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"Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit... according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ." Colossians 2:6-9 See Why hate crimes laws would ban Biblical Christianity and The UN Plan for Your Mental Health |
- 2006Articles:
Ban Truth - Reap Tyranny - 2003
Clinton's War on Hate Bans Christian Value - 1988
Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules
- 1988The UN Plan for your Mental Health
- 1989Excerpts: Hate Crimes - Criminal Law & Identity Politics - 2005
European Union (EU) illustrates the global pressure to conform
European Parliament Passes Resolution
Vowing to Take 'Homophobic' Countries to Court:
"Members of the European Parliament from France, the Netherlands and Italy,
among others, vilified Poland as 'hateful' and 'repulsive' for refusing
to allow promotion of homosexuality in schools. A vote was held today
to approve an EP resolution chastising Poland for 'homophobia.'
... At issue was a proposed law in Poland which would forbid 'homosexual propaganda'
in schools. ...
MEP Rour Martine called statements in defense of the traditional family by Polish
parliamentarians, 'diatribes' and noted that they 'must stop', adding that they
were 'repulsive' and 'hateful'. ... The statements from France were supported
by Sophia in't Veld of the Netherlands who also accused the Polish government
of 'hatred'.... Italy's Giusto Catania joined in the attack on Poland adding
an attack on the church as well which he said never stopped in expressing hatred
toward homosexuals. "...the
most powerful response came from Poland's Bogdan Pek. 'This was an artificial
piece of theatre,' he said. 'An attempt to carry out an assault on a particular
member state that a bunch of liberals and lefties disapprove of.... [I]n the
recent histories of your countries there has been persecution - persecution
of Jews for example who took refuge in Poland.... Poland is a tolerant, hospitable
country. It is absurd to suggest that Poland is an island of intolerance in
Europe.... A cynical manipulation which is designed to pull the wool over the
European public's eyes."
"International Laws" (actually treaties and declarations nations have ratified)
Millennium Forum Held at United Nations Headquarters from 22 to 26 May 2000: "We the Peoples' Millennium Forum Declaration and Agenda for Action: Human rights will not be truly universal unless they are realized for all, including neglected or excluded groups and groups at risk, notably children, youth, older persons, women, minorities, indigenous peoples, refugees, internally displaced persons, migrants, immigrants, the disabled the mentally ill, the unemployed, the homeless and those subject to discrimination on grounds of race, religion, caste, sex, place of birth, language, age, nationality, sexual orientation...
"The Forum urges: ...Governments:
1. To take all steps, including affirmative action, where necessary, to remedy the continuing neglect of people whose human rights are yet unrealized; and to move urgently to sign and ratify the ICC treaty.
2. To provide effective redress and remedies for the victims of human rights violations...
"We are also witnessing a resurgence of racism, fascism, xenophobia, homophobia, hate crimes, ethnocide and genocide, which impact most greatly on indigenous peoples and other disadvantaged or under-represented groups; the resurgence of patriarchy that threatens to erode the gains made by women; the persistence of the worst forms of child labour; the impunity enjoyed by perpetrators of massive and systematic violations of human rights... The Forum expressed concern about continuing selectivity and double standards in the international enforcement of human rights. The Forum stressed the need for more effective adherence to international human rights standards, especially by the Governments of the permanent members of the Security Council and all other members as well."
UN holds "sovereign" nations accountable to its "soft" laws
Chile’s Breach of the ICCPR: Failure to Protect the Rights of Sexual Minorities: The Program in International Human Rights Law welcomes the Chilean Government’s Fifth Periodic Report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee. In this Report, Chile asserts that it has provided adequate legislative, judicial, administrative, and other mechanisms that fulfill its obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
This shadow
report reveals that Chile has not complied fully with ICCPR mandate to protect
the rights of sexual minorities, including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
"The Program in International Human Rights Law, Indiana
University School of Law at Indianapolis, was established in 1997 to further
the teaching and study of international human rights law, to promote scholarship
in international human rights law, to assist human rights governmental, intergovernmental,
and non-governmental organizations on international human rights law projects,
and to facilitate the placement of students as law interns at international
human rights organizations domestically and overseas."
