News You Won't Find in the Mainstream Media


My friend, Don Hank, receives an amazing amount of news from wise and concerned people in various parts of the world. This month, most of the topics deal with Russia and the Ukraine, but they bring insights and facts that we rarely find in the mainstream media.


I asked his permission to share some of these letters with you, and he graciously complied.  (Berit Kjos)



Several letters, pieces of the Ukraine-Crimea puzzle for you, are shown below, from people who know a lot about the region. Two have been there and the other is a respected scholar and author on the subject of the EU.

      Directly below is letter sent by one of our UK contacts to the Daily Telegraph. This fellow is working at a professional job in Russia and has been there for an extended period. He is a valuable contributor to our forum by virtue of this fact alone but he also possesses knowledge and insight regarding the EU dictatorship, which his country, UK, is trying desperately to exit (more than 50% of UK citizens polled said they wanted out, but David Cameron will not give them the referendum they need to exit. This is their definition of democracy: anything WE want). He does not have much hope that they will print this because the MSM are part of the Western war machine and in clandestine ways, controlled by the supranational elites. I wish him godspeed. Don Hank


Sir, -   The unrest in the Ukraine has been deliberatly misrepresented in the west. There is a stark contrast between the EU's illegal interference in the internal affairs of a foreign country and the statesmanship of Russian President Vladimir Putin. While EU and US officials (including Ashton, Westerwelle, Nuland, Murphy and McCain)are seen at the barricades in Kiev openlysupporting the violent demonstrations against a sovereign state in breach of the UN Charter, Vladimir Putin rightly asks how they would feel if Russia did the same
on the streets of Athens.

     On 19 January the Russian State Duma called for "foreign political circles to stop violating international law", and on 28 January his Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov denounced "foreign interference" and"incitement to violence". He described theEU's downgrading of the current EU-Russian 2-day summit to a mere
meeting of a few hours as "childish" and said: "Europe should grow up." Not satisfied with having ruined the economies of its southern member states, the EU has now wreaked havoc on a non-member country on
its eastern front. The chaos in Kiev is purely the result of an attempt by Brussels madmen to extend the influence of their envisaged fascist empire eastwards -in the words of Barroso at the 28 January
meeting: "to create a common economic space from Lisbon to Vladivostok". Hitler made the same mistake in opening up an eastern front in 1941. This time Britain and America are on the wrong side.
       Russia must ensure that EU aggression does not succeed in endangering world peace. Yours faithfully,


[I have left this anonymous to protect this brave lad. He had included his full address in Russia--Don]



This next one is from Rodney Atkinson, an author and authority on the EU and its interference in foreign countries. I believe most of you are familiar with Mr. Atkinson's writings. I recommend "And into the Fire" (  NOTE THAT SOME MALICIOUS WEASEL AT AMAZON HAS MADE IT DIFFICULT TO ENTER THE STIEot that some malicious weasel at Amazon has made it difficult to enter the site OTE THAT SOME MALICIOUS WEASEL AT AMAZON HAS MADE IT DIFFICULT TO ENTER THE SITE FROM WHICH THE BOOK CAN BE PURCHASED, BY ADDING A malicious WARNING OF ADULT CONTENT! THIS IS TYPICAL OF AMAZON'S BULLYING TACTICS)    


       Sir, Your  headline today "Crimea  poll leaves Russia isolated” shows  extraordinary  ignorance   of the  facts    on the ground and the history of Crimea. Yes a democratic referendum with observers from 130 countries would leave a democratic Russia supported by 97% of voters ”isolated" in the increasingly anti democratic West - but not elsewhere in the world.

      Russia has not "occupied" Crimea, it is there (on land which for over 150 years was part of Russia) under international treaty and is entitled under that treaty to far more troops  (25,000)   than  it has. And nobody asked the people of Crimea if they wanted to be transferred from the Russian Federation within the USSR to Ukraine  in the first place.

       A democratically elected President in Kiev (the religious and cultural origin of Russians)  was violently deposed and an international agreement to hold new elections was overturned  - and with the connivance of the EU which has never yet tolerated a sovereign democratic nation within its domaine! 

Rodney Atkinson Alderley


       Finally, a different viewpoint from our missionary friend who spent years in Ukraine among Ukrainian Protestant Christians. I need to preface his observations by saying that Protestant Christians in foreign countries who are friendly with American missionaries tend to be friendly toward not only the American people but also the American government, because essentially, they tend to conflate the two, to their peril.

       Of course a missionary who is knowledgeable about the behind the scenes machinations of the US and European government can easily set these people straight.

      On the other hand, there currently are essentially two Ukraines: 1) The pro-West Ukraine consisting mainly of Ukrainian as their first language and concentrated in the Western part of the nation, and 2) pro-Russian Ukrainians who mostly speak Russian as a first language and consider themselves culturally Russian. This is a tragic split that is due in large part to Western and even Russian schemes after WWII. Everything was going fairly well until the West decided to foment discontent.


