1. Earth Day Agenda

2. Esoteric Christianity

3. The Allure of the Goddess

In the third article I've quoted and sourced your book, <italic>A
Twist of Faith</italic>. I hope that this is ok with you, and I hope that
by quoting you it helps generate some interest in <italic>A Twist of
Faith</italic>. All three article have been published on John Ankerberg's

Keep in touch. Probably in the next few days I'll send out a couple of
other items for you.

Your friend,



first article




Earth Day Agenda


By Carl Teichrib

Earth Day! Earth Day! Earth Day! Everybody seems to be celebrating
Earth Day. Corporate sponsorships, government backing, grassroots
activism: it seems everybody's involved in Earth Day - from Toyota to the
City of Denver, from the United Nations to the National Council of
Churches, from elementary schools to major university campuses.
Obviously, Earth Day is much more than just a single annual event, it has
become a global cultural platform.

The idea for Earth Day goes back to 1962 and Wisconsin Senator Gaylord
Nelson. Convinced that environmental issues needed greater national
exposure, Nelson suggested to President Kennedy that he embark on a
"national conservation tour." The following year, Kennedy went on a
five-day tour promoting natural conservation, but the tour never
generated the political interest that Nelson was hoping for. However,
according to the Senator, "it was the germ of the idea that ultimately
flowered into Earth Day."

Six years later, during the height of the anti-Vietnam War
demonstrations, Senator Nelson hit on the idea of creating a "national
environmental teach-in" - styled after the protest movement. "At a
conference in Seattle in September 1969," wrote Nelson in a short history
of Earth Day, "I announced that in the spring of 1970 there would be a
nationwide grassroots demonstration on behalf of the environment...the
wire services carried the story from coast to coast. The response was

Students and educators were recognized as a specific target group
ideal for maintaining long-term momentum. Enhancing this important
aspect, a book was compiled through Friends of the Earth and then
distributed nation-wide to teachers and professors.

Titled, <italic>The Environmental Handbook: Prepared for the First
National Environmental Teach-In, April 22, 1970</italic>, this volume
bared all in the quest for a new social and environmental contract. As
you read through the following excerpts taken from <italic>The
Environmental Handbook</italic>, keep in mind that what you are reading
is the foundational teaching material used in what later became known as
Earth Day. [note: incorrect spelling in the original]

<bold>- On Religion:</bold> "What we do about ecology depends on our
ideas of the man-nature relationship. More science and more technology
are not going to get us out of our present ecological crisis until we
find a new religion, or rethink our old one..." (p.24, Lynn White Jr.)
"No new set of basic values has been accepted in our society to displace
those of Christianity. Hence we shall continue to have a worsening
ecologic crisis until we reject the Christian axiom that nature has no
reason for existence save to serve man." (p.25, Lynn White Jr.)

<bold>- On Population:</bold> "No technical solution can rescue us from
the misery of overpopulation. Freedom to breed will bring ruin to all…The
only way we can preserve and nature other and more precious freedoms is
by relinquishing the freedom to breed." (p.49, Garrett Hardin)

<bold>- On Government:</bold> "Looking beyond our borders, our students
will be encouraged to ask even harder questions. Are nation-states
actually feasible, now that they have the power to destroy each other in
a single afternoon? Can we agree on something else to take their place,
before the balance of terror becomes unstable? What price would most
people be willing to pay for a more durable kind of human organization -
more taxes, giving up national flags, perhaps the sacrifice of some of
our hard-won liberties?" (p.145, John Fisher)

<bold>- On Shamanism:</bold> "What was it that enabled Eskimo shamen,
their minds a product of the taiga, tundra, and sea ice, to travel on
spirit journeys under the ocean and to talk with the fishes and the
potent beings who lived on the bottom? How did the shamen develop the
hypnotic power they employed in their séances? What can we learn from the
shamen who survive about thought transference and ESP? The answers are in
the arctic wilderness still left to us.

