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Homeland Security See Homeland Security and the transformation of America Barbed Wire Camps for American Citizens |
December 2015
HHomeland Security Chair: 'We Don't Have the Ability to Monitor' the 2000 Syrian Refugees Already Here: "...the Obama administration is "playing Russian Roulette with national security" by bringing thousands of Syrian refugees into the country. "I will say 2,000 of them have been brought in already, and we don't have the ability to monitor them," McCaul told Fox News's Sean Hannity Tuesday night. "I think we need to put a pause on the program, put the brakes on it, pass my legislation to ensure the safety of Americans. See Homeland Security and the transformation of America
April 2013
Judges told flag not racist! "A federal appeals court is being urged to reverse a ruling that called the American flag a 'symbol of racial animus.' The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals had determined that officials at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, Calif., did not violate the constitutional rights of students when they ordered them not to wear U.S. flag shirts on the Mexican Cinco de Mayo holiday." See America - Please pray for her!
November 2013
DHS Creates New Fusion Centers, Taking Control of Local Police: "As the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) doles out billions of dollars to convince local police departments to surrender control to the federal agency, a recent report indicates that intelligence gathered at precincts-cum-surveillance-centers will be shared among all levels of law enforcement." See Homeland Security and the transformation of America
October 2013
Disturbing Facts about Senior Homeland Security Adviser: "Mohamed Elibiary praises the Muslim Brotherhood and says the U.S. should support it. ... Elibiary is a member of the Secretary’s Homeland Security Advisory Committee.... He served on the DHS Countering Violent Extremism Working Group and the DHS Faith-based Security and Communications Advisory Committee.... Elibiary praises the Muslim Brotherhood and says the U.S. should support it.... [He] says the U.S. should partner with the Muslim Brotherhood....'Our government needs to deepen our strategic engagement with MB.”
April 2013
: "Among those groups, [trooper] Kluczynski had listed, were those who believe America was founded on godly principles, Christians who take the Bible literally, and 'fundamentalists'. ...it was clear he was referring again to those who took the Bible literally or 'too seriously.' ... Kluczynski intimated that those [Christians] who are not going along with the changes in America will need to be controlled by law enforcement."Colorado State Police and Homeland Security Target Christians
Almost 4,000 border agents cut from Homeland Security Department: [If you go to this page, please ignore the ads] "While President Barack Obama and the upper-echelon members of the U.S. Homeland Security Department continue to claim that the U.S.-Mexico border is as 'secure as it’s ever been,' this week the DHS' Customs and Border Protection directorate cut about 4,000 agents from its force due to budget cuts -- 20 percent of its total manpower...'
"...our borders are porous not only to illegal aliens but also to terrorists, weapons of mass destruction and other contraband." See Homeland Security and the transformation of America
March 2013
Retired Army Captain Warns DHS Acquisitions are ‘bold threat of war’ Against the American People: “'It is with gravest concern that I write to you today concerning the recent appropriation of weapons by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that can only be understood as a bold threat of war by that agency, and the Obama administration, against the citizens of the United States of America.' ...
"Referring to the DHS’ solicitations for nearly two billion rounds of ammunition and recent purchases of almost 3,000 mine-resistant ambush protected armored personnel carriers as 'a tyrannical threat against the Constitution' and a deliberate attempt to defund the Department of Defense, the retired Army Captain asked Sen. Cornyn... 'to demand...that the Department of Homeland Security immediately surrender their newly appropriated weapons of war to the Department of Defense (DoD).”
