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Search results for: thomas sowell

83 results found containing all search terms. 274 results found containing some search terms.

36 pages of results.
... grandchildren to be World Citizens, immune to the call of God and traditional parental values. But for those who refuse to compromise, it spells the end of American freedom. Ordinary Americans are demonized as an enemy, while the actual enemy has become a friend. Thomas Sowell said it well: "While the rest of us may be worried about violent Mexican drug gangs on our border.. the Director of Homeland Security is worried about'right-wing extremists. ..[S ]omehow they just know that you right-wingers are itching to unleash ... somewhere.. "So-called'honor killings' by Muslims in the United States.. does not seem to arouse any concern by the Department of Homeland Security ... When it comes to the thuggery of ACORN... the Department of Homeland Security apparently sees no evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil." [13] SAVING THE EARTH ARTICLE 29 states:" .. the education of the child shall be directed to.. (e) The development of respect for the natural environment." That vision could be good if ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 45
... ," "a barbaric race," "frightfully stupid," etc. Marx described them as "degenerate rabble."[5] Both despised Christianity and its moral values. How, then, did socialism survive? Why is it spreading? Dr. Thomas Sowell gives us a glimpse of its roots. In his article" Race and Resentment ," he wisely connects this phenomena to a universal condition: our corruptible human nature: "Recent stories out of both Philadelphia and San Francisco tell of black students beating up ... American students. This is especially painful for those who expected that the election of Barack Obama would mark the beginning of a post-racial America.. "Many of our educators, our intelligentsia and our media-- not to mention our politicians- promote an attitude that other people's achievements are grievances, rather than examples. When black school children who are working hard in school and succeeding academically are attacked and beaten up by black classmates for'acting white,' why is it surprising that similar hostility is turned against Asian Americans, who are often ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 43
... delegitimizes religious dissent, it can also delegitimize other forms of dissent. The end result is not just increasing restrictions on free speech, but at worst, the tyranny of a government-enforced viewpoint and unchecked government power."[11] Back in 1994, Dr. Thomas Sowell wrote a review of Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Hayek. It brought a similar warning: "At the heart of the socialist vision is the notion that a compassionate society can create more humane living conditions for all through government'planning' and control of ... economy.. "Idealist socialists create systems in which idealists are almost certain to lose and be superseded by those whose drive for power, and ruthlessness in achieving it, make them the'fittest' to survive under a system where government power is the ultimate prize."[12] How does the United States fit into this global transformation? Though excluded from the new "Community" of Latin nations, the USA is certainly not falling behind. Far from it! The interlinked webs that connect our government to nations, regions and ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 40
... hervor: Cheney: "Bei Ihren überarbeiteten ‚Nationalen Standards' bekommt man kaum das Gefühl für die Größe und den Fortschritt unseres Landes vermittelt…Es ist ein sehr düsteres und sehr finsteres Bild, das sie da von der amerikanischen Vergangenheit zeichnen…Man findet keinen Robert E. Lee … keinen Thomas Edison und auch nicht die Namen vieler anderer Menschen, die das Pech hatten, als weiße Männer geboren worden zu sein." Nash: "Die Hunderte von Lehrern und Hunderte von Historikern von allen Teilen des Landes, die daran mitgearbeitet haben und Co-Autoren dieses Dokuments ... der geheimen Übereinkünfte des sowjetisch-amerikanischen Bildungsaustausches der 80er Jahre, der von der Carnegie-Stiftung geleitet wurde. (38) Diese zielen darauf ab, dass alles zerstört werden soll, was die Amerikaner einmal für "gut" befunden haben. Lesen wir die Warnung von Dr. Thomas Sowell, einem älteren Mitglied der Hoover Institution an der Stanford-Universität. In seiner Überprüfung der Erklärung des Sozialismus von Friedrich Hayek "Road to Serfdom" (" Straße zur Leibeigenschaft") schreibt er: "Im Mittelpunkt der sozialistischen Vision steht die Vorstellung, dass eine mitfühlende ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 40
... , highlights the two opposing paradigms in American culture. [Cheney] "There is very little sense here of our nation's greatness, of our progress.. It is a very grim and gloomy picture of the American past.. You don't find Robert E. Lee.. Thomas Edison and many other people who have the misfortune to have been born white males." [Nash] "The hundreds of teachers, and the hundreds of historians from every part of the country who were collaborators and co-authors of this document would truly disagree that ... of Soviet indoctrination, which should come as no surprise considering the secretive Soviet-American educational exchange agreements led by the Carnegie Foundation during the eighties. [38] It aims to destroy everything that Americans once called "good." Listen to this warning from Dr. Thomas Sowell, Senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. In his review of Friedrich Hayek's expose of socialism, Road to Serfdom, he writes, "At the heart of the socialist vision is the notion that a compassionate society can create more humane living conditions for all ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 40
