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Letter to the Editor (Cabinet Press,
IB siphons
funds from programs |
November 19, 2010 |
IB siphons funds from programs
To the Editor:
The Bedford Journal commentary “Is un-American ideology really infiltrating BHS?” (Nov. 5) contains numerous inaccuracies. The lack of attention to fact is a common problem I have noticed with opinion pieces that seek to defend International Baccalaureate (IB) programs.
One of the false claims in the op-ed is: “’peace education’ is not under the control of the United Nations.” Having researched the International Baccalaureate Organization and its programs, I have information from United Nations (UN) and IB sources that contradict such a claim.
The U.N.’s so-called peace education is “an integral part of the (IB) curriculum at all levels” according to an IBO NGO report to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). (Source: http://www3.unesco.org/iycp/Report/IBO.pdf.)
) And it should be noted that as an officially recognized NGO to UNESCO, the International Baccalaureate Organization is bound “to make an effective contribution to the achievement of UNESCO’s objectives.” (UNESCO Constitution, 2004 version).
While I recognize the focus of the commentary was on whether or not “un-American ideology” was infiltrating BHS and the IB link to the U.N., it is unfortunate that the numerous other criticisms of IB Programs were not included. (Source: Download pdf (w/active links to references); find and click on the document titled “International Baccalaureate (IB) Unraveled:” http://www.freedomadvocates.org/research_center/ or go here: http://www.americandeception.com/index.php?page=usercat&catid=9. Text online here: http://www.channelingreality.com/Niwa/IB_unraveled_040610.htm.)
As for me, I would not want my student in an IB Diploma Program (DP) because he would not receive an adequate education about U.S. history and our U.S. Constitutional Republic form of government. Nor would I want him conditioned to accept the Marxist educational theory and practice that are integral to the IB Theory of Knowledge curriculum, such as: dialectical thinking and the group processes that are tools for transformational Marxism.
I would not want to let go of my parental prerogatives to allow IB to mandate and direct what is acceptable for how my child spends time outside of school (regarding the IB DP Community, Action, Service component). And there are many more reasons why I would not put a child of mine in an IB program; nor would I recommend IB to others.
As a taxpayer, I oppose funding an overrated program that is often implemented without taxpayer awareness and approval, siphons funds from the education of non-IB students, strains school district budgets, requires higher tax contributions to maintain, and more.
That there exists the mentality that IB programs are necessary to “see the world” just shows the narrow thinking surrounding IB. After all, the United States is rich with diversity in culture. U.S. citizens have (ancestrally) originated from all parts of the world.
The commentary closes with “Communism? Socialism? Hypocrisy? Perhaps in the future, opponents of IB will laugh at such claims.” This left me wondering what BHS IB students do not learn about communism/socialism. One with full knowledge and understanding of communism/socialism would never make such a remark, especially when discussing a program like IB that uses Marxist educational theory and practice!
Tucson, Ariz.
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