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Stop Planned Parenthood's Lies by Star Parker CURE ~ February 8, 2011 |
Planned Parenthood can't talk their way out of this one. I'm going to make sure of it.
"So long as they just lie and say [my partner]'s fifteen, sixteen.' … then we just kind of play it stupid."
(Planned Parenthood worker caught on video speaking to a client who was really undercover and posing as a sex trafficker of young girls.)
The undercover
videos that were
released this week
by the pro-life
group Live Action,
show Planned
Parenthood workers -
the largest abortion
mill chain in the
country - actually
helping and covering
up sex trafficking
of young girls.
I know from
experience that the
pro-abortion clan
claims to help girls
and stand up for
women's rights but
when an opportunity
walks in the door,
they really only
care about making
But Planned
Parenthood keeps
their activities and
funding under a veil
of secrecy, using
lobbyists and glossy
campaigns to make
the abortion
industry look
mainstream and even
trendy to entice
young girls to use
their abortion
They target those
who expose the true
nature of their
business, like Lila
Rose, the founder of
Live Action, who can
no longer go
undercover because
abortionists have
posted her picture
behind their doors.
They want to make
sure that when they
lie to the next
customer, it's not
someone who is
undercover and can
get the media's
Lila's Live Action
is the same group
that produced videos
exposing the
deliberate, targeted
murder of black
babies by Planned
Parenthood staff. In
one video, an
undercover donor
asked Planned
Parenthood workers
if he could donate
specifically for an
abortion on "a black
baby" and the
immediately chirped
"For whatever
reason, we'll accept
the money." Live
Action then called
another abortion
provider, then
another and another.
Not one of them
turned down the
money, even though
each time the caller
made it clear that
he was a racist.
The true nature of
Planned Parenthood
is disturbing.
You and I know that
Planned Parenthood's
racism is nothing
new. It's no
coincidence that
they setup their
abortion clinics in
neighborhoods. Their
largest clinic is in
a predominantly
community in Houston
that's larger than
many hospitals in
cities across
America. It's the
largest abortion
mill in the Western
But for Congress and
the nation to
recognize the
abortion industry's
black genocide
campaign, black
leaders need to
admit it's
happening. I want to
be that voice for
Why are Jesse
Jackson and Al
Sharpton silent on
the genocide of
black babies and
then are held up by
the media as leaders
in the
Abortion stains our
entire country, not
just our
neighborhoods, and
we're actually
paying for it
through our
tax-funds. As we
give millions of
dollars to Planned
Parenthood to
perform so-called
health' procedures,
it frees-up funds to
allow them to focus
on abortion, the
most lucrative part
of their business.
Like slavery in the
1850s, our
country is at a
crossroads. We need
to decide who we're
going to be -- a
country that kills
its innocents, or a
country who
recognizes that
abortion is morally
On Pastor Rod
Parsley's show I
spoke to the
Christian audience
telling them that
these abortions are
still subsidized
with our tax
dollars. Why
should we have to
pay for the murder
of what our God
calls His 'reward'?
