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Search results for: thomas sowell

83 results found containing all search terms. 274 results found containing some search terms.

36 pages of results.
... , Luis Bush, George Otis and others. These new doctrines included: strategic-level spiritual warfare, identificational repentance, prayer evangelism, personal intercession for leaders, two-way prayer, on-site praying, city transformation, commitment to the land (territory) and spiritual mapping (databanking research). "The gravitational centre of the GDOP is in South Africa," says one promotional piece. Indeed, Africa has been "ground zero" for spiritual experimentation (known as "transformation") for well over a decade now. In 1990, Thomas Wang (AD2000) spoke at a "Bless the Nations" conference in South Africa in an attempt to create a new Student Volunteer Movement. In a May 2000 International Christian Chamber of Commerce bi-annual meeting, "J. Gunnar Olson, founder of the ICCC, made a prophetic proclamation over the nation of Africa." In November 2002, World Vision's Office of Prayer Mobilization staged the International Prayer Leaders Consultation (International Prayer Council) in Cape Town to connect and coordinate prayer networks worldwide. David Bryant wrote about it, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
292. Apostasy
... Nicaragua's leftist president-elect Daniel Ortega had won his country's Nov. 5 election by dropping his earlier Marxist rhetoric and running as a religious Catholic..'What we're seeing in Nicaragua is a permanent intromission of the church in state affairs... "The growing political manipulation of religious fervor in the region-- as well as in the United States-- makes me nervous. Will Chávez now push his new plan to reform the constitution to allow his indefinite re-election in the name of Jesus Christ?" See Transforming the World by Subverting the Church Thomas Kinkade- A Prayer for Peace: "My newest work, A Prayer for Peace, is a poignant reminder that peace in our world is always possible for those who believe and pray. The dramatic figure of a prophet occupies the rocky heights above the city. To my mind, he is a Christ figure, but I have treated him with a deep spirituality that could well be embraced by people of other beliefs. Illuminated by a radiant moon, this holy person prays with all the fervor of his faith, that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... still available in alternative "churches" such as Unity, Unitarian, Congregational and Christian Science. After much prayer, I bought a ticket from a local Unity "church" and arrived in time to browse its bookstore before the movie opened. The first book I noticed was The Purpose Driven Life, prominently displayed near the front door. But I saw neither Bibles nor other familiar Christian literature. There were plenty of metaphysical books, including Mr. Walsch's Conversations with God. Other shelves carried crystals, symbols, and books by Thomas Merton and other, more obviously Buddhist gurus. Here mysticism and meditation from the East and West all mingled together. Glancing through some of the books, I kept seeing traditional words and phrases such as redemption, faith, righteousness, holiness, transformation, abundant life.. But all the words had been given new meaning. Their occult context twisted everything into spiritual lies and half-truths. Just as the serpent did to Eve back in the garden, I thought. A small Unity publication on "Transformation" caught my eye, and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... Progressive Policy Institute's (PPI) mission "arises from the belief that America is ill-served by an obsolete left-right debate that is out of step with the powerful forces re-shaping our society and economy." Furthermore, PPI states that it "advocates a philosophy that adapts the progressive tradition in American politics to the realities of the Information Age and points to a'third way'. PPI is a project of the Third Way Foundation.." The Politics of Power: a Life History of the Party System explains the Third Way in Great Britain. Thomas Aquinas may have coined the term The Third Way in the 13th century, but today Communitarianism is the most powerful legal and justice theory in the world. Hidden from the average person, it's rarely mentioned by the mainstream press. As a combination of the ideals of the farthest right and the farthest left, the philosophy is fully exportable and is also the basis for the reinvented governments of Afghanistan and Iraq. It looks like the French are following Third Way Think Tanks. We wonder how many educated Iraqis are left who have ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... Church in Los Angeles on the occasion of its 35th anniversary. The report quotes the president's letter as saying "By encouraging the celebration of faith and sharing God's love and boundless mercy, churches like yours put hope in people's hearts and a sense of purpose in their lives." The letter goes on to say, "this milestone provides an opportunity to reflect on your years of service and to rejoice in God's faithfulness to your congregation." Meanwhile, the pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church of Los Angeles, Rev. Neil Thomas, wonders how Bush can denounce the right of homosexuals to marry in their churches and suggest they are incapable of forming healthy marriages on the one hand, while on the other hand he rejoices with MCC in "God's faithfulness" to a homosexual congregation that blesses such unions. American Family Association spokesman Ed Vitagliano wonders the same thing. He told World Net Daily he is disappointed by Bush's actions, calling it "politics as usual." He said it is an example