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Search results for: thomas sowell

83 results found containing all search terms. 274 results found containing some search terms.

36 pages of results.
... gifts and resources along with the hope He offers. (See Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules, Faith-Based Compromise and The UN Plan for Your Mental Health) As President-Elect Obama wrote in The Audacity of Hope, "When the world's sole superpower willingly restrains its power and abides by internationally agreed-upon standards of conduct, it sends a message that these are rules worth following.."(p.309), The actual bill below, introduced by Senator Obama on December 7, 2007, has been copied from The Library of Congress (THOMAS). Since this is an unfinished 2008 revision of the original 2007 bill, it includes numerous bracketed cuts and notations (shown in a blue narrow font). Global Poverty Act of 2007 S 2433 RS "To require the President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... Team conducts food raid in rural Ohio Obama's secret plan to seize Americans' land: "Brian Sussman, author of'Eco-Tyranny: How the Left's Green Agenda will Dismantle America,' has exposed Barack Obama's secret plan to seize land from the American people. ..[T ]he plan.. was'concocted by Obama's Department of the Interior to take over hundreds of thousands of acres of private land, take it off the books for development." See From Freedom to Servitude March 2012 Back to the Future? (by Sowell) "Roscoe Filburn was an Ohio farmer who grew some wheat to feed his family and some farm animals. But the U.S. Department of Agriculture fined him for growing more wheat than he was allowed to grow under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 [during the Roosevelt administration], which was passed under Congress' power to regulate interstate commerce. "Filburn pointed out that his wheat wasn't sold, so that it didn't enter any commerce, interstate or otherwise. Therefore the federal government had no right to tell him how ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... Do you know how easily history can be changed based on a ruler? In Russian history, much was changed in the documents from one leader to the next. Also, you don't seem to realize that FACTUAL HISTORY also states that CHRISTIANITY CAME FROM PAGAN BELIEFS and that the BIBLE WAS WRITTEN BY HUMAN MEN. You talk about being blind to truths, but obviously you've got selective sight. Imagination is the most wonderful and horrific things humans have. It is also instilled by God, so blame Him for it. "When Thomas Jefferson made the following statement about information, he was talking about significant facts, not fantasies and rpgs: "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.. The people cannot be safe without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe."" Another thing you said to Greg. Free press includes fiction. How do you know he was talking about facts and not fiction? Did you ask him personally? Did ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 6
... other illicit sex.. The version's chief editor, John Henson [a retired Baptist minister] .. asserted that the Good as New version eliminated nothing, but was merely'less homophobically translated' than the old'slanted translations' which have'notoriously and shamefully used by the Church in times past." .. the version also offended the public by departing from the traditional canon of Scripture, omitting several of the Epistles.. and the Revelation of John. In their stead, Henson substitutes an ancient Gnostic tractate known as the'Gospel of Thomas,' a favorite text of the neo-Gnostic'New Age' spiritual movement.. "The method employed in this version is comparable to Eugene Peterson's way of treating the Bible in The Message (1993). It is much too interpretive to be called a translation, and it can only be called an imaginative paraphrase." I can think of some young people I know who could well be seduced by this perversion. May the Lord protect them, keep their eyes open, and help them "think critically"-- in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
... other illicit sex.. The version's chief editor, John Henson [a retired Baptist minister] .. asserted that the Good as New version eliminated nothing, but was merely'less homophobically translated' than the old'slanted translations' which have'notoriously and shamefully used by the Church in times past." .. the version also offended the public by departing from the traditional canon of Scripture, omitting several of the Epistles.. and the Revelation of John. In their stead, Henson substitutes an ancient Gnostic tractate known as the'Gospel of Thomas,' a favorite text of the neo-Gnostic'New Age' spiritual movement.. "The method employed in this version is comparable to Eugene Peterson's way of treating the Bible in The Message (1993). It is much too interpretive to be called a translation, and it can only be called an imaginative paraphrase." I can think of some young people I know who could well be seduced by this perversion. May the Lord protect them, keep their eyes open, and help them "think critically"-- in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