See Homeland Security and the transformation of AmericaPolice Departments Beg And Barter For Ammo While DHS Buys Up 1.6 Billion Rounds In Past Year: "The nationwide shortage of ammunition has left many police departments scrambling to get their hands on the necessary rounds.... Meanwhile...the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has failed to respond to multiple members of Congress asking why DHS bought more than 1.6 billion rounds in the past year. Police Chief Cameron Arthur of Jenks, Oklahoma says, 'Ammunition and assault weapons in general have skyrocketed…In addition to the fact, not only is it a lot more expensive, but the time to get it could be six months to a year, or in some cases even longer.”' See Obama's "Universal" Service Plan: Training a Socialist Army of World Servers
February 2013
Video. Boeing's Advanced EMP Missile: "Boeing describes CHAMP as 'a non-kinetic alternative to traditional explosive weapons that use the energy of motion to defeat a target.' In its most recent test.... Boeing proved CHAMP could follow a pre-programmed flight plan and wipe out enemy target data and electronic subsystems by emitting high amounts of energy. [After an October 2012] test Boeing describes how the missile approached a two-story building, fired high-powered microwaves at it and effectively knocked out the computers and other electrical systems inside. ...even the cameras that were inside the building to record the test were wiped out." See Homeland Security and the transformation of America
November 2012
Obama creates new homeland security partnership council, to be led by John Brennan: "In an effort to foster closer relationships between the field offices of various U.S. Government departments and the state and local governments in those geographic areas across the country, President Obama signed an executive order on Oct. 26 which establishes a new White House Homeland Security Partnership Council, which will be chaired by the assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism, which is currently John Brennan." See Trusting God as Freedom Fades
Obama Issues Executive Order Merging Federal and Corporate Effort in War on Terror: "Obama has again violated the Constitution by signing yet another executive order – he has passed down 141 to date – this time expanding the 'pools of ineptitude, waste and civil liberties intrusions' perpetuated by the Department of Homeland Security." See Homeland Security and the transformation of America
October 2012
Homeland Security graduates first Corps of Obama’s Brown Shirts – Homeland Youth: "The federal government calls them FEMA Corps. But they conjure up memories of the Hitler Youth of 1930’s Germany. ...aged 18-24 and recruited from the President’s AmeriCorp volunteers, they represent the first wave of DHS’s youth corps, designed specifically to create a full time, paid, standing army of FEMA Youth across the country....
"Over the past two years, President Obama has signed a number of Executive Orders suspending all civil and Constitutional rights.... Also in that time, domestic federal agencies under DHS, including FEMA, have ordered billions of rounds of ammunition as well as the corresponding firearms. Admittedly, these new weapons and ammunition aren’t to be used in some far-off war or to fight forest fires in California, but right here on the streets of America." See
Hitler Youth and Obama's "Universal" Service Plan - Part 1: Training a Socialist Army of World ServersAmtrak Joins the Police State: "...the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has forged 'a new partnership' with 'the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Amtrak to battle the trafficking of humans.' ...Soon, over 8,000 Amtrak employees will overtly or covertly examine passengers for the validity of their identification, their level of stress, how they interact, and their conversations. It is so necessary to treat Amtrak customers as criminal suspects because, according to HS Today, an 'estimated 100,000 children are trafficked in the sex trade in the United States each year.. .This means that...especially men — traveling with children will be subject to enhanced scrutiny." See Trusting God as Freedom Fades
Explosive findings about DHS operations in congressional report: "The report, available here in PDF format, notes that a review by subcommittee investigators of 13 months of reports issued between April 1, 2009 and April 30, 2010 identified no reports that '...uncovered a terrorist threat, nor could [subcommittee investigators] identify a contribution…to disrupt an active terrorist plot.'.... The Department of Homeland Security (DHS)-assigned 'detailees' or agents to fusion centers often issued shoddy and untimely reports that sometimes endangered citizens civil liberties.... The Department of Homeland Security leaders deliberately hid their internal assessment reports from congressional oversight, first denying that any reports even existed..." Scroll down to Homeland Security below
Homeland Security Report Lists ‘Liberty Lovers’ As Terrorists: "A new study funded by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes Americans who are 'suspicious of centralized federal authority,' and 'reverent of individual liberty' as 'extreme right-wing' terrorists. Entitled Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States... the study was produced by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism....
"While largely omitting Islamic terrorism ... the study focuses on Americans who hold beliefs shared by the vast majority of conservatives ... in the context of radical extremism.... [The "terrorists" include]...
- Americans who are 'fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)'...
- Americans who are 'suspicious of centralized federal authority'
- Americans who are 'reverent of individual liberty;'
- People who 'believe in conspiracy theories that involve grave threat to national sovereignty and/or personal liberty.'" Today's so-called "conspiracy theories" are usually very real! See Transforming the World through Violence, War, Deception & Chaos
September 2012
Coverup? The Third Building Which Collapsed on 9/11 Was Not Hit By a Plane: "Numerous structural engineers – the people who know the most about office building vulnerabilities and accidents – say that the official explanation of why building 7 at the World Trade Center collapsed on 9/11 is 'impossible', 'defies common logic' and 'violates the law of physics...'
• Two professors of structural engineering at a prestigious Swiss university (Dr. Joerg Schneider and Dr. Hugo Bachmann) said that, on 9/11, World Trade Center 7 was brought down by controlled demolition...'
• Alfred Lee Lopez, with 48 years of experience in all types of buildings: 'I agree the fire did not cause the collapse of the three buildings. The most realistic cause of the collapse is that the buildings were imploded...'
• Kamal S. Obeid, structural engineer, with a masters degree in Engineering from UC Berkeley and 30 years of engineering experience, says: 'Photos of the steel, evidence about how the buildings collapsed, the unexplainable collapse of WTC 7, evidence of thermite in the debris as well as several other red flags, are quite troubling indications of well planned and controlled demolition.'...
