Novus Ordo Seclorum

New Order of the Ages 1

Does your 'Mental Health' meet global standards?

Part 3: An International Agenda

by Berit Kjos

"There is always a danger that increased personal independence will decrease the social capacity of an individual.... It often makes an individual so insensitive in his relations to others as to develop an illusion of being really able to stand and act alone--an unnamed from of insanity which is responsible for a large part of the remedial suffering of the world." John Dewey, Democracy and Education.[22]


 The proponents of all manner of collectivistic schemes have been quick to seize upon the almost innate kindliness and altruism of the American citizen, and to offer him an endless variety of beautifully packaged and deceptively named [remedies], the ultimate and intended goal of which is to destroy completely the self-reliance and individual responsibility of the citizen."[1] Mental Robots


"A coalition of Orthodox Jews and Christians warns that freedom of speech and belief is being destroyed in the name of tolerance.' There is an old Stalinist tactic of adopting terminology for political purposes,' said Lapin. 'And tolerance has been turned into the ultimate virtue.'" June 2001 Religious Coalition Warns of Free Speech Threat:


"The French constitution states: 'France shall respect all beliefs', but evangelical churches are viewed with suspicion. Scenes of "absolute devotion to God are increasingly viewed as fanatical, irrational."... "Section I of the anti-cult law makes 'mental manipulation' a crime. Anyone found guilty of causing: 'a state of psychological or physical subjection resulting from serious and repeated pressures or techniques designed to alter judgement faces five years imprisonment.' ... Courts can dissolve religious groups and impose heavy fines....

       "...if we want to have children's church, Sunday school, that can be seen as influencing minors. If we do work for old people, it's preying on the vulnerable." France Passes Controversial Anti-Cult Law: March or April 01)


try which has succeeded in creating this politician’s paradise.”2  Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society

A decade earlier, a book titled Mental Health in Modern society had summarized this perverted view of the ordinary American family. To the "progressive" authors, the real problem in society was parents who lived, worked and raised children without the help or unifying guidelines of watchful "progressive" community:

"Mental health cannot be developed in a social vacuum. Powerful factors operate against it as our present society is constituted. To promote positive mental health will therefore require the cooperation and help of many individuals and groups. Medical and social scientist need to look squarely at these factors and, abandoning promotional isolationism, cooperate in an effort to counteract them."
      "Mental health can only be achieved in an environment which provides opportunities for self-expression, social usefulness, and the attainment of human satisfactions. Preventative psychiatry is only beginning....."[3] Mental Health in Modern Society

3. Thomas A.C. Rennie and Luther E. Woodward, Mental Health in Modern Society (Commonwealth Fund, 1948). Cited by Alesen.



"There really is only one sin--separateness," wrote Corinne McLaughlin, the first Task Force Coordinator for President Clinton's Council for Sustainable Development. A Theosophist who quoted spirit guide Dhjwal Khul, she also taught her occult strategies for consensus at the Department of Education, Pentagon, and the EPA. Like Brock Chisholm, she blamed war on intolerance behind traditional values:

"War is more likely to spring from rampant nationalism, ethnocentrism, and intolerant religious fundamentalism--all extreme and separative attitudes.... What is needed as a cure for separateness is a deep sense of community-that we're all in this together."[5]

"Intolerance.... is a global threat," echoed UNESCO. In its Declaration on Tolerance in a Culture of Peace, it called for intrusive, worldwide measures to be carried out with help from its UN partner, the World Health Organization:

"Scientific studies and networking should be undertaken to coordinate the international community's response to this global challenge, including analysis... of root causes and effective countermeasures, as well as research and monitoring...."

The "root causes" point to Christianity, and the target of its "contermeasures" is exposed in Unesco's definition for tolerance. Would it include you and me? Probably. For --

  • "Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures... It is not only a moral duty, it is also a political and legal requirement."  [Can you respect and appreciate lifestyles and occult rituals that clash with your faith?]

  • "Tolerance involves the rejection of dogmatism and absolutism...." [Including Biblical truth?]

  • "Tolerance... means that one's views are not to be imposed on others." [Would this end freedom to share the gospel with others? Could the UN still promote its favored earth-centered religions?]

Like former vice president Al Gore, Surgeon General Carmona intends to reinvent the department he serves. He went on to say,

       "'There are a lot of opportunities to ... meet the Secretary's mandate that we act as one company with a single vision for the public health and well-being of the nation. The President as well wants us to act as a seamless system.'...

      "He said to me, 'Rich, I'm relying on you guys to think outside the box, to challenge the norms, to really push the envelope.' Secretary Thompson too says, 'If you're not pushing the envelope, then you're taking up too much space.'... They're both saying, 'You're here for a limited amount of time.... Once we leave here, there must be a sustainable legacy that has transformed our public health culture." [12]

Few would disagree that actual mental illness must be diagnosed and treated. But don't forget the mammoth iceberg hidden beneath the showy peak. We can't let a genuine need justify today's fast growing mind-control system consisting of -

  • a top-down global monitoring and remediation system
  • operating at the grass-roots level through community-based partnerships
  • using soviet-style brainwashing tactics (see
  • empowered to mold minds and punish all who resist its mandate for global solidarity. 

The call for prevention opens the door to unthinkable methods. In Part 1, you saw that President Bush's "Freedom Commission on Mental Health" would involve continual assessments and monitoring of "human resources" for signs of broad and ambiguous signs of unwanted personality profiles. Children who are loners, independent thinkers, diagnosed with ADD, unwilling to compromise or who prefer to work alone rather than in groups would be suspect. But ultimately, all people and institutions would be held accountable to the national and international standards for mental health.