... (thesis) of individual students into a new joint belief- the compromise solution or synthesis. (See consensus building and Chapter 3 in Brave New Schools) SYSTEMIC CHANGE or SCHOOL REFORM: Total transformation-- top-down, system-wide, international as well as national. "Systemic" means "one body having interacting and interdependent parts," which include pre-school, public elementary and high schools, private schools, colleges, universities, health clinics, and every other kind of community partner. Its motto- from The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn who coined the word paradigm: The change "must occur all at once," it cannot be accomplished piecemeal by "disconnected projects or quick fixes." The planned deadline is school year 2000-2001. SYSTEMS THINKING: The "new way of thinking," by which all things are seen as part of "the whole." Old definitions and ways of reasoning must be adapted to the new "holistic" or "wholistic" way of looking at nature, people, education, social problems, and the " ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
... , was a witch in the Order of the Golden Dawn ), revealed that their goal was to be achieved by'stealth, intrigue, subversion, and the deception of never calling Socialism by its right name... "In 1905, American Fabians established the Rand School of [Social Science] in New York City. On September 12, 1905, five of the Fabians met at Peck's Restaurant in New York's Lower Manhattan: Upton Sinclair (well-known author and socialist), Jack London (well-known fiction writer), Rev. Thomas Wentworth Higginson (a Unitarian minister), J.G. Phelps Stokes, and Clarence Darrow (legendary lawyer). They incorporated the Intercollegiate Socialist Society for the purpose of promoting'an intelligent interest in socialism among college men and women,' and established chapters at Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, New York University, and the University of Pennsylvania. Their true purpose was to begin de-Christianizing America. One of its founding members was John Dewey, the father of progressive education, whose philosophy consisted of'atheism, socialism and evolution. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
... doubtful we can be Christian in anything unless we are Christian in everything." Pride: "It appears that too many Christians want to enjoy the thrill of feeling right but are not willing to endure the inconvenience of being right." "Creatures that have been saved by the sovereign grace of the Creator, put into the service of their fellow creatures and commanded to herald the good news of Divine pardon and deliverance may all too quickly forget that they are but clay pots made out of'proud dust' (to note Thomas Watson's apt description). We must be reminded that we hold our office by our Master's pleasure, to do His bidding, to further His Kingdom, and to build up His children. .. "Humble shepherds remember that even the Great Shepherd of the sheep patiently endured the misunderstanding, scolding and fleshly second-guessing of His slow-to-learn sheep (cf. Matt. 16:22; Mark 4:38; 1 Pet. 2:21-23). Prideful shepherds, however, react to every real or perceived slight to their' ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
... for God: Reviving the'Science' of'Re-education' Parents stumped by Common Core: "Jennifer Craig stared at her daughter's fifth-grade math homework. It was a three-digit multiplication problem, and it seemed simple enough. But her 10-year-old was supposed to solve it by drawing a chart, breaking apart numbers, multiplying, adding and maybe more. "I'm lost," said Craig, a 31-year-old stay at home mother of three. And that's how she found herself in her daughter's classroom Monday night.. listening as teacher Alyshia Thomas explained new math strategies.. Most U.S. public school students are learning math very differently than their parents did, due to Common Core State Standards." See No Room for God: Reviving the'Science' of'Re-education' Tenn. school's Nation of Islam handout paints Founding Fathers as racists: "The mother of an eight-year-old wants to know why a Tennessee school teacher gave her child a handout from the Nation of Islam that portrayed the presidents on Mount Rushmore as being racists. .. The handout asked'What does it ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
... . Cohen, Asst. Prof of Philosophy and Physics, Wesleyan University)" Each consultant (excepting Robert S. Cohen who represented the Marxists Philosophy on Education) was assigned a consultant, who helped put into practice the philosophical consensus of the 9 philosophies. They were Robert H. Beck (U of Minn.), Kenneth Benne (Boston U), H. S. Broudy (State Teachers Colllege, Mass), Donald Butler (Princeton), William f. Cunningham (Notre Dame), Lawrence G. Thomas (Stanford), Robert Ulich (Cambridge) and James E. Wheeler (U of Ala.) It is worth mentioning that Kenneth Benne (Kenneth Burke's consultant) was an'expert' on group dynamics. Within the pages of Human Relations in Curriculum Change, by Kenneth D. Benne and Bozidar Muntyan, 1951, we find the following: "One of the factors which has been shown to have a very important bearing on the success or failure of the re-educative process is the manner in which the new super-ego ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
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