• Paul W. Mason notes: 'In my view, the chances of the three buildings collapsing symmetrically into their own footprint, at freefall speed, by any other means than by controlled demolition, are so remote that there is no other plausible explanation.'"
August 2012
US Veterans Forcibly Sequestered in Mental Hospitals is Indefinite Detention: "After Special Justice Walter Douglas Stokes sentenced former US Marine Brandon Raub to 30 days detention in the psychiatric ward of the Veterans Hospital, Circuit Court Judge Allan Sharrett dismissed the case citing that the original petition was 'devoid of any factual allegations....'
"The DHS wanted to instill the idea that veterans were being recruited to become 'right-wing extremists' upon returned from Iraq and Afghanistan. Janet Napolitano intimated that military veterans could become instruments of domestic terror.... Mainstream media has spun the propaganda perfectly by asserting that 'the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists....
"When the US government rolls out marital law, the biggest threat to their total lockdown of America will be the US veteran."
See Homeland Security and the Transformation of AmericaConservative, gay rights groups spar over shooting: "As authorities revealed details about the Family Research Council shooting, the head of the influential conservative organization blamed the attack on 'reckless rhetoric,' .... While blaming Corkins for the shooting, Perkins [wisely] also faulted the Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC], an Alabama-based civil rights organization that tracks and litigates against [what it calls] hate groups. The [SPLC] labeled the council a hate group in 2010 for what it called the organization's anti-gay stance. 'Corkins was given a license to shoot an unarmed man by organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center that have been reckless in labeling organization hate groups because they disagree with them on public policy,' Perkins said." See Hate Crimes, Criminal Law & Identity Politics
Leftist group advising Homeland Security: "...the Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC]... has likened tea party participants to shades of executed mass murderer Timothy McVeigh. But now it seems the SPLC has been made part of the broad Department of Homeland Security community... to help 'combat violent extremism.'...
"The new DHS report suggests that 'knowledge regarding specific threats should be blended with awareness of societal and religious practices' and 'law enforcement should train communities on what constitutes a hate crime and encourage them to report hate crimes.'
"Hate crimes in the U.S. have been adopted largely with special protections for homosexuals. Supporters of a federal hate crimes law signed by President Obama confirmed the law would not necessarily protect a Christian pastor speaking from his own pulpit on the issue of homosexuality."
DHS To Purchase Another 750 Million Rounds Of Ammo: "Fears that federal authorities are preparing for mass civil unrest have increased after it was revealed that the Department of Homeland Security is planning to buy a further 750 million rounds of ammo in addition to the 450 million rounds of hollow point bullets already purchased earlier this year....
"Although the ammo purchases are ostensibly earmarked for training purposes, the DHS has been reticent to clarify why such an unusually large amount of rounds are necessary and why such powerful bullets are required merely for training drills. This has led to speculation that the purchases are connected to confirmed preparations for civil unrest in the United States....
"The increasing likelihood of a full blown financial collapse in the coming months has also spurred federal agencies and the U.S. Army to hone their preparations for domestic disorder on a scale greater than riots witnessed in Europe over the past two years.... Last year, Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano directed ICE to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants...."
July 2012
llegal Aliens Get Their Wings: "...eleven years after 9/11, the US government is allowing illegal foreign nationals to train at American flight school. ...in many instances, it was found that AFSP [Federal Aviation Administration] had not bothered to screen applicants against the Terrorist Screening Database until after the foreign nationals had completed flight training.... Yet Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano... responded to the GAO allegations by claiming that the entire matter was a case of misunderstanding..."
What's the government buying these days? Hollow point bullets, hardened checkpoint booths and radiation pills: "What does DHS intend to do with 450 million rounds of barrier-piercing hollow point ammunition? ... no one buys hollow point bullets for target practice.... It's the kind of ammo used by police officers who want to shatter the bad guy's sternum.... It does not fight wars overseas. It almost exclusively concerns itself with the American people on American soil...." See Homeland Security and the Transformation of America
Executive Order Grants Authority to Seize Private Communications Facilities (Second item): "The White House has released a new Executive Order seeking to ensure the continuity of government communications during a national emergency. The Executive Order grants new powers to the Department of Homeland Security, including the ability to collect certain public communications information. Under the Executive Order the White House has also granted the Department the authority to seize private facilities when necessary, effectively shutting down or limiting civilian communications." See The Enemy of the People
The new terrorists – they’re all of us : "Barack Obama, the Chicago messiah who promised to unite a fragmented nation, is succeeding beyond his dreams.... We’re all terrorists now. The Department of Homeland Security, ever on the scout for opportunities to blow taxpayer money, commissioned one of those 'studies' ... to find clues that would identify prospective terrorists before they... wreak havoc.
