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Search results for: thomas sowell

83 results found containing all search terms. 274 results found containing some search terms.

36 pages of results.
... Herbert Marcuse, an influential Marxist. "The techniques of brainwashing developed in totalitarian countries are routinely used in psychological conditioning programs imposed on American school children. These include emotional shock and desensitization.. stripping away defenses.. and inducing acceptance of alternative values.." [2] Thomas Sowell "I cannot stand narrow minded idiots like yourselves. You are seriously sick." A visitor to our website Throughout history, "tolerance" has meant different things to different people. A century ago, most Americans would have defined it as civility toward ... persons, not as acceptance of contrary views. In contrast, today's "tolerance" demands acceptance of politically correct views but intolerance toward those who cling to "traditional" values. While media leaders feel free to mock Christians, believers are losing their freedom to state their convictions. After all, they might hurt someone's feelings. This transformation didn't "just happen." During the 20th century, socialist visionaries redefined tolerance and began using it as an effective weapon against Biblical values. Trained facilitators (in schools, government, corporations ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 71
... banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Thomas Jefferson "The powers of financial capitalism had (a) far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system ... but the post office may run out of money to pay its current employees by early next year." Remember the old "Wells-Fargo Wagon a-comin' down the street.."? It may have been delayed at times, but at least it kept going. Thomas Sowell: An Unusual Economy? "Some very sharp downturns in the American economy, such as in the early 1920s, were followed quickly by bouncing back to normal levels or beyond. The government did nothing-- and it worked.. [Today's unemployment rates] have ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 67
... is literally our mother, not only because we depend on her for nurture and shelter but even more because the human species has been shaped by her in the womb of evolution.. Our salvation depends upon our ability to create a religion of nature." 10 Dr. Thomas Sowel, economist and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, would disagree. Piercing the hollow visions of utopian dreamers, he writes: "Dogmatic environmentalism, like fascism, communism and eugenics, appeals to the frustrated egotism of intellectuals who burn to ... lesser people how to live.. Nothing as mundane as mere evidence can be allowed to threaten a vision so deeply satisfying."11 Temblor was typical of geologically young area, scientists say: "In Monday morning's earthquake, the Santa Lucia mountain range that holds the landmark estate and adjacent towns shrugged its shoulders and then grew with a sudden jolt, probably one to four feet, sending a magnitude 6.5 reminder that California's central coast is a young and restless region." (SJM, 12/23/03) The next link ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 66
... that they wanted no establishment of religion in the United States. Wise men wrote the Constitution, but clever judges have been destroying it, bit by bit, turning it into an instrument of arbitrary judicial power, instead of a limitation on all government power." Thomas Sowell," Religion and the Constitution. 2. George Washington, Farewell Address. 3." .. we must not lose sight of the fact that Judge Goodwin's opinion relied on fifty years of Supreme Court Establishment Clause jurisprudence, beginning with the 1947 Everson v ... Board of Education case. The Pledge simply failed to pass the three leading Establishment Clause tests invented by the Supreme Court. Indeed, the Circuit Court's opinion makes perfect sense if one accepts the modern liberal premise that religion and morality are incompatible with free society and ought to be driven out of the public square." From Courts Show Us The Crisis Of Our Time by Thomas L. Krannawitter, Claremont Institute Precepts, June 28, 2002. 4. James Madison, Virginia Convention, June 16, 1788. 5. Revelation ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 60
5. law
... "The case comes after a senior judge ruled on Thursday that Christian beliefs had no right to protection by the courts.. Gary McFarlane he had no right to appeal after he was sacked for refusing to give sex therapy to a gay couple." April 2010 Justice Clarence Thomas: We're'evading' eligibility Does testimony hint at division behind Supreme Court's doors? "U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas told a House subcommittee that when it comes to determining whether a person born outside the 50 states can serve as U.S. president, ... charged statement:'I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." See Aztlan and LaRaza Sotomayor: "Empathy" in Action (Thomas Sowell): "Nothing demonstrates the fatal dangers from judicial'empathy' more than Judge Sotomayor's decision in a 2008 case involving firemen who took an exam for promotion. After the racial mix of those who passed that test turned out to be predominantly white, with ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 59
