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Search results for: thomas sowell

83 results found containing all search terms. 274 results found containing some search terms.

36 pages of results.
... toward Spirit.. The Earth is now releasing its purification function in order to become a sacred planet."[10] [See Barbara Marx Hubbard]" .. we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are- hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed.. perplexed, but not in despair persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.." 2 Cor. 2:7-9 The pictures were taken by our friend, Thomas Faunce, who can be reached at Home| Armor of God| Persecution| Articles| Quotes More names and quotes will be added Notes: 1. The Hibbert Journal, July 1908. Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D. Chronology of Education, p. 11. 2. John Dewey, Democracy and Education, 1916. Quoted by Cuddy, p. 13 3. Written circa 1899. None Dare Call It Education, by John A. Stormer, 1998, page 36. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
... 17] Transcribed from taped address by Rosemary Radford Ruether on "Healing Violence to Creation" at the Renaissance of Christian Spirituality conference presented by the California Institute of Integral Studies, March 25, 1995. Transcribed from tape #2. [18] Christina Hoff Sommers, "Figuring Out Feminism, National Review (June 27, 1994); 30. [19] Ibid. Referring to (not quoting) Joan Brumberg who wrote Fasting Girls: The Emergence of Anorexia Nervosa as a Modern Disease. [20] Reported by Thomas Dunn of the Division of Vital Statistics at the National Center for Health Statistics. Cited by Christina Hoff Sommers. [21] Christina Hoff Sommers, "Figuring Out Feminism," National Review (June 27, 1994); 32. [22] Patrick McDowell, "Women's Role in Rwanda Genocide," San Francisco Chronicle, September 26, 1995. [23] Associated Press, The Oakland Press, March 13, 1994. [24] Frederick Engels, Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
343. Christmas
... outwardly always so composed. His army had been discharged and sent home, unpaid, by a bankrupt Congress-- without a victory parade or even a statement of thanks for their years of sacrifices and sufferings. .. Washington had done his utmost to persuade Congress to pay them, yet failed.. Congressman Alexander Hamilton, once Washington's most gifted aide, had told him in a morose letter that there was a "principle of hostility to an army" loose in the country and too many congressmen shared it.. "The president of Congress, Thomas Mifflin of Pennsylvania.. had been one of the generals who attempted to humiliate Washington into resigning during the grim winter at Valley Forge. He had smeared Washington as a puffed-up egotist, denigrated his military ability, and used his wealth to persuade not a few congressmen to agree with him. A few months later, Mifflin was forced to quit the army after being accused of stealing millions as quartermaster general. "Addressing this scandal-tarred enemy, Washington drew a speech from his coat pocket and unfolded it with trembling hands. "Mr. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
... of your articles refers to a British Catherdral refusing permission to film Harry Potter in it becuase of its alleged "pagan" themes. Well, I'm British, and there's been nothing about this in the newspaper that I read (The Daily Telegraph, an old, authoratitive and highly respected broadsheet newspaper). Perhaps you don't realise it, but Canterbury Catherdal- the cathedral in question- is the seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is the leading churchman in England. It has many ancient historical associations, including with St Thomas a Becket, who for centuries was England's top saint! It's far more likely that these sort of considerations are putting the cathedral authorities off hiring their ancient building out to a lot of pushy firm-makers! IF indeed they are. Cathedrals are always strapped for cash, and I'm sure that the film industry will be offering a fat payment for the use of a suitable building. Here in Britain, Ms Rowling is viewed very favourably. We do not think that she is plotting to introduce children to the (mythical) concept ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
... proceedings/1998/appendix2.html 7. First Lady Laura Bush Says U.S. Is Proud to Rejoin UNESCO at 8. Redefining "Literacy" for a New World Order at 9. Transcribed from taped day-long "Dialogue" on the meaning of "Solidarity" during the 1996 UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) 10. The Nazi Model For Outcome-Based Education at 11. Thomas Fleming, New Dealers' War, FDR and The War Within WWII (Basic Books, 2001); page 105. Her choices make sense considering the socialist views of her husband, President Franklin Roosevelt who suggested that the Masonic eye in the pyramid be put on the dollar bill. In his speech to a Joint Session of Congress, January 6, 1941, he said, "Since the beginning of our American history we have been engaged in change – in a perpetual peaceful revolution – a revolution which goes on steadily ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
