Flow Chart

111 New Bureacracies in Pelosi's Healthcare Bill

By Donna Garner

November 4, 2009



Emphasis added

Any Congressman who has an ounce of common sense should vote against Pelosi's healthcare bill. 


Her bill is 1,990 pages long, contains 400,000 words, and comes in at $2.24 Million per word.


If this were not enough, there are 111 newly-created federal bureaucracies that would have to be formed to take care of the massive requirements of Pelosi's bill.  When the healthcare bills began to surface in the summer, we were amazed when 53 new healthcare agencies were proposed.  Now the list has swelled in typical Beltway-thinking to 111 new federal healthcare agencies


Voters sent a clear message last night when they elected three conservative Republicans in Virginia (Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General) and a new conservative Republican Governor in New Jersey.  Both Virginia and New Jersey have been strongholds for the Democrat Party. 


Corzine who lost in New Jersey was a strong supporter of same-sex marriage and of abortions as were the losers in Virginia.


Voters also repealed the same-sex marriage law in Maine previously passed by the legislature in May and signed by the governor.  Conservative voters prevailed there -- 52.9% over 47.08%.   


The conservative candidate in New York, Doug Hoffman, came within a few percentage points of winning that Congressional contest. The significant aspect about that race is that conservative supporters from around the country got together and backed Doug Hoffman.  Democrats and RINO’s should now realize that if conservatives decide to pool their support and their donations, they can have a major impact on a contest in some other state.  


Liberal congressmen who have an ounce of political savvy should be very worried about Judgment Day -- Nov. 2, 2010.  It is coming; and if they support Pelosi's healthcare bill, they will find themselves looking for a new place to hang their hats.   


Below is the list of 111 newly-created bureaucracies found in H. R. 3962: http://docs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf  




