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The Aspen Institute

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See also Rockefeller & Global Mind Control

Excerpts from "The Aspen Institute and Marxist Praxis" by Judy McLemore

Background History of Aspen and Its Leaders

"[H. G.] Wells advocated the Fabians’ 'evolutionary collectivism' whereby the “existing capitalistic system' is 'transformed into a collective one' by a 'definite system of education for all society,' and Max Horkheimer of the Frankfurt School who had been a student/peer of Max Weber. Mann worked closely with another Frankfurt School member and U.S. emigrant, Theodor Adorno, who was his “mentor” concerning the effectiveness of 'atonal music' in producing 'cultural decadence.' He was a personal friend of Sigmund Freud as well. It was Freud who prompted [Thomas] Mann to write 'The Tables of the Law' in order to “demythify and demystify biblical material.”

"It was through his friendship with Josef von Lukacs of Budapest that Mann became associated with his son, Georg Lukacs, another Frankfurt School member....

"Professor Mortimer Adler was Hutchins’ 'principal co-worker' and 'collaborator' in this effort as well as on many other 'different and difficult projects.' (Their ideas on education reform would be taken up by the Aspen Institute.) One of these projects was the teaching of a two-year 'Great Books' course at the University to a 'select group' of undergraduates. [The 'Ideas' in the Great Books were presented in 'dialectical form.']  Those students who underwent the full two years of this brainwashing process 'took away' what often became the invisible hand that shaped the order of values, judgments, and personal commitments in their mature years.        

"Among the students who were seminar participants in the last half of the 1930’s, what has just been said was true of Mrs. Katherine Graham, now the publisher of the Washington Post… Hutchins also joined with Adler in teaching “The Fat Man’s Seminar” which was “based on the Great Books.” This course, based on Marxist Praxis/putting dialectical theory into practice/action, targeted University 'trustees' and 'Chicago business leaders.'...

"In a public statement preceding its 1948 draft publication, Hutchins explained the 'precondition for a world order:

One good world requires more than the sacrifice of ancient prejudices (traditional beliefs, values, etc.). It requires the formulation and adoption of common principles and ideals [consensus]. It requires that this be done on a world-wide basis..."

"After the Goethe convocation, Paepcke took the lead in organizing what would become the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies. This would be a place where eventually everyone from supreme court judges and congressmen and senators to CEOs and international political figures would come to participate in the “Executive Seminars” based on Marxist Praxis. Some came to facilitate while others were targeted victims. ...  Its “educational mission” would be to promote a 'total synthesis of human life' and to make 'a single discipline' of the 'physical and biological sciences and the humanities.'

"This 'synthesis' would be 'achieved' 'on the basis of a library with very few but masterly chosen volumes. The 'physical' environment of Aspen was designed to produce just enough 'comforts' so that the 'human individual, free from material hindrances, can...allow his inner self to live intensely and give himself fully to thinking, imagining, loving, and feeling.'...

"The 'normal curriculum' would include public lectures which would bring together five or six intellectuals who were 'equal mentally' and whose 'opposed views' were 'held at the same level,' that is, given the same weight whether they were Marxist, Capitalist, or whatever. The theme of such courses, lectures, and colloquies “must be extremely vivid, deeply human (to elicit emotional responses), and should offer a great incentive to the general public even if they must be treated with a thorough-going scientific rigor.' These 'intellectuals' would serve as 'models' to participants.

"The 'idea,' said Ortega, is to create in the Aspen summer a 'world.'  [See A Model School for the Global Community] A 'world' however, is not a fortuitous gathering of individuals. It is a living together informed by unity.... Such unity, however, will not crystallize unless there is a permanent instrument of general collective life in Aspen. ...

"By 1971, the 'base of support' for Aspen had been widened 'most notably by contributions of foundations and corporations.' By 1975, the Institute had received 'substantial' project and program grants from...the German Marshall Fund, the National Endowment for the Humanities, Carnegie Foundation, Ford Foundation, Henry Luce [Time], Andrew Mellon, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Rockefeller Family Fund... Charles Kettering and Lilly Endowment, among others. Corporate contributions were made by ABC, CBS, NBC, IBM..., Sperry Rand, Weyerhaeuser, A.T.& T., Chase Manhattan Bank, Exxon....


"The Institute 'must reaffirm its commitment to humanistic studies... to the individual in relationship to himself, to his fellow man, and to his environment (collective group); to the endless pursuit of freedom from outmoded dogma (Christian beliefs and values), freedom to go beyond convention, freedom of the imagination and the will.... In other words, the dialectic process in action will be applied to the group to destroy the existing faith and beliefs of individuals by way of cognitive dissonance/inner conflict."


Elian starts Re-Education at globalist Aspen Institute: "...the six-year-old and his controlled family were taken to one of the world’s foremost training centers for global re-learning and collective thinking: The Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies (AIHS). Founded in Aspen, Colorado, but linked to the British-based Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, it calls itself 'a global forum' which 'seeks to improve the condition of human well-being by fostering enlightened, responsible leadership and by convening leaders and policy-makers to address the structural changes of the new century.'
      "This training center for a global army of psycho-social change agents works through offices in Germany, Japan, Italy and France as well as the United States....
" more

Aspen Institute: "The mission of the Aspen Institute is to foster enlightened leadership and open-minded dialogue. Through seminars, policy programs, conferences and leadership development initiatives, the Institute and its international partners seek to promote nonpartisan inquiry and an appreciation for timeless values."

Aspen Ideas Festival: "For more than 50 years, the Aspen Institute has been the nation’s premier gathering place for leaders from around the globe and across many disciplines to engage in deep and inquisitive discussion of the ideas and issues that both shape our lives and challenge our times."

Aspen Ideas Festival - Program: "The American Experience: Forging a More Perfect Union.

  • Anthony Lewis and legal minds
  • Theodore B. Olson and David Boies on the Constitution 
  • Peter Gomes on the role of religion in American political and social life
  • Alan Wolfe and Rick Warren on evangelical movements

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund: "...and the Aspen Institute are pleased to announce the publication of U.S. in the World: Talking Global Issues with Americans - A Practical Guide. For information and to download a PDF version of the Guide, please go to www.usintheworld.org

Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Aspen Institute Release 'U.S. In the World: Talking Global Issues with Americans - A Practical Guide': "The book is a communications guide, not a compilation of policy recommendations or proposals - a tool to help communicators of all kinds reach out to Americans with a broadly shared, positive vision of U.S. global engagement.

     The Aspen Institute's Global Interdependence Initiative. "This is also great tool for journalists, who are charged with explaining complex issues to a diverse audience."



Read the entire report, "The Aspen Institute and Marxist Praxis" by Judy McLemore

at http://www.stopcp.com/TQMJudyMcLemore.pdf


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