Who wrote
"The Protocols of
the Elders of Zion"?
- a forged and fraudulent document used by totalitarian
leaders to stir hatred toward Soviet Jews.
Don't miss the relevance
of these documents to our times!

"Why do the
nations rage, and the people plot [conspire] a vain thing?
The kings
of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together,
Against the
Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
"Let us break
Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us."
who sits in the heavens shall laugh....
Then He shall
speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure....
Now therefore,
be wise, O kings; be instructed, you judges of the earth.
Serve the
Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling....
Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him."
Background information and exposure of the
Will Eisner:
The PLOT at
"The Secret Story of The Protocols of the Elders
of Zion unravels one of the most pernicious hoaxes
of the twentieth century. The Protocols of the Elders of
Zion, a notorious piece of anti-Semitic propoganda created
and disseminated by Russia's secret police 100 years ago,
purported to be a blueprint written by Jewish leaders for
taking over the world. Although the Times of London
revealed in 1921 that The Protocols was a hoax, millions
continue to believe its fictitious plot is true. Now, a
new generation, fueled by anti-Semitism and the many Internet
sites that spread hateful messages, has adapted the text
to suit its purposes. ...
"THE PLOT exposes the twisted history of the Protocols
document, from 19th- century Russians to modern-day Klan
members to Islamic fundamentalists. By setting the record
straight, Eisner hoped he could raise public consciousness
of anti-Semitism throughout the world and draw attention
to the nefarious ways in which governments use propaganda
to influence public opinion. Arrangements have already been
made for THE PLOT to be published in eight countries, and
Eisner himself was making arrangements for an Arabic translation.
"'I was surfing the Web one day when I came across this
site promoting The Protocols to readers in the Mideast,'
said Mr. Eisner, 86. 'I was amazed that there were people
who still believed The Protocols were real, and I
was disturbed to learn later that this site was just one
of many that promoted these lies in the Muslim world. I
decided something had to be done."
The Plot: The Secret
Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion A work more disturbing
than fiction from "the father of graphic novels"
"The Plot examines the outrageous fabrication of The
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which purports to be
the actual blueprint by Jewish leaders to take over the
world. Hatched as an anti-Semitic plot by the tsar's secret
police to deflect widespread criticism of the government,
the Protocols, first published in 1905, succeeded beyond
the propagandistic ambitions of its originators; the lie became an internationally
accepted truth. ...
Presenting a pageant of historical figures including Tsar Nicholas II, Henry Ford,
and Adolf Hitler, Eisner exposes the twisted history of
the Protocols from nineteenth-century Russia to modern-day
Klan members to Islamic fundamentalists. The Plot unravels
one of the most devastating hoaxes of the twentieth century."
Eisner's 'The Plot'
speaks to history by Carlo Wolff, (May 1, 2005)
p>"The spawning of the libel never stops, so Eisner can
only try to beat it back. The Protocols, as Eisner
underlines in separate chapters, is impossible to kill.
It was born as propaganda created and spread by the Okhrana,
Russia's secret police, to blunt criticism of the czarist
government in the early 1900s. It is a conflation of sources,
beginning with the 16th century Italian political philosopher
Niccolo Machiavelli
and including imaginary dialogues between Machiavelli and
the 18th century French political thinker Montesquieu written
by Maurice Joly, a 19th century French provocateur eager
to take down the government of Napoleon III. "Mathieu Golovinski a corrupt White Russian
aristocrat and
master fabricator
considered The Protocols' "author,"
and Sergius Nilus, a power-mad mystic who had the ear of
Czar Nicholas II, gave shape to the forgery. It was goaded
by Zionism and socialism, threats to monarchies in Europe
and elsewhere.
"The Protocols
have been debunked regularly, starting in 1921 when the
Times of London revealed this "blueprint" of a plot
for Jewish world domination as a hoax; in 1999, the Washington
Times and the French weekly L'Express revealed Golovinski's
part in The Protocols. Still, the forgery continues to
wield a power Eisner spent decades probing and defying.
.... Eisner connects propaganda of old and news distortion
of today: a librarian he queries calls the Protocols 'a
weapon of mass deception."
Excerpts from the Protocols
has restrained the beasts of prey who are called men?
... In ancient societies they were kept in line by brutal
and blind force; after that, it was law. Law
is the very same force, only disguised. "...There was a
time when faith ruled, but in our day, the power which has
replaced the liberal rulers is the power of money.
"The citizens
of nations are stupefied with alcohol and drugs;
their youth have grown stupid on classic literature
and novels, and from immorality learned at early
ages. That immorality was taught to them by our special
agents - teachers, mindless servants, governesses in the
houses of the wealthy, by ecclesiastics and others; also
by our women in the places of dissipation commonly used
by the citizenry....
"The signature
of our power is - force and make-believe. Only force
conquers in political affairs, especially if it is concealed
under the cloak of statesmanship. When governments do not
want to lay down their crowns at the feet of the new power,
we must respond with violence, cunning and make-believe.
These evils are the only means by which to attain the end,
the good. Therefore we must not stop at bribery, deceit
and treachery when they will help towards attaining our
goals. In politics it is necessary to know how to seize
the property of others without hesitation if that will win
for us submission and sovereignty. ...
"Far back
in ancient times we were the first to proclaim to the masses
of the people the words 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity'.
Those words have been repeated many times since by stupid
human parrots everywhere, who greedily take the bait.
When they did that, they also eliminated the well-being
of the world - that is, the true freedom of the individual
which had, until then, been protected from the mindless
mob. The would-be wise men of the nations, the so-called
intellectuals, could not make anything out of those words
in their abstractness. They did not note the contradiction
of their meaning and how they related to each other.
They did not see that in nature, there is no equality,
and there cannot be freedom."...
all corners of the earth the words 'Liberty, Equality,
Fraternity,' brought into our ranks whole legions who
bore our banners with enthusiasm - all thanks to our blind
agents. ... "...That abstract illusion called freedom that
we have used to infect the minds of the mob in all countries,
we have used to convince them that they are the ones
that choose their government. It has also enabled us
to make the mindless mob think that they are the true owners
of their country, and that their government is only their
elected servant and can be replaced like a worn-out glove
whenever they desire.
"It is precisely
the idea that they think they can replace their representatives
when they don't like what they are doing that has put them
under our control. This has given into our hands the power
to set up and replace so-called elected representatives,
by our appointment. ...
"We shall
choose those to run the governments from among the public.
The main qualification for these positions will be their
willingness for unquestioning, servile obedience. They will
not be persons trained in the art of government and will,
therefore, easily become pawns in the hands of the men of
learning and genius who will be their advisers. Those advisers
will be specialists, bred and reared from early childhood
to rule the affairs of the whole world. As you well know,
these specialists of ours, in order to make them fit to
rule, have been receiving all the information they need
from our political plans. In addition, they learn from history
and from closely observing current events.
"In order to distract people who may be too troublesome
from discussions of questions of the political we are now
putting forward what we allege to be new questions of the
political, namely, questions of industry. In this sphere
let them discuss themselves silly! ....
" In order
that the masses themselves may not guess what they are about
we further distract them with amusements, games,
pastimes, passions....
Soon we shall begin through the press to propose
competitions in art, in sport of all kinds: these interests
will finally distract their minds from questions in which
we should find ourselves compelled to oppose them. Growing
more and more
disaccustomed to reflect and form any opinions
of their own, people will begin to talk in the same
tone as we, because
we alone shall be offering them new
directions for thought."
Compare these
strategies for control with
and the Global Media Censors
Brave New
Revolutionary Roots of the UN,
UNESCO: Its purpose and Its Philosophy