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Search results for: thomas sowell

83 results found containing all search terms. 274 results found containing some search terms.

36 pages of results.
... the government Minister for Ecclesiastic Affairs and a Lutheran priest.. "Wheen also recounts that Cherie Blair, wife of the British Prime Minister, is keen on alternative forms of spirituality.. Also increasingly popular in England is Kabbalah." Deut 18:9-12 Catholic Mystics: "Catholics are not the only mystics. There are also Hindu mystics, Buddhist mystics, and Muslim mystics. Therefore, mystical experiences do not necessarily indicate that a person has encountered the God of the Bible. They do not even indicate that a person is a Christian. Thomas Merton was an influential monk. He taught that every form of mystical experience is valid, no matter what its source. He praised Hinduism and Buddhism. Merton wanted to see the religions of the world become united. Some Catholic priests and nuns teach prayer techniques which are not prayer in the Christian sense at all. Rather, they result in altered states of consciousness, and susceptibility to demonic influence." For more about Merton, see A Twist of Faith Chapter 2 January Africa grows Christian leaders: "Could 2004 be ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 15
... would pierce his hands and feet: "They pierced My hands and My feet." (Psalm 22:16) Fulfilled! When the resurrected Jesus appeared to His disciples, he said, "Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts? Behold My hands and My feet.. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have." (Luke 24:38-39) "[ Eight days later, Jesus appeared to all the disciples] He said to Thomas,'Reach your finger here, and look at My hands.. Do not be unbelieving, but believing. And Thomas answered and said to Him,'My Lord and my God!' Jesus said to him,'Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." (John 20:25, 27-29 8. They "cast lots" for his clothes: "They divide My garments among them, and for My clothing they cast ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 15
... Excerpts from Hard to Believe By John MacArthur (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2003) Referring to "man-centered evangelicals:" "It's interesting how this trend has come into the church. I've been around long enough to have seen it arrive. It blossomed, I think, most pointedly through the effort of…[the] religious personality Robert Schuller and a book he wrote a number of years ago called Self-Esteem: The New Reformation ... It was an effort to replace the biblical gospel with a new gospel. And it worked." (p.3) "In that book, Robert Schuller attacked the Protestant Reformation. Calling for a new reformation, he wrote:'It is precisely at this point that classical theology has erred in its insistence that theology be'God-centered' and not'man-centered.’ So, according to Schuller, the first thing we have to do is put an end to classical, God-centered theology and replace it with man-centered theology." (p.3) "To define man-centered theology (an oxymoron), [Schuller] wrote ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 14
... , Issue 1, January 2012 Supplement to" One World, One Force" A World Force in Operation By Carl Teichrib, Chief Editor Home Index to previous reports by FC Posted 3-14-12 Emphasis added The" One World, One Force" article series is meant to demonstrate the longevity of a big idea: That a world political system or "global governance" arrangement will inevitably demand some type of world military or police force. World law requires enforcement to ensure world peace. Note: The following text is an excerpt from Thomas C. Schelling's reprinted piece in the massive four volume series, The Strategy of World Order, volume 3 (edited by Richard A. Falk and Saul H. Mendlovitz and published by the World Law Fund of New York, 1966). While this item is not an official document by any means, it does offer a window into the more advanced strategic thinking that circulated in the disarmament community. Schelling was a member of the politically influential Council on Foreign Relations from the late 1950's until the early 1970's. He was ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 14
... The ark of the covenant contained the golden pot that had the manna and Aaron's rod that budded as well as the tablets of the covenant. (Hebrews 9:1-4.) 3. 4. Ibid. 5. President Clinton, 1997, State of the Union. This or similar phases were heard often during the Clinton administration. It's also a popular UN theme. See The Memory of the World 6. Go to Chapter 1: Under the Spell of Mother Earth and "find" Thomas Berry. 7. "The days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with… Israel… not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers… my covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them.. But this is the covenant that I will make… I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people…. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 14
