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Is this "The State of the World"! Save the Earth: Kill 90% of its People? by Berit Kjos - 1995 See The State of the World According to Gorbachev, 1996 The U.N. Plan For Global Control: The Habitat II Agenda | Green Lies and Phony Science Skip down to Council of the Wise | Brzezinski | Global Socialism | Chopra |
Ponder the unthinkable threats behind these quotes:
(1995) "We must speak far more clearly about sexuality, about contraception, about abortion, about the values that control the population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90 percent and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage." [Sam Keen, closing plenary session at Gorbachev's 1995 Global Conference, Nob Hill, San Francisco.]
(1996) "Prof. Pianka 'enthusiastically advocated the elimination of 90 percent of Earth's population by airborne Ebola." [2] (See "Meeting Doctor Doom," Forrest M. Mims III, The Citizen Scientist, March 31,2006. [3] http://www.sas.org/tcs/weeklyIssues_2006/2006-04-07/feature1p/index.html)
(1995) “We cannot leap into world government in one quick step… The precondition for ... genuine globalization is progressive regionalization, because thereby we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units.” [Keynote speaker Zbigniew Brzezinski, former head of the Trilateral Commission [now a foreign policy adviser to Barack Obama].
(1995) "...in our discussions here at the forum there was no trace of the futile debate about what is better, capitalism or socialism.... We should seek a synthesis of ideas and values that have proven their viability..." Mikhail Gorbachev, discussing a new form of democracy that would rule out Christianity.
These are sobering messages! The five days -- from September 27 to October 1 -- exposed me to an unthinkable global transformation. Borders would fall; new settlements would grow, Christianity would fade, and freedom would end!
Meanwhile, I continued to interview the elite -- sometimes unintentionally irritating speakers with unwanted questions. I kept thanking God for His guidance. He enabled me to complete my task as a registered reporter for three Christian ministries. In the process, I learned to see our changing world from an entirely new perspective.
Globalization will indeed transform our nation. The world population will be drastically diminished. Global migration will spread and and cause unthinkable grief and despair. And the transformation will be worldwide.
For the ruling elites, there will be riches and power -- at least for a season. But for those who trust in God, there will be victory, peace and joy in the end!
Gorbachev and "The Power Elite"
The world leaders gathered in San Francisco on the evening of September 28, 1995 showed little appreciation for America. In fact, the selected speakers and their enthusiastic audience seemed to see reality from a decidedly universalist perspective. The cultural paradigm expressed in the roundtable discussions, in the plenary speeches, and among the youth from nations left little doubt that this wealthy group of powerful leaders shared a common vision for the world.
Gorbachev and his hand-picked "council of the wise" or "global brain trust" told the assembly of more than 1000 guests and participants that a new set of inclusive universal values must replace the Judeo-Christian world view. "The wisdom distilled by all faiths" must determine the values needed to guide the world into the 21st Century. [See The Secret Cabal]
Among the speakers and participants were Gorbachev's his co-chair Ted Turner, astronomer Carl Sagan, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, Carnegie Chairman David Hamburg, Maurice Strong, the Canadian New Age chief of the UN's 1992 environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro, New Age educator Willis Harman, Esalen co-founder Michael Murphy, the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation Founder Sonia Gandhi....
The absence of Christian leaders prompted a member of the press to ask Gorbachev why Western religious leaders were not represented at the conference. Showing his ignorance of Christianity, the Communist leader answered that "Western religion is represented by many of the leaders of the Forum."
You might wonder whom he had in mind. Surely he leaders wouldn't include as "Christians" his co-chair Ted Turner, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, Carnegie Chairman David Hamburg, or Maurice Strong, the Canadian New Age chief of the UN's 1992 environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro.
Attempting to help answer the question, Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor to President Carter, CFR (Council of Foreign Relations) and former director of the Trilateral Commission, spoke up. "I happen to know that President Gorbachev is a very good friend of the Pope -- and I am too." (See also Elite Conspiracies & Zbigniew Brzezinski)
These powerful, self-centered, anti-Christian World Leaders show little concern for the cruel lives of the poor in Africa! They may be useful to those who experiment with new drugs, social change and environmental agendas. But their experiments with nature and their agenda for the poor spells disaster for much of the world -- if not all of it.
Yet this is not a new agenda! From the beginning of time, humans have schemed, killed and destroyed to gain power, influence and wealth. As in previous civilizations, man's heartless schemes continue to cause pain and cruel deaths that benefit the rich and mighty.
Disease and Ebola
It's hard to even imagine the changes ahead. Perhaps the biggest threat at the moment is the man-made Ebola virus that is fast spreading around the world. It was created by foolish scientists and funded by elitists such as Bill Gates.
"...Ebola was invented, a vaccine for Ebola has existed for 8-10 years, some government sponsored institutions as well as some of the global elite have positioned themselves to profit enormously from the spread of the virus and the development of and dissemination of mandatory Ebola vaccines and the imposition of total martial law in the process....
"Gates has announced that he plans to vaccinate every child in the third world with multiple vaccines, which could result in a dramatic population reduction of 10-15%. Do you realize the enormous profits that can be realized by vaccinating every child in the third world? If we apply Gates’ penchant for investing in causes which produce a hefty 'return on investment' (ROI) then one could reasonably suspect that Gates is positioning himself to profit on the $50 million he has invested in the Ebola cause which conveniently includes the CDC, the holder of the patent for Ebola.