... Riley, "Survey: Less Than 1 Percent of Young Adults Hold Biblical Worldview," Christian Post, March 10, 2009. -adults-hold-biblical-worldview-37 15 7. C. H. Spurgeon, Sermon #1535, "Christ's Universal Kingdom and How It Comes," April 25, 1880, 8. Ray Vander Laan, Life and Ministry of the Messiah (Zondervan, 2009), pp. 229-230. 9. Extreme Devotion by Voice of the Martyrs (Thomas Nelson) p. 241. 10. C. S. Lewis, The Discarded Image (Cambridge University Press, 1964), pp. 222-223. 11. Brian McLaren, A New Kind of Christian, (Jossey-Bass, 2001) p.37. See also the first article in our Spiritual Warfare Series and The Church Walking with the World (a poem) Warnings- How mysticism& the occult are changing the Church Home Copyright© Berit Kjos, 2012 (but feel free to copy it) ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
... ! Her own joy was contagious, and, for a moment in time, hope overshadowed the tragic consequences of "Roe versus Wade." Alas, that joy didn't last. McCorvey's spiritual journey took another turn. She tells her story in" My Journey into the Catholic Church ," a personal testimony posted on her website. Ponder her unbliblical but "positive" beliefs: "The day finally arrived when I would be received into the Catholic Church. .. the ceremony, scheduled for August 17, 1998 at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Dallas, was a Mass during which I would profess my adherence to all that the Catholic Church officially teaches.. "After Communion, Fr. Frank shared the following words that spoke directly to my heart:" 'Norma, reflect carefully on what has happened now that you have received Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion.. Our Faith teaches that by His Incarnation, the Son of God joined all humanity to Himself. In some fashion, every human being of all time is united to Him. This, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
... " [2] Emphasis added Keep in mind, mystical signs, visions and events are not unique to those who claim to follow our God. "Catholics are not the only mystics," wrote Mary Ann Collins, a former Catholic nun, in her article, Catholic Mystics." "There are also Hindu mystics, Buddhist mystics, and Muslim mystics. Therefore, mystical experiences do not necessarily indicate that a person has encountered the God of the Bible. They do not even indicate that a person is a Christian. Thomas Merton was an influential monk. He taught that every form of mystical experience is valid, no matter what its source. He praised Hinduism and Buddhism. Merton wanted to see the religions of the world become united." So does Satan, the mastermind behind all the world's spiritual counterfeits. 6. How great an evangelistic tool is Mel Gibson's Passion? This may be the most important question of all. Does The Passion really communicate the gospel to a postmodern, biblically illiterate population? Many churches are counting on it to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
... These are masters of the magical subject of transfiguration who can change at will into an animal shape." Page 38 "This shape-changing stunt .. The shape each animagus takes is a pointer to its character.. The animal figure is a shadow, or doppelganger, that allows us to see more clearly the outline of the true person." Page 38 Not unlike shape-shifting — especially by witchdoctors or shamans — in pagan cultures. Granger: "Voldemort is not the Dark Lord's given name. His real name is Tom Riddle, which because Thomas comes form the Aramaic word for'twin' is a pointer to how important the doppelganger structure is.." Page 43 "Alchemy helps unwrap the riddle. As you'll recall, the principal activity of alchemy is the chemical marriage of the imbalanced'arguing couple': masculine sulfur and feminine quicksilver. These two qualities have to be reconciled and resolved (die and be reborn) before then can be rejoined in a perfected golden unity. Opposites have to be reconciled and resolved for there to be a new life. "Alchemists ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5
... heart from my own deepest Indian roots; and those slides you showed from Hildegard (Hildegard of Bingen's twelfth century mandalas)- they too, are deeply Hindu." I was not altogether surprised by this exchange. I knew of the influence of Hinduism on Celtic spirituality [witchcraft] and that Hildegard was part of the Celtic movement along the Rhine. But I was moved by this Eastern woman's power of making connections at the level of mysticism. After all, it was the Japanese Zen Buddhist Dr. Suzuki who first convinced Thomas Merton to take Meister Eckhart seriously, just as it was the Hindu scholar Coomeraswamy who first alerted me to Meister Eckhart. [19] Pagan art has two sides: the enticing mystical illusions and the ugly, shadowy horrors of life under occult guidance. The latter is about as compatible with "traditional" American art as heavy metal music is with Beethoven. Not surprisingly, those who love the shadowy attractions have little affinity for art that communicates grace, beauty, and harmony. The National Endowment for the Arts seems to ...
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