The wonder-filled life of Jesus has no beginning nor end; it fills that infinite and immeasurable eternity that stretches my time-bound mind. Inexhaustible, all-powerful, loving and wise, His divine life brings a confidence and a security that far exceed man's best attempts at earthly peace. Yet, by His amazing and unfathomable grace, this glorious Life is now available to all who will believe and follow His Way! Before I knew Jesus, I had only temporary earthly life. In my finite human body, I could breath, walk, eat and talk. I could think, reason, know and love. But my own feeble love and corrupted understanding were only a shadow of the resources now available through His "abundant life" in me. When I first put my trust in Jesus Christ, my Savior and my Lord, He miraculously transferred me from my old earthly existence to a brand new incorruptible existence with Him. He cancelled my judgment for sin, lifted me up and filled me with His life-giving Spirit so that I might be His friend and serve His people. What an amazing life! We know how it happened: Two thousand years ago, He died an agonizing death to pay the penalty for our sins and to free us from bondage to our sin nature. Then He rose from the grave, and ascended to His heavenly throne -- "far above all principality and power and might and dominion." [Ephesians 1:21] All who have put their trust in His redeeming work on the cross now share in His victory. For, in His immeasurable eternity which transcends our linear view of time, we died on that cross with Him — though He bore all the pain. When He rose from the dead, we shared His resurrection. As Paul wrote,
"Such knowledge is too wonderful for me. It is high, I cannot attain it." Psalm 139:6 One with Him, I have been learning to see the world through His eyes. One with Him, familiar words that once seemed dry and empty have come alive with new meaning. One with Him, I could set my heart on a perfected and glorious eternity! Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! One with Him, I share in His suffering as well as His triumphs. For today's unholy world is no more compatible with His holy truths than it was 2000 years ago when He became man and walked among us. Now as then, people hide from His light and despise His holy ways. But,
Since I "have died with Christ", I choose to "reckon" myself "dead to sin and alive to God." Nothing is impossible for Him! By His life in me, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." For He has promised to "supply all [my] need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Romans 6:11; Philippians 4:13, 19
The fact is, I am
"a new
creation; old things have passed away;
Through an amazing exchange: He takes our old sinful life and gives us His holy, all-sufficient life in its place. "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Corinthians 5:21
I still have a choice. Each moment I
can choose to listen to the tempting voice of my sinful nature -- or to the
still small voice of God's Spirit in me. I wish I would always chose the
latter. But I don't. And when I choose my own way, I soon sense His
sadness. Then I come back to the cross -- not for the holy life He has already
given me, but for cleansing and restoration -- so that I might again delight
in the love-relationship I treasure above all else.
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