Crescent Moon on Islamic flags:
Turkey |
How Russia supports & uses Islam See also "Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America" Chronology of Conquests in the Name of Allah
"Russia and Islam are not Separate: Why Russia backs Al-Qaeda" by : "A key distinction between Russian and American attitudes towards Islamic terrorism is that while for America terrorism is largely seen as an exterior menace, Russia uses terrorism... as a tool of the state for manipulation in and outside the home country. Islamic terrorism is only part of the world of terrorism. Long before Islamic terrorism became a global threat, the KGB had used terrorism to facilitate the victory of world Communism."
"Roots of Islamic Terrorism: How Communists Helped Fundamentalists" by Antero Leitzinger - 9/11/2007. "From systematic errors in revealing little details, to serious misconceptions about basic facts and principles, we can relatively easily learn how much of 'common knowledge' rests actually on superficial research and popular myths. Instead of becoming critical and aware of the traps laid around the issue, both Islamists and Islamophobes fail to recognize how they are manipulated....
"To call an act terrorism, we should always ask: Does this really spread blind terror among the general populace? A bomb blown in a market place, or in a civilian airplane, intends to create common fear among customers and bystanders alike, because just about anybody could become a victim.... Even when they are in fact nothing but common criminals or psychopaths, terrorists make efforts to find a political excuse for their acts....
"Modern terrorism was born within a year, 1967-1968. International socialists (communists) started the fashion all over the world simultaneously, which should make us suspicious about the common roots. National socialists followed suit, turning Marxists of Muslim origin into Islamists of Marxist origin.
"In May 18th, 1967, Yuri Andropov took over the leadership of the KGB. The Russian security services evolved into a state within the Soviet state, as it became clear when Andropov became the communist party's general secretary after Leonid Brezhnev's death, in 1982. During Andropov's era, which was far longer than that of any other KGB chief, the Soviet secret services supported international terrorism through satellite states and Marxist 'liberation fronts'....
"The man who became Andropov's deputy was former Azerbaijani KGB chief Semyon Tsvigun, who committed suicide on January 19th, 1982. His wife was the sister of Brezhnev. ...
"Tsvigun's son became a KGB officer too, and was appointed as a Soviet diplomat in Cairo from August 1984. Tsvigun's son-in-law became the main supplier of arms to Islamist terrorists in Afghanistan, by 1995....
"By the end of the 1970s, communist optimism was definitely on the decline
everywhere in the world. At that point, the KGB desperately needed any kind of a
boost of revolutionary spirits. Surprisingly, the Middle East came to rescue.
"In December 1967, a Lebanese Christian, George Habash, who had been a Pan-Arabic
national socialist, had broadened his field by founding the PFLP, a Palestinian
organization. Although it split already by the next year, the PFLP remained the
most pro-Soviet Palestinian terrorist group, with widest global ties. It caused
the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party to adopt the Palestinian
cause in 1968. In July 1970, Andropov allowed the first direct Soviet arms
delivery to the PFLP. From that on, both the KGB and - perhaps even more so -
the Russian military intelligence, GRU, provided Palestinian terrorists with
arms and training....
The man chiefly responsible for exporting Palestinian terrorism was Wadi Haddad,
deputy leader of the PFLP, recruited as agent "Natsionalist" by the KGB in 1970.
Andropov revealed his aims in a report to Brezhnev himself: 'The nature of our
relations with W. Haddad enables us to control the external operations of the PFLP to a certain degree, to exert influence in a manner favorable to the Soviet
Union and also to carry out active measures in support of our interests through
the organization's assets while observing the necessary conspirational
"'By the summer of 1968, the Soviet Union had progressed far toward converting
Egypt into its principal base of subversion against the Arab world.' (Barron, p.
62) Thirty-three years later, Egypt was the principal base of Islamic
terrorists. Soviet Union, however, failed in Egypt. In May 1971, Anwar Sadat
wiped out most of KGB agents. In July 1972, Soviet advisors were expelled from
Egypt. Eight years later, Sadat paid for this with his life, being assassinated
by members of an Islamist group. Sadat's peace policy toward Israel made it easy
for the remnants of the KGB network to ally with the right-wing Muslim
Brotherhood. This is the background of Ayman az-Zawahiri, the second man of al-Qayda.
