![]() April 2007 |
The Communist / Capitalist Alliance - Part 1 By Dr. Stan Monteith - www.radioliberty.com |
Emphasis added in bold letters |
See also The "New European Soviet" | Real Conspiracies Past and Present | The Revolutionary Roots of the UN |
“. . . there also exists another alliance - at first glance a strange one, a surprising one - but if you think about it, in fact, one which is well-grounded and easy to understand. This is the alliance between our Communist leaders and your capitalists. This alliance is not new. The very famous Armand Hammer, who is flourishing here today, laid the basis for this when he made the first exploratory trip into Russia, still in Lenin’s time, in the very first years of the Revolution....
“And if today the Soviet Union has powerful military and police forces - in a country which is by contemporary standards poor - they are used to crush our movement for freedom in the Soviet Union - and we have western capital to thank for this also.” Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, July 8, 1975.[1]“...Ex-Im Bank has been active in developing Russia’s oil and gas industry. Almost 50 percent of our portfolio in Russia is in this area. We have helped support modernization efforts of more than a dozen oil companies with medium- and long-term financing, and we are looking at several pipeline projects that would help bring Russian oil and gas to market.” Jeffrey L. Miller, Senior Vice President, Export-Import Bank of the United States, July 22, 2004 [4]
Last month’s Radio Liberty letter reproduced the address that Professor Antony Sutton delivered to the Republican Platform Committee in 1972 (during the Vietnam War) which revealed the U.S. was funding the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union was sending weapons to North Vietnam, North Vietnam was sending weapons to the Viet Cong, and the Viet Cong were killing American soldiers in the rice paddies and villages of South Vietnam.[5] Why did that happen? Because the CFR-Globalists who controlled the U.S. State Department wanted to prolong the Vietnam War so they could continue the social revolution that was under way in the U.S. at that time.[6]
Very little has changed - except the name of the enemy. Today the U.S. funds Pakistan, Pakistan funds the ISI (Pakistani Intelligence), the ISI funds the Taliban, and Taliban soldiers are killing American servicemen in the poppy fields and villages of Afghanistan. [7] Why isn’t the U.S. military allowed to win the war in Afghanistan? If the U.S. won the war, how could we justify stationing U.S. troops in the Middle East permanently.[8]
A similar situation exists in regard to the former Soviet Union. Despite the fact that Russia is the largest producer of oil and natural gas in the world, and has almost $240 billion in foreign reserves, the U.S. is currently sending almost $2 billion a year to the 12 states of the former Soviet Union. Russia received $85 million in 2005 and $80 million in 2006, Chechnya (which is part of Russia) received a $5 million supplement in 2005, and the Ukraine received $78.6 million in 2005, $82.2 million in 2006, and a $60 million supplement in 2005. [9] Why is that important? Because Russia is arming Iran and Syria, Iran and Syria are arming Hamas and Hezbollah, and the sophisticated weapons that Russia is sending to Iran, Syria, and the terrorist organization will be used against Israel and the U.S. during the coming war in the Middle East. Why are the CFR-Globalists financing former Soviet Union states that are ruthless dictatorships, and
Russia which is funding our enemies? Are the CFR-Globalists stupid? Are they uninformed? Do they have a “secret agenda?” [10]
You cannot understand the tragic events that are taking place throughout the world today, or the terrible events that lie ahead, unless you understand the alliance that exists between the leaders of the communist world, and the CFR-Globalists who control our nation. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn discussed that relationship when he addressed the AFL-CIO convention in Washington, D.C. on June 30, 1975, but he didn’t understand it. Since Alexandr Solzhenitsyn’s June 30, 1975, address is not readily available on the Internet, the first segment of his talk is reproduced in this letter:
Alexañdr Solzhenitsyn
June 30, 1975“...Workers of the world unite.” Who of us has not heard this slogan, which has been sounding through the world for 125 years? Today you can find it in any Soviet pamphlet as well as in every issue of Pravda. But never have the leaders of the Communist revolution in the Soviet Union made application of these words sincerely and in their full meaning. When many lies have accumulated over the decades, we forget the radical and basic lie which is not on the leaves of the tree, but at its very roots. Now, it’s almost impossible to remember or to believe....