Wilderness is a bench mark, a touchstone...New perspectives come out
of the wilderness. Jesus Zoroaster, Moses, and Mohammed went to the
wilderness and came back with messages...This handbook, and the teach-in
it serves, have their beginnings in wilderness." (p.148, Kenneth

<bold>- More on Population: </bold>"Stabilizing the U.S. population
should be declared a national policy. Immediate steps should be taken to:
1. Legalize voluntary abortion and sterilization and provide these
services free. 2. Remove all restrictions on the provision of birth
control information and devices; provide these services free to all,
including minors. 3. Make sex education available to all appropriate
levels, stressing birth control practices and the need to stabilize the
population..." (pp.317-318, Keith Murray)

<bold>- On Family:</bold> "Explore other social structures and marriage
forms, such as group marriage and polyandrous marriage, which provide
family life but may produce less children. Share the pleasure of raising
children widely, so that all need not directly reproduce to enter into
this basic human experience. We must hope that no one woman would give
birth to more than one child." (p.324, Four Changes section)

<bold>- On Global Transformation:</bold> "Nothing short of total
transformation will do much good. What we envision is a planet on which
the human population lives harmoniously and dynamically by employing a
sophisticated and unobtrusive technology in a world environment which is
'left natural'...Cultural and individual pluralism, unified by a type of
world tribal council." (p.330, Four Changes section)

<bold>- On Social/Religious Transformation:</bold> "It seems evident that
there are throughout the world certain social and religious forces which
have worked through history toward an ecologically and culturally
enlightened state of affairs. Let these be encouraged: Gnostics, hip
Marxists, Teilhard de Chardin Catholics, Druids, Taoists, Biologists,
Witches, Yogins, Bhikkus, Quakers, Sufis, Tibetans, Zens, Shamans,
Bushmen, American Indians, Polynesians, Anarchists, Alchemists...the list
is long. All primitive cultures, all communal and ashram movements. Since
it doesn't seem practical or even desirable to think that direct bloody
force will achieve much, it would be best to consider this a continuing
'revolution of consciousness' which will be won not by guns but by
seizing the key images, myths, archetypes, eschatologies, and ectasies so
that life won't seem worth living unless one's on the transforming
energy's side." (p.331, Four Changes)

It is apparent that the history of Earth Day is rooted in very radical
political, social, and religious ideologies. Not surprisingly, our modern
Earth Day celebrations are also liberally laced with New Age beliefs,
pagan practices, and other religious concepts which run counter to the
Biblical worldview - any visit to a major metropolitan Earth Day festival
or celebration demonstrates this fact.

However, throughout Scripture we find God specifically warning His
people to stay away from pagan practices and beliefs. Deuteronomy 18 is
one example. So is Romans 1, which specifically links the worship of the
creation rather than the Creator as an act of disobedience to God.

For the Christian, consider the words of 2 Corinthians 7, "...what do
righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light
have with darkness?"


[second article]


<center><bold><bigger><bigger>Esoteric Christianity


By Carl Teichrib

It was a four hour visit, but it seemed like all day.

For a number of months I had been dialoging with a local gentleman who
claimed to have had a deep spiritual experience. Shaken and changed by
this supernatural event, this gentleman declared that the "veil had been
opened" and that he had entered the "Holy of Holies" within his own soul.
He claimed that through this experience he had been given a true
understanding of who God is, and that he now knew the hidden secrets of
God's heart - "the oracles of God."

This type of alternative spiritual view wasn't new to me. I had come
across similar views through my studies in the New Age Movement. However,
it still caused consternation when, sitting at my dinning room table,
this dynamic individual was now actively trying to persuade me of the
validity of his experience and spiritual position. More than that, his
ultimate aim was to lead me into a similar experience so that I too could
come "face to face with Jesus" within my own soul.

It was an exhausting afternoon - his experience verses whatever I
understood the Bible to say; "we don't need the Bible, just put it on the
shelf" was something he repeated on many occasions. Why? During our
discussions, both at this particular meeting and at subsequent others, I
was told that "truth" already resided in the soul. Moreover, God was
revealing this new soul-reality by doing "a new thing" through fantastic
(mystical) experiences. After my guest departed it felt like a spiritual
whirlwind had ripped through my house. But something good came out of
this episode; it made me think.

