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Search results for: thomas sowell

83 results found containing all search terms. 274 results found containing some search terms.

36 pages of results.
... them were Albertus Magnus, Roger Bacon.. Nicholas Flamel, and Robert Fludd.. "For several centuries, due to the lack of freedom of thought, the Order had to conceal itself under various names. .. perpetuating its ideals and its teachings.. always emphasizing the equality of men and women and the true solidarity of all humanity. "Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626), English philosopher, essayist, and statesman, directed the Rosicrucian Order and its activities both in England and on the continent.. Later such eminent Americans as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine were intimately connected with the Rosicrucian community. .. "Throughout history a number of prominent persons in the fields of science and the arts have been associated with the Rosicrucian movement, such as Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) .. Theresa of Avila (1515-1582), John of the Cross (1542-1591), Francis Bacon (1561-1626) .. Jacob Boehme (1575-1624), René Descartes (1596-1650), Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), Isaac Newton (1642-1727) .. http ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 24
... for the most part failed to respond to such warnings. Aware of the enormous media attention given to the subject of child abuse, they are unwilling to appear'insensitive' to the sufferings of children. By not acting, our elected officials are helping to maintain a system that has proven unfriendly to family life and ultimately hazardous to the well-being of American children." [xii] Ian Hoffman's damage suit which ended at the Supreme Court, demonstrates the alarming shift from parental rights to state controls. Only two justices, Clarence Thomas and Atonin Scalia, voted to hear his case. Seven refused, in spite of the federal civil rights law which promises that "Every person who under [state law] .. subjects.. any other person to the deprivation of any rights, privileges or immunities secured by the Constitution.. shall be liable to the party injured." Today, the police and other investigators can be sued if they violate "clearly established" rights of citizens. Social workers apparently cannot. "The District court held that the social workers were ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 23
... the main spokesman both for the Bible Literacy Project and for the Freedom Forum, formerly known as the Gannett Foundation (the liberal Gannett media). Not only is he involved with the Communitarian Network, he also serves on the Advisory Board of The Pluralism Project', which includes Margot Adler, a Wiccan priestess who authored "Drawing Down Moon" and speaks to America as a National Public Radio correspondent. [9] As senior scholar at the Freedom Forum's First Amendment Center, Haynes works closely with its lawyer Oliver Thomas, who co-authored The Right to Religious Liberty," an ACLU handbook." (The main link to Thomas' ACLU handbook has been deleted. See alternative link) Whose "right" would the ACLU promote? [10] One answer can be seen in Haynes disapproval of the National Day of Prayer, which he voiced in an article titled, "When Government Prays, No One Wins" (5-15-05). David Blankenhorn, President of the Institute for American Values, endorsed The Responsive Communitarian Platform. In April ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 23
... raising" Then they came for me"- Niemoller Pizza Order Nazi control over child raising Deception and Manipulation Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution Social Equality Government Gatekeepers& the Internet Not Just Nanny States Education Global service& Service Learning America imports Soviet Education Illiteracy for Social Change Church-State Partnerships Race-Based School Assignments New and fuzzy MATH The Evolution of Math Education for Sustainability Education for Global Understanding UNESCO: Transforming Community Schools Darwin's Black Box The Evolution of Math Things I learned in Public Schools US imports Soviet Ed Marc Tucker's "Dear Hillary" letter Thomas Kuhn- Paradigm Shift Early experimentation US imports Soviet Ed Shirley McCune Higher education Information Control Sensitivity Training& Thought Reform Howard Gardner- Multiple Intelligences Reform~ Hatch Amendment Reinventing government The Hard Road to World Order Third Way& Communitarianism What the Communitarians Stand For General Systems Theory Soviet system~ Marxism Systems Thinking Culture of Peace Civic Renewal- Iserbyt Current Communist Goals Priceless Comments The Transformation of America Culture& Crises Memorable O pening Prayer A Common Sense Bill of Non-Rights Corrupting Everything Culture of Peace Who did it? Law Separation of Church ( ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 23
... The Re-Imagining Conference described below illustrates many of the subtle and seductive strategies now used in the emerging or postmodern church to undermine Biblical faith and values. Be alert to them! The popularity of The Shack fits right in! A Twist of Faith- Chapter 2 HOLY is His Name or Sacred and perfect am I Skip down to Re-Imagining God, Thomas Merton, Sophia, Chi energy, Sacred circle Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter10 Home "I found god in myself, and I loved her, I loved her fiercely." Ntozake Shange quoted at the Re-Imagining conference "I don't think we need a theory of atonement at all.. I don't think we need folks hanging on crosses and blood dripping and weird stuff." Rev. Delores Williams, speaking at the Re-imagining conference"... priests have violated My law and profaned My holy things; they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy.. I am profaned among them." Ezekiel 22:26 The Feminine Face of God? Stopped by ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 23
