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Communist Expansionism Russia's deceptive attack on Georgia See also Was Marx a Satanist? | Animal Farm by George Orwell |
"Communism will never succeed until the myth of [the Biblical] God is removed from the minds of men." V. I. Lenin
by MIKHEIL SAAKASHVILI, President of Georgia
"The War in Georgia Is a War for the West"
Tbilisi, Georgia, August 11, 2008
"On Friday, hundreds of Russian tanks crossed into Georgian territory, and Russian air force jets bombed Georgian airports, bases, ports and public markets. Many are dead, many more wounded.... This war is not of Georgia's making, nor is it Georgia's choice.
"The Kremlin designed this war. Earlier this year, Russia tried to provoke Georgia by effectively annexing another of our separatist territories, Abkhazia. When we responded with restraint, Moscow brought the fight to South Ossetia...
"No country of the former Soviet Union has made more progress toward consolidating democracy, eradicating corruption and building an independent foreign policy than Georgia. This is precisely what Russia seeks to crush. This conflict is therefore about our common trans-Atlantic values of liberty and democracy. It is about the right of small nations to live freely and determine their own future. ...
"When my government was swept into power by a peaceful revolution in 2004, we inherited a dysfunctional state plagued by two unresolved conflicts dating to the early 1990s. I pledged to reunify my country -- not by the force of arms, but by making Georgia a pole of attraction. I wanted the people living in the conflict zones to share in the prosperous, democratic country that Georgia could -- and has -- become.
"In a similar spirit, we sought friendly relations with Russia, which is and always will be Georgia's neighbor. We sought deep ties built on mutual respect for each other's independence and interests. While we heeded Russia's interests, we also made it clear that our independence and sovereignty were not negotiable....
"We have worked hard to peacefully bring Abkhazia and South Ossetia back into the Georgian fold, on terms that would fully protect the rights and interests of the residents of these territories.... But Russia, which effectively controls the separatists, responded to our efforts with a policy of outright annexation. While we appealed to residents of Abkhazia and South Ossetia with our vision of a common future, Moscow increasingly took control of the separatist regimes. The Kremlin even appointed Russian security officers to arm and administer the self-styled separatist governments....
"...Russia's meddling in our domestic affairs would have constituted a gross violation of international norms. But its actions were made more egregious by the fact that Russia, since the 1990s, has been entrusted with the responsibility of peacekeeping and mediating in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Rather than serve as honest broker, Russia became a direct party to the conflicts, and now an open aggressor.
"As Europe expanded its security institutions to the Black Sea, my government appealed to the Western community of nations -- particularly European governments and institutions -- to play a leading role in resolving our separatist conflicts.... But Europe kept its distance and, predictably, Russia escalated its provocations....
"Our offers of peace were rejected. Moscow sought war. In April, Russia began treating the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia as Russian provinces. Again, our friends in the West asked us to show restraint, and we did. But under the guise of peacekeeping, Russia sent paratroopers and heavy artillery into Abkhazia. Repeated provocations were designed to bring Georgia to the brink of war.
"When this failed, the Kremlin turned its attention to South Ossetia, ordering its proxies there to escalate attacks on Georgian positions. My government answered with a unilateral cease-fire; the separatists began attacking civilians and Russian tanks pierced the Georgian border. We had no choice but to protect our civilians and restore our constitutional order. Moscow then used this as pretext for a full-scale military invasion of Georgia.
"Over the past days, Russia has waged an all-out attack on Georgia. Its tanks have been pouring into South Ossetia. Its jets have bombed not only Georgian military bases, but also civilian and economic infrastructure, including demolishing the port of Poti on the Black Sea coast. Its Black Sea fleet is now massing on our shores and an attack is under way in Abkhazia.....
"...the future of my country is at stake. The people of Georgia... see their future in Europe....
"Second, Russia's future is at stake. Can a Russia that wages aggressive war on its neighbors be a partner for Europe? It is clear that Russia's current leadership is bent on restoring a neocolonial form of control over the entire space once governed by Moscow....
The whole letter is posted here: http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB121841306186328421-lMyQjAxMDI4MTE4NjQxMTYzWj.html
August 2008
Smoldering feud, then war: "The fighting that threatens to remake the post-Cold War world began in the craggy mountains of separatist South Ossetia province when ethnic fighting that has long plagued the area abruptly got much worse.... On Aug. 1, a roadside bomb hurt five Georgian policemen. By evening, snipers, presumably Georgian, had killed a half-dozen South Ossetians.... Six days later, fighting flared to a level not seen for years between the ethnically Georgian and ethnically Ossetian villages that form the patchwork of the separatist region. It was then that Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili sent thousands of U.S.-trained troops into the province, after which Russian forces swept in, crushing his assault....Russia:
Friday, with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at his side, Mr. Saakashvili said he had signed a Western-brokered cease-fire. Ms. Rice said it protects Georgia's interests and all Russian troops 'must leave immediately.' But on Friday, they remained in control of the central Georgian city of Gori, effectively cutting Georgia in half...."Tension had been simmering since the early 1990s. After the Soviet Union collapsed, South Ossetia and another Georgian province, Abkhazia, fought to secede from Georgia. With the help of Russian military aid and volunteers, they defeated Georgian forces and became, in effect, unrecognized Russian protectorates. The end of those skirmishes left South Ossetia patrolled by hundreds of Russian, Georgian and Ossetian peacekeepers and a few dozen European observers.... Over Russian objections, Georgia moved toward joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; and Western countries, ignoring Russian opposition.... [P]eriodically it sent planes over Georgia, sometimes launching rocket attacks. Georgia, with U.S. financial aid, built up its military and warned Western allies that Moscow was planning an attack....
