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“I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves."  Matt 10:16


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"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee."  Isaiah 26:3


Signs of the times. The Middle East Word War: "The conflict is as old as Abraham’s two sons, Isaac and Ishmael, patriarchs of the two peoples. The modern chapter began in the late 19th Century, with the rise of Zionism as a result of the trial of a Jewish French military officer named Alfred Dreyfuss, accused of treason. A Jewish newspaper reporter, Theodor Herzel... realized that Dreyfuss was being railroaded because he was Jewish. From that realization Herzel came to believe Jews would never be safe until they had a homeland of their own and modern Zionism was born....

     "Two key historical events in the story marked the early 20th Century. First, during World War I the British under General Edmund Allenby captured Jerusalem from the Ottoman Turks in 1917. Until that time, Jerusalem and Palestine were backwater regions of the Ottoman Empire, with its capital in Istanbul. Mark Twain visited Jerusalem in the 19th Century and records it as a filthy old city in total disrepair." Zech12:2-3

Earth Charter. Changing Values for a Sustainable Future: "The Canadian NGOs mark ten years after the Rio Earth Summit with a major event called People and the Planet: Changing Values for a Sustainable Future. This meeting will be held from June 5th to 9th.... Some of the invited speakers include David Suzuki, Mikhail Gorbachev, Vandana Shiva... Robert Kennedy, Jr., Walden Bello, Thomas Berry [Find his name in Myths, Magic, Mysticism], Starhawk..." See The U.N. Plan for Your Community and the next link:

repeat Earth Charter. The Ark of Hope... was created as a place of refuge for the Earth Charter document, an international peoples treaty for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century.... The five painted panels that form the sides and top of the Ark each represent... a season, a direction, an element, and a universal symbol. ...The Ark of Hope was created for a celebration of the Earth Charter that was held at Shelburne Farms, Vermont on September 9, 2001. The event, for love of Earth, featured keynote speaker Jane Goodall, global peace walker Satish Kumar, musician Paul Winter, and Dr. Steven C. Rockefeller, a member of the Earth Charter Commission." This occult Ark of Hope bears a strange resemblance to the Biblical Ark of the Covenant. Notice the pictures of the ark. Psalm 2

How the Earth Charter could be utilized by local communities: "The process is a broad one as it defines the vision of a city toward its future, the quality of life that is commonly sought, the relationship of the city to those it serves and will serve in the future, and the impact of the city's actions beyond its borders. ...There are three broad areas that must be balanced in the process of sustainability visioning: that of economic development, community and human development, and ecological resources including the concept of regeneration. For this balancing to occur in a fair and participatory fashion, a partnership process is mandated." The U.N. Plan for Your Community

The Interfaith Center of New York: Scroll down to the "Ark of Hope." This unholy imitation of God's sacred Old Testament ark of the covenant is designed to unify the hearts and hopes of people around the world. But this crusade for a global, earth-centered spirituality has zero tolerance for Biblical Christianity. 


The Changing Church. Rom 12:2


The Postmodern Church?  


Armor of God: We need to wear it!

Your Comments:  Thursday: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings





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new His Word   4-12

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Latest Persecution story for children: Never Alone.


The Shepherd's Love: Lesson 43: Jeremiah - Sharing the Heart of God


Under the Spell of Mother Earth. Chapter 8, "Transforming Art and Empowering Symbols" has been posted.

Books & Bible studies. A six-lesson study on David -- his faith, failures, psalms and triumphs -- is now available.

Personal notes and corrections

Charts: Brainwashing & How to Resist It. 

"God reigns over the nations!" (Psalms 47:8) Throughout history He used good and bad rulers to discipline and bless His people -- always lovingly calling them back to Himself. Some recognized His hand of love, accepted His wise warnings and were blessed in His loving presence. Others were blind and deaf to His truths and sovereignty.  

The same is true today for human nature doesn't change much. If we focus on our wonderful King, not on the human agents, He will surely use everything that happens to keep us alert, teach us His Word, strengthen our faith and draw us closer to Himself.

An Old Testament king gave us a wonderful model prayer. When a "great multitude" of enemy troops threatened the freedom of God's people, Jehoshophat simply turned His eyes and heart to His faithful Lord and expressed his faith:

“O Lord God of our fathers, are You not God in heaven, and do You not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations, and in Your hand is there not power and might, so that no one is able to withstand You? ... O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.”  (2 Chronicles 20:6, 12)

 God answered in a wonderful way! He always does, though usually the victory is less dramatic. How blessed we are to know Him at a time such as this! 

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