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Search results for: thomas sowell

83 results found containing all search terms. 274 results found containing some search terms.

36 pages of results.
... Quotes that deal with Lewis, Tolkien, Williams, and other Inklings Lewis' view of the Bible& its significance Inklings-- Charles Williams The Inklings: L ewis, Tolkien and Barfield explore reincarnation and theosophy Dom Bede Griffiths The revival of mystical or occult practices: The Freemasons Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition Kabbalah| The Kabbalah Centre Theosophy| Rosicrucianism Hegel, Bohme, and Theosophy Lewis, Tolkien and Barfield explore reincarnation and Theosophy Tarot, Theosophy, Swedenborg& William Blake [Blake influenced both Lewis& MacDonald] The Gnostic Apostle Thomas Jung, Taoism, Alchemy and Neo-Gnosticism Dream Giver [Bruce Wilkinson] and DISC Assessments Occult: Conversations with [a] god Charts and Definitions Glossary NEW AGE terms in the Church Basis for faith Three kinds of group relationships( Hegel) Pluralism Charts: Five Types of Religious Expressions Additional information: Templeton: Merging Religion& Science Sorcery or Science Toward an Interreligious Council at the United Nations Mysticism "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness.. Woe to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 12
... in California taught children about the Day of the Dead (a form of ancestral spiritism that is widely practiced in Mexico) and encouraged them to participate in rituals, including making altars.6 RELIGIOUS CONFUSION A Lutheran college has appointed a practicing Hindu to be the head of its Department of Religion. One of his goals is to enable students to "see the world through Hindu eyes." He says that some forms of Christian evangelization produce violence and that people need to be set free from the "obsession of converting others."7 Thomas Ford is the chaplain of the Palliative Care Unit at a Cancer Center. Many of the patients there are dying. Ford is a Buddhist, but most patients and their families don't know that because they don't ask. He quietly chants mantras as he walks the hospital's halls, and he keeps his prayer beads with him. The chairman of the oncology/palliative care department believes that Ford's "meditation skills" give him the patience to be a good listener and to comfort people. Most patients and families welcome him as a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 12
... Quotes that deal with Lewis, Tolkien, Williams, and other Inklings Lewis' view of the Bible& its significance Inklings-- Charles Williams The Inklings: L ewis, Tolkien and Barfield explore reincarnation and theosophy Dom Bede Griffiths The revival of mystical or occult practices: The Freemasons Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition Kabbalah| The Kabbalah Centre Theosophy| Rosicrucianism Hegel, Bohme, and Theosophy Lewis, Tolkien and Barfield explore reincarnation and Theosophy Tarot, Theosophy, Swedenborg& William Blake [Blake influenced both Lewis& MacDonald] The Gnostic Apostle Thomas Jung, Taoism, Alchemy and Neo-Gnosticism Dream Giver [Bruce Wilkinson] and DISC Assessments Occult: Conversations with [a] god Charts and Definitions Glossary NEW AGE terms in the Church Basis for faith Three kinds of group relationships( Hegel) Pluralism Charts: Five Types of Religious Expressions Additional information: Templeton: Merging Religion& Science Sorcery or Science Toward an Interreligious Council at the United Nations Mysticism "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness.. Woe to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 12
... not vettas. "However, that's changing," explained one of the pastors after a day of research. "There's a strong new move to dig up the old Norwegian myths and supernaturals." This spiritual quest is not unique to Norway. In America, the search for pagan roots is best expressed in the revival of idealized forms of Native American spiritism. But less familiar forms of paganism, along with newer blends, fit as well. In the popular Sierra Club book, The Dream of the Earth, environmental theologian Thomas Berry illustrates the blend of old and new forms of pantheism. He recommends a return to "a more primitive state" and suggests that "a new type of religious orientation.. must emerge from our new story of the universe." One such story- based on universal fertility myths- was being written in Lillehammer for the Olympic audience. A massive" world egg" was emerging from a glowing hole in the center of the arena. Gyrating to the beat of drums, the vettas formed a dense circle around the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 12