"Two ethnically Georgian villages near Tskhinvali were reported destroyed.... Ground commanders on the ground were begging to be allowed to return fire and saying they couldn't evacuate the wounded, Mr. Yakobashvili says....
"The world, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, 'can forget about any talk about Georgia's territorial integrity." See Signs of the times
Russia: How the West Fueled Putin's Sense of Impunity: "Russia's invasion of Georgia reminded me of a conversation I had three years ago in Moscow with a high-ranking European Union official. Russia was much freer then, but President Vladimir Putin's onslaught against democratic rights was already underway....
"Georgia blundered into a trap, although its imprudent aggression in South Ossetia was overshadowed by Mr. Putin's desire to play the strongman. Russia seized the chance to go on the offensive in Georgian territory while playing the victim/hero. Mr. Putin has long been eager to punish Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili for his lack of respect both for Georgia's old master Russia, and for Mr. Putin personally....
"Russia reverted to a KGB dictatorship while Mr. Putin was treated as an equal at G-8 summits.... Mr. Putin discovered democratic credentials could be bought and sold just like everything else.....
"Throughout the conflict, the Kremlin-choreographed message in the Russian media has been one of hysteria. The news presents Russia as surrounded by enemies on all sides, near and far, and the military intervention in Georgia as essential to protect the lives and interests of Russians. It is also often spoken of as just the first step, with enclaves in Ukraine next on the menu. " See Animal Farm
China: Don't Forget About China's Dissidents: "Western newspapers generally do not identify Hu Jintao as the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, even though it is this post and not the state presidency from which he derives his authority and power. ...today's visitors are not seeing the full picture....
"The China Daily is the English language propaganda organ of the Chinese Communist Party. Its content is carefully managed.... All publications and broadcast media are licensed by the government. Journalists are required to undergo Marxist indoctrination and can be singled out to perform self-criticism..... .The Internet... has not significantly eroded control of information. The Chinese government has a formidable firewall to block sites it doesn't want its citizenry to view. It's manned by thousands of censors who monitor sites and recommend them for blocking.... [A]t least 50 Internet dissidents are in jail. Of course, none of this will be visible to a foreign visitor....
"The Olympics... are not leading to a liberalized China. In fact, the opposite is true....When the Olympics are over and the crowds go home, China will have no incentive to relax control. Worse, the party's capacity for surveillance and repression will be enhanced by hosting the Games." See Communist Strategies Build Global Solidarity
Russia: Of Good and Evil: "When 'Gulag Archipelago,' his monumental history of the Soviet penal system, was published in Paris in 1973, Solzhenitsyn made it impossible for serious people anywhere to excuse Stalin's crimes or the inhumanity of communist totalitarianism. His documentation showed that the commissars had the blood of 60 million victims on their hands. Communism's essence was exposed in relentless detail as slavery, terror and imperialism ...
Solzhenitsyn's warning was also not always welcome in the West.... Solzhenitsyn warned of 'an atmosphere of moral mediocrity, paralyzing man's noblest impulses,' and a 'tilt of freedom in the direction of evil... evidently born primarily out of a humanistic and benevolent concept according to which there is no evil inherent to human nature.' His own prison-camp experience after World War II told him evil was all too real and had to be confronted." See Loving EvilRussia: Communism alive and well in Russia: "Military and political experts say Putin’s decision to move troops into Georgia was skillfully calculated to coincide with the Summer Olympics.... In 1968 Russia pulled this when they invaded and attacked Czechoslovakia and got away with it.... [More reasons:]
1. ..there is momentum with the break away republics aligning with the west, gaining power in the world’s eyes.... The U.S. was becoming a little too supportive and close to the nations surrounding Russia….Ukraine, Estonia.
2. They see the pressure on our economy.... [and] the need to control the pipeline going through Georgia to the black sea. Russia wants that control back...
3. ..the U.S. is distracted and worn out with Iraq and Afghanistan....
