
A Global Weather Change?


by Jeff Fountain

 the regional leader of Youth With A Mission in Europe

     "...a radical shift in the way young people view reality is bringing permanent change to Europe's spiritual climate. The global forecast is both threatening and promising. Post-modernity, as this mood-change is becoming known, is not a rational, consistent, philosophy.... It is a soup of contradictory ideas....

     "Modernity - the sum total of such shapers of today's society as urbanisation, industrialisation, science and technology - has created a prevailing climate of unbelief.... Morality and ethics have been increasingly shaped by personal convenience and self-gratification....

     "Post-modernists today, however, spurn Modernity's promise of progress. ...All sorts of irrational and contradictory beliefs have flooded into the resulting vacuum, creating a chaos of ideas in which there is no ultimate meaning or direction....

     "In contrast to the modern, scientific perspective, it is open to the transcendent, to the mysterious, to spirituality and even to the Spirit. It emphasizes the story rather than the creed or logical proposition.... the process of discovery. ...

    "But there is an obvious 'down' side too. Post-modernity clashes head on with scriptural revelation by claiming there is no Truth, only 'truths' for oneself. There are no criteria outside of oneself. Objective knowledge is not possible ("everything you know is false"). Sin and evil do not exist. There are no absolutes - only relativism and pluralism....
       "We are free to choose and create our own identity, including our sexuality. We can be homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual. ... There are
no right or wrong lifestyles. ...

     "In a relativistic world, the old distinctions of right and wrong, good and bad, reality and fantasy, truth and error, even past, present and future, have lost meaning. Truth, capital 'T', does not exist. 'That may be true for you but it's not true for me' is a typical postmodern response to Christians sharing their faith. Traditional, rational apologetics may be appropriate for modern people, but becomes irrelevant for postmodernists. Postmoderns have no problem mixing and matching elements from various religious belief systems, however contradictory and illogical that may seem. What counts is not Truth, but the 'feel good' factor.

     "Evangelistic methods effective among modern audiences leave postmoderns untouched. Traditional forms of church life no longer appeal to most modern.... Yet Paul said he wanted to be all things to all people in order the reach some. Can we be 'postmodern' to the postmoderns, in order to reach some?"

Many say yes, but we say no. We cannot yield our stand on God's absolute truth nor conform to the world's thinking. A decade ago, we warned that the emphasis of the consensus process and dialectic thinking in the global education program would literally immunize children and youth against Biblical Christianity. If we conform our thinking to the same process, we would join the spreading apostasy." See Mind Control and Brainwashing in America.

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