While I can't verify the accuracy of all links below, they offer interesting insights into our times of turbulent change. In the midst this global transformation, let's pray that God prepare us to stand firm on the One unchanging Rock no matter what happens -- always ready to encourage each other with the faith, hope and love He has given us to share.
December 2011
Interpol Chief: 'Close EU border loophole or risk attack': "...nearly all EU members are failing to make crucial checks against the agency's database of 15 million suspicious passports – allowing potential terrorists to enter Europe and cross multiple borders undetected.... The former head of the US Secret Service also revealed that last year 500 million flights were not screened against the Interpol database.... Interpol dates from 1923, when the International Criminal Police Commission was formed in Austria....It was taken over by the Nazis in 1938.... After the Second World War it was reformed..."
The Past and the Present: [Thomas Sowell] "This is not just another election, and Barack Obama is not just another president whose policies we may not like. With all of President Obama's broken promises, glib demagoguery and cynical political moves, one promise he has kept all too well. That was his boast on the eve of the 2008 election: 'We are going to change the United States of America.'
"Many Americans are already saying that they can hardly recognize the country they grew up in. We have already started down the path that has led Western European nations to the brink of financial disaster.
"Internationally, it is worse. A president who has pulled the rug out from under our allies, whether in Eastern Europe or the Middle East, tried to cozy up to our enemies, and has bowed low from the waist to foreign leaders certainly has not represented either the values or the interests of America. ...the consequences can be beyond our worst imagining."
Could 2012 be America’s Last Presidential Election? "Michael Savage is the son of Russian immigrants and is very familiar with Soviet and European history. Savage warned his listeners... 'Obama has a long history of being at odds with American values and with America itself and the core principles of this country. ...Rick Santorum [said]... 'Barack Obama is not incompetent.... With his control over the Executive and Judicial branches of the government, the stage is set for a complete takeover of the government.'...
"Some Pentagon officials are also noting that an increase in the enlistment of radical Muslims into the US military where they get all the training they need on weapons and defense systems....He has been effectively using the media to anesthetize the public to the dangers he poses."
The Past and the Present: [Thomas Sowell] "This is not just another election, and Barack Obama is not just another president whose policies we may not like. With all of President Obama's broken promises, glib demagoguery and cynical political moves, one promise he has kept all too well. That was his boast on the eve of the 2008 election: 'We are going to change the United States of America.'
"Many Americans are already saying that they can hardly recognize the country they grew up in. We have already started down the path that has led Western European nations to the brink of financial disaster.
"Internationally, it is worse. A president who has pulled the rug out from under our allies, whether in Eastern Europe or the Middle East, tried to cozy up to our enemies, and has bowed low from the waist to foreign leaders certainly has not represented either the values or the interests of America. ...the consequences can be beyond our worst imagining." See Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America
Occupy Wall Street Takes Refuge in NY Office Building: "...while the protesters are gone from Zuccotti Park, they haven’t stopped practicing their left-wing brand of activism. ...the office space has allowed the Occupy movement to take on a more professional look with a finance committee handling donations, a communications team managing the information flow and a housing group that helps protesters who have no place to go..."
Occupy Wall St. Protesters Begin Taking Over Foreclosed Homes: "The Occupy Wall Street protests are moving into the neighborhood. Finding it increasingly difficult to camp in public spaces, Occupy protesters across the country are reclaiming foreclosed homes and boarded-up properties, signaling a tactical shift for the movement against wealth inequality."
The Dangers of Democracy: "The parliamentary elections that have begun in Egypt will impress only the most starry-eyed of democracy champions. These are the people who...think that the 'Arab Spring' is all about people 'demanding lives of democracy, dignity, economic opportunity, and involvement in the modern world.' What we’ve seen so far instead is the growing success of Islamist parties demanding a greater role for Islam and shari’a law in running their countries.... Democratic elections thus are a means to an end, not the end itself. As Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan puts it, 'Democracy is like a train. We shall get out when we arrive at the station we want.'" See The Muslim Brotherhood and Nazi/Arab plots to exterminate Jews
UNIONS: The Future of the Occupy Movement? Video
Islamists Hold Early Lead in Egypt Polls: "Initial tallies put the powerful Muslim Brotherhood's political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party, or FJP, in a leading position, followed by the...ultraconservative Salafi school of Islam... An FJP official said the party's vote-counting observers expect the group to win as much as 50% of the vote....The Egyptian Bloc, a list of liberal parties dominated by the left-leaning Social Democrat Party and the pro-market Free Egyptians Party, appeared to be in third place....But the early results indicate that Egypt...is set to pivot toward political Islam."
The Muslim Brotherhood’s 'Kill the Jews' Election Platform: "Egyptians have gone to the polls in large numbers this week to cast their votes in the first stage of protracted parliamentary elections.... Few of the hundreds of thousands of protesters who have crowded Tahrir Square in recent days would appear to trust the integrity of the electoral process, nor think it will mean greater freedom any time soon. One voter ...said, 'It is like a play, it is like a sham.... Another said, 'There is no justice, no integrity, no confidence. But I came because then I will have done my duty...' The main beneficiary of the elections will in all likelihood be the Muslim Brotherhood....
"We got a taste of what is to come from the Muslim Brotherhood’s co-sponsored 'kill the Jews' pep rally held last Friday. ...about 5,000 people joined the rally....Over and over again, the crowd chanted passages from the Koran vowing that 'one day we shall kill all the Jews.' The rally was co-sponsored by the Al-Azhar University, which President Obama had [in 2009] referred to as a 'beacon of learning'....The New York Times praised the Muslim Brotherhood’s 'unrivaled organization and sophistication' in its November 29th front page article.... Like the Nazi Party did in the 1930′s, the Iranian Islamists did in 1979 and Hamas did in 2006, the Muslim Brotherhood is embarked on a hijacking of the electoral process to subvert any chance of democratic freedoms in Egypt."
November 2011
Egypt and the Fruits of the Pharaohs: "The Brotherhood was not the genesis of the revolution in Tahrir Square, but it was there, waiting in the wings to seize greater power....It seeks an alliance with the armed forces to the detriment of those who desire the graces of 'normal' political life—the separation of religion and politics, the rule of law, national unity between Copts and Muslims. The behavior of the Brotherhood is in keeping with its past; this has always been a party that mixed the cult of violence with rank opportunism. Its founder, Hassan al-Banna, was a chameleon who gave religious warrant to political deceit. He was struck down by an assassin in 1949, but he had shown the way."
Deadly ‘Diversity’: "Ever since Norway began to be the destination of immigrants from the Muslim world...Grønland [part of Oslo] has been home to an increasing number of Muslim families and businesses. ...furthermore, it has become an attractive residential area for young Norwegian singles and families [who] wanted to be part of a 'multicultural' community....