"The 'new studies' show that just about everybody must be dreaming of terrorism, plotting mayhem and chaos and teaching others how to do it.... 'The rush to denounce legitimate political beliefs as thought crimes, or even mundane behaviors, by insinuating they are shared by terrorists, has accelerated in recent months. Under the FBI’s Communities Against Terrorism program, the bulk purchase of food is labeled a potential indication of terrorist activity.'
See The Enemy of the PeopleHomeland Security-Funded Study Lists People ‘Reverent of Individual Liberty’ as ‘Extreme Right-Wing’ Terrorists: "Are you 'reverent of individual liberty?' Are you 'suspicious of centralized federal authority?' Do you think there is a 'grave threat to national sovereignty and/or personal liberty?' Well, then you fall into the category of 'extreme right-wing' terrorist, according to a new study out of the University of Maryland, which was funded in part by the Department of Homeland Security.... Right-wing extremism also involves a belief in 'conspiracy theories that involve grave threat to national sovereignty and/or personal liberty,' the study claims. Interestingly, in an oversight that is not explained, the report barely mentions radical Islam." See Homeland Security and the Transformation of America
June 2012
Homeland Security. Should we let law enforcement drone on and on? "...law-enforcement agencies around the country are buying drones. ...more than 300 state and local police departments have bought drones and applied for federal permission to use them."
May 2012
Obama citizen-detention plan in trouble: "A district-court judge has suspended enforcement of a law that could strip U.S. citizens of their civil rights and allow indefinite detention of individuals President Obama believes to be in support of terror. The Obama administration has refused to ensure that the First Amendment rights of authors and writers who express contrary positions or report on terror group activities are protected under his new National Defense Authorization Act."
March 2012
'Hundreds' of 'Soldiers of Hezbollah' Inside the U.S., Says Homeland Security Chairman:"... the former chief of operations for the Drug Enforcement Administration...pointed to what he called the possibility of a 'nightmare scenario' in which Hezbollah and the Iranian al Quds force 'focus on our Southwest border and use that as perhaps a springboard in attacking our country.'"
January 2012
The Real 2012 Doomsday: U.S. Falls To Tyranny: "...one device that has already made a military debut in Afghanistan... will likely become commonplace for domestic crowd control as law enforcement agencies throughout the country become increasingly militarized. The Active Denial System, which is described as a 'long range, directed energy, vehicle mounted system that projects an invisible electromagnetic millimeter-wave energy beam beyond small arms range,' can be used as a non-lethal way to create extreme discomfort and quell group dissent....
"The bill gives the President the ability to indefinitely detain terror suspects, but this comes at a time when the lines of what constitutes 'terror' are becoming increasingly blurry. ...Obama has made it clear that anyone who rejects his agenda is considered a 'right-wing domestic terrorist.' How long will it take for Federal government to decide it necessary to carry out al-Awlaki style executions on those deemed 'domestic terrorists."51.6% of U.S. Immigration Officers Say Agency Policy Favors Immigration Over National Security: "A majority of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) officers under the Obama administration believe that their agency’s policy favors the promotion of immigration over national security, according to a 2011 survey conducted by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) inspector general."
Homeland Security Monitors Journalists: "According to the Department of Homeland Security’s own definition of personal identifiable information, or PII, such data could consist of any intellect 'that permits the identity of an individual to be directly or indirectly inferred, including any information which is linked or linkable to that individual.'" See Homeland Security and the transformation of America
December 2010
Turning Schoolchildren Into Informants? "The same anti-family policy apparently is becoming a policy of the United States government. And just like in the Soviet Union, it will implemented through the government schools. Last week, the White House revealed a broad new strategy for 'battling homegrown terrorism.' ...it will include all levels of government, including local governments and agencies. ...schools will now become 'battleground America,' a place for gathering information.....
"'Prevent,' of course, is a word of the vocabulary of the Soviet Union of the times of Stalin, when 'enemy infiltration' was 'prevented' by a wide-scale system of informants, spies, and infiltrators who will look for 'behavioral signals.' ...the children will be encouraged to spy and inform on their parents.” See Your friendly community spies
Muslim Brotherhood Front Group Trains Airport Screeners: "The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) has completed training for 2,200 Transportation Safety Officers (TSOs) at the Los Angeles International Airport..
Homeland Security teams up with Walmart for safety: "Walmart will join the Department of Homeland Security in a program called 'If You See Something, Say Something' which encourages the American public to take an active role in ensuring the safety and security of the nation, DHS said Monday."
