Brainwashing in Australia

Resisting the Transformational Tactics in Our Schools

By Anita from Australia

Cultural Marxism



I wanted to make a few comments about Christian education and its move, along with the church, towards secular and humanistic methods of teaching.  I don’t know what schools are like in America, but here in Australia, we have found that many Christian schools are embracing psychology and new age worldly teachings. We have spent a number of years moving our kids from one Christian school to another trying to deal with teachers and principals who refuse to recognise that their methods are not based in biblical principles, despite the fact that they publicise in their mission statements how deeply committed they are to teaching young children and teenagers from a Christian worldview.


The last Christian school we encountered, a small country school with only three hundred kids from kindergarten to year twelve, was the worst. This school had a chaplain who was convinced that the children should be taught the popular ‘cognitive behavioural therapy’ in order to deal with ‘stress’.


Following is our letter to the school in relation to their ‘program’ which was not submitted to any of the parents for approval, it was simply introduced…  [The italicized comments in brackets were added by Berit]

We would like to protest in the strongest possible terms at the introduction of the *****programme. We believe you are introducing a program into the school which is the antithesis of the mission statement of this school, and our faith as Christian families.

 Following are our objections to this program:

1.   According to the Medical Journal of Australia, (19th March 2007) this program is part of an initiative by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) in July 2006 to introduce school-based early intervention and prevention programs for anxiety and depression into schools. Nobody has mentioned this. Government initiatives are usually about resources and economics however much they like to grandstand about wanting to help people. This is about relieving the pressure on an already overburdened medical system and trying to make sure the population in general is mentally ‘healthier’ and assuming a public mandate to ‘fix’ school-children without consulting families on whether they actually want or need government intervention in the private lives of our children and subsequently our families.  It is another move towards the ‘nanny-state’.

2.   *** was authored and developed by one person.  Her organisation trains the teachers, it is her theories and philosophies that are being introduced here, they are CBT centred, not Christ-centred. We don’t remember asking Dr. **** to develop a curriculum for our children.  [Cognitive dissonance is used in schools across America to confuse and undermine traditional values and then conform young minds to an evolving pre-planned group consensus. See A New Way of Thinking]

3.   Cognitive Behavioural Therapy’s core tenet is that you can change your behaviour by changing your thinking[The real issue is: what kind of "behavior" and "thinking" will fit the global agenda for tomorrow's world?]

CBT has been helpful in dealing with various psychological problems within a clinical context, but is being applied here in a broad-spectrum approach to a set of symptoms which are assumed to be a disorder [could mean anything that clashes with the new psychological strategies for of controlling human resources around the world] in themselves, without any consideration to pre-existing problems and conditions. 

This approach to mental health has resulted in the increase of easily available drug-based solutions which created problems of their own. In the fifties and sixties, depressed anxious housewives were given Valium to help them cope without looking at causes and individual backgrounds, in the eighties and nineties many school-children were prescribed Ritalin to deal with symptoms which were often mis-diagnosed as ADHD when there were often other issues much deeper than this at the core of the problem.

4.  Dr. **** is  a mental health professional with the required degrees and clinical experience but nobody else involved in this program is. Teachers are trained for one day with the organisation Dr. *** runs but are not themselves mental health professionals.  Again, this is a broad-spectrum ‘solution’ to an extremely complex problem which is different for every individual. Anxiety or depression are symptoms of many things, hormonal imbalance, dysfunctional families, or simply living in a very unstable world.  Parents are anxious because of terrorism, global warming, bushfires, earthquakes, threat of pandemics, financial crisis, worldwide recession and unemployment, and that was just the last few months. Generalised anxiety is normal in these situations.  The solution to this sort of anxiety is found in the safety of the family unit NOT in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Government programs to fix things.  If we wanted the government to educate our children we would have sent them to a government school. 