[But many now feel controlled] by self-appointed moral police. Muslim girls who would prefer not to wear hijab, for example, do so in Grønland simply to avoid being rebuked. ...Fatima Tetouani, who when she moved in 2000 from Morocco to Oslo to live with her Norwegian husband, 'expected a Western, open society.' 'But Grønland is more Muslim than Morocco.... I had never seen a burka before I came here. And I had never experienced nasty looks if I ate or drank a cup of coffee during Ramadan.'o’s verdict was blunt: 'they are trying to take over this neighborhood.'...
'This...was one of the safest and most civilized urban centers on the planet. Now all is changed....'We have lost the city,' Nøstvik was told by the officers who handled his case. The night he was attacked, they informed him, they had only two patrol cars out in all of downtown Oslo....Norwegians, like so many other Western Europeans, are up against a veritable army of culturally alien men living in their midst who have no scruples when it comes to raping native women or robbing native men. There is, after all, no crime – no shame – in attacking the infidel."
Muslim Brotherhood holds venomous anti-Israel rally in Cairo mosque Friday: "A Muslim Brotherhood rally...turned into a venomous anti-Israel protest, with attendants vowing to 'one day kill all Jews.' Some 5,000 people joined the rally, called to promote the "battle against Jerusalem's Judaization.'... Speakers at the event delivered impassioned, hateful speeches against Israel, slamming the 'Zionist occupiers' and the 'treacherous Jews.'...
"Propaganda material ahead of Egypt's parliamentary elections was also handed out at the site. Spiritual leader Dr. Ahmed al-Tayeb [said]....'we shall not allow the Zionists to Judaize al-Quds (Jerusalem.)... Muslim Brotherhood spokesmen, as well as Palestinian guest speakers, made explicit calls for Jihad and for liberating the whole of Palestine. ...'one day we shall kill all the Jews'..." See Depravity‘Old’ Middle East Resurfacing in Cairo: "Tens of thousands of anti-regime protesters have been swarming in the Tahrir Square area for about a week. Police have killed about 40 and wounded hundreds....[According to Efraim Karsh], Islam remains the strongest identity framework in Egyptian society.... The Arab national dictatorships that were layered over this basic Islamic identity for the past 80 years were but a thin veneer of repression. With the fall of these dictatorships, what remains is the core Islamic underpinnings of society, and these will now come to the fore. Consequently, no democratic structures, processes or values are likely to emerge in the Arab world for many generations."
Mobile networks told to ban 'Jesus Christ' from airwaves [Pakistan]: "The Pakistan Telecommunications Authority is banning the name of 'Jesus Christ' from any text message sent in the country. The government's telecommunications agency has given mobile phone companies a list of 1,695 words and informed mobile companies that they have seven days to implement filters in their systems that would block the transmission of the listed words. The official list included a number of English language slang terms for sexual acts, religious words, and other words Pakistani religious authorities consider obscene." See Unequal Contenders in the Spiritual War
Miami-protest spokesman led 'Nuke Israel' rally: "Mohammad Malik currently is as an activist with several other Islamic groups. He has led hate-filled anti-Israel protests in which participants were filmed wearing Hamas paraphernalia while chanting 'Nuke Israel' and 'Go back to the oven' – a reference to Jews being killed in the Holocaust. ...'We've established that we can be here,' Malik told the Herald, speaking as one of the first Occupy Miami organizers
.'" See God's Warnings for our TimesOccupy Protests Have Now Cost Local U.S. Cities a Total of $13 Million: "...the movement that is demanding more out of the wealthiest Americans cost local taxpayers at least $13 million in police overtime and other municipal services..."
Occupy Oakland Calls For Shutdown Of ALL West Coast Ports: "Vandalism, violence, burning and shutting down the nation’s fifth busiest port weren’t enough for Occupy Oakland. On Friday, the General Assembly for the group voted unanimously for 'a coordinated shutdown of ports on the entire West Coast on December 12.”
Revolution. Occupy London Out of Control: Children squatting at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Camp Rife with Class ‘A’ Drugs, Human Waste: "While there has been no shortage of public debauchery occurring at various Occupy protests around the country and, world, Occupy London might have hit an all-time low..."
Occupy Black Friday’ Aims to Rattle the Stock Market: "Chaos erupted yesterday when students at the City University of New York (CUNY) engaged in a daylong protest rally against tuition increases. ...the CUNY system is among the most affordable public education systems around."
Threats target church after stand for Bible: "...the shootings, murders, rapes and arrests happening at the 'disease-riddled 'Occupy' chaos camps' are part and parcel of the left's agenda....This time, things got worse. The night before the event someone threw two paver bricks through the church's plate glass doors with a dire warning: 'This is just a sample of what we will do if you don’t shut down Scott Lively [a faithful Christian who has written warnings about the homosexual agenda.'" See The Fall and Rise of Human Violence
'Democratic revolution' leaves Christians under army fire: [Egypt's] Islamic-leaning military... now controls the country more and more. ...the army is stepping up its anti-Christian activity with encouragement from the Egyptian radicals. 'Some Egyptians, both Christian and Muslim, believe that the Egyptian military is...initiating attacks against civilians in order to further divide the country down sectarian lines....'Fear and uncertainty is growing and reportedly thousands of Christians have fled Egypt.... 'Their plans to promote even more hate have succeeded,' Naoum said. '...[but] God is able to refute and dispel their plans."
Obama Administration Training Egyptian Islamists for Elections: "If you want proof that U.S. policy towards the Arab Spring is fatally flawed, look no further than William Taylor, the State Department’s Special Coordinator for Middle East Transitions and long associate of Muslim Brotherhood apologists. Taylor...oversees U.S. aid to...Egypt, Tunisia and Libya."
Occupy Wall Street follows Alinsky playbook: "It should come as no surprise that Mr. Obama has begun to express empathy for the socialist and communist occupiers of Wall Street in New York City and other cities around the world. Their tactics are torn right out of the playbook of one of Mr. Obama's favorite leftists, Saul Alinsky, whose 1971 Rules for Radicals was and is the ultimate guide for 'community organizers' whose goal is progressive social change." See Marxism & the Planned Corruption of America
Video: Prepare for Violent Revolution in America
Occupy epidemic! Brace yourself for United States of Chaos: "The Occupy movement is set to launch nationwide chaos today as part of a new, revolutionary phase of the anti-capitalist campaign.... In a signal the movement may be entering a more violent phase, Occupy Wall Street unveiled a new website titled Occupy Revolution to serve as a central hub for planning revolutionary tactics. ...The Occupy site announces: 'Action Preparation & Training for November 17th, November 30th and Beyond."'