Angry homosexual activist behind WikiLeaks treachery: "The US Army intelligence analyst who has been arrested for disclosing more than more than 90,000 intelligence reports and more than 150,000 diplomatic cables to the Wikileaks website is a homosexual activist enraged at the military's 'anti-gay' policies. The massive publication of top-secret documents has been called one of the greatest security breeches in US history and has reportedly endangered the lives of US personnel around the world."
November 2010
TSA's nude scans would miss taped-on bombs: "A new peer-reviewed scientific study says the backscatter full-body imaging X-ray machines being used by the federal Transportation Security Administration could be fooled by terrorists who simply would mold explosives to conform to their bodies.... Brennan has cautioned that it is 'quite likely' that radiation from screening machines...will cause cancer, especially among high-risk groups that include frequent fliers and children."
L.A. sheriff invites Muslim 'radicals' to cop workshop: "An upcoming Los Angeles conference designed to combat Islamic 'radicalization' features a pair of 'radical' Muslim leaders who have openly supported terrorists....It's slated as the 'Radicalization Conference 2010: Radicalization and Homegrown Violent Extremism.' The controversial guest Muslim speakers... are leaders of the Muslim Public Affairs Council. ...critics charge it is a 'propaganda arm' for the radical Muslim Brotherhood in America."
Pennsylvania Homeland Security office engaged in domestic surveillance: "...the homeland security office or its private consultant were doing more than just monitoring law-abiding citizens. They were comparing environmental activists to Al-Qaeda. They were tracking down protesters and grilling their parents. They were seeking a network of citizen spies....
"Internal e-mails from the Homeland Security office reveal a determined effort to recruit local people receiving its intelligence bulletins — municipal police chiefs, county sheriffs, local emergency management personnel — into its network of citizen spies. The goal was to get those locals to start feeding information to the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response, a private 'intelligence' contractor working with the state’s Homeland Security office....The contractor argued that even though groups are non-violent, they can conduct 'demonstrations and campaigns that can close down a facility and embarrass a company.'” See Homeland Security and the Transformation of America
October 2010
Napolitano swears in backer of al-Qaida hero: "Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has sworn in a member of her agency's Advisory Council who is a strong supporter of the radical Islamist theologian who calls for 'war' with the non-Muslim world and whose teachings inspired and continues to govern al-Qaida and Islamic terrorist organizations worldwide. Mohamed Elibiary....fervently endorses the teachings of Egyptian writer Sayyid Qutb, who is widely considered the father of the modern Islamic terrorist revolution....Qutb declared, 'There is only one place on earth which can be called the home of Islam (Dar-ul-Islam), and it is that place where the Islamic state is established and the Shariah is the authority and God's [Allah's] limits are observed.'"
Fort Hood soldier ordered to delete rampage video: "A U.S. soldier who captured a deadly 2009 rampage at Fort Hood with his cellphone camera testified Friday that he was ordered to erase the video by his commanders. The video could have provided key evidence at the trial of Major Nidal Hasan, a U.S. army psychiatrist who faces 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted murder."
September 2010
Obama: We Can "Absorb" Another 9-11: "Basically, Europeans say to America 'get over it. Grow up. Welcome to reality.' But Americans refuse to accept the idea that random death and massive violence are inevitable concomitants of the modern world. We demand that government emphatically reject this as a norm and... stop it from happening....
"The practical consequences of such an outlook are profoundly disturbing. ...the Obama comments indicate a cold and inhuman view of the likelihood of 3,000 new deaths.... Can the mothers, fathers, wives, husbands and children of the dead 'absorb' the attack as easily? ... This is chilling stuff indeed."
August 2010
Exposing “Top Secret America”: “'The government has built a national security and intelligence system so big, so complex and so hard to manage, no one really knows if it’s fulfilling its most important purpose: keeping its citizens safe,' the Washington Post website says in its section on 'Top Secret America."
July 2010
Identifying Mideast Terrorism’s True Cause: "Obama made clear in issuing his national security guidelines earlier this year that no reference was to be made to 'Islam.' Although Islamic extremists use their religion as a vehicle for perpetrating violence upon non-Muslims and Muslims alike...Islam was not to be cited as a cause of such violence. In an effort not to offend...or to provide al Qaeda with fodder for claiming the U.S. is at war with Islam, the Obama Administration steers clear of linking terrorism and Islam." Apparently the same strategy applies to illegal immigrants:
U.S. Intelligence Grows Beyond Control: "Since the terror attacks of Sept. 11, top-secret intelligence gathering by the government has grown so unwieldy and expensive that no one really knows what it cost and how many people are involved. ...the Post said there are now more than 1,200 government organizations and more than 1,900 private companies working on counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence in some 10,000 locations across the U.S. Some 854,000 people -- or nearly 1 1/2 times the number of people who live in Washington -- have top-secret security clearance."