"The NIH presently holds all patents on Ebola vaccines. Crucell is much like Tekimara is to Monsanto in that they are fronting the science for the Ebola vaccine treatment patents. http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/09/17/the-cdc-nih-bill-gates-own-the-patents-on-existing-ebola-related-vaccines-mandatory-vaccinations-are-near/And men like Professor Pianka 'enthusiastically advocated the elimination of 90 percent of Earth's population by airborne Ebola.'"[2] Here are a few more reminders of where we are headed:
You might ask, why does America have a patent on Ebola? Will it be used to rapidly lower the world's population? It was obviously planned! Here are a few more clues:
"The more one digs into who is behind the creation and development of vaccines for treating Ebola, the more the conspiracy networks widen....Ebola was invented, a vaccine for Ebola has existed 8-10 years, some government sponsored institutions as well as the global elite have positioned themselves to profit enormously from the spread of the virus and and the development of and dissemination of mandatory Ebola vaccines and the imposition of total martial law in the process." The Commonsense Show
Why does the CDC own a patent on Ebola 'invention?' "The U.S. Centers for Disease Control owns a patent on a particular strain of Ebola known as 'EboBun.'... The patent summary says, 'The invention provides the isolated human Ebola (hEbola) viruses denoted as Bundibugyo (EboBun) deposited with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention... on November 26, 2007.'"
Ebola Virologist: fight against Ebola outbreaks in Sierra Leone and Liberia is already lost: "The WHO even expects thousands of new cases of Ebola in Liberia over the next few weeks."
World Health Organisation says Ebola will claim 20,000 lives in next six months: “As soon as a new Ebola treatment facility is opened, it immediately fills to overflowing with patients.... A Doctors Without Borders statement was equally blunt, saying the virus was moving 'catastrophically through the population much faster than new facilities are being created.'”
U.S. pledges 3,000 troops to fight Ebola; experts say more needed. "The United States has pledged to send 3,000 troops West Africa, using its military muscle to battle the biggest ever outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus, with an unprecedented mission to build treatment clinics and train health workers. ...The death toll from the deadly fever...has doubled in the past month to 2,461, mostly in three countries in West Africa."
(Slow to open) Sending Military to Fight Ebola "Misuse of Soldiers:" “The U.S. military does not have specific training regarding how to handle a medical emergency like Ebola,' he said. 'It’s rather obvious there is a great risk the U.S. military going into Liberia to fight Ebola will end up getting infected themselves.”
“If military are required to combat the Ebola outbreak in Liberia, then the first troops that should be involved are the 6,000 United Nations peacekeeping forces that are already in the country.”
Obama Signs Executive Order to Detain Americans With ‘Respiratory Illnesses’: "...Obama has signed an amendment to an executive order that would allow him to mandate the apprehension and detention of Americans who merely show signs of 'respiratory illness.'...
"...the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has measures in place for dealing with an outbreak of a communicable disease which allow for the quarantine of 'well persons' who 'do not show symptoms' of the disease.
"...under the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, public health authorities and governors would be given expanded police powers to seize control of communications devices, public and private property, as well as a host of other draconian measures in the event of a public health emergency. When the legislation was introduced, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons warned that it 'could turn governors into dictators.'”
Ebola Virologist: fight against Ebola outbreaks in Sierra Leone and Liberia is already lost: "The killer virus is spreading like wildfire, Liberia’s defense minister said on Tuesday he pleaded for UN assistance. A German Ebola expert tells DW the virus must 'burn itself out' in that part of the world. His statement might alarm many people....
"The situation is getting worse after 80 health workers, doctors and nurses, have died after contracting the disease. The WHO even expects thousands of new cases of Ebola in Liberia over the next few weeks."
Doctor: Gov’t ‘Tight-Lipped’ on Respiratory Virus, May be From Illegals: "When asked whether illegal immigrant children who have been sent to various locations around the country could be the cause of the virus, she responded 'Yes, they could be. We don’t know for sure the government is being real tight-lipped about this, and it only takes one infected child to infect the whole classroom.'...
"'Should we be [looking at] the virus to see whether it’s like what’s been found in some of these countries that are just sending waves of children across our border....
"...'virtually all of the cases of drug resistant TB that have been discovered in the United States are in foreign born individuals... It is a public health nightmare....”
Final Words:
At the end of "The State of the World" conference, the publisher of Earth Vision magazine shared with me her disappointment over the hypocrisy she sensed. 'I don't believe they really care all that much about the poor,' she said. "An evening meal here costs over $120 per person, yet they talk about equality, justice, and raising consciousness. Why couldn't they have served just one meal of rice? That would have done more to raise our awareness than all their promising words."
Just then, Shirley McLaine walked by, so I asked her what she thought of the conference.
"It was good. It helped raise consciousness," she answered.
"But wouldn't it have raised consciousness more if one of the meals had just been rice instead of gourmet meat and elegant desserts?" I asked.
She frowned. "People paid a lot of money to come here," she grumbled and walked away.
Report on the 1996 gathering: The State of the World According to Gorbachev
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