Video. Union Pays Occupy Protesters: [A nurse explained that] "we don't believe in trying to work with with [the hospital] management to make change... we lobby for legislative change....to force them to do what we want!"
Old but relevant. Obama's civilian army? Training a Socialist Army of World Servers : "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." (Obama, 2008) See Our unchanging God still reigns in these changing times
Occupy Marines Bringing Reinforcements To Occupy The Nation: "What began as the gathering of just a few US Marines has now become a major organized movement to get Marines and military personnel of all branches to Occupy America nationwide."
Anti-Capitalist Teach-In Leader: ‘We Have People Organizing Inside of the Military’: "Among the bizarre statements to come from protesters was the notion that Occupiers may be organizing within the military in an effort to see a 'revolution unfold.'....'Rod,' a self-described member of the Progressive Labor Party, said that he and his compatriots have been encouraging others to 'think in terms of building revolution against this whole system of capitalism.' ...the fight must be taken to industrial workers, the military, campuses — even churches. ...If we’re talking about revolution, it means we have to win over some section of the military to be on our side...”
Old but relevant. Obama's civilian army? Training a Socialist Army of World Servers : "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." (Obama, 2008)
His ideological model, Saul Alinsky said, "The disruption of the present organization is the first step toward community organization.... All change means disorganization of the old and organization of the new." See An unchanging God in our changing times
Occupy Marines Bringing Reinforcements To Occupy The Nation: "What began as the gathering of just a few US Marines has now become a major organized movement to get Marines and military personnel of all branches to Occupy America nationwide. ...Their goal will be to talk sense into police officers and recruit them into supporting the cause....Now they are bring reinforcements from the Marine Corps and other branches of the United States military, to put their organizational skills, patriotism, and resilience to good use in the effort to give more weight to the protests and help them continue the fight to change America indefinitely." See Our Sovereign God Reigns forever!
The Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates the GOP: [Jamie Glazov interviews Paul Sperry]"After 9/11, FBI agents discovered the founding archives of its U.S. operations during a raid of a terrorist suspect’s home in Annandale, Va. The secret papers revealed that the Brotherhood, which was set up in America with millions in Saudi cash, has a plan to 'destroy' America and other Western nations 'from within,' and is using its agents and front groups in the U.S. to carry out that strategy. ...virtually every major Muslim group in America is a front for the radical Brotherhood, and they’ve raised millions of dollars for Hamas and al-Qaida right here...They also control most of the major mosques....
"The Islamic Society of North America ISNA] is the leading edge of the Brotherhood movement here, yet it remains a formal outreach partner of the government.... Its president, in fact, just spoke at a Justice Department conference on 'post-9/11 discrimination.' Mohamed Magid also prayed with Obama in the White House. ... I’ve seen the matrix with all the names of the leaders in the U.S. Brotherhood’s Shurah Council. They include people Bush prayed with after 9/11. The enemy has been inside the wire for quite some time....
"[Norquist.is] a paid lobbyist for enemies of the United States. Prior to 9/11, he was bankrolled by the General Masul of the U.S. Brotherhood ....Norquist’s old lobbying firm, Janus-Merritt, was a registered agent for Alamoudi, and received some $40,000 from that dubious client. (Norquist and his Muslim partner at the firm also represented the Pakistani government on military aid.) ....On the eve of 9/11, Norquist personally went to the Hill and lobbied to, in his words, 'get rid of the secret evidence laws which have been used to discriminate against Muslims and Arabs in this country.'...
"Thanks to Norquist’s sponsorship, Khan has also been able to infiltrate other Republican circles, including the American Conservative Union. Meanwhile, he’s teamed up with Imam Mohamed Magid, Obama’s Muslim outreach partner, to do interfaith outreach with evangelical Christian leaders in the South....
"What Norquist does... is dress up Brotherhood agents...to give them political cover and gain the trust of the GOP establishment. Then with the backing of duped party leaders secured, he promotes these neo-Islamists to positions of power inside government.... Here you have a 'conservative' who built the Trojan Horse that the enemy is using to infiltrate, sabotage and destroy the U.S. from within. Norquist is helping the U.S. Brotherhood accomplish the 'Grand Jihad' spelled out in its founding archives." See Deceptive alliances
Thanks To Obama, The Al-Qaeda Flag Is Now Flying High And Proud Over Libya: "The flag, which contains the phrase 'there is no God but Allah' with a full moon underneath, has been photographed flying beside the new national flag of Libya.... they intend to impose a brutal form of Sharia law on the entire Libyan population." See The Muslim Brotherhood
Oakland Liberation Front Leaflet: ‘How Dare You Even Ask for Non-Violence’: A pamphlet from a group calling itself the 'Oakland Liberation Front' ...mocks any pacifists in the Occupy Oakland movement and calls for violence to achieve the 'complete annihilation of capitalism.' ...bring our entire system down."
Video: The End of England? "British police allow Islamists to celebrate 9/11 — while disrupting a counter-protest by the English Defense League."
Occupy Oakland Shut Down a Port Already Struggling for Survival: "There are reports that estimate 11,000 workers lost wages and $4 million dollars in revenue went down the tubes due to the Occupy Oakland shutdown on Wednesday. ...the Occupiers really just shut down an embattled, faltering commercial hub that is a source of badly needed jobs in financially embattled Oakland."
Where are the Muslim Brotherhood and the Obama Administration Taking America? "These reports reveal the depth of the below-the-surface coordination between the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Hamas, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Libya and Jordan. This bloc of regimes and organizations is now becoming the greatest Islamist radical lobby ever to penetrate and infiltrate the White House, Congress, the State Department and the main decision making centers of the US government."
This Is the Comprehensive List of Those Supporting Occupy Wall Street: "Communist Party USA, The American Nazi Party, Revolutionary Communist Party, Black Panthers, Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan, CAIR.
"Some big names in the political world: President Barack Obama...Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi
"International Leaders and Governments: ...Ayatollah Khamenei, Hugo Chavez, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, The Govt of North Korea, Communist Party of China, Hezbollah."
October 2011
‘We continue our resistance to full revenge. I am in Libya, alive and free’ – Gaddafi’s son: ‘“This is our country, we live in it, we die in it and we are continuing the struggle,' Saif al-Islam said.... Western-educated and the most-recognized Libyan official, he was often viewed as Colonel’s successor and a possible reformer."
