Excerpts from


The God We Never Knew


by Marcus Borg


Pastor Warren quotes Marcus Borg on at least twice in his "Rick Warren's Ministry Toolbox" at www.pastors.com  Apparently he approves of Borg's teachings. The third quote below is from an article posted on the same website.


Rick Warren's Ministry Toolbox; quotes & notes and www.pastors.com/RWMT/?ID=98: "When worship is functioning as it should, it can be a powerful mediator of the sacred. It can open the heart, shape the religious imagination, and nourish the spiritual life, all within the experience of community. - Marcus Borg, The God We Never Knew

Where Two or More Are Gathered: Exploring Alternative Worship Strategies: (by Bradley Sowash) "'Churches that are full of God are likely to find their pews full of people.'-- Marcus Borg

     "...How would it feel to participate in an extravagantly creative worship experience? Could a service be designed that mixes church tradition with original ideas? Does alternative worship enhance or alienate the church community? How does it effect outreach? ....Matthew 26:6-13... This woman's singular act of adoration demonstrates that effective worship integrates creativity, extravagance, understanding, originality, and spontaneity in a manner that is both personal and participatory as well as community enhancing. This conclusion is based on the following observations: Worship is creative. Lacking a structured setting for worshipping Jesus, she invents her own expression. Worship is extravagant. Though the perfume is valuable, she pours it all out for Jesus. Worship is done with understanding. Apparently, she alone understands that Jesus really is going to die. Knowing that she will not be around, she performs a funeral rite on the living. Worship is original and spontaneous. She does not wait for the perfect moment to express her faith. Though she interrupts the fellowship of Jesus with the disciples, she acts on her unique expression. Worship is both personal and participatory. She DOES something that leads others to participate first in protest and later by illumination from their master. Worship is community enhancing. Her act of worship enhances the disciple's understanding and ultimately the continuing Christian community as Jesus predicts in the last verse.

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