Throughout the course of our time together, my guest continuously
referred to "fearing God" - not that we were to fear God, but just the
opposite. The claim was simple: in order to know God fully, man must shed
any fear of God, for the fear of the Lord breeds pride, lust, and anger.
This fear of God, my guest explained, was the root of pride and sin.

Scripture, however, paints an opposite picture:

2 Chronicles 19:7 - "Now let the fear of the LORD be upon you. Judge
carefully, for with the LORD our God there is no injustice or partiality
or bribery."

Job 28:28 - "The fear of the Lord - that is wisdom, and to shun evil is

Psalm 19:9 - "The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The
ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous."

Psalms 111:10 - "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who
follow his precepts have good understanding."

Proverbs 1:7 - "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but
fools despise wisdom and discipline."

Matthew 10:28 - "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot
kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and
body in Hell."

And in the song of Mary found in the first chapter of Luke, Mary tells
us in verse 50, "And His mercy is on those who fear Him. From generation
to generation."

Now my guest also had a verse - even while exclaiming that the Bible
was no longer relevant - "there is no fear in love; but perfect love
casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not
been made perfect in love." (1 John 4:18).

Is this a contradiction? No. The context of 1 John 4:18 centers around
love, salvation, and punishment for sin. One commentator writes,

"We must here distinguish between the fear of God and being afraid of
him. The fear of God is often mentioned and commanded as the substance
of religion. Such fear is consistent with love, yea, with perfect love.
But then there is a being afraid of God, which arises from a sense of
guilt; and so fear here may be rendered dread: There is no dread in
love." (Matthew Henry)

The bottom line is this: as Christians, we must revere God without
holding onto the fear that comes with judgment - as our penalty for sin
has been paid in full by Jesus Christ. This is the basis for our
confidence before the throne of grace; assurance through Christ's
sacrifice, coupled with an intense reverence for a God who is
terrifyingly awesome and infinitely powerful.

But by equating the "fear of God" with pride and sin, my guest was
saying something far different.

Yes, I understood that his position didn't jive with Scripture, but
something larger was nagging at me. And then it hit me: my guest had
literally reversed the truth.

Why is the lion considered the King of the Jungle and a "beast of
pride"? Simply because he has no rival and doesn't fear anything. Why did
Lucifer fall - because he feared God with humility and trembling? Just
the opposite. Scripture tells us that the pride of Satan (Lucifer) was
his downfall (Ezek. 28:17 and 2 Timothy 3:6). Pride says, "I will ascend
to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit
enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred
mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself
like the Most High" (Isaiah 14:13-14).

This is akin to spitting in God's face and declaring "I no longer fear
you. I will become as you are, or better." To say "I no longer fear God"
is the ultimate act of pride and arrogance; it places the creature as
equal to or above the Creator.

But who was telling my guest that to fear God was the root of pride?
In later conversations, he explained that the spirit within his soul
guided him into all knowledge. When I asked him which spirit it was that
had control of his soul, and directly challenged whether or not it was an
agent of Satan masquerading as an angel of light, he sharply replied that
"as long as you have no fear, it doesn't matter which spirit it is."

This is very dangerous ground. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn,
an occult society that had its start back in 1887, teaches that "Fear is
failure and the forerunner of failure...Therefore fear not the Spirits,
but be firm and courteous with them..." (Israel Regardie, <italic>The
Golden Dawn</italic>, "Fourth Knowledge Lecture"). Yet, God's Word tells
us that we are not to believe every spirit, but rather to test them to
see if they are from God (1 John 4:1).

Please understand, this is nothing to fool around with. In 2
Corinthians 11 we find that "Satan himself masquerades as an angel of
light." Furthermore, 1 Peter 5 tells us that "your enemy the devil prowls
around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." Obviously, the
realm of "spirits" isn't something to be taken lightly.

