Education for Sustainability

An Agenda for Action

See also Local Agenda 21: The U.N. Plan for Your Community

The Habitat II Agenda: The U.N. Plan For Global Control

The 'Science' of




In 1993, President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development [1] met at the Presidio with dozens of representatives from federal departments and agencies, environmental groups, universities, and globalist leaders. Their joint report, “Education for Sustainability,” is a  model for sustainable education. Its six themes have become familiar buzzwords in state education standards from coast to coast:

       1. Interdisciplinary approaches

       2. Lifelong Learning [Continually conforming views and values to the new global agenda] [2]

       3. Systems Thinking [3]

       5. Partnerships  [4]

       6. Multicultural perspectives

       7. Empowerment

These familiar words have been redefined to fit the global vision for human resource management. Take Lifelong Learning. We all learn throughout our lives. Through different kinds of media, books, documentaries, personal encounters, etc., we continue to learn about our world and our part in it.

But the UNESCO program for “lifelong learning” is a far more goal-oriented program. Its aim is to involve every person of every age in a continues, lifelong program of re-education in the global beliefs, values, and group thinking essential to the envisioned social “solidarity” in the planned workforce and community. All adults as well as children must meet the social, psychological, and work skills standards required for work and citizenship. (See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health and Clinton’s War on Hate)

Of course, if parents knew what these UNESCO partners had planned for their children, they would rebel. So the agenda must be cloaked in nice-sounding phrases, based on the latest polls indicating what the public likes to hear. School Superintendent James F. Causby, Senior Consultant to the International Center for Leadership in Education, is a master at such deception. Summarizing an common tactic of today’s change agents, he said in his 1994 speech at the Second Annual Model Schools Conference[5] in Atlanta,

"We have actually been given a course in how not to tell the truth. How many of you are administrators? You've had that course in public relations where you learn to put the best spin on things."[6]

Yet, according to the website for the International Center for Leadership in Education [7] Causby “has made his district a national leader in character education, Total Quality education, use of application-based instruction and community involvement.” Makes you wonder what kind of Character Education and Total Quality Management he promotes, doesn’t it?

Causby doesn’t use the word propaganda, but that’s what our children face in classrooms across the country. They must learn the right “facts” – those that support the pre-planned outcome of every classroom discussion group that immerses children in the consensus process – the Hegelian dialectic process embraced by Marx and used to indoctrinate the Soviet masses with Communist ideology.

Yet, it’s written to sound good in Sustainable America, the report of our President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD). Everyone must be persuaded to conform to the new earth-centered ideology. Honesty doesn’t matter. Change and compliance do. The heart of the transformation is education, or rather, UNESCO’s view of “lifelong learning” in the new ways of thinking.

Corinne McLaughlin, the first task-force coordinator for President Clinton's Council on Sustainable Development, co-authored a book titled Spiritual Politics. Largely based on messages from spirit guide Djwhal Khul, the "Tibetan Master" channeled by theosophist Alice Bailey, it includes these guidelines:

"SEEING WHOLE PATTERNS [Systems Thinking:] ...It’s time for us to make the next leap in consciousness to wholistic thinking — to seeing whole patterns. In contrast with the prevailing linear paradigm, the New Paradigm sees everything as interconnected and interdependent....Thus it is critical to keep the large picture—the whole system—in mind in order to create any kind of lasting solution and to avoid undue focus on effects, rather than dealing with causes that may be part of another system altogether.

"This is not really 'new' thinking. Many traditions of the Ageless Wisdom have taught wholistic thinking for centuries. For example, in the Native American teaching of the medicine wheel, each person begins life starting at a certain direction on the wheel.... To achieve wholeness, we have to move around the wheel, to see life from other perspectives, in order to understand the interconnection of all the parts. Native Americans resolved conflicts by sitting in council, in a circle of wholeness, where each voice could be heard in turn. Similarly, the Hindus and Buddhists have long used circular mandalas to teach about wholeness....

"Wholistic thinking or ecological thinking — seeing how everything affects everything else — is finally beginning to influence other national policies, such as economics, where piecemeal solutions never work, since all sectors of a nation’s economy are interrelated and interdependent with the world economy. The systems view sees the world in terms of relationships and integrated wholes whose properties cannot be reduced to those of smaller units."[8]

Corinne McLaughlin taught her mediation strategies at the Department of Education and the EPA. Do you wonder who invited her to help guide America's schools and learning?

The above network of educational revolutionaries are writing the script for the global management of a worldwide education system. School-to-work is not simply a state or national plan for social and economic transformation. It’s worldwide, and it will affect everyone.

All (except the elite leaders) must embrace the socialist vision of social equality, redistribution of the world’s financial as well as human resources, and an homogenized education system. Non-compliance will be costly, for the privileges of “citizenship” would be tied to “cooperation” and other UN defined responsibilities.  American taxpayers have been paying most of the cost.

To dull the masses into complacency or to persuade them to conform, the media and entertainment industry must share in the informal part of “lifelong learning.”  They must help distribute the “right” information and put it into the new earth-centered context, so that the masses will, without effort or thought, collectively embrace the new set of meanings.  The PCSD report Sustainable America summarized it well:

“Information is useful only if citizens can put it into a framework of knowledge and use it to solve problems, form values, and make choices…. Education for sustainability … will help them make individual and collective decisions that both benefit themselves and promote the development of sustainable communities…. [It] must involve everyone.” (page 70)  

1. Sponsored by the International Center for Leadership in Education. For more information, see June 26-29, 1994, in "Chronology of Events" in Part 2.

2. Cynthia Weatherly, "The Second Annual Model School Conference," The Christian Conscience (January 1995); 36.

3. Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson,Spiritual Politics (New York: Ballantine Books, 1994), page 150.

1.The PCSD is one of over 150 other national Councils on Sustainable Development, all following the guidelines of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development. To see the context for this meeting, read Local Agenda 21.

2. See “Zero Tolerance for Non-Compliance.”

3. See “World Heritage ‘Protection?’”

4. See Chapter 7 in Brave New Schools

5. Sponsored by the International Center for Leadership in Education. For more information, see June 26-29, 1994, in "Chronology of Events" in Part 2.

6. Cynthia Weatherly, "The Second Annual Model School Conference," The Christian Conscience (January 1995); 36.

Sponsored by the International Center for Leadership in Education. For more information, see June 26-29, 1994, in "Chronology of Events" in Part 2.

7.   “In response to a nationwide need to educate students more effectively, the International Center for Leadership in Education was established in 1991. Under the leadership of Dr. Willard R. Daggett, the International Center serves as a catalyst for change for schools, districts, and states seeking to improve their education systems.

8. Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, Spiritual Politics (New York: Ballantine Books, 1994), page 150.

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