Without a broader understanding of the process of change, few would dare argue with Mr. Carmona's mission. But we would be wise to heed Dr. Lewis A. Alesen's warnings. In Mental Robots, he wrote:   

"It is urged upon the citizen that it is wrong for him to oppose economic, social, and political change, that in so doing he displays a callous disregard for the 'welfare' of his fellows as well as for himself.

     "He is admonished, urged, threatened, and cajoled by all manner of techniques both overt and covert to adopt a 'positive' attitude and to work for ant to vote or the adoption of these proposed harbingers the eternal and never-failing spring of the perfect and classless society.

     "An Iceberg presents only one tenth of its deadly mass above the ocean’s surface.... So it with these economic, social, and political panaceas. Each one taken by itself, and, as always, properly and beautifully camouflaged with pious and platitudinous declarations of purpose, often seems superficially innocuous.... But when the sum total of a number these proposals is analyzed, their deadly import is inescapably obvious. So it is with this pernicious so-called mental health program." Mental Robots, 10-11

The framework for control is in place. So is the process for managing, molding and monitoring “healthy communities” and “healthy people” around the world.

Almost three centuries ago, this nation offered a shelter – a place of refuge from the persecution that has pursued God’s faithful followers since Christ died on the cross. A group of pilgrims -- they were actually called "separatists" -- were forced to flee England to escape the cruel policies of King James 1. As head of the Church of England, he demanded absolute conformity with the rulings of the state. Those who would worship God and choose ministers according to the leading of God's Word rather than by government edicts faced imprisonment and torture. Even after Bradford and other separatists fled to Holland in 1608 (3 years before the King James Bible was published), the long arms of the king's representatives pursued them. Finally, after crossing the Atlantic on the Mayflower in 1620, they found peace and freedom in America.

Through much of the 17th century England, conformity was a legal requirement. Separatism was outlawed. But today, history repeats itself --once again.  

When the world has implemented the surveillance technology and mental health policies founded and funded primarily by US, UK and Canadian socialist visionaries, there will be no distant or safe place of refuge. But, in the midst of coming struggles, those who trust God will fill a peace in Him that the world cannot understand. And by God's grace, we will stand firm and immovable -- always demonstrating His gentle love to those who hunger and thirst for the peace, love and unity only found in Him.

Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.” Psalm 91:1-2



5. Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, Spiritual Politics (New York: Ballantine Books, 1994),147. See "Local Agenda 21" at our web site. Corinne McLaughlin listed her experiences while conducting a workshop attended by Berit Kjos during a 50th anniversary celebration for the United Nations titled "Celebrating the Spirit" at the University of California at Berkeley, June 19-21, 1995.

12. Prevention, Preparedness Are Top Priorities and Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules


The definition established by Donna Shalala, Secretary of DHHS during the Clinton adminstration, has been carried over to the new administration:

"Mental health is how we think, feel, and act in order to face life's situations.... Like physical health, mental health is important at every stage of life." SAMHSA'S National mental health Information Center, DHHS, 2001?


Now compare that definition with

"The challenge to humanity is to adopt new ways of thinking, new ways of acting, new ways of organizing itself in society in short, new ways of living." Our Creative Diversity, UNESCO

Like his employees, our new Surgeon General, Richard Carmona, has focused on prevention. In a message titled Prevention, Preparedness Are Top Priorities, he told the National Institute on Health that,

"My agenda is prevention....We need to become a prevention-oriented society — one that accepts social responsibility, makes good decisions. Things like not smoking, increasing physical activity and eliminating risky behaviors are very simple, cost-effective measures that can have a huge impact on our society. After all, the lifestyles that we are creating today are what our children and grandchildren will inherit."

Like Al Gore, Surgeon General Camona aims to reinvent the department he serves. He went on to say,

"'There are a lot of opportunities to ... meet the Secretary's mandate that we act as one company with a single vision for the public health and well-being of the nation. The President as well wants us to act as a seamless system.'...

      "He said to me, 'Rich, I'm relying on you guys to think outside the box, to challenge the norms, to really push the envelope.' Secretary Thompson too says, 'If you're not pushing the envelope, then you're taking up too much space.'... They're both saying, 'You're here for a limited amount of time.... Once we leave here, there must be a sustainable legacy that has transformed our public health culture...





(after commision report) Do you wonder what these statements actually mean? For instance, what does it take for children to be "ready for school"? Perhaps you remember the first of the six education goals first introduced by UNESCO in 1990 (UN World Conference on Education FOR ALL), then in 1991 by former President Bush, and again at the U.S. Conference on Education FOR ALL in November, 1991. It stated, "By year 2000, every child come to school ready to learn" -- or rather, ready to embrace the new collective thinking and pluralistic worldviews needed in the planned communities. Naturally, the unchangeable truths and values of Biblical Christianity would be a hindrance to such readiness.11

 It has three parts: the global system or framework, the behavioral science and dialectic process needed to mold and monitor minds everywhere, and the global standards that will hold every nation, community, school and family accountable... these pieces are all being . And those who still treasure "the land of the free"    


The Myth Of Mental Illness. "The disease approach denies the spiritual dimensions of the whole thing. People in the church may be afraid to take a different stand...." While organic dysfunction can effect the mind and behavior (as in the various forms of schizophrenia), it is now also used to justify sin and condemn Christian values which produce genuine guilt.