Liberty’s Last Stand: "The 'occupying' protests here in America have been characterized as spontaneous and leaderless.... In reality, neither has been spontaneous nor leaderless. The Arab Spring was planned years ago and then executed by the forces of oppression that the people thought they were attempting to overthrow. ...the US trained 5000 activists last February from Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, and Lebanon. The goal was to provide the technology to circumvent government obstruction and help activists create a ripple effect by training their colleagues in the arts of government destabilization....The campaign to destabilize the Middle East began much earlier...
"In America, our protests appear leaderless, ill-defined, and uncoordinated. To mask the central planning, the protests began small in a few cities before the national rollout proceeded, a common tactic of most marketing schemes. These protests are not leaderless. And their well-defined agenda can be derived from those manipulating the leaderless mobs behind the scenes."
'Red Army' Behind Occupy Wall Street? "Behind the current Occupy Wall Street protests is a 'red army' of radicals seeking no less than to provoke a new, definitive economic crisis, with their goal being the full collapse of the U.S. financial system, with the ensuing chaos to be rebuilt into a utopian socialist vision....To dismiss these rabble-rousers as mere nuisance would be a gross underestimation not only of their Saul Alinsky-style direct action and community organizing capabilities, but of the ideological alliance between these street activists and the far more patient radicals who have infiltrated Congress, shaped Barack Obama's presidential agenda, and now in fact threaten the future of our country." See Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America
Islamic connection to Wall Street protest: "Islamic groups that are strong supporters of the so-called Free Gaza Movement recently joined in the Occupy Wall Street Movement, with the New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations even leading Friday prayers at the protest headquarters last week."
Progressive Media Encourage Lawlessness and Anarchy: "The reaction of the White House is that all of this is fine. After all, if you can take from the rich, why not take from the public....The Republicans are now treating this lawlessness and anarchy as a serious and legitimate movement....But the 'unemployed' are not organizing these protests."
The AFL-CIO’s Revolutionary Activist : "One seriously doubts that members of the working class have much in common with the left-wing professional agitators running these protests and the tent cities they are erecting illegally....[O]ne of the AFL-CIO affiliates behind the campaign...is headed by a veteran of the Venceremos Brigades to Cuba...Equally significant, her husband works for the public relations firm that represented billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros."
The Real Reason Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Aren't Getting Kicked Out Of Zuccotti Park: "Coming on the heels of the Solyndra debacle, the Obama administration has just approved a $168.9 million loan guarantee for the Granite Reliable wind f(BAM). Among its many holdings BAM owns Brookfield Renewable Power, which owns the Granite Reliable and it also owns Brookfield Office Properties, whose holdings include the now famous Zuccotti Park. ....Mayor Bloomberg...has a personal connection to Brookfield as well."
Lenin's "useful idiots" in Manhattan: "The proletariat needs state power, the centralized organization of force, the organization of violence, for the purpose of crushing the resistance of the exploiters." ~ Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924)
American Nazi Party...tells members to support protests and fight ’Judeo-Capitalist Banksters’: "...members of the 'pro-white' movement should join and support the Occupy demonstrators because they share a common enemy: the 'judeo-capitalist banksters.'...The pro-white movementites should be JOINING this Occupy movement and supporting it!" See The Muslim Brotherhood and Nazi/Arab plots to exterminate Jews
Occupy Protests Spread Worldwide: Demonstrations Planned in 82 Countries: "United for Global Change, the movement behind the push for international protest, projected 951 cities in 82 countries would be taking part in rallies worldwide, including cities in England, France, Belgium, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Russia, South Africa and Venezuela.... In Rome, a band of protesters smashed shop windows and torched cars.... Melbourne and Sydney joined rallies against 'corporate greed'....Around 500 people gathered in the heart of Hong Kong’s financial district...while demonstrators in Tokyo also voiced fury at the Fukushima nuclear accident."
College Professor Offers Students Extra Credit for Attending Occupy Protest: "Students who do not wish to attend the protest have the option of writing a 20-page term paper about a social movement to receive the same extra credit." Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking?
Video: Cloward and Piven - 'It is ok to use violence as long as it is a BIG part of your strategy' (See Wikipedia for Piven's strategy)
Reporting Inside NYC’s Massive Occupy Times Square March: "Whether you hate capitalism, the Tea Party, or just successful people in general, never before has it been so easy to be heard around the globe....So I have decided to break down the protest group by group:... ~ Dazed and Confused College Kids: ...the college kids– most of whom just graduated and don’t have jobs– are among the most passionate, and most incoherent– of all the protest factions... ~Socialists/Communists/Anarchist: The storm troopers of the Occupy movement, the statists and anti-statists have linked arm-in-arm (literally) to bring down the system as we know it. ....~ Free Palestine/ Divest Israel: There have been hints of anti-semitism at the protests over the past couple of weeks... ~Unions, Community Organizers: They kept a low-profile in the beginning, but now there are union signs and members sprinkled throughout every Occupy protest in NYC. They are helping organize the movement and teaching others how to wield mob power..."
(Video) Communist Party USA and Rep. Jan Schakowsky March at Occupy Chicago: "...if you take a closer look at the crowd you see they are Mao supporters, open Marxists, anarchists, SEIU... and young street thugs." Two minutes into the video the language gets more vulgar.
Khamenei Cheers On Occupy Wall Street: "Barack Obama has finally found the common ground he has been searching for with the Iranian regime. They share support for the Occupy Wall Street protest, whose premise is to pit the 'virtuous' oppressed 99% of Americans against the top 1% of 'wealthy, greedy' Americans. ...The protesters, [Obama] claimed, 'are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration about how our financial system works…and that’s going to express itself politically in 2012 and beyond.'”
Video: 11 Arrested as Occupy San Francisco Marches on Wells Fargo Bank: "Hundreds marched through the San Francisco Financial District during Wednesday morning's rush hour, as union members and community groups joined Occupy San Francisco..." Training a Socialist Army of World Server
Democrats’ Dangerous Allies : "Top Democratic fundraisers, including those close to Obama, are also said to be seeking ways to make common cause with the Occupy Wall Street protesters.... Occupy Boston, held a rally this week in support of [Mehanna]...a Muslim pharmacist....According to the U.S. government, Mehanna provided 'material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization,' and acted as a 'media wing' for al-Qaeda....
" ...the Occupy Wall Street rally in downtown New York is now full of drug addicts, drunks and convicted criminals. Some have been violent, assaulting medical volunteers and scuffling with police."
Shocking Calls for Redistribution of Wealth in USA: "...have you been calling for the redistribution of wealth in society?" ~ Jim Wallace's answer: "Absolutely! Without any hesitation. That's what the gospel is all about."
~ Anita Dunn, former white House Director of Communications: "...and then the third lesson and tip actually come from two of my favorite political philosophers -- Mao Tse Tung and Mother Theresa."