<italic>The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ</italic>, a New Age
text written in response to a mystical vision, also links fear and

"When man comes to himself and comprehends the fact that he is son of
God, and knows that in himself lies all the powers of God, he is a
master mind and all the elements will hear his voice and gladly do his
will. Two sturdy asses bind the will of man; their names are Fear and
Unbelief. When these are caught and turned aside, the will of man will
know no bounds; then man has but to speak and it is done." (<italic>The
Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ</italic>, Chapter 92)

Notice the connection between suppressing spiritual fear and rising to
a god-like state ("in himself lies all the powers of God"). After all,
becoming God is what this is all about, isn't it? <italic>The Aquarian
Gospel of Jesus the Christ</italic> states; "Now, men and birds and
beasts and creeping things are deities, made flesh" (Chapter 28). John
Randolph Price, author of <italic>The Planetary Commission</italic>, says
it even more dramatically, "Nothing can touch me but the direct action of
God and God is my Omnipotent Self. I can do all things through the
Strength of the Christ I AM. I AM STRENGTH!" (emphasis in original,
p.133). Annie Besant, past leader of the Theosophical Society and one of
the "mothers" of the New Age Movement taught, "Man is not to be
compelled; he is to be free. He is not a slave, but a God in the making"
(<italic>Esoteric Christianity</italic>, p.220).

During the numerous follow-up conversations that ended up happening
with my guest, it became evident that he followed this self-deification
line to a remarkably degree. It's the same line that Satan used in the
Garden of Eden, the same line that caused man to fall: "You will not
surely die...For God knows that when you eat of it [the forbidden fruit]
your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God..." (Genesis 3:4-5).

Today, just as in the past, we as Christians are in a vulnerable
position. The short book of Jude describes this problem very simply, "For
certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly
slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of God
into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign
and Lord" (vs.4).

This fits in our modern age as much as it did during the early church.
My mystically-oriented guest was very "evangelistic" with his message,
and ended up going from church-to-church proclaiming this new gospel -
sometimes using very blunt tactics, but more often using provocative
statements and questions in order to open doors and seed confusion.

Romans 11:34 rhetorically asks, "Who has known the mind of the Lord?"
In this day and age, many men and women are now claiming that they know
the mind of the Lord, the secrets of God, and the hidden thoughts of the
Almighty. They come equipped with new prophecies, teachings, and
doctrines; often validated by fantastic experiences, signs and wonders,
and great proclamations of "thus saith the Lord."

Dear reader, be aware! Be aware of wolves in sheep's clothing, be
aware of experienced-based teachings which counter or twist God's Holy
Word, be aware of those who proclaim an "esoteric" version of
Christianity - rightfully teaching that Jesus was divine, but adding to
it the message of an internalized "Jesus spirit" and/or self-deification.

Jesus said in Matthew 24, "Watch out that no one deceives you. For
many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive


third article


<center><bold><bigger><bigger>The Allure of the Goddess


By Carl Teichrib

"The Goddess has now emerged from the dark moon phase of a long-term
lunar cycle at a time when humanity is collectively passing through a
dark phase in the precessional age solar cycle. With the rebirth of the
Goddess, we are being given the opportunity to reclaim her dark

- Demetra George, <italic>Mysteries of the Dark Moon: The Healing Power
of the Dark Goddess</italic>, p.266.

Goddess worship is alive and well. Berit Kjos, a good friend and
author, relates numerous stories of goddess-inspiration making its way
into mainstream Christian culture. In her excellent book, <italic>A Twist
of Faith</italic>, she describes a visit to her husband's prairie

"You probably wouldn't expect to find goddesses in a
conservative farming community in North Dakota. I didn't. But one day
when visiting my husband's rural hometown, a neighbor told us that a new
bookstore had just opened in the parsonage of the old Lutheran Church.
'You should go see it,' she urged.

I agreed, so I drove to a stately white church, walked to the
parsonage next door, and rang the bell. The pastor's wife opened the
door and led me into a large room she had changed into a bookstore,
leaving me to browse. Scanning the shelves along the walls, I noticed
familiar authors such as Lynn Andrews who freely blends witchcraft with
Native American rituals, New Age self-empowerment, and other occult
traditions to form her own spirituality.

