Excerpts from:FBI, DHS Were Warned About Boston Terrorist SIX MONTHS Ago - And Failed to ActBy John Hill, Executive Director of "Stand With Arizona" Source article ~ April 22, 2013 |
The failure of this Administration to protect our homeland from jihadist threats – despite clear warnings before the Boston attacks – continues to be exposed. And it also calls into serious question how the FBI and DHS can be trusted to handle the increased numbers of asylum visas called for under the ‘Gang of 8′ immigration bill.
... the FBI was warned by a “foreign government” – reportedly Russia – that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a “follower of radical Islam” with a potential for “terrorist activities”. The FBI personally interviewed him, and then cleared him. As we reported, the FBI initially denied that they had investigated Tsarnaev – until an interview with his mother on Russian TV exposed their denial as a farce....
NBC News has reported that Russian security services just six months ago – in November 2012 – again warned the FBI about Tsarnaev after his 6-month trip to Dagestan....As in 2011 – once again the FBI took no action, but unlike in 2011, did not even get back to the Russian security services with an updated report on Tsarnaev....
Here we have a non-citizen “asylum” seeker, with a prior record of domestic violence, who had been denied citizenship, who had been named – twice by a foreign security service as a potential terrorist, and who traveled back to the very region that he and his family had supposedly “fled” from as “refugees” years earlier, and which is a hotbed of radical Islamic activity.
In addition, not only was he witnessed being in the company of a terrorist overseas, but also been suspected of “radical” activity at a mosque in Boston. And the FBI and DHS did absolutely nothing? No further surveilance? No detention or deportation?
Why did they even let him back into the country after 6 months in Dagestan? And how could the FBI who investigated Tsarnaev – twice – and interviewed him face-to-face on at least 3 occasions, not be able to recognize his face from surveillance video for 4 days after the Boston Marathon bombings – even with billion dollar facial recognition software – and released his photo to the public instead of staking out and detaining him?
... knowing that the ‘Gang of Eight’ immigration amnesty bill before the Senate right now will permit MORE anylum visas from terror-sponsoring nations like Chechnya, Dagestan, Libya, Syria and elsewhere, how on Earth can we trust the FBI and DHS to protect us from any potential Muslim jihadists among them?
Read the rest here: http://standwitharizona.com/blog/2013/04/22/shock-fbi-dhs-warned-about-boston-terrorist-six-months-ago-and-did-nothing/