Matrix Continues New Age Gospel of Christian, Egyptian & Greek Mythology Blend: "The soldier Niobe, played by Jada Pinkett Smith, gets her name from a woman in Greek mythology who mocked the goddess Leto, and whose 12 children were slain in revenge. Monica Bellucci plays the evil soul-reader Persephone, named for the Greek demigod who split her time between the underworld and our own.... Osiris, the Egyptian god of the netherworld, as well as mythological references from various paganisms hide throughout the film." Trapped in the Matrix

The Global framework (or blueprint) for Mental Health. Today, nations around the world are conforming to the pattern prepared half a century ago by the World Health Organization and The World Federation for Mental Health. The latter is an international, UN-accredited NGO (non-governmental organisation) founded in 1948. According to a flyer announcing its upcoming "Third World Conference -- The Promotion of Mental Health and Preventionof Mental and Behavioural Disorders") "it is the only worldwide non-governmental, multidisciplinary advocacy and educational organisation concerned with all aspects of mental health. Its goals are to heighten awareness, promote positive mental health, prevent mental and behavioural disorders and improve the care and treatment of those with mental disorders."

Don't be mislead by this pleasing propaganda. The initial goals of the "The World Federation for Mental Health" haven't changed through the centuries. Ponder its founding vision and driving philosophy:

"Social institutions such as family and school impose their imprint early in the personality development of their members, who in turn tend to perpetuate the traditional pattern to which they have been moulded. It is the men and women in whom these patterns of attitude and behaviour have been incorporated who present the immediate resistance to social, economic and political changes.
         “Thus, prejudice, hostility or excessive nationalism may become deeply embedded in the developing personality without awareness on the part of the individual concerned, and often at great human cost.
         “Perhaps the most important contribution of the social sciences in their joint approach to the urgent problems facing mankind is the recognition of the plasticity of human behaviour and social institutions and of the resistance of each to change. In order to be effective, efforts at changing individuals must be appropriate to the successive stages of the unfolding personality, while in the case of a group or society, change will be strongly resisted unless an attitude of acceptance has first been engendered.       
(Pages 7 and 8.) (Distributed by the National Association For Mental Health, Inc., 1790 Broadway, New York 19, N.Y.) [28]

The Mental Health Foundation defines mental health promotion as "the process of enabling people to gain control over and improve their mental health and wellbeing". Mental Health Promotion :

From the Chief Executive : The Congress was a great opportunity to get some global perspectives on mental health promotion meeting with mental health promoters, not just from Australia, but the UK, the US and countries in Africa and South East Asia as well. There are a lot of people out there who are passionate about mental health promotion and I’m keen on furthering those relationships and creating stronger links with Australia, the World Federation, the Clifford Beers Foundation for mental health promotion in the UK and the World Health Organisation. ....September 2004 for the third international conference for The Promotion of Mental Health and Prevention of Mental and Behavioural Disorders. ....Meanwhile with Building on Strengths, the national mental health strategy now launched, there is the opportunity for all of us in the field of mental health promotion to look at how we can use it to guide our work

Mental Health Promotion in Aotearoa New Zealand : …Whilst the Mental Health Foundation has been a key advocate of the need to review mental health services, it is through its work over the last 27 years that it has also developed a model of mental health promotion for the ‘whole population’, using a public health paradigm. This has meant advocacy, policy advice, training and education, media awareness and working across sectors to increase the capacity of individuals and organisations to promote mental health. ....We are keen to see the promotion of mental health and well-being further developed as a field of work in its own right rather than as an adjunct to improving mental health services or even to general health promotion, although close relationships with both are important. Progress has been happening in many countries over the last decade or so, but there remains a risk of it being lost amidst the far greater, more high profile issues of trying to improve mental illness services. For this to be successful we believe there needs to be a comprehensive approach including national policy, public health action, community capacity development... is only this year that the government has finally produced a more comprehensive national policy framework for mental health promotion ‘Building on Strengths’.

Don't be mislead by the propaganda. The initial goals of the "The World Federation for Mental Health" haven't changed through the centuries. Ponder its founding goals and driving philosophy:

"Social institutions such as family and school impose their imprint early in the personality development of their members, who in turn tend to perpetuate the traditional pattern to which they have been moulded. It is the men and women in whom these patterns of attitude and behaviour have been incorporated who present the immediate resistance to social, economic and political changes.
         “Thus, prejudice, hostility or excessive nationalism may become deeply embedded in the developing personality without awareness on the part of the individual concerned, and often at great human cost.
         “Perhaps the most important contribution of the social sciences in their joint approach to the urgent problems facing mankind is the recognition of the plasticity of human behaviour and social institutions and of the resistance of each to change. In order to be effective, efforts at changing individuals must be appropriate to the successive stages of the unfolding personality, while in the case of a group or society, change will be strongly resisted unless an attitude of acceptance has first been engendered.       
(Pages 7 and 8.) (Distributed by the National Association For Mental Health, Inc., 1790 Broadway, New York 19, N.Y.) [28]

In his Executive Order on Mental Health, President Bush mentioned the need to break "down barriers" slow implementation three times. "Identify unmet needs and barriers to services," he said. Reduce "unnecessary and burdensome regulatory barriers."  He didn't specify the nature of those barriers, but there is little doubt that a major barrier is the continuing hope that parents will remain free to raise their children according to their own faith and values.

