Notice the
similarities between the following excerpts and the new
global management system. Today's networks of churches
and church trainers are conforming to this worldwide management system -- and aiding
the human resource development envisioned by elite
leaders throughout the last century.
The Intelligent Student's Guide to the New
World Order
Warren's P.E.A.C.E. Plan and UN Goals -
Part 2: Equipping Leaders to 'Lead like Jesus'?
Spirit-led and Purpose-Driven - Part 3:
Small Groups and the Dialectic Process
Systems Thinking
"For Comte positivism was... a belief that true knowledge is based
on thinking about the physical and social world as systems
of causal relationships.... Positivism is closely related to the
development of a science of society [sociology]....
"...the ultimate perfection of the Positive system would
be to represent all phenomena as particular aspects of a single
general fact....
"...we could divide the theorists into Kantian Positivists
(Saint Simon, Comte,
Engels, Marx
etc) and Empiricist Positivists."

Course of Positive Philosophy:
Comte thought that scientific sociology alone could provide the
basis for a new form of social integration by providing ‘an
exact and complete representation of the relations naturally existing....
Comte represents a classic attempt at a unitary evolutionary
of humanity based on the view that
society is an organism.
This is a positive science that ultimately becomes a morality
and religion with sociology at its apex as the ‘universal science’....
held strongly to the idea of an organic totality where
the whole
is more than its parts
and thus thought beyond the category of the individual in
terms of social being, humanity in general. ...
solidarity follows mechanical solidarity where in likeness to one
another actors in a social system have relatively fixed forms
of interaction.... Solidarity systems of the more complex
organic type involve deeper ties between social agents."

Comte, the high priest
of social science:
"Positivism is often described as 'organic'. ... Like the early
evolutionists, it assumed that evolution was a process of continuing
NEW MORAL ORDER In his later years, Comte's faith in science as
the means to improving man's way of life went far beyond even the
optimism of the late nineteenth century. The belief was that positive
knowledge would allow prediction; prediction would allow
enactment of policies good for all of society. Positivist
knowledge would give sociologists and scientists authority to
overcome conflict and
prescribe conditions
for a healthy society.
They should control
things for the good of all
- a new breed of philosopher kings.
Comte sought to do was develop a
new secular religion,
a basis for a new moral order, with intellectuals like himself
as high priests....
NEW RELIGION. ... 'For 20 centuries, the West has been
seeking a universal
no more able to abandon it than to establish it... The final
religion demands as a necessary basis of human order, the
entire subordination of man to Humanity.'
new positivist order, to quote some of Comte's favorite formulae,
would have -
1. 'Love as its Principle,
2. Order as its Basis, and
3. Progress at its Aim'.
"Mankind's previous egoism would be replaced by altruism,
by the command, Live for Others. Individual men would be
filled with love for their fellows. Their priestly leaders would
use their scientific knowledge of man's past and present to lead
mankind on a lawfully determined path into a predictable
[vision] future."

Marx and Positivism
(by David Hookes. "This is the summary of a talk given at the
International Socialist Forum): "Comte held that the time would
come when human society itself would be studied by such positive
methods. Such a positive science he called 'sociology' or sometimes
'social physics.' He argues that the development of society corresponds
to the three stages.
- First, a
theological social outlook upheld by priestly learning and
- This is followed
by the era of metaphysical criticism of traditional doctrines,
when they are replaced by such unverifiable doctrines as belief
in natural rights and the sovereignty of the people. ...
- This era would
be replaced by a stable society where agreement [consensus]
is established on the basis of incontrovertible positive social
knowledge. A new form of authority would then reside in
a new
spiritual power
consisting of men of science whose knowledge would enable humanity
to achieve a
peaceful unity
of thought and action.
the revolution, and long before Stalin got control of the bureaucratic
apparatus created by Lenin and Trotsky, there were crude examples
of positivist methods. For instance workers were put into a special
apparatus to attempt to improve their productivity. Then there is
Trotsky’s talk about remaking humanity 'as in a mortar and
pestle'... There is also Lenin’s simplistic mechanistic
positivism in his celebrated equation: "Soviets + Electricity
= Socialism".
paper clearly shows the connection between the Soviet use of
psychiatric methods against dissidents and a positivist philosophical
outlook. ...
course it is critically important for capital to have its cadres
of scientific and technical experts, its social engineers,
and administrative bureaucratic elites. It is essential that
these social layers are kept loyal and uncritically carry out their
allotted tasks of creating the means of engaging in economic
and, if necessary, military competition. Such elites are also essential
for creating the means of repression and oppression of the vast
bulk of humanity, those who earn their living through labour,
be they workers or peasants. Such elites are the 'organic intelligentsia'
of the ruling class described by the Italian Marxist, Gramsci.....
proposal is to fight for the setting up of 'Community Development
Parks' especially as part of the implementation of a Workers International
Plan for Development. The potential of the new technologies for
implementing such a plan is obvious."