A few days ago, I
even went on PBS's
very liberal-leaning
show "To the
Contrary," where I
debated feminists
Kim Gandy (The
Feminist Majority)
and Avis Jones-DeWeever
(National Council of
Negro Women),
showing that
liberals sexualize
every message to
girls and women, and
then lay the blame
on corporations. It
is not the
corporations that
are responsible for
America's moral
decay, it is because
the liberals have
taken the moral
compass and replaced
it with broken
Your foot soldier
for Freedom,
Star Parker
Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger It was during this time of the early 20th Century that Rockefeller introduced Margaret Sanger to the monied elite who would help her form the Birth Control League which would later become Planned Parenthood. The November 1921 issue of Sanger’s Birth Control Review carried the heading “Birth Control: To Create A Race of Thoroughbreds,” and Sanger would later advocate eugenically limiting “dysgenic stocks” such as blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Catholics, as well as “slum dwellers” such as Jewish immigrants. In 1926, Rockefeller money funded the founding of the American Eugenics Society, and the next year on May 2, 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court by an 8 to 1 majority ruled in Buck v. Bell that certain “unfit” people could be forcibly sterilized. Regarding this ruling, British [Fabian Socialist] Professor Harold Laski wrote his friend Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: “Sterilize all the unfit, among whom I include all fundamentalists.” In the April 1933 edition of Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Review, Dr. Ernst Rudin of Hitler’s Nazi Third Reich wrote “Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent Need.” After WWII and the Nazis’ “supposed” defeat, you would think the world would find the Nazi philosophy abhorrent. However, when Fabian Socialist Sir Julian Huxley became the first Director-General of UNESCO, he authored UNESCO: ITS PURPOSE AND ITS PHILOSOPHY (1948) in which he revealed that
Recent examples of moral corruption LifeSiteNews is being sued for $500,000 - this could shut us down!: "LifeSiteNews (LSN) Canada has been hit with a lawsuit – by a Catholic priest....Fr. Raymond Gravel – he’s the Quebec priest and former Member of Canada’s Parliament who stated on a radio interview in 2004: 'I am pro-choice and there is not a bishop on earth that will prevent me from receiving Communion, not even the Pope.' Then, in 2008, he defended the awarding of Canada’s highest civilian award to the country’s ‘father of abortion’ – arch-abortionist Henry Morgentaler! ...He has also repeatedly and publicly criticized his church’s teachings on homosexuality and abortion. Even though LifeSiteNews reports have overwhelmingly reported on what Fr. Gravel himself has publicly said, he is suing us for libel....He’s demanding $500,000 in damages.."
Nearly 50 Million Abortions Have Been Performed in U.S. Since Roe v. Wade Decision Legalized Abortion: "...there were 846,181 abortions in the U.S. in 2006, the latest year for which government records are available. The pro-abortion rights Alan Guttmacher Institute reports that there have been nearly 50 million abortions performed since 1973.... 93 percent of all abortions occur for 'social reasons' such as a mother’s decision that the child is unwanted or 'inconvenient.'" See The Wonder of Life
China’s abortion numbers grow --Demographic shifts from one-child couples to young, single women: "According to a government tally, 9.2 million abortions were performed in 2008, up from 7.6 million in 2007. But the count only includes hospitals, and state media report the total could be as high as 13 million. If accurate, that would give China among the highest abortion rates in the world." At filthy clinic, babies met an inhumane end: "In his squalid West Philadelphia abortion clinic, Kermit Gosnell had a surefire way of dealing with the unwelcome complication of a live birth: He'd allegedly plunge scissors into the squirming newborn's neck, killing it by severing the spinal cord." See next link: Report of the Grand Jury: "The callous killing of babies outside the womb, the routinely performed third-trimester abortions, the deaths of at least two patients, and the grievous health risks inflicted on countless other women by Gosnell and his unlicensed staff are not the only shocking things that this Grand Jury investigation uncovered....Even nail salons in Pennsylvania are monitored more closely for client safety....Gosnell’s clinic – with its untrained staff, its unsanitary conditions and practices, its perilously lax anesthesia protocols...and its routine procedure of killing babies after they were delivered ...offers a telling example of how horrendous a Pennsylvania facility can be and still operate with DOH 'approval.'” But here is some Good News! North Dakota House passes bill criminalizing killing unborn from conception: "A strong majority of lawmakers in the North Dakota House of Representatives on Friday afternoon passed a law that would make it illegal to murder any human being from the moment of their conception. The Defense of Human Life Act, HB 1450, recognizes every human being at any stage of development as a person under state law with a right to protection.” See also The Dark Roots of EUGENICS |
Star Parker is president of the Coalition for Urban Renewal & Education (CURE)
Previous articles:
Being strangled by government | Why are we discussing racism?
Who is governing America? | The NAACP and abortion politics
Defining the liberal versus conservative divide | Two worldviews
The Government Plantation Forever? | Back on Uncle Sam's Plantation