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The Reprobate Keynesian Mind By Donald Hank ~ Posted in Opinion, 3 April 2013. More
information: George
Bush: The Unauthorized Biography |
We live in the world Keynes built. Given that Keynes' mind was warped and twisted, is it any surprise that a world governed by his system of economics is depraved and in decline?
I recently had a stimulating discussion with a UK pastor regarding the imminent legalization of a radical new definition of marriage, which for 5000 years, in over 600 languages and dialects, has always referred to a union between a man and a woman. True, some cultures have included polygamous marriages in this definition, but still, marriage was never between members of the same sex. The suggestion of such a union had always been regarded as unnatural.
This pastor made a startling assertion: the power in Europe is in the hands of sexual perverts.(The occult and perverted Skull and Bones illustrates it well!
Please read America's Secret Establishment: Introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones
Video 1. Antony Sutton lecture: The Order of Skull & Bones ~ Video 3: Skull & Bones, Part 3
The word for reprobate as used by Paul in Romans 1:28 is adókimon (αδόκιμον), which is a composite of a (α) meaning not, or without, and dókimos (δόκιμος), meaning approved or simply proved, and is a derivative of dokimazo (δοκιμάζω), meaning to prove or put to the test.
Now the word could mean, according to the first equivalent, “unapproved.” But according to the second, it would suggest something that had been tested and failed the test.
Paul applies the word to homosexuals, who he says reject the Creator but worship the creation. He says God abandoned them to “reprobate minds.”
Note that a mind that God has allowed to be changed fundamentally from a mind that has passed quality control to a failed (reprobate) mind will fail not only morally but in every other sense, and specifically in the processing of vital data for the conduct of daily activity. Such a mind in control of a national economy could only produce disasters because it would be incapable of foreseeing obvious potentials for economic problems and a catastrophic breakdown of law and order.This is because common sense is God-given, and when God withdraws this gift (abandoning one to a reprobate, or in other words, failed, mind), then the mind is no longer functional and this failure is allowed by God, or in other words, success is no longer allowed by God. There can be nothing more terrifying!
Now also note that the Western world, including the US and Europe, have long adopted an economic model known as Keynesianism. We are supposed to believe that this model actually succeeded in the FDR administration and enabled us to pull out of a severe depression. A study by a team of economists at UCLA, however, showed that, far from promoting recovery, FDR’s policies delayed the recovery by 7 to 8 years.
In actual fact, we recovered only because America still had a strong manufacturing base, whereas Europe’s manufacturing was destroyed in the war, providing us with a captive export market. Ask yourself: Do we still have a strong manufacturing base to support a recovery? The Keynesian Richard Nixon promoted and won Most-Favored-Nation status for Mao’s communist China, sealing the doom of American industry.
Japanese experiments with Keynesianism, based on the false FDR model, failed.
America and Europe have tried Keynesian ‘stimulus’ as well, with the result that the job situation is still poor, growth is almost at a standstill, inflation is our most abundant export and the euro zone is failing dismally. Economic failure is accompanied, predictably, with a breakdown of law. Ask any Cypriot. Or look at the gangs of illegal immigrants terrorizing American cities.
But who was Keynes, the mastermind of this economic model that has failed consistently?
Well, according to Paul’s definition, John Maynard Keynes was a prime example of a reprobate mind.
If you have the stomach, you may read this chapter of “Keynes at Harvard” to see why Paul would call him morally reprobate:
http://www.keynesatharvard.org/book/KeynesatHarvard-ch09.htmlIf you have the time, you may read the whole book:
http://www.keynesatharvard.org/The economic debacle in the US and Europe is a direct result of putting power in the hands of reprobate minds—minds that can do nothing but fail. ... Look around you. Look at the cost of staples today, compared with last year. Can anyone argue with that?
Can anyone argue that our power structure is in the hands of people with reprobate minds?
Donald Hank has been the owner/operator of the Christian news and views site Laigle's Forum since 2006. His work has been published by WorldNetDaily, Canada Free Press, Christian Worldview Network, Etherzone, FedUpUSA, Renew America, Desert Conservative and Midia Sem Mascara. From 1971 to 2009 Don was the owner and operator of a technical translation agency. He has translated professionally from over 20 languages and is the author of Japanese-to-English Technical Translation Manual and French-English Dictionary of Aluminum Manufacturing Terms. He is now retired and residing in Panama.
Copyright © Donald Hank. Used with permission.