1. Retiree Reserve Trust Fund SEC. 111 (Page 61)
2. Grant program for wellness programs to small employers SEC.112 (Page 62)
3. Grant program for State health access programs SEC. 114 (Page 72) 
4. Program of administrative simplification SEC. 155 (Page 76)
5. Health Benefits Advisory Committee SEC. 223 (Page 111)
6. Health Choices Administration SEC. 241 (Page 131)
7. Qualified Health Benefits Plan Ombudsman SEC. 244 (Page 138)
8. Health Insurance Exchange SEC. 201 (Page 155)
9. Program for technical assistance to employees of small businesses buying Exchange coverage SEC. 305 (Page 191)
10. Mechanism for insurance risk pooling to be established by Health Choices Commissioner SEC. 306 (Page 194)
11. Health Insurance Exchange Trust Fund SEC. 307 (Page 195)
12. State-based Health Insurance Exchanges SEC. 308 (Page 197)
13. Grant program for health insurance cooperatives SEC. 309 (Page  206)
14. "Public Health Insurance Option" SEC. 321 (Page 211)
15. Ombudsman for "Public Health Insurance Option" SEC. 321 (Page 213)
16. Account for receipts and disbursements for "Public Health Insurance Option" SEC. 322 (Page 215)
17. Telehealth Advisory Committee SEC. 1191 (Page 589)
18. Demonstration program providing reimbursement for "culturally and linguistically appropriate services" SEC. 1222 (Page 617)
19. Demonstration program for shared decision making using patient decision aids SEC. 1236 (Page 648)
20. Accountable Care Organization pilot program under Medicare SEC. 1301 (Page 653) 21. Independent patient-centered medical home pilot program under Medicare SEC. 1302 (Page 672)
22. Community-based medical home pilot program under Medicare SEC.1302 (Page 681)
23. Independence at home demonstration program SEC. 1312 (Page 718)
24. Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research SEC. 401(Page 734)
25. Comparative Effectiveness Research Commission SEC. 1401 (Page 738)
26. Patient ombudsman for comparative effectiveness research SEC. 401 (Page 753)
27. Quality assurance and performance improvement program for skilled nursing facilities SEC. 1412 (Page 784)
28. Quality assurance and performance improvement program for nursing facilities SEC. 1412 (Page 786)
29. Special focus facility program for skilled nursing facilities SEC. 1413 (Page 796)
30. Special focus facility program for nursing facilities SEC. 1413 (Page 804)
31. National independent monitor pilot program for skilled nursing facilities and nursing facilities SEC. 1422 (Page 859)
32. Demonstration program for approved teaching health centers with respect to Medicare GME SEC. 1502 (Page 933)
33. Pilot program to develop anti-fraud compliance systems for Medicare providers SEC. 1635 (Page 978)
34. Special Inspector General for the Health Insurance Exchange SEC. 1647 (Page 1000) 35. Medical home pilot program under Medicaid SEC. 1722 (Page 1058)
36. Accountable Care Organization pilot program under Medicaid SEC. 1730 (Page 1073)
37. Nursing facility supplemental payment program SEC. 1745 (Page 1106)
38. Demonstration program for Medicaid coverage to stabilize emergency medical conditions in institutions for mental diseases SEC. 1787 (Page 1149)
39. Comparative Effectiveness Research Trust Fund SEC. 1802 (Page 1162)
40. "Identifiable office or program" within CMS to "provide for improved coordination between Medicare and Medicaid" SEC. 1905 (Page 1191)
41. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation SEC. 1907 (Page 1198)
42. Public Health Investment Fund SEC. 2002 (Page 1214)
43. Scholarships for service in health professional needs areas SEC. 2211 (Page 1224)
44. Program for training medical residents in community-based settings SEC. 2214 (Page 1236)
45. Grant program for training in dentistry programs SEC. 2215  (Page 1240)
46. Public Health Workforce Corps SEC. 2231 (Page 1253)
47. Public health workforce scholarship program SEC. 2231 (Page 1254)
48. Public health workforce loan forgiveness program SEC. 2231 (Page 1258)
49. Grant program for innovations in interdisciplinary care SEC. 2252 (Page 1272)
50. Advisory Committee on Health Workforce Evaluation and Assessment SEC. 2261 (Page 1275)
51. Prevention and Wellness Trust SEC. 2301 (Page 1286)
52. Clinical Prevention Stakeholders Board SEC. 2301 (Page 1295)
53. Community Prevention Stakeholders Board SEC. 2301 (Page 1301)
54. Grant program for community prevention and wellness research SEC. 2301 (Page 1305)
55. Grant program for research and demonstration projects related to wellness incentives SEC. 2301  (Page 1305)
56. Grant program for community prevention and wellness services SEC. 2301 (Page 1308)
57. Grant program for public health infrastructure SEC. 2301 (Page 1313)
58. Center for Quality Improvement SEC. 2401 (Page 1322)
59. Assistant Secretary for Health Information SEC. 2402 (Page 1330)
60. Grant program to support the operation of school- based health clinics SEC. 2511 (Page 1352)
61. Grant program for nurse-managed health centers SEC. 2512 (Page 1361)
62. Grants for labor-management programs for nursing training SEC.  2521 (Page 1372) 63. Grant program for interdisciplinary mental and behavioral health training SEC. 2522 (Page. 1382)
64. "No Child Left Unimmunized Against Influenza" demonstration grant program SEC. (Page 1391)
65. Healthy Teen Initiative grant program regarding teen pregnancy SEC. 2526 (Page 1398)
66. Grant program for interdisciplinary training, education, and services for individuals with autism SEC. 2527 (Page 1402)
67. University centers for excellence in developmental disabilities education SEC. 2527 (Page 1410)
68. Grant program to implement medication therapy management services SEC. 2528 (Page 1412)
69. Grant program to promote positive health behaviors in underserved communities SEC. 2530 (Page 1422)
70. Grant program for State alternative medical liability laws SEC. 2531 (Page 1431)
71. Grant program to develop infant mortality programs SEC. 2532 (Page 1433)
72. Grant program to prepare secondary school students for careers in health professions SEC. 2533 (Page 1437)
73. Grant program for community-based collaborative care SEC. 2534 (Page 1440)
74. Grant program for community-based overweight and obesity prevention SEC. 2535 (Page 1457)
75. Grant program for reducing the student-to-school nurse ratio in primary and secondary schools SEC. 2536 (Page 1462)
76. Demonstration project of grants to medical-legal partnerships SEC. 2537 (Page 1464) 77. Center for Emergency Care under the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response SEC. 2552 (Page 1478)
78. Council for Emergency Care SEC. 2552 (Page 1479)
79. Grant program to support demonstration programs that design and implement regionalized emergency care systems SEC. 2553 (Page 1480)
80. Grant program to assist veterans who wish to become emergency medical technicians upon discharge SEC. 2554 (Page 1487)
 81. Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee SEC. 2562 (Page 1494)
82. National Medical Device Registry SEC. 2571 (Page 1501)
83. CLASS Independence Fund SEC. 2581 (Page 1597)
84. CLASS Independence Fund Board of Trustees SEC. 2581 (Page 1598)
85. CLASS Independence Advisory Council SEC. 2581 (Page 1602)
86. Health and Human Services Coordinating Committee on Women's Health SEC. 2588 (Page 1610)
87. National Women's Health Information Center SEC. 2588 (Page 1611)
88. Centers for Disease Control Office of Women's Health SEC. 2588 (Page 1614)
89. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Office of Women's Health and Gender-Based Research SEC. 2588 (Page 1617)
90. Health Resources and Services Administration Office of Women's Health SEC. 2588 (Page 1618)
91. Food and Drug Administration Office of Women's Health SEC. 2588 (Page 1621)
92. Personal Care Attendant Workforce Advisory Panel SEC. 2589 (Page 1624)
93. Grant program for national health workforce online training SEC. 2591 (Page 1629) 94. Grant program to disseminate best practices on implementing health workforce investment programs SEC. 2591 (Page 1632)
95. Demonstration program for chronic shortages of health professionals SEC. 3101 (Page 1717)
96. Demonstration program for substance abuse counselor educational curricula SEC. 3101 (Page 1719)
97. Program of Indian community education on mental illness SEC. 3101 (Page 1722)
98. Intergovernmental Task Force on Indian environmental and nuclear hazards SEC. 3101 (Page 1754)
99. Office of Indian Men's Health SEC. 3101 (Page 1765)
100. Indian Health facilities appropriation advisory board SEC. 3101 (Page 1774)
101. Indian Health facilities needs assessment workgroup SEC. 3101 (Page 1775)
102. Indian Health Service tribal facilities joint venture demonstration projects SEC. 3101 (Page 1809)
103. Urban youth treatment center demonstration project SEC. 3101 (Page 1873)
104. Grants to Urban Indian Organizations for diabetes prevention SEC. 3101 (Page 1874)
105. Grants to Urban Indian Organizations for health IT adoption SEC. 3101 (Page 1877) 106. Mental health technician training program SEC. 3101 (Page 1898)
107. Indian youth telemental health demonstration project SEC. 3101 (Page 1909)
108. Program for treatment of child sexual abuse victims and perpetrators SEC. 3101 (Page 1925)
109. Program for treatment of domestic violence and sexual abuse SEC. 3101 Page 1927)
110. Native American Health and Wellness Foundation SEC. 3103 (Page 1966)
111. Committee for the Establishment of the Native American Health and Wellness Foundation SEC. 3103 (Page 1968)

Donna Garner  - wgarner1@hot.rr.com 

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