... that doesn't stop the world's ruling bureaucracy from reaching its tentacles into our farms, families and food stores. Their global regulations will entangle all of us, whether or not we like milk and walnuts. In his article," The EPA versus spilled milk ," Thomas Sowell opens a window into this ominous process:" .. the EPA has decided that, since milk contains oil, it has the authority to force farmers to comply with new regulations to file'emergency management' plans to show how they will cope with spilled ... , how farmers will train'first responders' and build'containment facilities' if there is a flood of spilled milk. "Since there is no free lunch, all of this is going to cost the farmers both money and time that could be going into farming.. It is going to cost the taxpayers money as well, since the EPA is going to have to hire people to inspect farms, inspect farmers' reports and prosecute farmers who don't jump through all the right hoops.. "[ 1] A week after pondering ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 57
... of brainwashing developed in totalitarian countries are routinely used in psychological conditioning programs imposed on American school children. These include emotional shock and desensitization.. isolation from sources of support [parents], stripping away defenses.. and inducing acceptance of alternative values.."[1] Thomas Sowell, PhD. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith!" 1 Peter 5:8-9 I heard no laughter while watching ... Hunger Games on opening day. Just sober silence. This teenage movie-- set in a totalitarian world that supposedly replaced a broken America-- shows the grim struggle for survival in a world without God, hope or meaning. The only "higher power" is a heartless government that supplies its own choice of artificial thrills and trials. And the people suffer. The book behind the movie was published by the prominent Scholastic. It brought us the Harry Potter series and countless other books promoting witchcraft and the occult. By ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 52
... sheep's clothing, it speaks kindly, but has sharp teeth. It exists largely for power-hungry elite leaders with few qualms about mass murder. In fact, its "peace-keeping forces" are better known for killing and raping than for achieving peace. Back in 2003, Thomas Sowell wrote this wise warning, which our administration largely ignores: "When you see a four-year-old bossing a two-year-old, you are seeing the fundamental problem of the human race-- and the reason so many idealistic political movements for a better world have ended in ... dictatorships. Giving leaders enough power to create'social justice' is giving them enough power to destroy all justice, all freedom, and all human dignity. "Most people who read'The Communist Manifesto' probably have no idea that it was written by a couple of young men who had never worked a day in their lives, and who nevertheless spoke boldly in the name of'the workers. [Actually, Marx had little sympathy for "the workers "] Similar offspring of inherited wealth have repeatedly provided the leadership of ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 48
... by occult powers- Norse, Aztec, Babylonian, Nazi.. Disney simply twisted the fact. Remember, history documents Pocahontas' conversion to Christianity, not Smith's conversion to pantheism. But do the facts really matter? After all, this is only a Disney movie! Columnist Thomas Sowell, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, has an insightful response: "The curriculum, the movie screen, the art gallery.. are all ideological battlefields-- and in most of these institutions, only one side is battling. That ... why they are winning.. Being factually wrong does not matter to those who are politically correct.. charges which turn out to be hoaxes do not bother them because these charges serve to raise consciousness.. 4 To shift America's consciousness from a Judeo/Christian world view to a global/earth-centered perspective, Disney and other social engineers have invented new role models not tainted by an uncompromising reality. They know that rational arguments do less to change consciousness than an incessant flood of ideas and impressions. Advertisers wouldn't pay millions for minute-long televised exposure if it didn't ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 46
... shall surely perish." Deuteronomy 8:12-14, 17-19 But few heed such warnings in these times of cultural "Christianity." No wonder we are losing the God-given freedom that helped make America a strong and moral nation. Roots of Oppression Back in 1994, Thomas Sowell made an interesting observation: "At the heart of the socialist vision is the notion that a compassionate society can create more humane living conditions for all through government'planning' and control of the economy.. "The rule of law, on which freedom itself ... depends, is inherently incompatible with socialism. People who are free to do as they wish will not do as the economic planners wish.. These differences must be ironed out by propaganda or power, if socialism is to be socialism. Indoctrination must be part of the program, not because socialists want to be brainwashers, but because socialism requires brainwashing. "Idealist socialists create systems in which idealists are almost certain to lose and be superseded by those whose drive for power, and ruthlessness in achieving it, make them the'fittest' ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 46
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