Mental Health in South Africa: "Mental health has over many decades acquired the unwelcome reputation of being a pariah or stepchild of the health services. This was partly because it was narrowly understood as psychiatric illness....  However, the past three to four years have seen mental health care steadily moving out of this quarantine, towards mainstream health care.

     "Also, mental health care has begun to address issues that distress South Africans on a day to day basis such as crime, violence and HIV/AIDS. This is starting to change people’s perceptions of mental health as an abstract, mysterious set of interventions, to an understanding that this is a component of health that addresses issues of general psychological well being and problems of day-to-day living. This transformation of mental health has been made possible by a diversity of developments, pioneered by the Mental Health Directorate in the National Department of Health, working in conjunction with provincial departments of health, non-governmental organisations and other interest groups.

     "...pragmatic implementation strategies:  * Violence Surveillance Project, undertaken by the Mental Health Directorate in conjunction with the Institute for Health and Social Sciences, as part of the National Crime Prevention Strategy ...

     "* Development, together with Columbia University in New York, of interventions to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in institutions for people with intellectual disabilities...

     "Identification of barriers to the implementation of findings of mental health research....

     "Integration of mental health care into Primary Health Care (PHC) based on the District Health System. A lot of effort has been dedicated to this, for instance, by the Community-based Mental Health Project attached to the University of Durban-Westville. A scientific evaluation by an external team that could help to identify factors that facilitate and those that inhibit integration....

      "Identification of barriers to the implementation of mental health research findings, most of which have been hailed as breaking new ground.

      "Strengthening the capacity of provincial departments of health (and welfare) to translate the mental health policies of the national department into workable strategies.



To be continued.


CONFORM THE CHURCH TO UNESCO’S GUIDELINES.  The standards for 21st Century spirituality are outlined in UNESCO’s 1994 “Declaration on the role of religion in the promotion of a culture of peace.” You probably haven’t heard of this “soft” international law signed in Barcelona in December, 1994. Yet, its guidelines have spread throughout the world, fueled by multicultural education, interactive technology, books such as the Harry Potter series, the media, movies, television and last, but not least, American churches.   

As you read these short excerpts from UNESCO's Declaration on the Role of Religion, try to remember where and when you last heard these politically correct attitudes or assertions:  

  • “Religions have… led to division, hatred, and war.”

  • “Peace entails that we understand that we are all interdependent….  collectively responsible for the common good.”  

  • “Our communities of faith have a responsibility to encourage conduct imbued with wisdom, compassion, sharing, charity, solidarity, and love; inspiring one and all to choose the path of freedom and responsibility. Religions must be a source of helpful energy.”

  • “We should distinguish fanaticism from religious zeal.”

  •  “We will favor peace by countering the tendencies of individuals and communities to assume or even to teach that they are inherently superior to others.”

  •  “We will promote dialogue and harmony between and within religions, … respecting the search for truth and wisdom that is outside our religion. We will establish dialogue with all, striving for a sincere fellowship….”  

  • “…we will build a culture of peace based on non-violence, tolerance, dialogue, mutual understanding, and justice. We call upon the institutions of our civil society, the United Nations System, governments, governmental and non-governmental organizations, corporations, and the mass media, to strengthen their commitments to peace and to listen to the cries of the victims….”

  •  "We call upon the different religious and cultural traditions to join hands… and to cooperate with us….”  [Emphasis added]

 In case you are wondering how UNESCO could possibly be linked to Chicago’s Council of Religious Leaders or to Methodist Bishop Sprague, lets go back to the fifties again. There we see both the roots of religious synthesis ( the blending and blurring of beliefs and convictions through the consensus process) and the hidden partnerships that link church leaders to powerful politicians who carry the “Christian” social and economic agenda into Congress and the White House.  

BUILD THE FRAMEWORK FOR GLOBAL CONTROL.  In 1942, six years before the World Council of Churches was formally launched, its organizers within the Federal Council of Churches held a National Study conference at Wesleyan University in Ohio. Among the 30 delegates were 15 bishops, seven seminary presidents, and eight college and university presidents.

HOLD EVERYONE ACCOUNTABLE TO POLITICALLY CORRECT STANDARDS FOR “MENTAL HEALTH.”   Bishop Sprague is not the first American church leader touting a public health program that includes “mental health” based on politically correct standards. He and his Shalom Community partners across America have joined hands with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Department of Health and Human Services.

In its 1954 Biannual Report (58-196), the National Council of Churches referred to its Commission on Religion and Health which would address the “mental health problem.”  In his well-documented 1958 book, Collectivism in the Church, Edgar C. Bundy explains,

“Because ‘mental health’ has become available as a lever to be used for promoting political and ideological designs, a word on the subject is in order. No one is against adequate care for people who are, beyond reasonable doubt, insane….. 

“Something new has come into the subject of insanity, however, within the past several years. People who are normal in every sense of the word but who hold unpopular political ideas, such as opposition to world government and to the United Nations, Federal aid to education, and socialism, are now being branded by their political opponents as 'lunatics,'  'nuts' and 'idiots.'