of a politician speaking out of both sides of his ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... it seemed like things may be settling down, two very unusual earthquakes have hit the west coast within the past couple of days. A 4.4 magnitude quake struck Berkeley, California just prior to 3 AM on Thursday morning, and a 3.9 magnitude earthquake hit Mount St. Helens in Washington state on Wednesday. December 2017 When The Fire Comes And There's No Home To Evacuate And Nowhere To Go: Ash is everywhere, the air is smoky and there's a persistent pink haze to the light that is like a constant dusk. The Thomas fire erupted Dec. 4 and has been scorching Santa Barbara and Ventura counties since. The fierce blaze.. has torn through 250,000 acres of land, destroyed 700 homes and killed at least two people.. (Please pray with me for these poor homeless people.) December 2015 Unstoppable contamination of Pacific Ocean… is seriously menacing US West Coast: "Former Japan Official:'Unstoppable contamination of Pacific Ocean… is seriously menacing US West Coast' —'Fukushima now undeniably a global security issue… can't be brought under control by ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... the NFL's divisional playoffs on Sunday night? Answer: 316. "And what did Tebow have on his eye black as he led the Florida Gators to victory in the 2009 national championship game three years ago to the day of his performance in Denver Sunday night? Answer: John 3:16. And while were looking at numbers, let's look at dates, like December 25, the birth date of Jesus Christ and the man who caught Tebow's overtime pass and scored the winning touchdown Sunday night, 24-year-old Broncos wide receiver Demaryius Thomas." Mocking of Denver Broncos quarterback Tebow's faith is perplexing: "I have found it very perplexing that comedian Bill Maher has made Tebow his latest personal poster boy for anti-Christian humor. Maher is an admitted atheist and has every right to be, as he has every right to free speech. Sometime back when Maher made the comment that the No. 1 boy's name in Europe was Mohammed, there was a firestorm. Why not now? "What baffles me is Bill Maher's mother is Jewish and he's making fun of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... ."` These conspirators claimed l'Encyclopedie had assembled all the accumulated knowledge throughout the ages. After initial censorship, it became the foremost reference source for knowledge, which spread their ideas undermining civil and Christian authorities. The 19th Century French philosopher and founder of modern sociology, Auguste Comte, embraced Enlightenment thinking, of the type that rejected religion. His philosophy, logical positivism, claimed science as the only reliable approach to truth. Empirical observation leads to verification which leads to truth. Religion had to be abandoned. American philosopher, Thomas Ellis Katen, explained, "Thus the positivist realm becomes a kingdom of thingdom and an'off-limits' sign is put on areas of life most meaningful to men … when men's souls cry out for an image of unity, the logical positivistic philosophy offers only further fragmentation." The German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, offered no help. He upended metaphysics in the late 19th Century and ended Germany's Western tradition in philosophy. Nietzsche announced to the world that "God is dead!" which gave humanity the freedom to create ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... released this week, taking readers into a fictional account of the young Messiah, capturing the junior years that are conspicuously absent from the Gospels.." .. the queen of the damned and debauchery has been born again. She only wants to write about Jesus, and'Christ the Lord,' written in the first person as if he himself is narrating the story, is just the beginning. .. And she has a renewed faith, after returning to her Catholic roots and immersing herself into everything from the apocryphal' Infancy Gospel of Thomas'[ gnostic /occult] to Rick Warren's evangelical self-help journal,'The Purpose-Driven Life." See Strange Journeys October 2005 Ex-Homosexual Blasts Time's Teen Homosexuality Article as'Pro-Gay Puff Piece': "The Time cover story'The Battle Over Gay Teens' reports that kids are disclosing their homosexuality with unprecedented regularity, and they are doing so much younger. .. from young ages,'straight kids are growing up with more openly bisexual, gay, and sexually uncertain classmates. However, Bennett asserts, "This article is filled ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... Expanded into new areas, including algebra II. Writing: This is the new part.. Writing sample essay question.. Directions: Consider carefully the following excerpt and the assignment below it. Then plan and write an essay that explains your ideas as persuasively as possible. Keep in mind that the support you provide- both reasons and examples-- will make your view convincing to the reader. "The principle is this: each failure leads us closer to deeper knowledge, or to greater creativity in understanding old data, to new lines of inquiry. Thomas Edison experienced 10.000 failures before he succeeded in perfecting the lightbulb. When a friend of his remarked that 10,000 failures was a lot, Edison replied, "I didn't fail 10,000 times, I successfully eliminated 10,000 materials and combinations that didn't work." Myles Brand, "Taking the Measure of Your Success" ASSIGNMENT: What is your view on the idea that it takes failures to achieve success? In an essay, support your position, using an example (or examples) from literature, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
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