Among the multicultural books in the children's section, one caught
my attention. Called <italic>Many Faces of the Great Goddess</italic>,
it was a "coloring book for all ages." Page after page sported
voluptuous drawings of famed goddesses. Nude, bare-breasted, pregnant,
or draped in serpents, they would surely open the minds of young artists
to the lure of "sacred" sex and ancient myths.

Driving home, I pondered today's fast-spreading shift from
Christianity to paganism. Apparently, myths and spiritualized
sensuality sound good to those who seek new revelations and "higher"
truths. Many of the modern myths picture deities that fit somewhere
between a feminine version of God and the timeless goddesses pictured
in earth-centered stories and cultures." (<italic>A Twist of
Faith</italic>, pp.10-11)

While the New Age Movement has placed goddess worship into a
contemporary setting, it's historical context stretches back millennium.

In the ancient Egyptian mystery religions, Isis was venerated as a
universal goddess. Barbara Watterson, author of <italic>Gods of Ancient
Egypt</italic>, notes that Isis was "known as 'The Goddess of Many Names'
and indeed she is found as a form of every great female deity from Nut
and Hathor to the Greek moon goddess Astarte." [p.72]

Eminent author and historian, Will Durant, writes of this Isis-goddess

"Profound, too, was the myth of Isis, the Great Mother. She was not
only the loyal sister and wife of Osiris; in a sense she was greater
than he, for - like woman in general - she had conquered death through
love. Nor was she merely the black soil of the Delta, fertilized by the
touch of Osiris-Nile, and making all Egypt rich with her fecundity. She
was, above all, the symbol of that mysterious creative power which had
produced the earth and every living thing…She represented in Egypt - as
Kali, Ishtar and Cyble represented in Asia, Demeter in Greece, and
Ceres in Rome - the original priority and independence of the female
principle in creation..." (<italic>The Story of Civilization</italic>,
Volume 1, p.200).

"Great Mother," "Queen of Heaven," "Mother of God." All of these
titles have been attached to Isis. Ishtar too, the Babylonian goddess,
had similar titles. Moreover, the lines between the various goddesses of
antiquity blur, with each mirroring the other in terms of purpose,
symbolism, and meaning.

Commenting on this universal goddess aspect, Professor Cesar Vidal

"The importance of mother goddesses in the various mythologies of
paganism is so evident that even a shallow description could easily
fill entire volumes...The mother goddess received different names and
external appearances, but, in substance, she was always the same. In
Egypt, she was called Isis. In Crete, she was represented as a mother
who made friendly contact with snakes. In Greece she was known as
Demeter, and in Rome she was worshiped as Cybele, the Magna Mater
(Great Mother), a mother goddess of Phrygian origin. There is
practically no ancient culture that did not worship this type of
deity." (<italic>The Myth of Mary</italic>, pp.74,75)

Even the ancient Hebrews succumbed to goddess worship. In Jeremiah
chapters 7 and 44, we find God chastising the Israelites for worshiping
"the Queen of Heaven," baking cakes to her, offering sacrifices, and
purposely choosing to follow the Queen of Heaven rather than Himself.

Our modern culture likewise has a propensity to following the "Queen
of Heaven." The New Age Movement has been a real force in this, bringing
the Gaia concept to the forefront - the idea that the Earth is a living
organism, a "hypothesis" intrinsically linked to the goddess movement and
"Mother Earth."

Science writer Lawrence E. Joseph explains,

"Gaia's closest cousin is Terra, the Roman Earth goddess; both are kin
to Isis of the Egyptians, Kwan Yin of the Chinese, Lakshmi of the
Hindus, Yemanja of many African peoples, Shekinah of the Jews from the
days of the cabbalah, the Changing Woman of the Navajo, and many
others, including Mother Nature, who at one time or another has
appeared or occurred to almost everyone. All are sublime female Earth
deities, givers of life, wisdom, pleasure, and death." (<italic>Gaia:
The Growth of an Idea</italic>, p.224)

As alluded to in the beginning of this article, Christianity isn't
immune to the allure of the goddess. In 1993, at the Re-Imaging
Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2000 women from a variety of
protestant denominations were introduced to Sophia, the goddess
personification of "Divine Wisdom." Furthermore, this particular event,
which included creating a "sacred space" and Sophia invocations, received
funding from a number of major protestant/evangelical church bodies [see,
<italic>A Twist of Faith</italic>].