International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination, (Geneva, 25 February 2004): CONSIDERATION OF REPORTS, COMMENTS AND INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY STATES PARTIES UNDER ARTICLE 9 OF THE CONVENTION... Fifteenth and sixteenth periodic reports of Sweden:
1. At the invitation of the Chairman, the members of the delegation of Sweden took places at the Committee table. ...
2. Mr. EHRENKRONA (Sweden),... said that his Government had consulted with Swedish non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the process of compiling the report. The Government welcomed the opportunity to improve on its work to promote and protect human rights, and in particular to combat discrimination. ...
3. In 2001, Sweden had adopted the Action Plan against Racism, Xenophobia, Homophobia and Discrimination, which aimed to make the struggle against those phenomena more systematic, structured and effective.... New legislation designed to counter discrimination on various grounds... had entered into force on 1 July 2003.... A commission charged with proposing legislation to counteract discrimination on grounds of gender, ethnic origin, religious or other beliefs, sexual orientation or disability within the educational system in order to implement the provisions of two European Union directives against discrimination would issue its recommendations by 30 April 2004.
4. ...The authorities in the criminal justice system would report to the Government on the efficacy of the anti-discrimination measures that they had implemented in 2004. State funding of local anti-discrimination offices had been substantially increased in 2004, while the State-funded Centre against Racism and Related Intolerance had begun its work, in conjunction with more than a hundred NGOs.
13. Mr. SICILIANOS... commended Sweden on the regularity with which it had submitted its reports to the Committee and to the other treaty monitoring bodies.....
16. ... Although the Equal Treatment of Students in Higher Education Act had been brought into force in 2002, the Committee had been informed that it was not being applied sufficiently in many universities. Sweden should be commended for having adopted an Action Plan against Racism, Xenophobia, Homophobia and Discrimination, following the Durban Conference in 2001....
17. The creation of the Centre against Racism and Related Intolerance should be commended, particularly as the Centre would carry out work against Islamophobia, a problem which had become increasingly serious since 11 September 2001. The Committee required further information on the methods employed by the Centre and other bodies, including the Office of the Ombudsman against Ethnic Discrimination, in dealing with Islamophobia...."
Fraudulent facts used to raise public support in the U.S.
Hate-Crimes Fraud Exposed: "...the alleged incident that prompted re-introduction of the bill in the 110th Congress never actually happened. The Feb. 23 death that gay activists are using to justify the exaggerated need for broader enforcement of federal hate-crimes laws, in fact, was the result natural causes (”Medical examiner: Spinal disease killed Andrew Anthos“)....
"The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act is linked to Anthos’ high-profile death. The 72-year-old homosexual reportedly met his demise after a phantom black man called him a derogatory name then struck him in the back of the head with a metal pipe. The '“tragedy' so touched U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., that he delivered a moving speech on the Senate floor.
'We should condemn and act against the hate crimes that have plagued our nation and have had such a devastating impact on Andrew Anthos, and thousands of others and their families,' Levin said. 'In addition, I hope that state governments will strengthen their own hate-crime statutes to combat this growing trend.' [It's actually not a growing trend. Information on false statistics will be posted]"If lawmakers really want meaningful legislation on this issue, the more fitting proposal would be to enact harsher punishment for people who lie about hate crimes. Gay activists are so eager to label offenses against their ranks as 'hate crimes' they are distorting statistics in their favor. Such false reports end up in FBI data as well as impassioned congressional speeches. There’s no telling how many other 'hate-crime” accounts are bogus.'" [More evidence of false reports and statistics will be posted.]
Hate Crimes - Criminal Law & Identity Politics. This book contains much valuable information.
"Woe to those who
call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness....
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
And prudent in their own sight!" Isaiah 5:20-21
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