... other." John Adams [3]" .. the mild voice of reason, pleading the cause of an enlarged and permanent interest, is but too often drowned, before public bodies as well as individuals, by the clamors of an impatient avidity for immediate and immoderate gain." James Madison [4] "All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree." James Madison [5] "The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers." Thomas Jefferson "It is when people forget God that tyrants forge their chains." Patrick Henry" .. ambitious encroachments of the federal government on the authority of the State governments would not excite the opposition of a single State, or of a few States only. They would be signals of general alarm.. But what degree of madness could ever drive the federal government to such an extremity." James Madison [6] "Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself." John ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 23
... . No wait…they go back even farther than that…And God said, LET US make man in our image…the Triumvirate God conspired to execute the plan. Working together is a good thing. "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety." That sounds like conspiring to me…. Thank God for conspiracies. Aren't you grateful that: • Jesus conspired with His disciples • That the Founding Fathers conspired to form this nation. • That the Wright brothers conspired against gravity. • That Thomas Edison conspired against darkness. • That Science conspired against diseases. They were probably all ridiculed in their day. I am sure that Louis Pasteur was laughed at when he came up with the theory of the existence of germs. I bet all of the "journals of blood-letting" peer-reviewed his work and declared him to be a kook. Eighteen-sixty wasn't that long ago, you know? I wonder what Pasteur would think about Global Warming? All conspiracies begin as a theory. It is the sharing and discussion of the theory ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 23
... and so forth. Deception. This is also often portrayed in scientific terms, and portrayed as beneficial, but is an invitation to the spirit realm. As others have pointed out, when the mind is stilled and void, something else may well fill that void. There is a battle going on — between those who hold to the Word of God and those who promote the mysticism inherent in these meditative techniques. Already the Body of Christ is infected with the "contemplative spirituality" of Richard Foster, Dallas Willard, Gary Thomas, Keri Wyatt Kent and so many others. Contemplative prayer is simply saying a "Christian-ized" word or phrase to still the mind and enter the silence. It is virtually the same as Eastern or New Age meditation, yet it has gained acceptance due to its "Christianese" disguise. Occultist Alice Bailey, who was informed by her spirit guides, said that the New Age "illumination" would indeed come to the world through the Christian church, and she instructed her followers to leave the outer shell of Christianity intact ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22
... exercise. In the Jewish section, children are asked to imagine they are Jews forced from their homeland. Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. With California spending $400 million per year on textbooks, Christian Educators sold out Jesus for a mere $500. We Christians often leap to the rationalization of our anger by bringing up the turning of tables by Jesus. Usually we are wrong to do that. But there are times such as these when one can do no less. A federal lawsuit has been filed by Thomas More Law Center regarding the Islam indoctrination in public school. I do not accept donations, but Thomas More has been fighting for our rights as a free Christian legal organization. Please help support them if you can. Christian children, the bodies of Christ, are being crucified on the cross of public school. How long will we abandon our children to suffer this onslaught of their faith alone? Jen Shroder is founder of, where dozens of exact quotes from both textbooks can be found, as well as documentation of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22
... to accomplish His objective of establishing the kingdom of heaven here on earth, God is restoring all the truths that have been lost. Those who refuse to accept this movement of the Spirit, with His new and marvelous strategies, in the end will cease to produce fruit and will disappear. "It is necessary for the Church to continue in this process of change and restoration so that it can rise up and accomplish its mission of revolutionizing the world."-- Hector Torres, The Restoration of the Apostles and Prophets (Thomas Nelson, 2001), p. 15. The Church is being restructured into a networking hierarchy. It represents a substantial paradigm shift in church governance – but for what purpose? Dominionism! From the bottom up, the cellular structure looks like small groups, a pleasant and benign-sounding concept marketed to millions of believers who have experienced alienation in modern society and loneliness in mega-churches. From the top-down, the configuration is apostolic. The church is to be governed by a new elite – self-proclaimed, self-anointed apostles and prophets who claim ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22
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