~ Rev. Jeremiah Wright: "you state up front your starting point is 'no nonsense Marxism.' You dispel all the negative images we have been programmed to conjure up with just a mention of that word socialism -- or Marxism."
~ Maxine Waters (D): "This liberal will be all about socializ-- [long pause as she rethinks, corrects and continues her message] basically taking over and the government running all of your companies." See The Drumbeat [of Cultural Marxism]
The danger of mobs: "Twenty years ago in Brooklyn's Crown Heights neighborhood, a three-day riot broke out when a car in a Jewish motorcade jumped the curb and tragically struck and killed a black infant. That was an accident. Everything that followed was deliberate.... A Jewish student, surrounded by angry blacks, was stabbed and died of his wounds. Black mobs took to the streets looking for Jewish victims....
"Former Gov. Huey Long of Louisiana once said, 'Fascism will come to America, but they'll call it 'Americanism'!' Strike out 'fascism' and put in 'communism,' and you've got the wisest comment so far on the matter of the 'Occupy Wall Street' vent-a-thon....Even Stalin's Communists felt the need to accuse [and kill] rich capitalists of illegality....Condoning a mob, as the president has done along with hordes of prominent Americans, is quite literally condoning someone driving at top speed with a glass of straight vodka in his sipping hand. (Beer doesn't work here; it's not strong enough or fast-acting enough.)... And Nancy Pelosi says, about the mobsters, 'God bless them!'"
VIDEO: Occupy L.A. Speaker says violence may be necessary: "While speaking to the crowd, the individual depicted in the clip... heralded socialism and revolution and said that 'the bourgeoisie won't go without violent means.' ... ultimately, the bourgeoisie won't go without violent means. Revolution! Yes, revolution that is led by the working class. Long live revolution! Long live socialism!" See Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
‘More Than 100’ Protesters at ‘Occupy Boston’ Arrested Early Tuesday: "A slew of protesters from the Occupy Boston movement were arrested early Tuesday after they ignored warnings to move from a downtown greenway near where they have been camped out for more than a week..." See Watchfulness
Bloodied but defiant: 10,000 Greek strikers and police in running battles as debt-ridden country starts a 24-hour walkout: "Greek riot police have fired teargas at petrol bomb throwing youths and charged them wielding batons as 10,000 public sector workers marched to protest against budget cuts and high taxes....Violence broke out as anarchists mixed with the marchers and started attacking more than 1,000 police with any weapons they could find."
Global Movement Seeks to Convert People From ‘Democracy…and Capitalism to Islamic Ideology’: "The chanting crowd at the radical Muslim protest in Indonesia stood out for its normalcy: smartly dressed businessmen, engineers, lawyers, smiling mothers, scampering children....Active in 45 countries, Hizbut is now expanding in Asia, spreading its radical message from Indonesia to China. It wants to unite all Muslim countries in a globe-spanning bloc ruled by strict sharia law. It targets university students and professionals, working within countries to try to persuade people to overthrow their governments....Hizbut Tahrir, which means The Party of Liberation, is also raising its profile in the U.S. after operating largely underground since the 1990s. ...The claims of nonviolence contrast with the movement’s fiery rhetoric, which calls for the annihilation of Israel..." See Islamic Villages and Muslim 'No-Go' Zones
October 2011
‘We continue our resistance to full revenge. I am in Libya, alive and free’ – Gaddafi’s son: ‘“This is our country, we live in it, we die in it and we are continuing the struggle,' Saif al-Islam said.... Western-educated and the most-recognized Libyan official, he was often viewed as Colonel’s successor and a possible reformer."
Liberty’s Last Stand: "The 'occupying' protests here in America have been characterized as spontaneous and leaderless.... In reality, neither has been spontaneous nor leaderless. The Arab Spring was planned years ago and then executed by the forces of oppression that the people thought they were attempting to overthrow. ...the US trained 5000 activists last February from Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, and Lebanon. The goal was to provide the technology to circumvent government obstruction and help activists create a ripple effect by training their colleagues in the arts of government destabilization....The campaign to destabilize the Middle East began much earlier...
"In America, our protests appear leaderless, ill-defined, and uncoordinated. To mask the central planning, the protests began small in a few cities before the national rollout proceeded, a common tactic of most marketing schemes. These protests are not leaderless. And their well-defined agenda can be derived from those manipulating the leaderless mobs behind the scenes."
'Red Army' Behind Occupy Wall Street? "Behind the current Occupy Wall Street protests is a 'red army' of radicals seeking no less than to provoke a new, definitive economic crisis, with their goal being the full collapse of the U.S. financial system, with the ensuing chaos to be rebuilt into a utopian socialist vision....To dismiss these rabble-rousers as mere nuisance would be a gross underestimation not only of their Saul Alinsky-style direct action and community organizing capabilities, but of the ideological alliance between these street activists and the far more patient radicals who have infiltrated Congress, shaped Barack Obama's presidential agenda, and now in fact threaten the future of our country." See Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America
Islamic connection to Wall Street protest: "Islamic groups that are strong supporters of the so-called Free Gaza Movement recently joined in the Occupy Wall Street Movement, with the New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations even leading Friday prayers at the protest headquarters last week."
Progressive Media Encourage Lawlessness and Anarchy: "The reaction of the White House is that all of this is fine. After all, if you can take from the rich, why not take from the public....The Republicans are now treating this lawlessness and anarchy as a serious and legitimate movement....But the 'unemployed' are not organizing these protests."
The AFL-CIO’s Revolutionary Activist : "One seriously doubts that members of the working class have much in common with the left-wing professional agitators running these protests and the tent cities they are erecting illegally....[O]ne of the AFL-CIO affiliates behind the campaign...is headed by a veteran of the Venceremos Brigades to Cuba...Equally significant, her husband works for the public relations firm that represented billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros."
The Real Reason Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Aren't Getting Kicked Out Of Zuccotti Park: "Coming on the heels of the Solyndra debacle, the Obama administration has just approved a $168.9 million loan guarantee for the Granite Reliable wind f(BAM). Among its many holdings BAM owns Brookfield Renewable Power, which owns the Granite Reliable and it also owns Brookfield Office Properties, whose holdings include the now famous Zuccotti Park. ....Mayor Bloomberg...has a personal connection to Brookfield as well."
