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Search results for: thomas sowell

83 results found containing all search terms. 274 results found containing some search terms.

36 pages of results.
... our mother, not only because we depend on her for nurture and shelter but even more because the human species has been shaped by her in the womb of evolution.. Our salvation depends upon our ability to create a religion of nature." [66] Dr. Thomas Sowel, economist and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, would disagree. Piercing the hollow visions of utopian dreamers, he writes: "Dogmatic environmentalism, like fascism, communism and eugenics, appeals to the frustrated egotism of intellectuals who burn to ... lesser people how to live.. Nothing as mundane as mere evidence can be allowed to threaten a vision so deeply satisfying." [67] To avoid compromise with the kind of mythical thinking and earth-centered environmentalism that brings destruction, not healing, children should watch out for.. Songs and poems that encourage earth worship. Classroom exercises or rituals that "empower" children to connect with Mother Earth, hear her voice, learn her wisdom and visualize her healing. Environmental programs that promote the lifestyles of pagan cultures. Native American chants and prayers ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 23
... be forced onto other countries." [34] Actually, the economic, political, and social policies of the platform have already been accepted in American universities. In an article, aptly titled "A Road to Hell Paved with Good Intentions," respected economist Thomas Sowell [35] points out that "Marxism as an ideal continues to flourish on American college campuses, as perhaps nowhere else in the world." [36] Don't underestimate an idea whose time has come. Whether Marxist utopianism or feminist socialism, they ... like cancer when the climate is right. Take the word "gender." Once "safely cordoned off inside the confines of the academy," warns a Wall Street Journal editorial, "[ it] spread to the courts, government and Microsoft Word processing program.... Lately the PC wisteria has been spotted wrapping itself around elected bodies and international conferences." [37] According to Donna Shalala, the Clinton White House was committed to carry out the Beijing Platform. As a starter, it would open an ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 23
... then sings him a lesson on pagan oneness: everything is filled with spiritual life and linked in a never-ending circle. What about the facts? Do the facts really matter? After all, this is only a Disney movie! They should matter to Christians. Columnist Thomas Sowell explains why. In his article, "The Right to Infiltrate", he warns us that the "leftist intelligentsia", which includes leading feminists, "know they are in a cultural war, as those on the other side often do not. ... What's worse, "only one side is battling. That is why they are winning." [27] He continues: "Was the feminist movement discredited when its claim that Superbowl Sunday was the day when the most wives were battered could not be supported by any evidence? Has Paul Ehrlich or the Worldwatch Institute been discredited by the repeated failures of their hysterical [environmental] predictions? .. "Being factual does not matter to those who are politically correct. Some of the bolder members of the anointed have openly expressed the ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 23
... global transformation," said David Rockefeller. "All we need is the right major crisis.." [12] [Note: To understand the history and practical details of "Service Learning," please read Serving a Greater Whole] Obama's training in revolutionary change Thomas Sowell understands this transformation well. "As a young political leftist, I saw the left as the voice of the common man. Nothing could be further from the truth," he wrote in his book aptly titled Is Reality Optional? He continued, " ... left-wing movements has always been the prerogative of spoiled rich kids. This pattern goes all the way back to the days when an over-indulged and affluent young man named Karl Marx combined with another over-indulged youth from a wealthy family named Friedrich Engels to create the Communist ideology. "The phoniness of the claim to be a movement of the working class was blatant from the beginning. When Engels was elected as a delegate to the Communist League in 1847, in his own words,'a working man was proposed for appearances sake, but ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 23
... "A God Within" (" Ein Gott im Inneren") (das Buch, von dem Lamar Alexander (Lamar Alexander, "Steps Along the Way: A Governor's Scrapbook" "Schritte entlang eines Weges: Ein Sammelalbum eines Gouverneurs") (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1986), 85). sagte, "dass es sein Denken am meisten verändert habe), schrieb Dubos: "Die Erde ist buchstäblich UNSERE MUTTER, nicht nur weil wir auf ihren Schutz und ihre Pflege angewiesen sind, sondern vielmehr auch ... Man's Future as Part of the Natural World" (" Ein Gott im Inneren – Eine positive Annäherung an den Menschen der Zukunft als Teil der natürlichen Welt"), (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1972), 38, 41) Dr. Thomas Sowel, Ökonom und Seniormitglied am Hoover Institut an der Stanford Universität, wäre damit nicht einverstanden. Er durchschaut die leeren Visionen der utopischen Träumer, indem er schreibt: "Dogmatische Umweltschutzpolitik appelliert, genauso wie der Faschismus, der Kommunismus und Eugenik (Erbhygiene), an ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 22