... fit a new interpretation of the First Amendment-- one that twists its promised freedom into pretext and control. Thus, schoolchildren learn "about the Bible" through a pre-planned group process which twists God's truths into the evolving ideals of the planned global spirituality. (See Mind Control) Leading this movement is Charles Haynes, former director of the First Liberty Institute and "senior scholar for religious freedom" at the Freedom Forum. He co-edited "Finding Common Ground: A First Amendment Guide to Religion and Public Education" with Oliver Thomas, a lawyer and author for the ACLU. Note: For references, see Training students to rethink God's Word and the first footnote at The Communitarian Network website. The updated version of "Finding Common Ground" is recommended at, Rick Warren's website for pastors around the world (This page has now been shortened). See also Charles Haynes& Communitarianism. Back in 1999, Mr. Haynes' helped write "The Bible and Public Schools," an interfaith Guide for teaching Bible in public schools. It was ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 14
... Refuting The Gospel of Judas By Gary Kah- May 2006 See also The Da Vinci Code and The Gospel of Judas and The Gnostic Apostle Thomas Home| Articles| The Millennium Messiah| Slandering Jesus Email this page Here are a few of the passages from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John that refute the claims of The Gospel of Judas, the Gnostics and some of National Geographic's "experts." Claim: There were many forms of Christianity in the early Church, and Gnosticism was one of them. Counter: As I mentioned in the preceding article, Gnosticism was never considered to be Christian by the early Church. It was a form of occult mysticism that embraced pantheistic concepts. Together with Rome's imperial paganism, it represented Satan's foremost attempt to oppose and eradicate Christianity during the first through the fourth centuries. Jesus assured that there was only one truth but many pathways leading to destruction (Matt. 7:13-14, Luke 13:22-30, John 5:22-23; 6:29-59; 10:27-33; 14:6). He ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 14
... Made White as Snow Letter from our dear friend, Thomas Faunce, missionary, photographer, and Vietnam War Veteran This Christmas, I wanted to share some thoughts. My heart is filled with excited anticipation, also with sorrow. This New Year could be the one in which our Lord return, or the year that anyone of us who bear His name might finish our race, complete the course. This is such a time for us to rejoice, to be filled with the wonder of His love, I feel this joy, as though I can hear the trumpets ready to sound their blast, to announce the coming of our King. However, there is the sadness within for the many I know who have heard His great truth, tasted of His goodness, yet still trample aground His grace. It is hard for me to understand why so many reject the Saving Life Of Christ, why so many turn from such goodness and mercy. Not only do many turn away, their hearts are full of hatred towards the name of Jesus. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 14
... take color crayons, as the heroes of this anime are learning, and put the color in the picture. perhaps you shall see that these children carry the virtues of the holy Spirit. I look at reality through the filter of God's Word, Daniel. You are free to believe what you choose, but so am I-- at least in America for this moment. I see good and evil from His perspective, and He tells us to shun "other gods" or spiritual forces that are not of Him. Thomas Masterson: They say that fanaticism blinds the feeble, those who do not have an unshaking devotion in God. It takes a special kind of person to have their faith shaken and still believe. I, for one, despise all of you crusaders and your ___ self-righteous pomposity! People usually see what they want and do what they want. You have turned a harmless show which should be watched for enjoyment (so long as you don't set it higher than god) into a malignant tumor on society. WAKE UP ...
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... evolutionary collectivism' whereby the "existing capitalistic system' is'transformed into a collective one' by a'definite system of education for all society,' and Max Horkheimer of the Frankfurt School who had been a student/peer of Max Weber. Mann worked closely with another Frankfurt School member and U.S. emigrant, Theodor Adorno, who was his "mentor" concerning the effectiveness of'atonal music' in producing'cultural decadence. He was a personal friend of Sigmund Freud as well. It was Freud who prompted [Thomas] Mann to write'The Tables of the Law' in order to "demythify and demystify biblical material." "It was through his friendship with Josef von Lukacs of Budapest that Mann became associated with his son, Georg Lukacs, another Frankfurt School member.. "Professor Mortimer Adler was Hutchins''principal co-worker' and'collaborator' in this effort as well as on many other'different and difficult projects. (Their ideas on education reform would be taken up by the Aspen Institute.) One of these projects was ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 14
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