Here is Rich's emaill, for which we are grateful:

      I have not responded to your posts for quite some time, and truthfully I hesitate to do so now.  I do not wish for you to consider what I say as gospel truth, but I am disturbed by many facts published in the article from the link below.  I read WND reports daily and am surprised I missed this one. I agree with much of what William Murray said in this article, but on the same hand some of it just doesn't fit with things Chris and I have observed in our trips to Ukraine.

     My first point of concern is how, not just Murray's article, but several others I have read state that Miroshnikov was the legally elected president of Ukraine.  I have for the past 5 years heard complaints from my Ukrainian friends and read in several articles from various sources that Miroshnikov was put in as president by a rigged election set up by Putin. He then imprisoned Julia Tymchenko who was the legally elected president.  I can't quote any legitimate sources to verify this, but am just astounded that I have never heard any mention of Miroshnikov being the legally elected president until the recent uprising.


I will not disagree with Murray on any of his points about how evil the US is and how moral Russia is compared to us.  I only say that because i cannot offer any proof to the contrary and I do believe he is mostly right. There are some things about how great Russia is in his article that don't seem to fit what we have heard, but I won't go into them now because I can't substantiate it beyond doubt. I hope you remember what I stated earlier to you, that I have complete distrust for the veracity of anything I read anymore.  I don't think any news source ever gets it totally accurate [Yes, Rich, unfortunate but true. The main difference is who pays whom to say what. The rare writer who is not being paid to support a political group or orientation is the one I trust most IF that person is a diligent researcher--Don]. I consequently put more faith in what I personally observe and see first hand.


Murray seems to be pretty harsh on the "rebels" that caused the uprising and that leads me to the next puzzling thing. This does not fit with what every Ukrainian I know has told me. For years they have been totally in favor of having their illegal president overthrown (those are their words not mine). I cannot figure out why the Ukrainians have such a different view of their situation than what the rest of the world believes.  I don't have answers, only questions.[I don't think this is the issue. Many of us would love to have our own Hilter removed but we may not want an outsider with outside interests doing it for us--Don]


I would like to bring out one other point while I am at it even though it wasn't discussed in Murray's article. The Crimean referendum seems to be reported to us in a different light than my friends are reporting. We keep hearing that Crimea consists of 60% Russians and consequently it is a certainty they will vote to go back to Russia.

     Many of the folks we worked with over there are in that Russian category. Some even grew up in Moscow and still have brothers or other family members living there.  They have repeatedly told me they do not wish to go back to Russia and they believe the majority of the Crimean Russians do not want that.  

     A pastor in Balaklava (who by the way was just informed that his church will no longer be allowed to lease their building they have been in for the last 10 years) told us several days ago that the upcoming referendum vote is rigged to automatically go to Russia.  

     They have been duped into thinking they will be able to vote to stay with Ukraine or go to Russia, but I was told there are only two options that can be picked in the voting and neither of them allows for Crimea to stay with Ukraine. I'm not sure how, but the pastor said that one option has Crimea immediately going to Russia, and the second option has them separating from Ukraine and then at a later date they would revert back to Russia.

      His comments do concur with an article I read a few days ago from Newsweek, but I am puzzled by the fact that the only thing we are hearing on TV broadcasts is that the Crimeans get to vote on whether they want to stay with Ukraine or go to Russia. Seems in actuality to hardly be the case.

[I have asked Rich to see if he can find a copy of the referendum question or questions or at least find out what the questions were verbatim. I can read Russian or Ukrainian and prefer it in the original if possible--Don]


I will leave you with one last thought that is still my overriding concern. Regardless of how moral and wise a leader Putin may appear to be, his actions in Ukraine of coming uninvited and unwanted into a sovereign nation with military might is a despicable act that cannot be considered moral high ground by any standards, and his ruthless murdering of EU supporters in Kharkiv should be definite proof he has a long way to go to be considered a person of high moral character.


Just to show how people often read things through a mental filter that removes everything they want it to remove, after I sent out an email showing proof that the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement is NOT just a trade agreement (contains clauses requiring it to eventually open its borders to human traffic), I got an email from a friend accusing me of always writing in favor of Putin.

      This was odd because, firstly, that email didn't mention Putin, just focused on the sneakiness of the EU, and secondly, I had already forwarded to him and others a series of emails from this same missionary friend whose email appears below. This series, and the one below, were very critical of Putin. This missionary had heard comments about Putin for years by Ukrainians and I thought it would be useful for you to read these things to get a proper balance.

     On the other hand, I have received emails from friends in the UK for many years almost all criticizing the underhanded tactics of the EU and the way that entity is draining the resources of the core countries and forcing them to accept the most unsavory immigrants possiblemany of whom refuse to assimilate, constantly complain about European culture, esp Christian culture, live off of welfare, create no-go zones for police, fire and ambulances, harass Jews, commit heinous crimes, practice sex slavery, and generally abuse women, while the 'authorities' look on in apathy or even condemn and sometimes fine Christians who witness to these people about their faith.