For instance, I recently published - had reprinted - a pamphlet from the year 1918. This was a precise record of a meeting of all representatives of the Petrograd factories, that being the city known in our country as the ‘cradle of the Revolution.’
I repeat, this was March, 1918 - only four months after the October Revolution - and all the representatives of the Petrograd factories were cursing the Communists, who had deceived them in all of their promises.
What is more, not only had they abandoned Petrograd to cold and hunger, themselves having fled from Petrograd to Moscow, but had given orders to machine-gun the crowds of workers in the courtyards of the factories who were demanding the election of independent factory committees. ... Scarcely anyone now can recall the crushing of the Petrograd strikes in 1921, or the shooting of workers in Kolpino in the same year.Among the leadership, the Central Committee of the Communist Party, at the beginning of the Revolution, all were émigré intellectuals who had returned, after the uprisings had already broken out in Russia, in order to carry through the Communist Revolution. One of them was a genuine worker, a highly skilled lathe operator until the last day of his life. This was Alexander Shliapnikov. Who knows that name today?...
In the years before the Revolution it was Shliapnikov who ran the whole Communist Party in Russia - not Lenin, who was an émigré.... In 1921, he headed the Workers’ Opposition which was charging the Communist leadership with betraying the workers’ interests, with crushing and oppressing the proletariat and transforming itself into a bureaucracy.
Shliapnikov disappeared from sight. He was arrested somewhat later and since he firmly stood his ground he was shot in prison and his name is perhaps unknown to most people here today. But I remind you: Before the Revolution the head of the Communist Party of Russia was Shliapnikov, not Lenin.
Since that time, the working class has never been able to stand up for its rights, and in distinction from all the western countries our working class only receives what they hand out to it. It only gets handouts. It can not defend its simplest, everyday interests, and the least strike for pay or for better living conditions is viewed as counterrevolutionary.... This story will shortly be published in detail in your country in Gulag Archipelago, volume 3. It is a story of how workers went in a peaceful demonstration to the Party City Committee, carrying portraits of Lenin, to request a change in economic conditions. They fired at them with machine guns and dispersed the crowds with tanks. No family dared even to collect its wounded and dead, but all were taken away in secret by the authorities....since the Revolution, there’s never been such a thing as a free trade union....
The American workers’ movement has never allowed itself to be blinded and mistaken slavery for freedom....When liberal thinkers and wise men of the West, who had forgotten the meaning of the word ‘liberty’, were swearing that in the Soviet Union there were no concentration camps at all, the American Federation of Labor published in 1947, a map of our concentration camps....
But just as we feel ourselves your allies here, there also exists another alliance... one which is well-grounded and easy to understand. This is the alliance between our Communist leaders and your capitalists.
This alliance is not new. The very famous Armand Hammer, who is flourishing here today, laid the basis for this when he made the first exploratory trip into Russia, still in Lenin’s time, in the very first years of the Revolution. He was extremely successful in this intelligence mission and since that time for all these 50 years, we observe continuous and steady support by the businessmen of the West of the Soviet Communist leaders.
Their clumsy and awkward economy, which could never overcome its own difficulties by itself, is continually getting material and technological assistance. The major construction projects in the initial five-year plan were built exclusively with American technology and materials. Even Stalin recognized that two-thirds of what was needed was obtained from the West. And if today the Soviet Union has powerful military and police forces - in a country which is by contemporary standards poor - they are used to crush our movement for freedom in the Soviet Union - and we have western capital to thank for this also.
...Certain of your businessmen, on their own initiative, established an exhibition of criminological technology in Moscow. This was the most recent and elaborate technology, which here, in your country, is used to catch criminals, to bug them, to spy on them, to photograph them, to tail them, to identify criminals. This was taken to Moscow, to an exhibition, in order that the Soviet KGB agents could study it, as if not understanding what sort of criminals, who would be hunted by the KGB.