May 2010
See first two news items at Homeland SecurityU.S. should not deport Son-of-Hamas: "The U.S. Department of Homeland Security may soon deport Mosab back to the West Bank where he very well could be assassinated."
U.S. trying to deport born-again 'Son of Hamas' as terrorist: "Yousef worked alongside his father, Sheik Hassan Yousef, in the West Bank city of al-Ghaniya near Ramallah while secretly embracing Christian faith and serving as one of the top spies for Israel's internal security arm. Yousef was recruited by Shin Bet in 1996 at the age of 18 while at an Israeli detention facility. Since publicly declaring his faith in August 2008, he has been condemned by an al-Qaida-affiliated group and disowned by his family....
"If Homeland Security cannot understand a simple story like mine, how can they be trusted with bigger issues?' he asked....'Exposing terrorist secrets and warning the world in my first book cost me everything,' he said. 'I am a traitor to my people [Hamas], disowned by my family, a man without a country. And now the country I came to for sanctuary is turning its back.'"
Homeland In-Security: "I have worn many hats in 32 years—Muslim, Christian, son of Hamas, Prisoner 823, spy, traitor, USAID administrator, businessman, best-selling author. Now I am Homeland Security File# A 088.... And, according to these 'highly trained' civil servants, I am a threat to America’s national security and must be deported....
"My concern is not about being deported. It is that I am being forced to stand and defend myself as a terrorist!... For what? For risking my life fighting terrorism in the Middle East for ten years? For saving the lives of Israelis, Palestinians and Americans?.... I believe that God is using this situation to expose the weaknesses of Homeland Security and to put pressure on it to make changes that can save lives and preserve freedom....
began when I arrived in America January 2, 2007. I walked into the airport like
anyone else on a tourist visa. Seven months later, I went to the Homeland Security
office, knocked on their door and told them, 'Hey, guys, I am the son of Sheikh
Hassan Yousef, my father is involved in a terrorist organization, and I would
like political asylum in your country.' They were shocked.... I told them, hey,
you didn’t discover me. You didn’t catch me. I came to you and told you who
I am....
"I filed an application for political asylum. Not
surprisingly, on February 23, 2009, they told me that I was 'barred from
a grant of asylum.'... When they demanded evidence to support my claim
that I was not a terrorist or a security threat, I filed a draft of my book,
Son of Hamas. Surely this would make everything perfectly clear.... That
I tracked down terrorists and put them in prison. That I was an asset, not a
threat. But they didn’t get it...."
Homeland Security and the Transformation
of America
The next link may help explain why Yoself is denied asylum. prefer Islamic leaders to faithful Americans?
[From last July] Obama Appoints 2 Devout Muslims to Homeland Security Posts: "Obama has appointed Arif Alikhan a devout Sunni Muslim to assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Department of Homeland Security. Mr. Alikhan was instrumental in taking down the LA Police Department's plan to monitor it's Muslim community. Alikhan is affiliated with MPAC, the 'Muslim Public Affairs Council'. Founded in 1988.... MPAC's Senior Advisor, Maher Hathout, who has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhoodand espouses the radical brand of Islam known as Wahhabism, was invited to address the Democratic Convention in Los Angeles in 2000. ...[At] a ceremony held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore-in ADC National Executive Director Kareem Shora as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC)."
Obama: Nation not Defined by Our Borders: "This surreal regime just gets weirder and weirder.... Calderon blistered the Arizona law at that joint appearance at the White House and the next day before Congress, earning him a standing ovation from the Democrats....
"...the laws of Mexico allow the army and all law enforcement agencies to enforce their draconian immigration laws.... Even the Department of Homeland Security last week had to acknowledge the open border was a national security threat....This follows at least two busts of smuggling rings specializing in getting Somali terrorists into the U.S. In one such case, the federal prosecutor indicated that "hundreds" of trained terrorists had made it into the U.S. and could not be located.
Obama to cut NYC anti-terror funding even after Times Sq. bombing attempt: "The Obama administration will announce tomorrow it has slashed anti-terror funds for New York City, despite the attempted Times Square bombing less than two weeks ago that underscored the enormous threat to the city. The Department of Homeland Security informed New York officials yesterday that grants to the city were cut 27 percent for mass transit security and 25 percent for port security."