    That is my perspective on the EU and the puppet leaders in the European states.

I am equally interested in what the Ukrainians are saying about Russia and its puppet leaders.

That is why I am presenting the input from people who have been in the Ukraine and receive emails from there.

     I hope you will have noticed therefore that the 'side' that I have taken is the truth--to the best of my ability.

     I do not represent the Libertarians, the GOP, the Tea Party (which is becoming a branch of the neocons), the Democrats, the rich, the poor, the educated, the uneducated, the well connected or the disenfranchised or any other political group. If I had taken the side of an opinion group, I would stick to defending Putin and Russia (because I have written articles showing that his nation is less socialist than ours and more fiscally conservative). But that would be wrong.

     Yet one group in particular keeps crying foul, and that is a small group of powerful neoconservatives who claim they oppose Obama yet defend his corrupt government whenever it is at loggerheads with Russia or endorses military action. It bears noting that most of these people capitalize on their ideas, selling books, making speeches for which they are paid, and of course, their ideas coincide with those of the official or federal government so they are staying on the good side of the power brokers. Could be a coincidence, though, right?

     For me, real power is in facts, logic and straight talk. NO ONE owns me and my mind, thanks be to God. You will be the first to know if that changes.

Don Hank


From my missionary friend:

     "I will say that I have always believed the EU is ahead of the US in their socialist corrupt agenda, I do think our present administration is doing its darndest to catch up.  With that said I want to say that what concerns me with the Ukrainian situation is the rampant corruption of the entire governmental system, and the complete disregard for human rights. These are things I have witnessed personally countless times in the 7 years I have been going there. That system was installed illegally by Putin with a rigged  election he set up.

     "The duly elected president [Tymoshenko] was jailed when this election took place (I will admit that government had its own degree of corruption). The Ukrainians I know have become thoroughly disgusted with the entire political system and want to set up a proper government of their own.

     I am unable to see how the problems with the western cultures of the EU and US are any worse than the rampant social problems occurring in Russia (drunkenness and crime are incredibly high according to a pen pal of my mother's who lives in Moscow) and in the end, it is my strong personal conviction that no government has the right to invade a sovereign country against its will and impose marshall law on its citizens.


     [Yes, but if that is so, then no country has a right to foment riots in a sovereign country as the West has done--Don]


     For this reason I spend my time praying that God's will be done through all this so that my friends can continue the marvelous work for his kingdom they do without interference from any government. [This man was a missonary to Ukraine so his input is important. Note that I did not censor this to make Putin look good. I figure if he looks bad to the Ukrianians, then that is important for us to know--Don]


Just to show how people often read things through a mental filter that removes everything they want it to remove, after I sent out an email showing proof that the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement is NOT just a trade agreement (contains clauses requiring it to eventually open its borders to human traffic), I got an email from a friend accusing me of always writing in favor of Putin.

      This was odd because, firstly, that email didn't mention Putin, just focused on the sneakiness of the EU, and secondly, I had already forwarded to him and others a series of emails from this same missionary friend whose email appears below. This series, and the one below, were very critical of Putin. This missionary had heard comments about Putin for years by Ukrainians and I thought it would be useful for you to read these things to get a proper balance.

      On the other hand, I have received emails from friends in the UK for many years almost all criticizing the underhanded tactics of the EU and the way that entity is draining the resources of the core countries and forcing them to accept the most unsavory immigrants possible, many of whom refuse to assimilate, constantly complain about European culture, esp Christian culture, live off of welfare, create no-go zones for police, fire and ambulances, harass Jews, commit heinous crimes, practice sex slavery, and generally abuse women, while the 'authorities' look on in apathy or even condemn and sometimes fine Christians who witness to these people about their faith.

     That is my perspective on the EU and the puppet leaders in the European states.

I am equally interested in what the Ukrainians are saying about Russia and its puppet leaders.

That is why I am presenting the input from people who have been in the Ukraine and receive emails from there.

     I hope you will have noticed therefore that the 'side' that I have taken is the truth--to the best of my ability.

     I do not represent the Libertarians, the GOP, the Tea Party (which is becoming a branch of the neocons), the Democrats, the rich, the poor, the educated, the uneducated, the well connected or the disenfranchised or any other political group. If I had taken the side of an opinion group, I would stick to defending Putin and Russia (because I have written articles showing that his nation is less socialist than ours and more fiscally conservative). But that would be wrong.

     Yet one group in particular keeps crying foul, and that is a small group of powerful neoconservatives who claim they oppose Obama yet defend his corrupt government whenever it is at loggerheads with Russia or endorses military action. It bears noting that most of these people capitalize on their ideas, selling books, making speeches for which they are paid, and of course, their ideas coincide with those of the official or federal government so they are staying on the good side of the power brokers. Could be a coincidence, though, right?

     For me, real power is in facts, logic and straight talk. NO ONE owns me and my mind, thanks be to God. You will be the first to know if that changes.

Don Hank