The Soviet government was extremely interested in this technology, and decided to purchase it. And your businessmen were quite willing to sell it. Only when a few sober voices here raised an uproar against it was this deal blocked. Only for this reason it didn’t take place. But ... Two or three nights were enough for the KGB there to look through it and to copy it. And if today, persons are being hunted down by the best and most advanced technology, for this, I can also thank your western capitalists.
This is something which is almost incomprehensible to the human mind: That burning greed for profit, which goes beyond all reason, all self-control, all conscience, only to get money....
Lenin foretold this whole process. Lenin, who spent most of his life living in the West and not in Russia, who knew the West much better than Russia, always wrote and said the western capitalists would do anything to strengthen the economy of the USSR. They will compete with each other to sell us goods cheaper and sell them quicker, so that the Soviets will buy from one rather than from the other. He said: They will bring it themselves without thinking about their future. And, in a difficult moment, at a party meeting in Moscow, he said:
‘Comrades, don’t panic, when things go very hard for us, we will give a rope to the bourgeoisie, and the bourgeoisie will hang itself.’
Then, Karl Radek, whom you may have heard of, who was a very resourceful wit, said: ‘Vladimir Ilyich, but where are we going to get enough rope to hang the whole bourgeoisie?’
Lenin effortlessly replied, ‘They’ll supply us with it.’
Through the decades of the 20s, the 30s, the 40s, the 50s, the whole Soviet press wrote: Western capitalism -
- your end is near. But it was as if the capitalists had not heard, could not understand, could not believe this.Nikita Khrushchev came here and said, ‘We will bury you!’ They didn’t believe that, either. They took it as a joke.” [11]
Why did the CFR-Globalists suppress Alexandr Solzhenitsyn’s message? Because they don’t want the American people to know:
1. There is a covert alliance between the men who control the communist world and the Globalists who control our nation.
2. The U.S. has kept ruthless communist regimes in power.The strange alliance between communism and capitalism existed long before the Russian Revolution. It initially surfaced during the French Revolution when members of the French aristocracy tried to help the Jacobins establish a communal society, and reappeared thirty years later (1820) when Robert Owen, the son of wealthy English capitalists, established a commune in New Harmony, Indiana. [12] When Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1847, his closest friend and benefactor was Frederick Engels, the son of a wealthy capitalist, and in 1902, the leaders of the British Fabian Society (an appendage of the communist movement) began holding weekly meetings with a group of wealthy capitalists to determine, “What are we doing with the world?” [13]
Lord Alfred Milner attended the meetings, financed the initial stage of the Russian Revolution (March 1917), helped Lenin establish his regime, and sent Bruce Lockhart to Saint Petersburg to monitor the course of the Communist Revolution. [14] William Boyce Thompson (a member of the Board of Directors of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank) sent Raymond Robins to Russia for the same purpose, so Bruce Lockhart and Raymond Robins worked together. Edward Griffin’s book, The Creature From Jekyll Island, describes what happened:
“The Bolsheviks were well aware of the power these men represented, and there was no door closed to them. They were allowed to attend meetings of the Central Executive Committee, and were consulted regarding important decisions.” [15]
Bruce Lockhart’s book, British Agent, described an important event:
“Another new acquaintance of these first days in Bolshevised St. Petersburg was Raymond Robins, the head of the American Red Cross Mission.... Although a rich man himself, he was an anti-capitalist. . . . Hitherto, his two heroes had been Roosevelt and Cecil Rhodes. Now Lenin had captured his imagination.... Robins was the only man whom Lenin was always willing to see, and who ever succeeded in imposing his own personality on the unemotional Bolshevik leader....
