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Harmony Science Academies Tied to Gulen Charter Schools by Donna Garner - March 11, 2011 See also Spreading Islam through Public Schools and Revolution |
Anti-American propaganda is 'real news,' huh? : Speaking recently before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lauded the pro-Arab network Al-Jazeera...."In fact viewership of al-Jazeera is going up in the United States because it's real news. You may not agree with it, but you feel like you're getting real news around the clock instead of a million commercials....She cites specifically 'state news networks' that propagandize against the United States. And so then she, of course, says Al-Jazeera, that's what people watch. Well, of course -- it's the pro-terrorist network and it's got a lot of attention around the globe."....Clinton alleges the Qatar-based network is "changing peoples' minds and attitudes." See ARTICLE
Obama and Holder taking on Arizona's SB1070 : Professor Terry J. Lovell on Obama and Holder suing the state of Arizona and its immigration law SB1070. ,.... Obama, Holder... instead of siding with us Citizen has sided their brief with mexico. Obama, Holder with a foreign goverment against the United States. the presidetn of the United States has cit See ARTICLE
Educaton for Indoctination: UNEXCO and Seven Complex lessons Issue 9, Volume 1
March 10, 2011 Turkey and the Restoration of the Caliphate By Janet Levy : Dr. Heyd ....traced re-Islamization efforts to the late 1930s and cited the dramatic rise of religious instruction in schools, the proliferation of mosques, Muslim supremacist views of Turkishness -- only Muslims could be real Turks -- and the return of the five-times-daily public call to prayer in Arabic following the Democratic Party victory in 1950....
Although designated a "neutral" country during World War II, Turkey supplied the Germans with substantial quantities of chromites, essential minerals which harden steel for armor. The Turks didn't declare war against Germany until 1945, ostensibly to be a party to final negotiations at war's end....
Turkey is actively and more openly pushing for Islamization and an expanded role for the Muslim Brotherhood. In 2007 on Turkish television, Erdogan admonished Westerners' use of the term "moderate Islam," by declaring, "These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that's it."...
The Erdogan government publicly claims to be democratizing Turkey but has curtailed freedom of the press, jailed and sued journalists for criticizing the government and confiscated newspapers and sold them to AKP sympathizers. ...Anti-Semitism and attacks against Christians and Catholics have increased in Turkey. ....
The foundation of Gulen's teachings is that state and religion should be reconnected and the country re-emerge as part of a pan-Turkic regional power. ...A significant component and AKP ally in the changing face of Turkey has been the influential Gulenist Movement led by Fetullah Gulen....
The foundation of Gulen's teachings is that state and religion should be reconnected and the country re-emerge as part of a pan-Turkic regional power....
"You must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach all the power centers ... until the conditions are ripe, ...Gulen controls the majority of schools, universities and dormitories throughout Turkey. His followers remain loyal and donate up to one-third of their income to the movement. In Turkey, Gulen and the AKP together control the police, the intelligence services and the media and actively recruit diplomats for their utility as foreign intelligence satellites. Overall, the holdings are valued at up to $50 billion....
A visit to a Gulen interfaith and cultural center in Houston illustrates the politically attuned nature of the movement....In the United States, Gulen operates the largest charter school network in America and enjoys the cooperation and protection of the U.S. government. His schools stress intercultural dialogue and tolerance. They include a curriculum that teaches the Golden Age of Turkey or the period of the Ottoman Empire, Turkish language, dance, culture, cooking and Islam, all financed by American taxpayers....
Meanwhile, his worldwide network reaches into U.S. politics through aggressive lobbying, political donations and paid trips to Turkey for members of Congress and their staffs.....Gulen has placed many of his followers in large U.S. engineering firms, NASA, the White House, universities and Hollywood....
In 2009, Erdogan visited Iran and voiced support for Tehran's nuclear program and refused to support economic sanctions imposed by the West. ...The current Middle East turmoil is an opportunity for Turkey and Iran to shift the region toward radical Islamist rule and elevate Turkey's role as a regional power.
Here is the documentation to show that the Harmony Science Academies in Texas are directly tied to the Gulen Movement. We always need to bear in mind that Fethullah Gulen is an Islamist imam:
1. Guidestar -- Cosmos Foundation, Texas (a.k.a., Harmony Public Schools -- http://www2.guidestar.org/organizations/76-0615245/cosmos-foundation.aspx )
Cosmos Foundation is the management company for Harmony Science Academies, and the CFO of Cosmos is Umit Pecen; he attends the funding board meetings with Sonar Tarim.
(Please see http://harmonyparenttruth.blogspot.com/2011/01/harmony-science-academy-charter-school_18.html to learn more about Umit Pecen.)
(Please go to http://www.chroniclewatch.com/2010/06/21/islamic-movement-engulfs-lone-star-state/ to learn more about Sonar Tarim.)
2. Oct. 7, 2010 -- Dr. Helen Rose Ebaugh -- “Mapping the Gulen Movement” -- Professor of Sociology, University of Houston -- Please slide the marker to 11:52 where Dr. Ebaugh says there are 25 Gulen charter schools in Texas (a.k.a., Cosmos Foundation -- Harmony Science Academies). If these are not the Harmony Science Academies, to what other schools is she referring? Obviously she means the Harmony Science Academies and that they are Gulen schools.
In Dr. Ebaugh’s remarks, she stated that she had traveled to Turkey to study the Gulen Movement; and she learned that after Gulen investors put up the capital for the Gulen schools for a couple of years, the schools operate on their own.
This should be the same model used in the United States. If individual citizens want to put up the money for the Harmony Science Academies to get them started, that would be a matter to be decided in the private sector; but we taxpayers should not have our tax dollars used to pay for any schools that are tied to the Muslim movement.
3. PBS, “The Gulen Movement,” Jan. 25, 2011: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/episodes/january-21-2011/gulen-movement/7949/
Excerpts from this website:
SEVERSON: Gülen-inspired volunteers from Turkey bring Turkish language and culture with them. In Houston they sponsor a Turkish Olympiad where American students compete in Turkish dance and song. The winners compete in an annual competition in Ankara, Turkey. There are more than a 1000 Gülen-inspired schools and universities in over 100 countries...
SEVERSON: In Texas there are 33 nationally recognized public charter schools with over 16,000 students grades K through 12. They’re called Harmony schools, and the Turkish superintendent insists they are strictly secular and in no way connected to Gülen. [As shown in Points #1 and #2, the Harmony Science Academies most certainly are Gulen schools. -- Donna Garner]
Professor Ebaugh says there’s a reason for this kind of sensitivity. [Dr. Ebaugh has stated publicly that she believes the Gulen charter schools in the United States should be more forthcoming about their links to him and to Turkey because she does not believe they have anything to hide. -- Donna Garner]
(4) Students in the Gulen schools celebrate various Turkish Muslim holidays, and students frequently win trips to Turkey.
Donna Garner