"Mother Earth," too, can be found in our modern church culture -
especially through Earth Day celebrations within the Christian community
(See <italic>Goddess Earth</italic> by Samantha Smith and Dave Hunt's
<italic>Occult Invasion: The Subtle Seduction of the World and

But goddess influence within churches goes beyond Mother Earth and
Sophia. The Biblical figure of Mary has been erroneously elevated to a
goddess status by various Roman Catholic theologians. She is known as the
Queen of Heaven, Mother of God, Eternal Virgin, Queen of Peace, Our
Mother, Lady of the Good Death, Co-mediatrix, and Blessed Mother.
Thousands of shrines around the world commemorate her. Visions,
apparitions, visitations, and channeled messages accompany the mystical
experiences of her followers.

Cesar Vidal elaborates,

"The idea of the universal motherhood of Mary, which does not appear
historically until the 11th century, has a much greater connection with
paganism than with Scripture. The same can be said of the
representation of Mary with the divine child. This concept was also
unknown...in the first centuries of Christianity.

...it is especially significant that Mary worship, which we find in
Catholicism and in the Eastern churches, does not stem at any point
from biblical concepts, but from the absorption of pagan theologies
like those present in the myths of Isis, Demeter and Cybele."
(<italic>The Myth of Mary</italic>, p.86,89)

Concerning the pagan goddess influence within the Roman concept of
"Mary," historian Will Durant draws a similar conclusion to that of
Vidal. Christian apologist Dave Hunt (see <italic>Occult
Invasion</italic>), along with a host of other historians and
researchers, also recognize this basic linkage. Even occult sources such
as H.P. Blavatsky [<italic>Isis Unveiled</italic>, volume II] and Manly
P. Hall [<italic>The Secret Teachings of All Ages</italic>] attest to
this goddess Roman-Mary interconnection. Sadly, this Romanized-paganized
Mary is now being embraced by some within Protestant circles [see T.A.
McMahon's article in the October 2000 issue of <italic>The Berean

Detailing the broader New Age-goddess/feminist influence within church
and society, Berit Kjos writes,

"...This new spiritual movement is transforming our churches as well as
our culture. It touches every family that reads newspapers, watches
television, and sends children to community schools. It is fast driving
our society beyond Christianity, beyond humanism - even beyond
relativism - toward new global beliefs and values. No one is immune
from its subtle pressures and silent promptings. That it parallels
other social changes and global movements only speeds the
transformation. Yet, most Christians - like the proverbial frog - have
barely noticed.

This feminist movement demands new deities or, at least, a
re- thinking of the old ones. The transformation starts with self, some
say, and women can't re-invent themselves until they shed the old
shackles. So the search for a "more relevant" religion requires new
visions of God: images that trade holiness for tolerance, the heavenly
for the earthly, and the God who is higher than us for a god who is

The most seductive images are feminine. They may look like postcard
angels, fairy godmothers, Greek earth goddess, radiant New Age
priestesses, or even a mythical Mary, but they all promise
unconditional love, peace, power, and personal transcendence. To many,
they seem too good to refuse." [<italic>A Twist of Faith</italic>,

The point that Mrs. Kjos makes is essential to understanding our
times: Christianity is facing a paradigm shift of global proportions, and
the goddess thrust of the New Age Movement is an important facet of this
spiritual and societal-wide change.

In recognizing the impact that this alternative spiritual reality has
on our cultural makeup - including its bearing on churches and
Christianity - it behooves us to consider the words of Ephesians

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His
might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand
against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and
blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in
the heavenly places. There take up the whole armor of God, that you may
be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."
[Ephesians 6:10-13, NKJV]