April 2010
Home-grown, solo terrorists as bad as Al-Qaeda: FBI chief: "'Home-grown and lone-wolf extremists pose an equally serious threat,' the Federal Bureau of Investigation director said, citing the shootings at the sprawling Fort Hood army base in Texas. Experts have warned that a 'lone wolf' -- an extremist acting alone, without connections to an established network like Al-Qaeda -- may be the most difficult threat for authorities to thwart."
Former President Clinton: Tea Party OK, but anti-Obama rage may inspire another Oklahoma bombing: 'Former President Bill Clinton warned Friday that the anti-government fringe could provoke the kind of political extremism that preceded the Oklahoma City bombing.... Clinton said people have the right 'to advocate whatever the livin' Sam Hill they want to advocate' but they must observe 'the basic line dividing criticism from violence or its advocacy.'" See
Alinsky's Rules for Radicals Ponder the above Homeland Security report again, then read the next three quotes from last week. "Lone wolf" or not, some potential killers seem to have a more favorable status than others:Federal Agents Raid Christian Compound - Ignore Islamberg: "Federal agents raided a Michigan-based [referred to as] Christian militia after learning that members of the group - known as the Hutaree - may have been plotting to kill police officers. But the same agents have been unwilling to raid Islamberg and other compounds of Jamaat ul-Fuqra, where militant Muslims engage in paramilitary training for the great Jihad against Christians and Jews. These compounds are scattered throughout the United States.... Neighbors have lodged hundreds of complaints to local law enforcement officials about the rat-tat-tat of machine gun fire and the sounds of explosions coming from these sites but no intrepid federal or state agents have been willing to conduct investigations, let alone to make arrests."
March 2010
Federal Agents Raid Christian Compound - Ignore Islamberg: "Federal agents raided a Michigan-based [referred to as] Christian militia after learning that members of the group - known as the Hutaree - may have been plotting to kill police officers. But the same agents have been unwilling to raid Islamberg and other compounds of Jamaat ul-Fuqra, where militant Muslims engage in paramilitary training for the great Jihad against Christians and Jews. These compounds are scattered throughout the United States.... Neighbors have lodged hundreds of complaints to local law enforcement officials about the rat-tat-tat of machine gun fire and the sounds of explosions coming from these sites but no intrepid federal or state agents have been willing to conduct investigations, let alone to make arrests."
The next two articles below show (1) the media misrepresentation of Biblical Christianity and (2) a rising government hostility toward those who appreciate American freedom. As background information, please read the HR quote near the top of this news page: Homeland Security.
Christian militia accused of plotting to kill cops: "Nine alleged members of a Christian militia group that was girding for battle with the Antichrist were charged Monday with plotting to kill a police officer and slaughter scores more by bombing the funeral — all in hopes of touching off an uprising against the U.S. government.... The arrests have dealt 'a severe blow to a dangerous organization that today stands accused of conspiring to levy war against the United States,' Attorney General Eric Holder said.
"Authorities said the arrests underscored the dangers of homegrown right-wing extremism of the sort seen in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 people."
The Enemy of the People: "History has shown that nothing crushes well-informed resistance faster than well-planned disinformation and false accusations. Nothing unifies a nation faster than a common enemy. Hitler knew those lessons well. He had watched the Bolshevik Revolution. His book, Mein Kampf, explains the winning strategies to any future revolutionary.Notice his insight into group psychology: 'The art of truly great popular leaders in all ages has consisted chiefly in not distracting the attention of the people, but concentrating always on a single adversary.... It is part of a great leader's genius to make even widely separated adversaries appear as if they belonged to one category, because... the recognition of various enemies all too easily marks the beginning of doubt of one's own rightness."
February 2010
Terror reviews avoid word 'Islamist': "The 108-page Quadrennial Homeland Security Review... uses the term 'terrorist' a total of 66 times, 'al Qaeda' five times and 'violent extremism' or 'extremist' 14 times. It calls on the U.S. government to 'actively engage communities across the United States' to 'stop the spread of violent extremism.'...Yet in describing terrorist threats against the United States and the ideology that motivates terrorists, the review - like its sister document from the Pentagon, the Quadrennial Defense Review - does not use the words 'Islam,' 'Islamic' or 'Islamist' a single time....
"'To understand a threat and counter it, we must know our enemy,' said Ms. Collins, the ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. 'While there are other threats to our national security from other types of violent extremism, the gravest threat comes from Islamist extremists.'...
"Patrick Poole, a counterterrorism consultant to government and law enforcement agencies, said the documents reveal a 'culture of willful blindness...' within senior levels of government.'"
Cuts in Border Security in Proposed Budget: "While telling the American people that national security is a priority for the administration, the White House submitted a 2011 budget proposal that includes cuts to U.S. border security. The proposed budget cuts include a reduction in Border Patrol agents and a cut in the amount of money allocated for the so-called "virtual fence" on the U.S.-Mexico border....
