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Search results for: thomas sowell

83 results found containing all search terms. 274 results found containing some search terms.

36 pages of results.
... their sovereign economic boundaries. "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -- Thomas Jefferson, letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin (1802) I think the time has come for the United States to extract itself from the Federal Reserve fractional reserve banking system, and thus away from the globalist bankers; to return to the State Bank as instructed in the Constitution. From George: In reference to your article on" Marching to Global Solidarity" I like the way you are tying the emergent church into the other social, economic, and political aspects of the so-called "New World Order. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... The following comes from a book entitled'The Nazi Hydra In America' by Glen Yeadon… "Bernhard belonged to the Dutch branch of the Knights Templar. In 1954, he was appointed to govern the Dutch order. John Foster Dulles was one of the most helpful Americans in setting up the Bilderberg group.. The ultimate goal, of course, is a one world government that dominates the entire planet." See Trusting God as Freedom Fades Wall Street Banker Deaths Continue; Where Are the Serious Investigations? "Last Thursday, 29-year old Thomas J. Hughes, later described by his brother as'one of the happiest people I know,' allegedly took his life by jumping from a luxury apartment building at 1 West Street in Manhattan. Before any serious investigation had taken place, the New York tabloids had dismissed the matter as a suicide. Hughes was an investment banker on Wall Street.." .. when it comes to serial deaths among Wall Street bankers and technology personnel, occurring repeatedly over the last 18 months in highly unusual circumstances, the deaths are almost instantaneously ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... into the world." As some interpret this, Christ gives light to everyone at their birth.. But in the context of John 1, it is Christ who is coming into the world in the Incarnation that is central.10 Likewise, the context of John is not teaching that Christ enlightens every person at their birth. John 3:19 says this: "And this is the judgment, that the light is come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their deeds were evil." .. Thomas Schreiner also disagrees with the interpretation of John 1:9 that claims it teaches prevenient grace: "The light that enlightens every person does not entail bestowment of grace, nor does it refer to the inward illumination of the heart by the Spirit of God. Rather, the light exposes and reveals the moral and spiritual state of one's heart.... John 1:9 is not, therefore, suggesting that through Christ's coming each person is given the ability to choose salvation."11 .. The alternative to synergism ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... who died for our sins on the cross, and was resurrected. Rather, in eastern pagan religions, Jesus is put on a par with other deities who are worshipped and made out of stone and clay. Eastern mysticism emphasizes the power of the mind over matter (sorcery) and the belief that "self" can become "god." Sorcery, the Greek word pharmakia, from which we get our English word pharmacy or pharmaceuticals pertaining to drugs, is explained in Vine's Expositional Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Thomas Nelson, 1997). "In sorcery, the use of drugs, whether simple or potent, was generally accompanied by incantations and appeals to occult powers, with the provision of various charms, amulets, etc., professedly designed to keep the applicant or patient from the attention and power of demons, but actually to impress the applicant with the mysterious resources and powers of the sorcerer." It is also translated as "witchcraft" in the Bible. One Christian writer states: "At the heart of sorcery have ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... p.37] If you go to the Customer Reviews of The Discarded Image at, you would find other interesting responses to this book. One reviewer wrote: "In this context, it is perhaps fair to warn potential readers coming to the book directly from Lewis-the-Christian that he displays throughout a remarkable sympathy for a variety of views (pagan, Neo-Platonic, medieval Catholic, and so forth) which they may find disturbing. Education, not edification, is his primary focus.. "To use a catch-phrase introduced to scholarship in 1962 by Thomas Kuhn's'Structure of Scientific Revolutions,' Lewis is presenting an'Old Paradigm' of the Universe, the very presuppositions of which have been replaced by a series of'New Paradigms' during the last four centuries.. It is an effort to equip the student to think and perhaps even feel in medieval, not modern, terms. I can think of no one who has so successfully evoked the sensation of living in a Ptolemaic or Aristotelian cosmos." [6] In other words, Lewis has a remarkable ability to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... Progressive Policy Institute's (PPI) mission "arises from the belief that America is ill-served by an obsolete left-right debate that is out of step with the powerful forces re-shaping our society and economy." Furthermore, PPI states that it "advocates a philosophy