Lenin's "useful idiots" in Manhattan: "The proletariat needs state power, the centralized organization of force, the organization of violence, for the purpose of crushing the resistance of the exploiters." ~ Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924)
American Nazi Party...tells members to support protests and fight ’Judeo-Capitalist Banksters’: "...members of the 'pro-white' movement should join and support the Occupy demonstrators because they share a common enemy: the 'judeo-capitalist banksters.'...The pro-white movementites should be JOINING this Occupy movement and supporting it!" See The Muslim Brotherhood and Nazi/Arab plots to exterminate Jews
Occupy Protests Spread Worldwide: Demonstrations Planned in 82 Countries: "United for Global Change, the movement behind the push for international protest, projected 951 cities in 82 countries would be taking part in rallies worldwide, including cities in England, France, Belgium, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Russia, South Africa and Venezuela.... In Rome, a band of protesters smashed shop windows and torched cars.... Melbourne and Sydney joined rallies against 'corporate greed'....Around 500 people gathered in the heart of Hong Kong’s financial district...while demonstrators in Tokyo also voiced fury at the Fukushima nuclear accident."
College Professor Offers Students Extra Credit for Attending Occupy Protest: "Students who do not wish to attend the protest have the option of writing a 20-page term paper about a social movement to receive the same extra credit." Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking?
Video: Cloward and Piven - 'It is ok to use violence as long as it is a BIG part of your strategy' (See Wikipedia for Piven's strategy)
Reporting Inside NYC’s Massive Occupy Times Square March: "Whether you hate capitalism, the Tea Party, or just successful people in general, never before has it been so easy to be heard around the globe....So I have decided to break down the protest group by group:... ~ Dazed and Confused College Kids: ...the college kids– most of whom just graduated and don’t have jobs– are among the most passionate, and most incoherent– of all the protest factions... ~Socialists/Communists/Anarchist: The storm troopers of the Occupy movement, the statists and anti-statists have linked arm-in-arm (literally) to bring down the system as we know it. ....~ Free Palestine/ Divest Israel: There have been hints of anti-semitism at the protests over the past couple of weeks... ~Unions, Community Organizers: They kept a low-profile in the beginning, but now there are union signs and members sprinkled throughout every Occupy protest in NYC. They are helping organize the movement and teaching others how to wield mob power..."
(Video) Communist Party USA and Rep. Jan Schakowsky March at Occupy Chicago: "...if you take a closer look at the crowd you see they are Mao supporters, open Marxists, anarchists, SEIU... and young street thugs." Two minutes into the video the language gets more vulgar.
Khamenei Cheers On Occupy Wall Street: "Barack Obama has finally found the common ground he has been searching for with the Iranian regime. They share support for the Occupy Wall Street protest, whose premise is to pit the 'virtuous' oppressed 99% of Americans against the top 1% of 'wealthy, greedy' Americans. ...The protesters, [Obama] claimed, 'are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration about how our financial system works…and that’s going to express itself politically in 2012 and beyond.'”
Video: 11 Arrested as Occupy San Francisco Marches on Wells Fargo Bank: "Hundreds marched through the San Francisco Financial District during Wednesday morning's rush hour, as union members and community groups joined Occupy San Francisco..." Training a Socialist Army of World Server
Democrats’ Dangerous Allies : "Top Democratic fundraisers, including those close to Obama, are also said to be seeking ways to make common cause with the Occupy Wall Street protesters.... Occupy Boston, held a rally this week in support of [Mehanna]...a Muslim pharmacist....According to the U.S. government, Mehanna provided 'material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization,' and acted as a 'media wing' for al-Qaeda....
" ...the Occupy Wall Street rally in downtown New York is now full of drug addicts, drunks and convicted criminals. Some have been violent, assaulting medical volunteers and scuffling with police."
Shocking Calls for Redistribution of Wealth in USA: "...have you been calling for the redistribution of wealth in society?" ~ Jim Wallace's answer: "Absolutely! Without any hesitation. That's what the gospel is all about."
~ Anita Dunn, former white House Director of Communications: "...and then the third lesson and tip actually come from two of my favorite political philosophers -- Mao Tse Tung and Mother Theresa."
~ Rev. Jeremiah Wright: "you state up front your starting point is 'no nonsense Marxism.' You dispel all the negative images we have been programmed to conjure up with just a mention of that word socialism -- or Marxism."
~ Maxine Waters (D): "This liberal will be all about socializ-- [long pause as she rethinks, corrects and continues her message] basically taking over and the government running all of your companies." See The Drumbeat [of Cultural Marxism]
The danger of mobs: "Twenty years ago in Brooklyn's Crown Heights neighborhood, a three-day riot broke out when a car in a Jewish motorcade jumped the curb and tragically struck and killed a black infant. That was an accident. Everything that followed was deliberate.... A Jewish student, surrounded by angry blacks, was stabbed and died of his wounds. Black mobs took to the streets looking for Jewish victims....
"Former Gov. Huey Long of Louisiana once said, 'Fascism will come to America, but they'll call it 'Americanism'!' Strike out 'fascism' and put in 'communism,' and you've got the wisest comment so far on the matter of the 'Occupy Wall Street' vent-a-thon....Even Stalin's Communists felt the need to accuse [and kill] rich capitalists of illegality....Condoning a mob, as the president has done along with hordes of prominent Americans, is quite literally condoning someone driving at top speed with a glass of straight vodka in his sipping hand. (Beer doesn't work here; it's not strong enough or fast-acting enough.)... And Nancy Pelosi says, about the mobsters, 'God bless them!'"
VIDEO: Occupy L.A. Speaker says violence may be necessary: "While speaking to the crowd, the individual depicted in the clip... heralded socialism and revolution and said that 'the bourgeoisie won't go without violent means.' ... ultimately, the bourgeoisie won't go without violent means. Revolution! Yes, revolution that is led by the working class. Long live revolution! Long live socialism!" See Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
‘More Than 100’ Protesters at ‘Occupy Boston’ Arrested Early Tuesday: "A slew of protesters from the Occupy Boston movement were arrested early Tuesday after they ignored warnings to move from a downtown greenway near where they have been camped out for more than a week..." See Watchfulness
Bloodied but defiant: 10,000 Greek strikers and police in running battles as debt-ridden country starts a 24-hour walkout: "Greek riot police have fired teargas at petrol bomb throwing youths and charged them wielding batons as 10,000 public sector workers marched to protest against budget cuts and high taxes....Violence broke out as anarchists mixed with the marchers and started attacking more than 1,000 police with any weapons they could find."
