as Western Rulers Interfere in the Middle East by Don Hank (bio) How Western Powers Aid and Abet Christian Persecution Home Persecution |
Folks, of course we will never end Christian persecution. Persecution for "my name's sake" is what Jesus predicted.
But we don't have to support war after war in the Middle East that replaces moderate leaders with Islamists who waste no time in attacking their native Christian populations as soon as we "win" the wars for them.
The pattern is so clear it is amazing that not every Westerner has recognized it by now.
As the quote above shows, Iraq, the country supposedly under US control, has lost the better part of its Assyrian Christian population (these are people who speak the Aramaic that Jesus spoke) due to persecution.
So is it Obama's fault? He has not lifted a finger to help these downtrodden followers of Christ.
Yet it was during the Bush administration that Sweden acquired one of the largest Assyrian population, thanks to the total lack of protection for this group under US supervision. Ironically, Saddam was one of the best caretakers of Christians in the region. So was Ghadaffi. Mubarak was not a particularly anti-Christian leader and he was the one who provided the most valuable buffer between Israel and the West.
Now the question for you to ponder is: Is this why the West got rid of these men and replaced them with Islamists? Your immediate reaction will be to say "nonsense. Western leaders would never be so evil as to support the persecution of Christians."
Don't be so sure. A quick look at the demographics of major European cities shows that Muslim immigrants are filling the living spaces and are receiving the lion's share of social assistance (giving the lie to the mantra that they are needed to take jobs Europeans won't do). The natives of these areas are horrified at the Islamization of their towns and their countries. Yet, their leaders ignore their pleas for a sane immigration policy.
Is it not obvious that Western elites have contributed more to the de-Christianization and Islamization of the world than any other group?
So next time government tells us we must wage another war in the Middle East to "keep the world safe for democracy," let's just say no. War is to protect our own Western countries, not to support Muslim tyrants or "democracy" movements in areas where radicals and bullies are sure to seize power by the ballot box.
"Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake." Matthew 24:9
"...the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.” John 17:14-26
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
How Western Powers Aid and Abet Christian Persecution
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