5.  It is assumed in the information sheet that parents will automatically support this program without proper choice or information. You have not told us you were going to introduce this program, you simply went ahead with it and then informed us after the fact assuming that we would simply support you in it without consultation.  Why would Christian parents who have elected and paid for Christ-centred education simply accept a non-Christian solution initiated by the government?  This is not just illogical it is insulting.

6.  The yellow information sheet gives contradictory information and confusing messages.  This in itself should be a concern.  Consider the following...

“It is a positive, fun learning experience that does not involve any clinical assessment or diagnosis and avoids labelling children as anxious or different”. 

A couple of sentences down we get

“(Anxiety Disorders) are often difficult to detect and if left unattended may develop over years into adult anxiety disorders, or in some cases, clinical depression leading to thoughts of suicide”. 

If nobody is being diagnosed then why the second sentence about leaving anxiety disorders unattended? We don’t like the word intervention in the description of this program since it implies intrusion into the lives of our children by an outside source, i.e. the government or private mental health organisation.  The determination of issues and their resolution with regard to mental and physical health should be a personal initiative and individuals should be given a choice as to how they address these issues.  We are not being given a choice. Further down…

“Why exactly worry and depression seems to be an increasingly common feature of our modern society is as yet not understood”

Why on earth would you want to trust to a program which admits it does not understand the problem it is trying to address? 

7. This program employs fear mongering and the principle of the false dilemma to encourage parents and their children to participate without actual evidence to back up their statements. 

 “15% of teenagers may experience some form of anxiety disorder…….These disorders are often difficult to detect and if left unattended may develop over years into adult anxiety disorders, or in some cases clinical depression leading to thoughts of suicide’ (Quote from yellow information sheet) (our emphasis)

Anxiety does not have to be dealt with by schools or by governments and we as believers are in the best position to teach our children scriptural principles to deal with traumatic or fearful life issues which have been based on thousands of years of Godly wisdom as opposed to a couple of decades worth of human understanding.

   "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;  and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7


"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

We earnestly request that you reconsider introducing this program as it offers nothing to us or our children which we cannot give ourselves as part of the Christ-centred curriculum which is already in place.


The young chaplain then told us that "nobody else is complaining" [a standard response in America] and informed us that the teachers thought it was a good programme, therefore we should just simply shut up and accept it (not in so many words of course)


In the end we wrote the principal a very stern letter outlining the fact that much of the behaviour which went on at the school was not even in line with their own mission statements, and spoke directly to him about our distress and frustration that his ‘christian’ school was not Christian at all, simply religious.


As a punishment, our children were told their enrolment had been cancelled, with one term to go before the end of the school year, regardless of the fact that our children had done nothing wrong. They quoted as the proof text for their actions a document which we had apparently signed which ensured that we would ‘support’ any action which they as a school saw fit to follow. We did not have a copy of this document and they did not supply us with one, but the meeting with the board made it very clear that they were not interested in discussing any of the issues we raised and were offended beyond reason that we had called them on their actions.


We ended up sending our children back into the state system, with much trepidation, but lo and behold, our second son, recently baptised, spent a whole weekend school camp witnessing to his fellow students (sometimes preaching to the whole group at once), and our daughter has had many opportunities to witness to her friends and help them to deal with issues like parents divorcing, drink, drugs, and other problems that teenagers these days face.


We have seen what lukewarm and religious Christians can do to the faith of unsuspecting children in ‘christian’ schools (the issues above were not just isolated to one case) and we decided that we would rather our children faced the world system and have their faith tested by the unsaved than have their faith undermined by educators who claim to be doing all in the name of Christ.


We live in difficult times and each must make decisions as the Lord leads them, but I thought you might be interested in what is happening on this side of the world in the religious system.

"Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'  For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6: 31-34


 "But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!  Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows." Luke 12:5-7

Anita from Australia

Background information: Cultural Marxism | The UN Seizure of Parental Rights

Spiritual Warfare: Undermining Christian faith | Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking

 Brainwashing in America | A New Way of Thinking