Global Movement Seeks to Convert People From ‘Democracy…and Capitalism to Islamic Ideology’: "The chanting crowd at the radical Muslim protest in Indonesia stood out for its normalcy: smartly dressed businessmen, engineers, lawyers, smiling mothers, scampering children....Active in 45 countries, Hizbut is now expanding in Asia, spreading its radical message from Indonesia to China. It wants to unite all Muslim countries in a globe-spanning bloc ruled by strict sharia law. It targets university students and professionals, working within countries to try to persuade people to overthrow their governments....Hizbut Tahrir, which means The Party of Liberation, is also raising its profile in the U.S. after operating largely underground since the 1990s. ...The claims of nonviolence contrast with the movement’s fiery rhetoric, which calls for the annihilation of Israel..." See Islamic Villages and Muslim 'No-Go' Zones
September 2011
] September 17: 'Beginning of the Global Revolution…?' "The September 17 protest is....part of an international coordinated attack.... 'Simultaneous occupations of financial districts are now being planned in New York City, Madrid, Milan, London, Paris and San Francisco. With a bit of luck, this list of participating cities will grow. If we can pull together just the right mix of nonviolence, tenacity and strategic smarts, S17 could be the beginning of the global revolution we’ve all been dreaming about...'Leftist media employ devious, sinister tactic: [Are they trying to create another useful crisis? Stir more hatred?]"American news media are deliberately reshaping war-on-terror terminology for propaganda purposes to prevent radical Muslims from being perceived in a negative light....[Geller] says one simple example can be seen with how the word 'extremist' is now utilized in news stories. 'It is commonly used of both Islamic jihad terrorists, and those who fight against them. ...The word is used to claim that Islam has nothing to do with jihad terrorism – it's all just 'extremism,' and every religion has its 'extremists.'" See Rockefeller and Global Media Censors
Unelected, Unaccountable, Unrepentant: The Federal Reserve Is Using Your Money To Bail Out European Commercial Banks Once Again: "The Congress cannot overrule this decision. Neither can Barack Obama. Because it has so much power, many refer to the Federal Reserve as 'the fourth branch of government', but unlike the other three branches of government, there are basically no significant 'checks and balances' on the Federal Reserve.... The Federal Reserve pretty much gets to do whatever it wants to do." See Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
The left's coming race war: [A insightful article by Erik Rush, a black man who is not part of the Congressional Black Caucus]: "On Aug. 20, Waters, a black congresswoman, told a town-hall meeting that 'the tea party can go straight to hell'... Last week, Rep. Carson, who is also a prominent member of the Congressional Black Caucus, told a similar gathering that some in Congress and the tea-party movement would love to see blacks 'hanging on a tree.'
"Grossly overstating elements of racism has been boilerplate fare among liberals and black activists for many years, but what's occurring done now is being criticized as beyond irresponsible....But is it? ...I believe it is in fact the rhetoric of those who would like to start a race war....
"For years, we've seen the machinations of such plans advanced by socialists. Inner plans: Convince us that they advocate for equity and brotherhood, when in fact they're the most bigoted among us....Regulate and legislate medicine to the point where health care is so expensive that citizens welcome government intervention. Tax businesses to the point where they cannot afford to pay workers a living wage....Sabotage major markets to stultify the economy in the aggregate, thereby proliferating widespread destitution, fear and anger....
"Is there a cabal of black activists meeting with President Obama and high-level administration operatives to orchestrate these occurrences? I can't say for sure, but as with Cloward-Piven, it certainly would make sense....
"A 'race war' arising out of the tension being generated now would be blamed on the nonexistent racism of the tea-party movement....Whether one speaks of Caesar, the Bolsheviks, or Mao, civil unrest has often been the pretext for militarization, subduing of the population and permanent institution of a new order. This, despite the persistent ignorance of millions of Americans, has been the goal of radicals.... The fact that all this lies beyond many Americans' ability to conceptualize hardly matters....
"...listen to the sound bites. Listen to Hoffa, Waters, Carson and the New Black Panther Party. It's all from the same old-school Marxist playbook. And – as was the conventional wisdom before the left subverted our educational system, the press and other media – it is all working toward an evil end. You remember evil … don't you?" See A Communist Conspiracy?Why Race Riots Are Inevitable: "Most Americans refuse to think seriously about how close this country is to experiencing race riots and large-scale civil unrest. We meet all the criteria: rising unemployment, overloaded and failing social systems, mass discontent and uncertainty, loss of faith in leadership, a cultural disdain for law and morality. As these problems intensify, they’re fueling tension, even deep-seated hatred, between blacks and whites, rich and poor, and Democrats and Republicans.
"Look around: The kindling is set. All that’s needed is a lit match. ...Perhaps a policeman unloading his pistol on one of these flash mobs; maybe it’ll be a protest that starts small but quickly gets out of hand....
"At a recent rally in Florida, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson... heard Republican senators state that they are prepared to 'die' before they approve tax increases. The audience’s response was disturbing. 'Then they gonna have to die, they’re gonna have to die,' they chanted. Rather than silencing the call for blood, Congresswoman Wilson joined the chorus....
"'As far as I’m concerned, the Tea Party can go straight to hell,' [Maxine Waters] stated. After the wild applause finally subsided, she added, 'And, I intend to help them get there.'...
"Vice President Joseph Biden referred to conservatives...as 'barbarians at the gate.' The 'other side,' he yelled, has 'declared war.'"
Thousands in Cairo Turns Violent: "A demonstration that brought tens of thousands to this city’s central Tahrir Square turned violent on Friday, when thousands of people...tore down a protective wall around the Israeli Embassy, while others defaced the headquarters of the Egyptian Interior Ministry.... About 200 people were injured in clashes with the police at the Israeli Embassy....
...Defense Minister Ehud Barak of Israel had called Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who in turn asked the Egyptian military to try to restore order at the embassy....The scale of the protests and the damage inflicted represented a departure from the previously peaceful character of the demonstrations staged periodically in Tahrir Square. ...thousands of people marched off from the square to express their anger over disparate recent events, including a recent dispute along the border with Israel..."
White House-ACORN Smoking Gun: "Historically, Project Vote and ACORN have been indistinguishable. They share staff members, office space and money....Project Vote still occupies ACORN's old Washington headquarters near Capitol Hill. And they share a common belief that voter fraud is needed to push the nation even farther to the left." See Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
The Left's Coming Race War: "...the gargantuan lies and incendiary invective being purveyed by lawmakers like Rep. Maxine Waters... represent a dangerous abandonment of moral restraint on the part of the left and a genuine threat to domestic tranquility in the short term.....On Aug. 20, Waters...told a town-hall meeting that 'the tea party can go straight to hell'...Last week, Rep. Carson, who is also a prominent member of the Congressional Black Caucus, told a similar gathering that some in Congress and the tea-party movement would love to see blacks 'hanging on a tree.'... I believe it is in fact the rhetoric of those who would like to start a race war....