"I returned from my interview to our flat only to find an urgent message from Robins requesting me to come to see him at once. I found him in a state of great agitation. He had been in conflict with Saalkind, a nephew of Trotsky, and then Assistant Commissar for Foreign Affairs. Saalkind had been rude, and
the American, who had a promise from Lenin that, whatever happened, a train would always be ready for him at an hour’s notice, was determined to exact an apology or to leave the country.When I arrived he had just finished telephoning to Lenin. He had delivered his ultimatum, and Lenin had promised to give a reply within ten minutes. I waited, while Robins fumed. Then the telephone rang and Robins picked up the receiver. Lenin had capitulated. Saalkind was dismissed from his post. He was an old member of the Party. Would Robins have any objection if Lenin sent him as a Bolshevik emissary to
Berne?Robins smiled grimly. ‘Thank you, Mr. Lenin,’ he said. ‘As I can’t send the (expletive deleted) to hell, ‘burn’ is the next best thing you can do with him.” [16]
Professor Antony Sutton documented the fact that the U.S. financed the Soviet Union between 1918 and 1939, during World War II, during the post-war period, during the Korean War, and during the Vietnam War era. [17]
Some members of Congress recognized what was happening, and tried to warn the America people. Congressman John Ashbrook stated (March 6, 1974):“...U.S. technical trade with the Soviet Union and other East European countries has ‘gained significant momentum’ since the May, 1972 Moscow summit conference and will undoubtedly continue to increase at a gradual rate. The American share of Soviet imports of plants and equipment from the West is now running about 20 percent of the total. It is ironic that while American businessmen are trading hundreds of millions of dollars for plants and equipment to the Soviet Union, the Administration is asking for an increased defense budget to meet the Soviet military threat - a threat which, in part, is being built with American technology.” [18]
Congressman Steve Symms was concerned about U.S. aid to the Soviet Union, and wrote a March 1974 article that stated:
“Few Americans fully appreciate the extent to which their tax dollars are being used to finance their own destruction. The dealings of the Export-Import Bank are a good example. U.S. ‘loans’ to the Soviet Union through the bank now total over 760 million dollars to finance projects like constructing the world’s largest truck plant on the Kama River. Only two weeks ago an additional $67.5 million of your money was provided for this project, along with a 20 million dollar loan for a Russian acetic acid plant.
"Another $180 million is now being earmarked for a chemical complex in the USSR and $49.5 million for a gas exploration project in Eastern Siberia. .
"U.S. tax dollars are not only propping up a ruthless dictatorship but they are helping to arm our enemy to the teeth. While America is... building factories and other valuable strategic facilities on Russian soil, the Kremlin is diverting proportionally more of its own resources toward sophisticated offensive weaponry. It makes one wonder whose side the Export-Import Bank officials are really on. Modern-day liberals often refer to these kinds of suicidal give-aways as ‘meaningful cooperation in the spirit of detente.’ It used to be called treason.” [19]When U.S. Senator William Armstrong addressed the Senate in 1982, he stated:
“America’s budgetary woes would not be nearly so severe if our economy were not groaning under the strain of financing two military budgets: Our own, and a significant portion of the Soviet Union’s.... This great irony for Americans who will be asked to tighten their belts in order to pay for our defense needs.... It is difficult to overstate the extent to which the West had contributed to the military threat that now endangers our very existence.” [20]
The following year (1983), John Lehman, the Secretary of the Navy, told the graduating class of midshipmen at Annapolis:
“Within weeks, many of you will be looking across just hundreds of feet of water at some of the most modern technology ever invented in America. Unfortunately, it is on Soviet ships.”[21]
...How did Russia become the largest oil and natural gas producer in the world? The CFR-Globalists blocked efforts to develop the massive oil and natural gas resources in the U.S., and financed oil and natural gas exploration in the Soviet Union. Congressman Richard H. Ichord wrote (1974):
“We are especially alarmed by the report that the Bank (Export-Import Bank) is on the verge of granting $49 million in credit to the Soviet Union for exploration of Eastern Siberian gas fields. We believe that American financing of Soviet gas exploration at this particular time in history, especially at an interest rate of 6% (which is in effect to be subsidized by the American taxpayer), smacks not only of poor business judgment, but suggests a disregard for our national security.