"Some of the mental health legislation which has recently been introduced on state and Federal levels gives such wide latitude of interpretations to psychiatrists and politicians… that it is conceivable that anyone who takes a stand for the sovereignty of the United States, in favor of Congressional investigations, in opposition to fluoridation of public water supplies, and in favor of state’s rights could be committed to an asylum in order to silence opposition.”[13]

Do you find this hard to believe? Concerned that these warnings might be realized, U.S. Congressman Usher L. Burdick of North Dakota submitted Resolution 98 to the 85th Congress. Here are a few points in his resolution:

"WHEREAS … the language of this bill is subject to misinterpretations which could jeopardize Constitutional rights of the individual; and

"WHEREAS among the psychiatrists are those who advocate an ideology foreign to the United States, as set forth in 'Mental Health and World Citizenship,' the statement of the 1948 International Congress on Mental Health; and

"WHEREAS the mental health organizations are sponsoring in the several states commitment legislation which violates the rights guaranteed to every citizen under the Constitution of the United States….

"RESOLVED by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring) That the Congress of the United States make a complete investigation into all ramifications and implications of mental health legislative programs which are currently being promoted."[14]

If only the current Congress would take the same precautions.  Right now, a far more sophisticated system for measuring and monitoring “the mental health of the population” is being implemented through WHO-federal-and-state partnerships that work in local communities to accomplish what Congress would never permit, the mainstream media may never tell, and the public may not realize until the system is in place.  



In 1942, six years before the World Council of Churches was formally launched, its organizers within the Federal Council of Churches held a National Study conference at Wesleyan University in Ohio. Among the 30 delegates were 15 bishops, seven seminary presidents, and eight college and university presidents.

John Foster Dulles, who later became Secretary of State in the Eisenhower administration, chaired the conference. As head of the Federal Council's inter-Church “Commission to Study the Bases of a Just and Durable Peace,” Dulles submitted the conference report. It recommended:

  • a world government of delegated powers 

  • immediate limitations on national sovereignty

  • international control of all armies and navies

  • a universal system of money

  • worldwide freedom of immigration

  • a democratically controlled international bank

  • even distribution of the world’s natural wealth. [15]

That was 1942!  Soon afterwards, Time magazine wrote a summary of the report. In its statement below, notice these words:  “a new order... through voluntary cooperation within the framework of democracy or through explosive political revolution.” This solution (“voluntary cooperation within the framework of democracy”) gives us a glimpse of the true meaning of nice-sounding words such as democracy, volunteerism, participation (involving everyone in the consensus process), partnerships, and civil society:


“Some of the conference’s economic opinions were almost as sensational as the extreme internationalism of its political program. It held that a ‘new order of economic life is both imminent and imperative” – a new order that is sure to come either ‘through voluntary cooperation within the framework of democracy or through explosive political revolution.’ Without condemning the profit motive as such, it denounced various defects in the profit system for breeding war, demagogues and dictators…. Instead, 'the church must demand economic arrangements measured by human welfare…'”[16]


In 1943, John Foster Dulles convened another Council of Churches conference. It endorsed “Six Pillars of Peace,” a plea for a world political organization – a United Nations.  In his speech, recorded in the Council’s 1944 Biannual Report, Dulles said,


"Interest in this subject had been enormously increased by the declaration of the Moscow conference, which stressed the necessity of creating at the earliest possible moment a general international organization…. People in and out of the churches were urged to 'remain united and vigorous to achieve such [an] international organization.' …  This statement, signed by more than 1,000 Protestant leaders, was given to the press and mailed to the President and members of Congress.”[17]

The most infamous of the Council leaders, Alger Hiss, was an active member of the Communist party. That didn’t keep him from serving President Roosevelt both in the State Department and as his adviser at the 1945 Yalta Peace Conference. Nor did it block his acceptance as coauthor of the UN charter and as Secretary General of the United Nations organizing conference in San Francisco in 1945. The Soviet connection may even have encouraged John Foster Dulles to recommend that Hiss head up the multimillion dollar Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Helpful links to high places would speed their agenda.  


The framework for control is in place. So is the process for managing, molding and monitoring “healthy communities” and “healthy people” around the world. Three centuries ago, this nation offered a shelter – a place of refuge from the persecution that has pursued God’s faithful followers since Christ died on the cross. When our nation shuts its doors to Biblical truth, where will Christians hide?  

The answer is simple: in Jesus. The Bible tells us that “all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12). But, in the midst of the struggles, He will fill us with a peace the world can never understand. By His grace, we will stand firm and immovable while demonstrating His gentle love to all who hunger and thirst for the everlasting peace and unity only found in Him.

“Oh, how great is Your goodness,

Which You have laid up for those who fear You,

Which You have prepared for those who trust in You

In the presence of the sons of men!

You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence

From the plots of man;

You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion

From the strife of tongues

Blessed be the Lord,

For He has shown me His marvelous kindness in a strong city!


Psalm 31:19-21




This silent revolution began over fifty years ago, and it Back in 1954, the National Council of Churches published a Biannual Report (58-196). It mentioned that its Commission on Religion and Health would address the “mental health problem.”  In his well-documented 1958 book, Collectivism in the Church, Edgar C. Bundy explains,

“Because ‘mental health’ has become available as a lever to be used for promoting political and ideological designs, a word on the subject is in order. No one is against adequate care for people who are, beyond reasonable doubt, insane….. 

“Something new has come into the subject of insanity, however, within the past several years. People who are normal in every sense of the word but who hold unpopular political ideas, such as opposition to world government and to the United Nations, Federal aid to education, and socialism, are now being branded by their political opponents as 'lunatics,'  'nuts' and 'idiots.'