6. Putin watched us do nothing but talk.... Why shouldn’t he jump in and conquer old Russia back?"
The fact that Georgia is a sovereign nation, doesn't seem to matter to Russia! See The Soviet System of Control
Russia: Troubled Neighbors -- Key dates of the conflict in Georgia: "1991: The Soviet Union dissolves, and Georgia wins independence. Violence breaks out as South Ossetia attempts to secede from Georgia. July 1992: Russian President Boris Yetslin mediates a cease-fire. He deploys a Russian peacekeepers force to South Ossetia. 1994: A Russian-enforced cease-fire brings an end to conflict. Russian troops are permanently stationed. August 1995: Then-Georgian President Shevardnadze narrowly escapes two assassination attempts allegedly planned by the Russians. ....March 2008: South Ossetia asks the world to recognize its independence from Georgia.... [August 7, 2008]: Georgian troops enter South Ossetia overnight as tensions rise sharply. [August 8]: Russia sends troops and tanks into Georgia's breakaway province of South Ossetia. Fierce fighting ensues..." See Animal Farm by George Orwell
President Bush Visited Officially Staged Church Service: (August 10) "President Bush visited TSPM’s Kuanjie Church established by the government and attended a service.... 'They won’t give the ordinary believers of the church a chance to meet President Bush or overseas media. They will also drive the ordinary believers out of the church before and after President Bush’s visit.... Most people President Bush and the overseas media will meet in the church are security people, political workers and people trained by them to pose as believers.... [A] believer who lives nearby Kuanjie Church joked: “President Bush is coming to preach the Gospel to those who don’t believe in the Lord (referring to those police officers and officials).” See Communist Strategies
China: Beijing House Churches Forced to Sign Document Pledging Not to Meet During the Olympic Games: "...a number of Chinese House Church Pastors were forced to sign a written agreement that they would not participate in religious services while the Olympic Games are taking place in China. ... Should church members violate these rules they will be subject to the disciplinary actions of the Chinese Government. The discovery of this document provides further evidence of the PRC’s hypocrisy towards creating a 'harmonious society' marked by religious freedom and rule of law." See His Peace in the midst of turmoil
China: In Thailand, Bush Predicts Trade and Internet Will Make China Free: “'Change in China will arrive on its own terms and in keeping with its own history and traditions,' Bush says in the prepared text. 'Yet change will arrive. And it will be clear for all to see that those who aspire to speak their conscience and worship their God are no threat to the future of China.'"
What an illusion! Yes, they will be free to believe and compromise as Bush does. But they will not be free -- nor will Americans -- to follow or speak God's divisive Word."
The next four older items deal with national, international or UN security councils:
"The Russian American Nuclear Security Advisory Council was created in 1997 as an independent organization consisting of Russian and American experts with the purpose of developing new U.S.-Russian cooperative nuclear security initiatives and ensuring that existing programs become deeply rooted and are implemented expeditiously."
Does this remind you of the US-USSR Education Exchange Agreement signed by President Reagan and Gorbachev? See Bush, Gorbachev, Shultz and Soviet Education
History of the National Security Council: Two years after the birth of the United Nations with its Security Council, "The National Security Act of July 26, 1947, created the National Security Council... to coordinate foreign policy and defense policy.... The Clinton administration... expanded [the NSC membership] to include the Secretary of the Treasury, the U.S. Representative to the United Nations, the newly-created Assistant to the President for Economic Policy.... the President's Chief of Staff, and the President's National Security Adviser."
[From April 2003] Defector Reveals Russia’s Secret War Plans: "Col. Stanislav Lunev reveals the dark side of Russia’s soul -- and their continuing efforts to destroy America. The highest-ranking military spy ever to defect from Russia, Lunev warned the CIA and the FBI that Russia continues to actively plan for war with the U.S. and the West....
"Col. Lunev told, and continues to tell, America’s CIA, the FBI, DIA and other national security agencies that Russia still posed a real threat and that Russian military and spy officials were still talking, planning and preparing for war with the United States and the West. He revealed they continue to organize, support and sponsor terrorist groups world-wide. He alleged Russia uses organized crime groups to pursue their dangerous agenda." See a earlier statement by Col. Lunev in Deliver us from evil and remember Psalm 27:1-3
you know? "The Russians are building tremendous new
nuclear/biological and chemical weapons systems--all with the assistance of
US technology transfers. They are deploying on average, 3 new Topol-M 6th generation
ballistic missiles per month. We built our last MX over 10 years ago, and are
disarming unilaterally. Further, the Russian are building huge underground nuclear
bunkers and weapons production facilities in the Ural Mountains, clearly intended
to function during a nuclear war. The US intelligence community (under both
Republican and Democratic administrations) knows this and are actively covering
for the Russians, so the American people won’t become alarmed.
"Both Republican and Democratic administrations have
been supplying the Chinese with high technology weapons systems for years, knowing
that they, in turn, are supplying other enemies (Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, North
Korea) as well. ...President Clinton directed our military to absorb a nuclear
first strike rather than “launch on warning” (our only true deterrent to a first
strike)...." (Joel Skousen¹s World Affairs Brief, 10-6-01) See
Bush, Gorbachev, Shultz and Soviet Education