that adapts the progressive tradition in American politics to the realities of the Information Age and points to a'third way'. PPI is a project of the Third Way Foundation.." The Politics of Power: a Life History of the Party System explains the Third Way in Great Britain. Thomas Aquinas may have coined the term The Third Way in the 13th century, but today Communitarianism is the most powerful legal and justice theory in the world. Hidden from the average person, it's rarely mentioned by the mainstream press. As a combination of the ideals of the farthest right and the farthest left, the philosophy is fully exportable and is also the basis for the reinvented governments of Afghanistan and Iraq. It looks like the French are following Third Way Think Tanks. We wonder how many educated Iraqis are left who have ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... God ignoring the god(dess) in self self-centeredness not loving self first pride lack of pride lack of self-discipline limiting self-fulfillment disobeying God submitting to a patriarchal god tolerating sin not tolerating sin Tolerating sin destroys shame. Some years ago, I watched the pastor's wife in a Presbyterian (USA) church teach a Sunday school class called Women at the Well. She first "centered" the class with a chant by mediaeval mystic Hildegaard of Bingen whose pantheistic images sounded more Buddhist than Christian. Then she read a quote by Thomas Merton, the Catholic mystic who embraced Tibetan Buddhism. Finally she gave us a two-page handout from a book called Soul Friend: An Invitation to Spiritual Direction.[13] It told me that today's mysticism, which blends acceptance of sin with a permissive feminine God, isn't all that new: "In the fourteenth century in Europe there was a great flowering of mysticism, and out of this period came some of the greatest spiritual guides of all time whose writings are highly relevant today... "Julian of Norwich ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... , to prevent them reporting attacks to police, and moved abusers from parish to parish'in an attempt to cover-up such crimes'.. "The Holy See now needed to hand over an archive of evidence about the abuse of tens of thousands of children, and take measures to prevent a repeat of cases such as Ireland's Magdalene laundries scandal, where girls were forced to work in church-run institutions.." See No Room for God, Reviving the'Science' of'Re-education' July 2, 2009 A Political Glossary Part IV [Sowell]: "Time and again, children with some American Indian ancestry, who have been adopted by families that are not of that ancestry, have been suddenly taken by law from the only parents they have ever known and transferred to some distant Indian reservation, to live among strangers in a world they know nothing about. You might think that the sight of bewildered, desperate and weeping children in court, crying out for mommy and daddy as they are forcibly removed from people who have cared for them for years, might ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... live in harmony... "Kissinger was also part of last year's super-secret Bilderberg Group, an organization of powerful international elites.. Bilderberg meetings emphasize a globalist agenda and promote the idea that the notion of national sovereignty is antiquated and regressive." See The emerging New World Order President Obama's Speech and Inauguration Prayers| Video: Obama: "I am a Muslim" Find more information at Election 2008. Remember that-- "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have." Thomas Jefferson January 2017 Refugees Will Cost Taxpayers an Estimated $4.1 Billion in FY 2017: American taxpayers will spend more than $4.1 billion in the 2017 budget to support the 519,018 refugees who have been resettled by the federal government.. See The emerging New World Order October 2016 John Bolton: Hostile Foreign Governments Will Use Obama's Internet Surrender to Their Advantage: .. former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton criticized Republicans for failing to effectively oppose an Obama policy that has devastating long-term consequences: the surrender of American control over Internet registration ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... on air travel." ALERT: U.S. Army researchers at USAMRIID confirm Ebola Variant was airborne in 1990: "U.S. Army virologists working at USAMRIID (U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases) [1] confirmed in 1990 that a strain of Ebola was airborne and could spread through air ducts, resembling the contagiousness of the flu." Ebola is an Economic Catastrophe: "I had already been booked for weeks as the keynote speaker for an event in Dallas in early November. Then came the announcement that Thomas Duncan was being treated for Ebola in a Dallas hospital. Within days of this announcement, I got the phone call that the event I was speaking at was cancelled, because so many attendees refused to travel to Dallas. Many who cancelled called it'the epicenter of Ebola in the United States. They were all frightened.. "The implications are enormous. The entire U.S. economy could suffer what Dallas is already experiencing-- a devastating decline in travel and commerce." ALERT: U.S. Army researchers at USAMRIID confirm Ebola ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
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