"Some of the mental health legislation which has recently been introduced on state and Federal levels gives such wide latitude of interpretations to psychiatrists and politicians… that it is conceivable that anyone who takes a stand for the sovereignty of the United States, in favor of Congressional investigations, in opposition to fluoridation of public water supplies, and in favor of state’s rights could be committed to an asylum in order to silence opposition.”[13]

Do you find this hard to believe? Concerned that these warnings might be realized, U.S. Congressman Usher L. Burdick of North Dakota submitted Resolution 98 to the 85th Congress. Here are a few points in his resolution:

"WHEREAS … the language of this bill is subject to misinterpretations which could jeopardize Constitutional rights of the individual; and

"WHEREAS among the psychiatrists are those who advocate an ideology foreign to the United States, as set forth in 'Mental Health and World Citizenship,' the statement of the 1948 International Congress on Mental Health; and

"WHEREAS the mental health organizations are sponsoring in the several states commitment legislation which violates the rights guaranteed to every citizen under the Constitution of the United States….

"RESOLVED by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring) That the Congress of the United States make a complete investigation into all ramifications and implications of mental health legislative programs which are currently being promoted."[14]

If only the current Congress would take the same precautions.  Right now, a far more sophisticated system for measuring and monitoring “the mental health of the population” is being implemented through WHO-federal-and-state partnerships that work in local communities to accomplish what Congress would never permit, the mainstream media may never tell, and the public may not realize until the system is in place.  

Next: Part 3 - The Global network of control


1. “Mental Health and World Citizenship,” presented at The International Congress on Mental Health, London, 1948. We have a copy of this document.

2. Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1953); page 30.) [26] Cited by Mental Robots

3. "The UN Plan for Your Mental Health" at

4. Found at the "Nations for Mental Health" website at (link now obsolete). We have a copy of the page and will provide more details about this program in Part 3 of this series.

5. Lewis Albert Alesen, Mental Robots (Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 1960); page 29.

6. David Satcher, MD, National Healthy People Consortium Meeting, November 12, 1998.

7. Executive Order (April 29, 2002) at This statement also included "Veterans Affairs".

8. Lewis Albert Alesen, Mental Robots (Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 1960); page 23.

9. See "Federalism" and "Homeland Security and the Transformation of America." When the Federal Government holds each state "accountable" for meeting top-down "outcomes" determined by the World Health Organization (WHO), it violates the 10th Amendment. Holding the purse strings and setting the standards, it assumes the power to govern the states. Showing "respect" rather than submission to the Constitution, it manipulates both the intention and the rule of the law. Clinton's revised executive order on Federalism set the stage. It redesigned and redefined the relationship between states and the White House, and the executive branch has been taking full advantage of its new powers.

10. President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, "Achieving the Promise: Transforming Mental Health are in America," Goal 4: E

11. Berit Kjos, Brave New Schools, Chapter 2. Online at

12. G. Brock Chisholm, "The Re-Establishment of Peacetime Society," Psychiatry, February 1946. 




The Mental Health Foundation defines mental health promotion as "the process of enabling people to gain control over and improve their mental health and wellbeing". Mental Health Promotion :

From the Chief Executive : The Congress was a great opportunity to get some global perspectives on mental health promotion meeting with mental health promoters, not just from Australia, but the UK, the US and countries in Africa and South East Asia as well. There are a lot of people out there who are passionate about mental health promotion and I’m keen on furthering those relationships and creating stronger links with Australia, the World Federation, the Clifford Beers Foundation for mental health promotion in the UK and the World Health Organisation. ....September 2004 for the third international conference for The Promotion of Mental Health and Prevention of Mental and Behavioural Disorders. ....Meanwhile with Building on Strengths, the national mental health strategy now launched, there is the opportunity for all of us in the field of mental health promotion to look at how we can use it to guide our work

Mental Health Promotion in Aotearoa New Zealand : …Whilst the Mental Health Foundation has been a key advocate of the need to review mental health services, it is through its work over the last 27 years that it has also developed a model of mental health promotion for the ‘whole population’, using a public health paradigm. This has meant advocacy, policy advice, training and education, media awareness and working across sectors to increase the capacity of individuals and organisations to promote mental health. ....We are keen to see the promotion of mental health and well-being further developed as a field of work in its own right rather than as an adjunct to improving mental health services or even to general health promotion, although close relationships with both are important. Progress has been happening in many countries over the last decade or so, but there remains a risk of it being lost amidst the far greater, more high profile issues of trying to improve mental illness services. For this to be successful we believe there needs to be a comprehensive approach including national policy, public health action, community capacity development... is only this year that the government has finally produced a more comprehensive national policy framework for mental health promotion ‘Building on Strengths’.

Don't be mislead by the propaganda. The initial goals of the "The World Federation for Mental Health" haven't changed through the centuries. Ponder its founding goals and driving philosophy:

"Social institutions such as family and school impose their imprint early in the personality development of their members, who in turn tend to perpetuate the traditional pattern to which they have been moulded. It is the men and women in whom these patterns of attitude and behaviour have been incorporated who present the immediate resistance to social, economic and political changes.
         “Thus, prejudice, hostility or excessive nationalism may become deeply embedded in the developing personality without awareness on the part of the individual concerned, and often at great human cost.
         “Perhaps the most important contribution of the social sciences in their joint approach to the urgent problems facing mankind is the recognition of the plasticity of human behaviour and social institutions and of the resistance of each to change. In order to be effective, efforts at changing individuals must be appropriate to the successive stages of the unfolding personality, while in the case of a group or society, change will be strongly resisted unless an attitude of acceptance has first been engendered.       
(Pages 7 and 8.) (Distributed by the National Association For Mental Health, Inc., 1790 Broadway, New York 19, N.Y.) [28]

In his Executive Order on Mental Health, President Bush mentioned the need to break "down barriers" slow implementation three times. "Identify unmet needs and barriers to services," he said. Reduce "unnecessary and burdensome regulatory barriers."  He didn't specify the nature of those barriers, but there is little doubt that a major barrier is the continuing hope that parents will remain free to raise their children according to their own faith and values.