"Every nation’s defense capacity is directly related to its energy resources. The real question is why do we spend some $80 billion a year to maintain such a large military establishment...”[23]
The Chase Manhattan Bank financed the Russian pipeline that is sending natural gas to Europe, and Western banks, corporations, and the U.S. Export-Import Bank developed Russia’s oil and natural gas reserves. On June 22, 2004, Jeffrey L. Miller, the Senior Vice President of the U.S. Export-Import Bank, stated:
“...(the) Ex-Im Bank has been active in developing Russia’s oil and gas industry. Almost 50 percent of our portfolio in Russia is in this area. We have helped support modernization efforts of more than a dozen oil companies with medium- and long-term financing and we are looking at several pipeline projects what would help bring Russian oil and gas
to market.....” [24]Why did the CFR-Globalists finance communism during the twentieth century? Why are they financing communism today? Some people believe they are foolish, others believe they are motivated by greed, but I don’t accept either explanation. I will discuss the origin of the “communist-capitalist alliance” next month.
The tempo of violence is increasing throughout the world, occult belief is spreading, and some Christian leaders claim we must “experience God.” What does the future hold? I don’t know the answer to that question, but I believe the world is going to change in the coming months, and we must continue our effort to expose the spiritual battle that is taking place throughout the world today. Please continue circulating my Radio Liberty letters, encourage your friends to access www.robodon.com/newpagel.htm where they can watch many of our videos without charge, and remember:"The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing;
He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect...
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
the people He has chosen as His own inheritance."
Psalm 33:10-12
This unthinkable alliance is explained in greater depth in Dr. Monteith's book, The Brotherhood of Darkness.
See also The emerging New World Order | The Revolutionary Roots of the UN
Real Conspiracies Past and Present | Yuri Bezmenov (ex-KJB) on Demoralization
1. Congressional Record, Proceedings of the 94th Congress, Volume 121, Part 17, July 8 -14, 1975,
pp. 21453.
3. Samantha Sparks, http://multinationalmonitor.org/hyper/issues/1987/11/sparks.html4. Jeffrey Miller, www.exim.gov/news/speeches/jul2204.cfm
5. Antony Sutton, http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/best_enemy/appendix_b.htm
6. McGeorge Bundy, “The End of Either/Or,” Foreign Affairs, Volume 45, No 2, January, 1967,
pp. 189-201.
7. Isambard Wilkinson in Wana, “Pakistan behind pro-Taliban Tribesmen,” www.Telegraph.co.uk, April 13, 2007.
8. Rebuilding America’s Defenses: www.newamericancentury.org/statementofprinciples.htm, p. 14.
9. Curt Tarnoff, “U.S. Assistance to the Former Soviet Union,” CRS Report for Congress: March 1,
2007, Congressional Research Service. Copy can be purchased from Radio Liberty.
10. Ibid.
11. Congressional Record, Proceedings of the 94th Congress, op. cit., pp. 21452-21458.
12. James Billington, Fire in The Minds of Men, Basic Books, New York, 1980, p. 489.
13. H.G. Wells, Experiment in Autobiography, The Macmillan Company, 1934, pp. 651-64. Also, Fire
in the Minds of Men, Ibid., p.189.
14, Stanley Monteith, Brotherhood of Darkness, Hearthstone Publishing, 2000, p. 67.
15. G. Edward Griffin, The Creature From Jekyll Island, American Media, 1994, p. 282.
16. R.H. Bruce Lockhart, British Agent, G. Putnam’s Sons, New York and London, 1933, pp. 225-26.
17. Antony Sutton, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, Liberty House Press, Billings, Montana, 1986.
See Also: Radio Liberty video: The Best Enemies Money Can Buy, available from Radio Liberty.
18. Dr. Harold Pease, The Communist-Capitalist Alliance, Internet publication, p. 3. Quoted from
Congressional Record, March 6, 1974. http://autarchic.tripod.com/files/alliance.html19. Ibid., p. 4.
20. G. Edward Griffin, op. cit., p. 304.
21. Ibid., p. 303.
22. Samantha Sparks, op. cit.
23. Dr. Harold Pease, op. cit., p. 4.
24. Jeffrey Miller, op. cit., p. 2