"Yasser Arafat's al-Fatah organization received its first Soviet arms shipment in
September 1972. Palestinians were, however, split into pro-Iraqi and pro-Syrian
parties and factions. Although both Iraq and Syria were ruled by an Arab
Socialist Baath party, and extremely friendly toward the Soviet Union after the
end of 1950s, the deepening friction between these two Arab states cut through
the Palestinians, and frustrated Soviet efforts to unite Arabs against Israel
and the western world....
"Among the closest associates of Khomeini, there were many Communists who had
conveniently grown beards. Mustafa Ali Chamran had studied in California and
Egypt before he founded a Red Shi'ite secret society. His pupils included later
foreign minister Ibrahim Yazdi, oil minister Mohammed Gharazi, and a Lebanese
fellow student in Berkeley University, Hussein Shaikh al-Islam, who led the
occupation of the US Embassy in Tehran. This occupation, shortly before the
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, focused Iranian radicalism into
anti-Americanism. (Taheri, p. 78 and 139-140) ...
"Daniel Pipes' article "The Western Mind of Radical Islam" describes well, how so many Islamic terrorists actually adopted more ideas from contacts to western society than from their own traditions...
"Despite possible ideological objections, those communists and other extremists, who remained loyal to Russia's strategic mission in the Middle East, were ready to serve it under a new ideological disguise...."
Read the rest of this very long article at
Russia's Spetsnaz and Islamic Terrorism
by Ryan Mauro (9-11-07):
"There is no doubt that the Soviet Union played a tremendous role in the
expansion and evolution of Islamic terrorism. ... I believe that the Russian Mafia operates in unison with these
'rogue' elements, almost as a separate intelligence directorate. To help our
readers understand how this clique works, and what it means today, I am posting
a series of important quotes from the book, 'Spetsnaz' by the defector,
Viktor Suvorov. I believe that readers will have a better understanding of the role Russia's Spetsnaz (elite special unit of the GRU) played in terrorism and how it continues to support terrorism by operating through the mafia or in the security services themselves."
(Ryan Mauro - 9-11-07)
Quotes From "Spetsnaz" by Viktor Suvorov:
"A Spetsnaz officer out to recruit agents for direct terrorist action has a wonderful base for his work in the West. There are a tremendous number of people who are discontented and ready to protest against absolutely anything. And while millions protest peacefully, some individuals will resort to any means to make their protest. The spetsnaz officer has only to find the malcontent who is ready to go to extremes.
"... Activists, radicals, peace campaigners, green party members: as far as the leaders of the GRU are concerned, these are like ripe water-melons, green on the outside, but red on the inside-and mouth-watering. So there is a good base for recruiting."
"The spetsnaz network of agents has much in common with international terrorism, a common center, for example-yet they are different things and must not be confused. It would be foolhardy to claim that international terrorism came into being on orders from Moscow. But to claim that, without Moscow's support, international terrorism would never have assumed the scale it has would not be rash."
"Apart from military and financial support, the Soviet Union also provides the terrorists aid in the form of training. Training centers have been set up in the Soviet Union for training terrorists from a number of different countries."
"Every terrorist is studied carefully during his training, and among them will be noted the potential leaders and the born rebels who will not submit to any authority…. Of equal importance are the students' weaknesses and ambitions, and their relationships with one another. Some time, many years ahead, one of them may become an important leader, but not one approved by Moscow, so it is vital to know in advance who his likely friends and enemies will be."
"The reward for the GRU is that a terrorist doing work for spetsnaz does not, in the great majority of cases, suspect he is being used. He is utterly convinced that he is acting independently, of his own will and by his own choice."
"The overture is a series of large and small operations the purpose of which is, before actual military operations begin, to weaken the enemy's morale, create an atmosphere of general suspicion, fear and uncertainty, and divert the attention of the enemy's armies and police forces to a huge number of different targets, each of which may be the object of the next attack."
"...The terror is carried out in the name of already existing extremist groups not connected in any way with the Soviet Union, or in the name of the fictitious organizations. The GRU reckons that in this period its operations should be regarded as natural disasters, actions by forces beyond human control, mistakes by people, or as terrorist acts by organizations not connected with the Soviet Union."
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