Mental Health in South Africa: "Mental health has over many decades acquired the unwelcome reputation of being a pariah or stepchild of the health services. This was partly because it was narrowly understood as psychiatric illness....  However, the past three to four years have seen mental health care steadily moving out of this quarantine, towards mainstream health care.

     "Also, mental health care has begun to address issues that distress South Africans on a day to day basis such as crime, violence and HIV/AIDS. This is starting to change people’s perceptions of mental health as an abstract, mysterious set of interventions, to an understanding that this is a component of health that addresses issues of general psychological well being and problems of day-to-day living. This transformation of mental health has been made possible by a diversity of developments, pioneered by the Mental Health Directorate in the National Department of Health, working in conjunction with provincial departments of health, non-governmental organisations and other interest groups.

     "...pragmatic implementation strategies:  * Violence Surveillance Project, undertaken by the Mental Health Directorate in conjunction with the Institute for Health and Social Sciences, as part of the National Crime Prevention Strategy ...

     "* Development, together with Columbia University in New York, of interventions to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in institutions for people with intellectual disabilities...

     "Identification of barriers to the implementation of findings of mental health research....

     "Integration of mental health care into Primary Health Care (PHC) based on the District Health System. A lot of effort has been dedicated to this, for instance, by the Community-based Mental Health Project attached to the University of Durban-Westville. A scientific evaluation by an external team that could help to identify factors that facilitate and those that inhibit integration....

      "Identification of barriers to the implementation of mental health research findings, most of which have been hailed as breaking new ground.

      "Strengthening the capacity of provincial departments of health (and welfare) to translate the mental health policies of the national department into workable strategies.



To be continued.


CONFORM THE CHURCH TO UNESCO’S GUIDELINES.  The standards for 21st Century spirituality are outlined in UNESCO’s 1994 “Declaration on the role of religion in the promotion of a culture of peace.” You probably haven’t heard of this “soft” international law signed in Barcelona in December, 1994. Yet, its guidelines have spread throughout the world, fueled by multicultural education, interactive technology, books such as the Harry Potter series, the media, movies, television and last, but not least, American churches.   

As you read these short excerpts from UNESCO's Declaration on the Role of Religion, try to remember where and when you last heard these politically correct attitudes or assertions:  

 In case you are wondering how UNESCO could possibly be linked to Chicago’s Council of Religious Leaders or to Methodist Bishop Sprague, lets go back to the fifties again. There we see both the roots of religious synthesis ( the blending and blurring of beliefs and convictions through the consensus process) and the hidden partnerships that link church leaders to powerful politicians who carry the “Christian” social and economic agenda into Congress and the White House.  


This silent revolution began over fifty years ago, and it Back in 1954, the National Council of Churches published a Biannual Report (58-196). It mentioned that its Commission on Religion and Health would address the “mental health problem.”  In his well-documented 1958 book, Collectivism in the Church, Edgar C. Bundy explains,

“Because ‘mental health’ has become available as a lever to be used for promoting political and ideological designs, a word on the subject is in order. No one is against adequate care for people who are, beyond reasonable doubt, insane….. 

“Something new has come into the subject of insanity, however, within the past several years. People who are normal in every sense of the word but who hold unpopular political ideas, such as opposition to world government and to the United Nations, Federal aid to education, and socialism, are now being branded by their political opponents as 'lunatics,'  'nuts' and 'idiots.'

"Some of the mental health legislation which has recently been introduced on state and Federal levels gives such wide latitude of interpretations to psychiatrists and politicians… that it is conceivable that anyone who takes a stand for the sovereignty of the United States, in favor of Congressional investigations, in opposition to fluoridation of public water supplies, and in favor of state’s rights could be committed to an asylum in order to silence opposition.”[13]

Do you find this hard to believe? Concerned that these warnings might be realized, U.S. Congressman Usher L. Burdick of North Dakota submitted Resolution 98 to the 85th Congress. Here are a few points in his resolution:

"WHEREAS … the language of this bill is subject to misinterpretations which could jeopardize Constitutional rights of the individual; and

"WHEREAS among the psychiatrists are those who advocate an ideology foreign to the United States, as set forth in 'Mental Health and World Citizenship,' the statement of the 1948 International Congress on Mental Health; and

"WHEREAS the mental health organizations are sponsoring in the several states commitment legislation which violates the rights guaranteed to every citizen under the Constitution of the United States….

"RESOLVED by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring) That the Congress of the United States make a complete investigation into all ramifications and implications of mental health legislative programs which are currently being promoted."[14]

If only the current Congress would take the same precautions.  Right now, a far more sophisticated system for measuring and monitoring “the mental health of the population” is being implemented through WHO-federal-and-state partnerships that work in local communities to accomplish what Congress would never permit, the mainstream media may never tell, and the public may not realize until the system is in place.  






BUILD THE FRAMEWORK FOR GLOBAL CONTROL.  In 1942, six years before the World Council of Churches was formally launched, its organizers within the Federal Council of Churches held a National Study conference at Wesleyan University in Ohio. Among the 30 delegates were 15 bishops, seven seminary presidents, and eight college and university presidents.