"We have criminal members of the New Black Panther Party engaging in paramilitary training. Then there's 'Tea Party Zombies Must Die,' an online game....Listen to Hoffa, Waters, Carson and the New Black Panther Party. It's all from the same old-school Marxist playbook." See Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Race War A'Comin'? "Prosperous American blacks pay good money to go on a cruise with a racist like Louis Farrakhan? Mr. Farrakhan is more hateful than other race agitators.... He is in concert with the Congressional Black Caucus, who slavishly support communist regimes like Cuba and anti-American projects. ...[W]hat is this constant badgering about race directed at whites and led by the president?.. Stir blacks and whites to violence?"
Socialists Plan to Rage Against Freedom on Constitution Day [September 17]: "Yes, on the day... Our political system was founded for a people who adhered to a moral code that led them to discipline and restrain themselves for the most part. ...Now that we have made the decision as a nation some 60 years ago to reject our Christian heritage... we are seeing a deterioration of morality and self-restraint in our nation. We are paying the price..." See God's Warnings for our Times
Video. Obama caught saying ACORN and friends will shape his presidential agenda. See next link:
A Day of Rage in America: "The national web site and movement has close ties with leaders of major U.S. unions such as the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and founders of ACORN....'Day of Rage' harkens back to Day of Rage as coined by the domestic terrorist organization of the 1960s, Weather Underground. Founders of that movement, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, are well known long-time associates of President Obama....
"Consider this sampling of Tweets...: First we take Manhattan. Then we take Berlin.... It’s Just the Beginning...." See Obama: 'SEIU's Agenda is My Agenda (Video)
Underpublicized threat deep in White House: "Infiltration of the federal government by members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood is worse than some have warned recently, says a former FBI special agent.... The agent confirmed that at least three operatives of the Egypt-based Brotherhood – whose credo is 'Jihad is our way and death in the cause of Allah is our dream' – have penetrated the Obama administration.
"...the Brotherhood also has placed several operatives and sympathizers within key positions in Homeland Security and the U.S. military. ...such infiltration threatens national security, because the U.S. leadership of the international Brotherhood has outlined a secret plan to 'destroy' the U.S. and other Western governments 'from within.'... President Obama's top Muslim ambassador, Rashad Hussain. ...is U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference...closely aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.
"Obama this June appointed her [Azizah al-Hibri, Muslim Brotherhood] to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom....She served on the advisory board of the American Muslim Council....Now defunct, the AMC was a front group for the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood....Al-Hibri has also made appearances at Islamic Society of North America conferences....ISNA is a Brotherhood front..."
Islamic Village [in Texas] and European Muslim 'No-Go' Zones: "Islamic extremists are stepping up the creation of 'no-go' areas in European cities that are off-limits to non-Muslims. Many of the 'no-go' zones function as microstates governed by Islamic Sharia law. Host-country authorities effectively have lost control in these areas... The 'no-go' areas are the by-product of decades of multicultural policies that have encouraged Muslim immigrants to create parallel societies and remain segregated rather than become integrated into their European host nations...."
"With help from Gulen and our current president, the Islamic Village Project might grow into American versions of the European Sharia-compliant “No-Go” zones."
Who Is Behind the ‘US Day of Rage’ to ‘Occupy’ Wall Street this September 17th? "A US Day of Rage is...[apparently] orchestrated by a group of radicals — that reportedly include SEIU’s Stephen Lerner and ACORN founder Wade Rathke...Those efforts are being organized by Stephen Lerner... who reportedly visited the Obama White House at least four times. The aim, according to Lerner, is to 'destabilize the folks that are in power and start to rebuild a movement.'”
"'Non-violent,' in anarchist and leftist parlance simply means not harming or killing people. Property destruction, vandalism, cyber attacks, occupations, riots etc. are all 'non-violent' and legitimate.... Non-violent 'global revolution'…I don’t think so."
This historical report may or may not be relevant: Wall Street and the Bolshevik RevolutionWall Street targeted for Britain-style riots: "Planners have their own website – USDayofRage.org ...The resources provided include instructions on how to resist police arrest and disrupt court hearings. ...the term 'Day of Rage' calls the 'Days of Rage' organized in the 1960s by the Weather Underground domestic terrorist organization co-founded by Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, close associates for years of President Obama. Numerous radicals, many with direct ties to Obama, are linked to planned protests and other activism scheduled for the coming months."
Anti-corporatists to ‘occupy Wall Street’ for ‘Tahrir moment’: "In an eerie video released Tuesday by the hacker group 'Anonymous,' one of the effort’s endorsers, the organization warns Wall Street to prepare for them. 'The abuse and corruption of corporations, banks, and governments ends here,' a voice in the video says. 'Join us, we are ‘Anonymous,’ we are legion. We do not forgive, we do not forget...”'
'Exterminate Christians, close pyramids, Sphinx': "A rising leader in the radical Islamic movement in Egypt that has become a major political player [Sheik 'Adel Shehato]...says Christian churches may need to be blown up and Christians exterminated to allow the advance of Islamic law, or Shariah....
"'Are you against blowing up churches?' the newspaper interviewer asked Shehato.....[The sheik answered] "...the Quran is our constitution, and...it is impossible for us to institute a Western democratic regime....I oppose democracy because it is not the faith of the Muslims.…Allah alone is ruler. ...Once Allah's law is instated (sic), the role of the people will end and Allah will reign supreme' A leader like himself would have no need to know what people want, he said. ...'Of course we will launch a campaign of Islamic conquest throughout the world....We want to call all other countries to join Islam..... If [they] refuse, there will be war.'" See Warnings for our Times
August 2011
10 Signs That Economic Riots And Civil Unrest Inside The US Are Now More Likely Than Ever: "In the old days you could walk down to McDonald's and get a job whenever you wanted to, but now any job is precious. The frustration among our young people is palpable."
Are Cyber Jihadists Fanning the Flames of the U.K. Riots? "...there have been some early indications that radical Islamists are not only happy with the chaos in Britain, they are encouraging it. ...Postings to the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Shumkh al-Islam forum have suggested.... that 'English-speaking jihadists [should] incite Britons to continue to riot, and… post messages on social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter.'” See The Fall and Rise of Human Violence
Al Gore: "We Need a Non-Violent Tahrir Square": [Video] Al Gore, who deceived people around the world with his zealous promotion of the 'cap-and-trade' swindle and his "global warming" lies, now seems to call for a "non-violent" revolution in America: "Al Gore says it's time for an 'American Spring,' a non-violent movement to take back the country from the right wing.'" See Al Gore's Vision of Global Salvation
A wake-up call to the West from Tarek Fatah. Though we don't share his beliefs, it's well worth hearing and heeding.
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