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Search results for: thomas sowell

83 results found containing all search terms. 274 results found containing some search terms.

36 pages of results.
... Under the Spell of Mother Earth- Chapter 4 Witchcraft and Ecology Skip down to The Dark is Rising| Thomas Berry| Scholastic God's plan for His c reation Index Home "The model of the Goddess .. fosters respect for the sacredness of all living things. Witchcraft can be seen as a religion of ecology. Its goal is harmony with nature, so that life- may not just survive, but thrive." (Starhawk, first president of the Covenant of the Goddess)1 "The human woman gives birth just as the earth gives birth to the plants .. so woman magic and earth magic are the same." (Joseph Campbell)2 "He turned rivers into a desert, flowing springs into thirsty ground, and fruitful land into a salt waste, because of the wickedness of those who lived there." Psalm 107.33-34 TIM, AN EIGHTH-GRADER at a Christian middle school, walked into the home of a close friend and sensed that something had changed. It felt spooky. What was wrong? "My sister has become a witch ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 7
... for universal values may face pressures and punishments that would have been unthinkable in our "free" nation some years ago." November 2006 The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (" Appraisal of the relations of the more influential philanthropic foundations and educational institutions."): The study uncovered a lack of honesty on both sides.'There exists an unspoken collusion.. when schools, colleges and universities seek foundation support and when foundations turn to them to carry out the ambitious agendas they develop,' say Ray Bacchetti and Thomas Ehrlich, who directed the Carnegie study and are editors of a new book that seeks to find innovative ways for education and foundations to work together.. Support for the project was provided by Carnegie Corporation of New York, Lumina Foundation for Education, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.. Reconnecting Education and Foundations: Turning Good Intentions Into Educational Capital is a joint publication of Carnegie and Jossey-Bass." The latter publishes Peter Drucker information and many Christian Leadership" books. See Small Groups and the Dialectic Process and Warren's P.E.A.C.E. Plan and UN ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 7
... breed is intolerable." Carl Teichrib's summary of the problem According to the United States Census Bureau, the world's population passed the 7 billion mark sometime in mid-March, 2012.5 But the real buzz took place last year when the United Nations predicting October 31, 2011, as the symbolic cross-over date. Anticipating the big numerical event and future population growth, the senior environmental editor for National Geographic, Robert Kunzig, asked the question; "Can the planet take the strain?"6 It's a question that's been discussed and debated since Thomas Malthus postulated his population theory in 1798; that the power of the earth to produce the necessary resources for humanity are taxed by the increase in human growth.7 Extending the Malthusian view into a present-day context, we could say that unchecked population growth ensures the depravation of earth's carrying-capacity and the destruction of the environment. The solution? Management of the global population toward "sustainable" target levels. Today, the population control issue is re-asserting itself as an international agenda item. For decades the concern over human growth has been a discussion ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 7
... that hooking up, a distinctive interaction between college women and men involving sex without commitment, is widespread on campuses and profoundly influences campus culture. Forty percent of women in the national survey said they had experienced a hook up.. "When asked how satisfied she thought women were with the social situation on campus, a student at SUNY-Stony Brook responded,'Not very, because they want a stable relationship and they haven't been able to find that and sometimes they get hurt by guys." Resisting sensuality Bracelets carry hidden meaning: "Gloria Thomas never thought much about the jelly bracelets her two teenage daughters in the Huntsville school district had been wearing for the past year until she stumbled upon a color code chart in one of their notebooks. For some students the plastic bracelets, which come in a rainbow of colors, are more than a trendy fashion statement. They're also props for sex games, a trend gaining momentum in other districts nationwide." The outcome of decades of moral relativism and Sex Education? November 2005 Kids And Sex: The Kinsey Connection: " ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 7
... [How can Obama trust Communist Medvedev? Russia only speaks what fit's their goals!] None Dare Call It Marxism: "Liberals, even those of the Marxist variety, take umbrage when you point out their ideological kinship with Marxism. I suppose this dates back to the days when being a communist was tantamount to being an enemy of the United States, in that there was a global communist movement intent on.. world domination." .. socialism doesn't make goods and services more affordable, but less so. As Dr. Sowell explains:'The hope for profits and the threat of losses is what forces a business owner in a capitalist economy to produce at the lowest cost and sell what the customers are most willing to pay for. .. Under socialism (there is) far less incentive to be as efficient..' Indeed, writes Sowell, most of the great fortunes in American history were amassed when entrepreneurs were able to reduce costs and charge lower prices and to increase their volume sales to mass markets.. "Both [Obama's] father, Barack Obama ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 7