... bill sails through House: "The House on Thursday overwhelmingly passed President Bush's broad education plan that would require millions of students to take annual reading and math tests." This is the same program as what we describe in Brave New Schools Phony'victims' (Thomas Sowell): "One of the most shameless frauds in academia today is the claim that a new "McCarthyism" is threatening academic freedom. According to this new cry of victimhood, conservative groups are "drawing up enemy lists" of professors who are opposed ... the current war against terrorism. Perhaps the most famous of these academic outbursts was that of a professor of history at the University of New Mexico, who said to his class,'Anyone who can blow up the Pentagon gets my vote. .. When anyone has dared to disagree with these statements and to condemn them publicly, the cry has gone up that this is somehow a threat to free speech-- as if free speech includes the right to silence others who disagree. .. "The supreme irony in all of this is ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 39
... the Saudi royal family, Walid Juffali, another Saudi billionaire, kicked in millions more. Bill Clinton was hired on by Teneo Capital, created by Clinton advisors and fundraisers. Teneo has an office in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates." Lies about Libya (Thomas Sowell): "The highest American diplomat on the scene in Libya spoke directly with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by phone and told her that it was a terrorist attack. The president of Libya announced that it was a terrorist attack. The CIA told the ... administration that it was a terrorist attack.. After the'spontaneous protest' story was discredited, the next claim was that this was the best information available at the time from intelligence sources. But that claim cannot survive scrutiny, now that the 12 drafts of the Obama administration's talking points about Benghazi have belatedly come to light.. "The problem with telling a lie, or even a succession of lies, is that a very small dose of the truth can sometimes make the whole thing collapse like a house of cards. The State Department's ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 38
... of Hamas' warns U.S. fatally falling for lies:" .. the ultimate goal of the highly influential Brotherhood is not terrorism but to establish a global Islamic state over the entire world." See Homeland Security Calls Good Evil Dismantling America: Part III: (Thomas Sowell): "But the most dangerous and most lasting damage that this administration has done to this nation has been in the international jungle, where it is alienating our long-time allies, dismantling our credibility.. "How much does our own administration.. care about the ... people and their national security? .. Barack Obama is unlike any other President of the United States in having come from a background of decades of associations and alliances with people who resent this country.. After spending hundreds of billions of dollars on political pork barrel projects from coast to coast- some frivolous beyond belief- its only major cut in federal spending has been its move to cut $100 billion from the Defense Department's budget.." .. hundreds of captured illegal aliens from terrorist-sponsoring nations were released on their own recognizance within the United States. Are these ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 36
... purchase organs in China despite knowing that their'donors' were most likely political or criminal [or religious] prisoners tissue-typed and killed so buyers can avoid transplant waiting lines." See The Martyrdom of Polycarp Human Nature. Random thoughts on the passing scene: (Thomas Sowell) "Even squirrels know enough to store nuts, so that they will have something to eat when food gets scarce. But the welfare state has spawned a whole class of people who spend everything they get when times are good, and look to others ... provide for their food and other basic needs when times turn bad.. "The 14th Amendment to the Constitution prescribes'equal protection of the laws' to all Americans. But what does that mean, if the President of the United States can arbitrarily grant waivers, so that A, B and C have to obey the laws but X, Y and Z do not — as with both ObamaCare and the immigration laws? "Two reports came out in the same week. One was from the Pentagon, saying that, in just ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 32
... for Independence Day: "The fervor for the U.S. flag that followed the Sept. 11 attacks persisted in sales leading up to Independence Day. ..'The flag business was once a quiet, predictable industry, but that all changed with Sept. 11,' said Thomas D'Amico, president of online retailer American Flags Express. He added that the company also had to hire temporary employees and make changes to accommodate soaring online orders." June Missing diversity: "The structural support for ideological conformity is intensified by the introduction of overt ... inspired by our mission to ensure reproductive health care for all people." Are we as dedicated to God's purposes as these "change agents" are to their vision of sanctioned promiscuity and abortion rights? See Reinventing the World Death of the West? (by Thomas Sowell): "Pat Buchanan.. understands that we are in a culture war-- and that only one side is fighting all out. Meanwhile, all too many other Americans are unaware that this war is going on. Buchanan also understands that the ultimate stakes ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 32
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