"In the midst of a firestorm over Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano's failure to appear before a Congressional committee hearing, officials from her office confirmed the proposed cuts on Monday...
"'New York City has a police department that numbers well over 40,000 officers and another 10,000 civilian employees, yet the U.S. Border Patrol agents, who are responsible for thousands and thousands of miles of border, number only 20,000. And Obama wants to cut that number.'...
"The proposed budget cut also would eliminate $226 million that had been allocated for an electronic 'virtual fence' system along the border."
January 2010
Illegal Haitian Immigrants Can Start Applying Thursday to Stay in U.S.: "Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Alejandro Mayorkas said Haitians will be able to start filing their applications for the Temporary Protected Status on Thursday.... Julie Bermane, 19, of Miami, said she has lived in the U.S. since she was 3 but because she was here illegally has been unable to go to college or get a job. 'There's a lot of things in my life that I want to do, but this stuff has been holding me back,' she said. If her application is granted, she said, 'I can go out and see the world.' The agency, part of the Department of Homeland Security, is expecting about 100,000 to 200,000 applications."
Video: Christian Identity Oriented Terrorists: Here Obama's TSA nominee shares some of his concerns. They sound like the warnings issued by Homeland Security last year. Keep in mind, "Christian Identity" is not Biblical Christianity, but this reference is likely to vilify faithful Christian believers as well. Could that be intentional? After all, those who take God's Word seriously cannot conform to the planned global solidarity.
And why this focus on "domestic terrorists" among the millions of peaceful Americans who resist killing unborn babies when our government refuses to put a stop to Islamic military training camps from coast to coast?
Video: Preventing Terrorism Within Our Military Forces: Retired Army three-star Gen. Jerry Boykin says: "Nobody wanted to deal with the fact that this guy was a terrorist.... His behavior and his rhetoric were both indications that he was subscribing to a Jihadist ideology.... He was a terrorist. That was a terrorist act.' Boykin said the Fort Hood massacre was the worst act of terrorism on U.S. soil since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. "The mere fact that this guy was counseling and dealing with our soldiers who have been through the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is atrocious... Gen. Boykin spoke from personal experience after spending 36 years in the military. He was one of the original members of the Army's elite Delta Force..."
DHS plans to catch only one in four travelers committing ‘major’ criminal violations while entering U.S. on international flights in 2010: "In fiscal 2008... the department caught only 25 percent of those committing 'major violations' while entering the U.S. on international flights. It also planned to catch only 25% in fiscal 2009.... The 'major violations' that DHS believes 74 percent of perpetrators will get away with [in 2010]... involve 'serious criminal activity, including possession of narcotics, smuggling of prohibited products, human smuggling, weapons possession, fraudulent U.S. documents, and other offenses serious enough to result in arrest.'” Homeland Security Investigation: Illegal Workers On Elmendorf AFB in Alaska: "A contractor hired for a major construction project on Elmendorf Air Force Base broke both state and federal law.... 'I do not have a clue how a contractor was able to take these individuals onto a military base, constructing a building for one of our most sophisticated fighter planes.'... 'It's extremely disturbing that a contractor is able to, day after day for months on end, take undocumented workers and get them through security,' says Lewis..... When a contractor is allowed through fraudulent business practices, to come into Alaska and take jobs from Alaskans, its very detrimental to us....."Report of 2nd man cuffed from Flight 253 confirmed U.S. Customs and Border official apologizes, reverses himself: "After several days of denying eyewitness reports of a second man from Northwest Flight 253 being arrested following the attempted Christmas Day bombing of the plane by a Nigerian passenger linked to al-Qaida, the chief U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer in the Detroit area has admitted another passenger was taken into custody."
Obama Appoints 2 Devout Muslims to Homeland Security Posts: "Obama has appointed Arif Alikhan a devout Sunni Muslim to assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Department of Homeland Security. Mr. Alikhan was instrumental in taking down the LA Police Department's plan to monitor it's Muslim community. Alikhan is affiliated with MPAC, the 'Muslim Public Affairs Council'. Founded in 1988.... MPAC's Senior Advisor, Maher Hathout, who has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhoodand espouses the radical brand of Islam known as Wahhabism, was invited to address the Democratic Convention in Los Angeles in 2000. ...[At] a ceremony held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore-in ADC National Executive Director Kareem Shora as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC)." See the next link as well: President Obama's Intent to Nominate David Heyman as Assistant Secretary for Policy and her Appointment of Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development (Two Devout Muslims) April 24, 2009 |
Previous links on this topic: Homeland Security-1 (2002-3004), 2 (2005-2008)