... fundamental principles who have the confidence to argue from these principles and not bury their head in the sand and pretend there is no other argument. Having read your pages I would certainly think a bit more about giving the books to any child whose value system was not solid- as I said, I still don't agree overall, but you make a good point and put it well. You provide a reference point for strong Christian values that isn't ridiculous to the secular, and that deserves applause. Thank you, Nicholas. From Thomas Atkins. I think that we should burn the books and draw and quarter, burn at the stake, drown in water, or boil in oil any one who reads them. That goes double for anyone who writes them! That's what the early Christians did and I think that we should do now! What do you think? God Bless Your Work. From Berit: You made your point, Thomas. I think you reflect the hostility that is part of contemporary classroom and media teaching "about" the Bible and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 7
... Tamiment in the beautiful Pennsylvania Pocono Mountain area near the Delaware Water Gap.. under the auspices of a harmless sounding organization called The Tamiment Institute and Library [there were many socialist/communist speakers and discussion groups held in a building at 7 East 15th Street in New York City]. "In brochure we learn that'The Tamiment Institute and Library is a private nonprofit and non-partisan institution sponsored by the People's Educational Camp Society of Tamiment, Pennsylvania. However, under the heading of'Advisory Committee' we read the names of Norman Thomas, socialist leader, Reinhold Niebuhr, socialist theologian, Daniel Bell, socialist leader, Sidney Hook, former communist and now in the socialist camp (Fabian,) George N. Shuster, president of Hunter College, New York City, with a record of leftist associations, and J. Robert Oppenheimer (who was dropped by the Atomic Energy Commission because of doubts raised, as a security risk.) "The building which now houses the Tamiment Institute is the same that was purchased many years ago for the Rand School ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 7
... COMMUNIST EXPLOITATION OF RELIGION Congressional Testimony of REV. RICHARD WURMBRAND HEARING Before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws, of the Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D.C. UNITED STATES SENATE EIGHTY-NINTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Friday, May 6, 1966 The subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 10:20 a.m., in room 18, Old Senate Office Building, Senator Thomas J. Dodd presiding. Also present: Jay G. Sourwine, chief counsel; Benjamin Mandel, director of research; Frank W. Schroeder, chief investigator; and Robert C. McManus, investigations analyst. Senator Dodd: I will call this hearing to order. We have as our witness today Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who is a refugee from Rumania. Mr. Sourwine will introduce and read a copy of Dr. Wurmbrand's credentials. I must say, before you do so, that we are grateful for your appearing here. I am familiar with the nature of your testimony-- I think I am-- ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 7
... Quotes and Excerpts Brave New World Revisited by ALDOUS HUXLEY- 1958 This out-of-print book is posted on various websites, apparently without any copyright requirement. These excerpts (below the introduction) came from my own copy of this book. Unfinished Home Note: Aldous Huxley was raised within the British Socialist establishment and was well aware of its global ambitions when he wrote Brave New World back in 1932. His famous grandfather, Thomas Huxley, was nicknamed "Darwin's Bulldog" for his ferocious defense of The Origin of the Species, and his brother Julian Huxley would become the first Director of UNESCO. Their lofty visions of social evolution and world government were shattered by the totalitarian cruelties of Hitler's reign and Soviet Communism. All too quickly, the predictions in Brave New World were becoming a frightening reality. Alert to the mind-dulling distractions that were spreading through the "free world" by the mid fifties, Aldous Huxley wrote these important warnings: As Mr. William Whyte has shown in his remarkable book, The Organization Man, a new Social Ethic is replacing our traditional ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 7
... representation of commerce and industry. In December of that year the Federal Reserve Act was passed. Let's look at other things the United States and International Chambers of Commerce have accomplished for WORld Management. Incidentally, before we start let me tell you WORld Management System is quite a mouthful, so sometimes I shorten it: WOR from WORld, M from management, and S from System. It comes out WORMS. One person who was very much involved in the idea of world management and also with the International Chamber of Commerce was Thomas J. Watson, president of IBM. In the June 1938 issue of THINK magazine, IBM's in-house publication, Watson revealed one way in which the Chamber blankets are able to have their national and international policies adopted by local chambers: "The Chamber of Commerce of the United States maintains in every local chamber a national councillor. I should like to see an international councillor named in every member chamber of commerce throughout the world, who, aided and guided by the International Chamber of Commerce, would present the international aspect of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
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