HOLD EVERYONE ACCOUNTABLE TO POLITICALLY CORRECT STANDARDS FOR “MENTAL HEALTH.”   Bishop Sprague is not the first American church leader touting a public health program that includes “mental health” based on politically correct standards. He and his Shalom Community partners across America have joined hands with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Department of Health and Human Services.

In its 1954 Biannual Report (58-196), the National Council of Churches referred to its Commission on Religion and Health which would address the “mental health problem.”  In his well-documented 1958 book, Collectivism in the Church, Edgar C. Bundy explains,

“Because ‘mental health’ has become available as a lever to be used for promoting political and ideological designs, a word on the subject is in order. No one is against adequate care for people who are, beyond reasonable doubt, insane….. 

“Something new has come into the subject of insanity, however, within the past several years. People who are normal in every sense of the word but who hold unpopular political ideas, such as opposition to world government and to the United Nations, Federal aid to education, and socialism, are now being branded by their political opponents as 'lunatics,'  'nuts' and 'idiots.'

"Some of the mental health legislation which has recently been introduced on state and Federal levels gives such wide latitude of interpretations to psychiatrists and politicians… that it is conceivable that anyone who takes a stand for the sovereignty of the United States, in favor of Congressional investigations, in opposition to fluoridation of public water supplies, and in favor of state’s rights could be committed to an asylum in order to silence opposition.”[13]

Do you find this hard to believe? Concerned that these warnings might be realized, U.S. Congressman Usher L. Burdick of North Dakota submitted Resolution 98 to the 85th Congress. Here are a few points in his resolution:

"WHEREAS … the language of this bill is subject to misinterpretations which could jeopardize Constitutional rights of the individual; and

"WHEREAS among the psychiatrists are those who advocate an ideology foreign to the United States, as set forth in 'Mental Health and World Citizenship,' the statement of the 1948 International Congress on Mental Health; and

"WHEREAS the mental health organizations are sponsoring in the several states commitment legislation which violates the rights guaranteed to every citizen under the Constitution of the United States….

"RESOLVED by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring) That the Congress of the United States make a complete investigation into all ramifications and implications of mental health legislative programs which are currently being promoted."[14]

If only the current Congress would take the same precautions.  Right now, a far more sophisticated system for measuring and monitoring “the mental health of the population” is being implemented through WHO-federal-and-state partnerships that work in local communities to accomplish what Congress would never permit, the mainstream media may never tell, and the public may not realize until the system is in place.  



In 1942, six years before the World Council of Churches was formally launched, its organizers within the Federal Council of Churches held a National Study conference at Wesleyan University in Ohio. Among the 30 delegates were 15 bishops, seven seminary presidents, and eight college and university presidents.

John Foster Dulles, who later became Secretary of State in the Eisenhower administration, chaired the conference. As head of the Federal Council's inter-Church “Commission to Study the Bases of a Just and Durable Peace,” Dulles submitted the conference report. It recommended:

That was 1942!  Soon afterwards, Time magazine wrote a summary of the report. In its statement below, notice these words:  “a new order... through voluntary cooperation within the framework of democracy or through explosive political revolution.” This solution (“voluntary cooperation within the framework of democracy”) gives us a glimpse of the true meaning of nice-sounding words such as democracy, volunteerism, participation (involving everyone in the consensus process), partnerships, and civil society:


“Some of the conference’s economic opinions were almost as sensational as the extreme internationalism of its political program. It held that a ‘new order of economic life is both imminent and imperative” – a new order that is sure to come either ‘through voluntary cooperation within the framework of democracy or through explosive political revolution.’ Without condemning the profit motive as such, it denounced various defects in the profit system for breeding war, demagogues and dictators…. Instead, 'the church must demand economic arrangements measured by human welfare…'”[16]


In 1943, John Foster Dulles convened another Council of Churches conference. It endorsed “Six Pillars of Peace,” a plea for a world political organization – a United Nations.  In his speech, recorded in the Council’s 1944 Biannual Report, Dulles said,


"Interest in this subject had been enormously increased by the declaration of the Moscow conference, which stressed the necessity of creating at the earliest possible moment a general international organization…. People in and out of the churches were urged to 'remain united and vigorous to achieve such [an] international organization.' …  This statement, signed by more than 1,000 Protestant leaders, was given to the press and mailed to the President and members of Congress.”[17]

The most infamous of the Council leaders, Alger Hiss, was an active member of the Communist party. That didn’t keep him from serving President Roosevelt both in the State Department and as his adviser at the 1945 Yalta Peace Conference. Nor did it block his acceptance as coauthor of the UN charter and as Secretary General of the United Nations organizing conference in San Francisco in 1945. The Soviet connection may even have encouraged John Foster Dulles to recommend that Hiss head up the multimillion dollar Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Helpful links to high places would speed their agenda.  



“And there shall be a time of trouble,
Such as never was since there was a nation...
And at that time your people shall be delivered,
Every one who is found written in the book." Daniel 12:1-3




    And there shall be a time of trouble,
Such as never was since there was a nation,
Even to that time.
And at that time your people shall be delivered,
Every one who is found written in the book.
2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,
Some to everlasting life,
Some to shame and everlasting contempt.
3 Those who are wise shall shine
Like the brightness of the firmament,
And those who turn many to righteousness
Like the stars forever and ever."  Da 12:1-3).