... the world from God's perspective Worship Obama Obama News Home See President Obama's Speech and Inauguration Prayers Find more information at Election 2008. Remember that-- "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have." Thomas Jefferson July 2012 Obama Appoints 2 Devout Muslims to Homeland Security Posts: "Obama has appointed Arif Alikhan a devout Sunni Muslim to assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Department of Homeland Security. Mr. Alikhan was instrumental in taking down the LA Police Department's plan ... seriously the oath that they swore to protect and preserve the Constitution,' Hemenway wrote in his petition for rehearing.'To continue to avoid the issue will destroy the constitutional rule of law basis of our legal system.." See Video: Not Natural Born Thomas Sowell: Undermining Allies:" .. part of the price which President Obama paid to get Russia to sign the START treaty, limiting nuclear arms, was revealing to the Russians the hitherto secret size of the British nuclear arsenal. This information came from the latest WikiLeaks ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 22
... blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God .." Eph. 6:10-13 September 2014 Taking a Stand. Thomas Sowell on'Greed': "No amount of taxation is ever described by the anointed as'greed' on the part of government.. Families who wish to be independent financially and to make their own decisions about their lives are of little interest or use to ... who are seeking to impose their superior wisdom and virtue on other people." See Don't conform to the ways of the world November 2013 Daring to Refuse Compromise: "At J. Middle School in [I deleted the location], teachers passed out stickers to the children that read'A Day of Silence. There was no prior advance notice to parents of this event. Wearing the sticker indicated that the child was in favor of gay rights and same-sex marriage and would be silent for the entire day. If a child refused ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 21
... and grandchildren to be World Citizens, immune to the call of God and traditional parental values. But for those who refuse to compromise, it spells the end of freedom. Ordinary Americans are demonized as an enemy, while the actual enemy has become a friend. Thomas Sowell said it well: "While the rest of us may be worried about violent Mexican drug gangs on our border.. the Director of Homeland Security is worried about'right-wing extremists.’ ..[S ]omehow they just know that you right-wingers are itching to unleash ... somewhere.. "So-called'honor killings' by Muslims in the United States.. does not seem to arouse any concern by the Department of Homeland Security.. When it comes to the thuggery of ACORN.. the Department of Homeland Security apparently sees no evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil."12 Saving The Earth Article 29 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child states:" .. the education of the child shall be directed to.. (e) The development of respect for the natural environment." That ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 20
... , but the evil puppeteer behind the scenes knows how to pull the strings and guide the action. That's what counts. Few realize that the angry idealism of feminist activists can be used by hard core globalist to reach a more ominous goal. As economist Dr. Thomas Sowell wrote in his review of Road to Serfdom, [24] "Idealist socialists create systems in which idealists are almost certain to lose and be superseded by those whose drive for power, and ruthlessness in achieving it, make them the "fittest" to ... under a system where government power is the ultimate prize.. The issue is not what anyone intends but what consequences are in fact likely to follow." [25] In other words, idealists can persuade, but they seldom rule. Idealism can awaken the masses and inspire a revolution, but it seldom governs. During the first part of the Russian revolution, ideology paved the way to change. But the manipulative power of Communist forces soon seized the victory and captured the throne. Like the radical feminists at the Beijing Conference, ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 20
... , but the evil puppeteer behind the scenes knows how to pull the strings and guide the action. That's what counts. Few realize that the angry idealism of feminist activists can be used by hard core globalist to reach a more ominous goal. As economist Dr. Thomas Sowell wrote in his review of Road to Serfdom, [24] "Idealist socialists create systems in which idealists are almost certain to lose and be superseded by those whose drive for power, and ruthlessness in achieving it, make them the "fittest" to ... under a system where government power is the ultimate prize.. The issue is not what anyone intends but what consequences are in fact likely to follow." [25] In other words, idealists can persuade, but they seldom rule. Idealism can awaken the masses and inspire a revolution, but it seldom governs. During the first part of the Russian revolution, ideology paved the way to change. But the manipulative power of Communist forces soon seized the victory and captured the throne. Like the radical feminists at the Beijing Conference, ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 20
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