... the Bible based their own metaphysical assumptions." New Thought books: "The writers featured on this site range- from those influential in the early development of what was originally known as Mental Science and later became known as New Thought such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Warren Felt Evans, and the Dressers, to gifted teachers and healers such as Emma Curtis Hopkins, Henry Drummond, Ursula Gestefeld, Annie Rix Militz, Prentice Mulford, Henry Wood, William Atkinson, H. Emilie Cady, Horatio Dresser, Thomas Troward, F.L. Rawson, Walter Lanyon, and Christian D. Larson; to founders of religious denominations such as Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science), Charles Fillmore (Unity), Malinda Cramer and Nona Brooks (Divine Science), Ernest Holmes (Science of Mind), and Masaharu Taniguchi (Seicho-No-Ie); to prolific, best-selling authors such as Ralph Waldo Trine, Orison Swett Marden, James Allen, Emmet Fox, Florence Scovel Shinn, Joseph Murphy, Joel Goldsmith, Neville Goddard, Uell S. Andersen ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 12
... You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Psalm 23:1-6 "For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, Blessed is the man who trusts in You!" Psalm 84:10-11 "Jesus said to him,'Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." John 20:29- have been forgiven and cleansed "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit." Psalm 32:1-2 "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!" Psalm 34: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 12
... Christ.. Graham Taylor knows what he's writing about. When he was younger, he tried druidism, magic, transcendental meditation,'the lot''I looked into the occult and witchcraft but it wasn't for me. I was still itchy on the inside.’ Matthew: You have, in your 2 books, revealed more of the spiritual warfare that goes on, just as frank peretti has in this present darkness. .. Liz Resch: What was so fantastic was the thread of truth and light going throughout the book- your description of Thomas at the altar, meeting the King has opened me up to a new and much deeper realisation of what Jesus has done for me, and I've been a follower for many years !!- thank you so much. You have also reminded me that if we are truly to believe the greatness of God- then we need to walk in his ways- for fear and worry to fall away, and to stand up, and stand firm in what we believe.. I don't want to gush- but your book has opend ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 12
... Global Governance" (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995); 357. 2. Habitat Press Release, 3. Maurice Strong didn't come to the "Dialogue" as scheduled 4. I taped and transcribed this part of the "Dialogue" at the UN Conference on Human Settlements in Istanbul, 1996. 5. Brian McLaren, The Secret Message of Jesus: Uncovering the Truth that could change everything (Nashville: Thomas Nelson's W Publishing Group, 1006), page 169-170. 6. "Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rule at 7. Raymond Houghton, To Nurture Humaneness: Commitment for the'70's (The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development of the NEA, 1970). 8. See "Brainwashing in America" at "Molding Human Resources for the Global Workforce" at Home| Articles| News| Chart| Re-Inventing ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 12
... , through Bible Gateway, new believers or seekers can easily end up with heretical books that may indeed interfere with understanding the Word of God. Against all logic, against all biblical propriety, two of the most heretical, Christ-defying books are offered without warning through the Bible Gateway General Store. It must be noted that Doug Pagitt's A Christianity Worth Believing, and Brian McLaren's A New Kind of Christian are not the only anti-biblical books for sale through the online store. Not by a long shot. We could mention The Shack, Thomas Merton (115 items available!), The Message paraphrase, Tony Jones, Rob Bell, and many others. For now, however, let us briefly examine these works by emergent leaders Pagitt and McLaren. Both deny the substitutionary atonement of Christ; that Salvation comes solely through Christ; that there is a biblical hell; or that Christ is even necessary for daily forgiveness of sins. McLaren informs the reader he and others have "dared to tweak" the content of the Word of God. He states, " ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 12
... or spiritual being."4 Seeking the Spirit of Gaia Oneness, harmony, contact with earth's wisdom .. the promised fruit of earth-centered spirituality- these sound refreshing to our self-focused, power-hungry generation. Unaware of the dangers, the educational establishment and a growing number of parents are encouraging this "new" spiritual awareness and applauding classroom exercises that empower" children to sense their oneness with the earth and her other species. Today's visionaries tell us that such spiritual connectedness is the earth's only hope. In The Dream of the Earth, Thomas Berry summarized the world's dilemma- and his answer: Human administration of the universe in any comprehensive manner is far too great a task .. What we need .. is the sensitivity to understand and respond to the psychic energies deep in the very structure of reality itself.. This is the ultimate wisdom of tribal peoples.5 The Sierra Club Environmental Health Sourcebook, Well Body, Well Earth by Mike Samuels and Hal Zina Bennett, shows us how. It tells us to "turn to the traditions of ancient cultures" such as Buddhist meditations ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 12
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