authorities in Britain said the country is bracing itself for further disruptions with more snow expected.... Storms also hit France and Spain, closing roads and rail tracks, and spread as far south as Morocco." See The Creator of all

Global Warming Game Tells Children They Should Die: "Are global warming alarmists encouraging children to commit suicide because their carbon footprints supposedly are harming the planet? ... The game is called Planet Slayer. Using it, children can calculate their carbon footprint--how much impact their carbon emissions allegedly have on global warming. The purpose for doing so... is so they can 'find out what age you should die at so you don't use more than your fair share of Earth's resources.'

       "The game now asks only, 'are you a carbon hog?' After answering 11 lifestyle questions, children click on a skull and crossbones. If a child is an 'average' greenhouse 'pig' or worse, the cartoon pig explodes into pieces, and its blood drains from its body and pools on the floor.... 'It implies that it is better for the planet that children die before they can grow up to harm the environment.'" See Brainwashing

Repeated: Quercus - Stop Global Warming: Propaganda video for children

The new god of left-wing Christianity: "With the ClimateGate revelations of flimsy 'science' behind the man-made global warming theory, the role of the religious left in promoting this fraudulent scheme now deserves serious media scrutiny....Dr. James Wanliss, Associate Professor of Physics at Presbyterian College, has written The Green Dragon, a book about how environmentalism is actually committed to ... 'rejection of Christian spirituality.'... 'Its saints are Al Gore and the InterGovernmental Panel on Climate Change.'...

     "...Ron Sider...a key figure behind the Evangelical Environmental Network and the Evangelical Climate Initiative... [has] been pressing for wealth redistribution for over thirty years.... Richard Cizik, who served for ten years as vice president for governmental affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals, was instrumental in creating the Evangelical Climate Initiative. He now serves as a fellow of the George Soros-funded Open Society Institute, where his current job is to 'organize and host gatherings of evangelical faith leaders, policy-makers and academics' on climate change. ...

     "Wanliss identifies the National Council of Churches (NCC) as playing a major role. He says massive infusions of “green” — money, that is — for the NCC come from left-leaning philanthropies including Pew Charitable Trusts, Tides Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Turner Foundation.....'There has been, in past decades, a cosmic shift towards a social climate that begins to favor the environment — polar bears, trees, and bugs — over human beings.'...

      "...the National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE), 'has an awesome army of organizational links ...'The Partnership has been able to spread environmentalist propaganda and teaching aids to almost every Jewish, and to several hundred thousand Protestant congregations in America.'...

      "Through another entity, the Au Sable Institute, Wanliss says that these forces 'have infiltrated Christian higher education by careful placement of teachers and teaching materials on environmental activism in schools associated with the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU)....' America Magazine, the national Catholic weekly published by the Jesuits, is complaining that Congress did not pass legislation on greenhouse gas emissions before the current United Nations Copenhagen meeting....

     "Indeed, the U.N. Environmental Program, which is now promoting a 'Global Green New Deal,' has celebrated the idea of an 'Environmental Sabbath,' in which children hold hands around a tree and meditate. Wanliss notes that George Orwell’s book Animal Farm tells of the visionary pig Old Major who had a dream...: 'It was a dream of the earth as it will be when Man is forgotten.'”

U.N. talks open with calls for ‘immediate action’: "The largest and most important U.N. climate change conference in history opened Monday. ...the key to an agreement is finding a way to raise and channel public and private financing to poor countries for years to come to help them fight the effects of climate change."

Document Reveals U.N.'s Goal of Becoming Rule-Maker in Global Environmental Talks: "Environmentalism should be regarded on the same level with religion... 'as the only compelling, value-based narrative available to humanity,' according to a paper written two years ago to influence the future strategy of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), the world's would-be environmental watchdog. ...The ambitious paper, entitled 'The UNEP That We Want,' was the product of a select group of 20 top environmental bureaucrats and thinkers.... Other participants included Janos Pasztor, currently head of the team pushing U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's unprecedented Seal the Deal lobbying campaign to pressure U.N. member governments into signing a new environmental agreement at Copenhagen." Al Gore’s Vision of Global Salvation

The UNEP That We Want: "At the request of UNEP [UN Environmental Programme] and with funding from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UNEP, IISD convened a group of individuals with substantial experience in international environmental affairs to reflect for a day on the nature and evolution of our environmental challenges, to discuss appropriate responses and to consider the role of UNEP in deploying these responses."

October 2009 

Here is another senseless and expensive "use" of the false climate crisis:

Global Control. Lethal gas may have to be stored under villages: "Millions of tonnes of potentially lethal carbon dioxide may have to be stored deep under towns and villages to prevent climate change, according to a senior government adviser."

       Carbon dioxide is not a "lethal" gas! It's all around us! It makes plants grow and produce food. It's essential to our forests, farms... everything! Our God made it that way! See Green Lies

Shocker! Ice melt lowest in 30 years: "Ice melt on the world's coldest continent was the lowest in 30 years during the 2008-2009 melt season..."

For previous news on this topic, please go to Environment 1 or 2006-2007 or 2008-2009

Here is an interesting video-song:

1. Alexander King & Bertrand Schneider, The First Global Revolution (New York: Pantheon Books, 1991), 115.

2. "Not So Hot," WSJ, August 29, 2007.

"...we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are

       ~ hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed...

       ~ perplexed, but not in despair;

       ~ persecuted, but not forsaken;

       ~ struck down, but not destroyed —

always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body." 2 Corinthians 4:7-10

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