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Search results for: thomas sowell

83 results found containing all search terms. 274 results found containing some search terms.

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... .. The opposite of religious totalitarianism is an ideology of pluralism-- an ideology that embraces religious diversity and the idea that my faith can be nurtured without claiming exclusive truth. America is the Mecca of that that ideology, and that is what bin Laden hates.." Thomas Friedman, the author-- whose message matches the UN plan for global unity and social solidarity-- is wrong. See Four Faces of Islam. America was founded on the absolute truths he despises. But since his view has become so prevalent in our ... , perhaps desperately, believed in the power of the pen. .. scribes played a central role in magnifying their king's reputation and solidifying his political hold on the realm." Nothing new about media bias and political propaganda. See The Mainstream Media Lying statistics: Thomas Sowell writes, "Every year since 1950, the number of American children gunned down has doubled. Did you know that? It is just as well if you did not, because it is not true.. Yet the claim that was quoted did not come from some supermarket ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 16
... Home Incremental Steps to Dictatorship By Maria Kneas May 5, 2014 "Giving leaders enough power to create'social justice' is giving them enough power to destroy all justice, all freedom, and all human dignity." Thomas Sowell History shows us that as free nations become complacent, they become vulnerable to manipulation. Most dictatorships rise gradually — a step at a time. Smooth-talking politicians make each incremental step seem reasonable, because the masses are blind to the tides of change. We have been warned over and over. ... sadly, a time comes when the wisdom of the watchmen is no longer heeded: "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." (Wendell Phillips) "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." (George Santayana) "The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse." (Edmund Burke) Austria illustrates the power of gradualism. In 1933, it was a free nation. In 1934, its government began to centralize its power and welcome the influence of Nazi sympathizers. By ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 14
... buildings. With less than a week's notice to prepare for the event, the throng steadily grew as buses unloaded for an'Emergency House Call on Congress' to stop the House from passing the bill." The'Costs' of Medical Care: [By Thomas Sowell] "We are incessantly being told that the cost of medical care is'too high.. But nothing that is being proposed by the government is likely to lower those costs.. There is a fundamental difference between reducing costs and simply shifting costs around.. Letting old people ... would undoubtedly be cheaper than keeping them alive — but that does not mean that the costs have gone down. It just means that we refuse to pay the costs.. "If doctors' incomes were cut in half, that would not lower the cost of producing doctors through years of expensive training in medical schools and hospitals.. What it would do is reduce the number of very able people who are willing to take on the high costs of a medical education when the return on that investment is greatly reduced.. "Britain has had a government-run ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 13
... , both America and Norway enjoyed over 90% literacy rate. They didn't need Rowling. This summary shows how the love for reading-- even back in the 1800s-- inspired the most downtrodden people in our land: Do facts matter? Part II (Thomas Sowell shows the subversive social engineering of leaders who despised the America we loved): "The history of the education of blacks in America has become politicized to the point where it is barely recognizable as history, rather than as an arsenal of horror stories to ... used in the political wars of today. .. there is an almost complete disregard of other important aspects of the history of black education that are also true. .. "During the era of slavery, it was illegal to teach slaves to read and write, throughout the Western Hemisphere.. Yet the census of 1850 showed that more than half of the 500,000 free blacks were able to read and write. "How did that happen? It happened because they set up their own schools, even in places where such schools were ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 12
... ' is the extraction of marijuana smoke from the bong. The meaning of'4 Jesus' remains in dispute.. "Chief Justice Roberts was at pains to make clear that speech promoting'illegal drug use' is the only thing this decision proscribes. .. Justice Clarence Thomas, in a concurring opinion, took about half a line to say,'I agree,' and proceeded to write one of the most compelling essays I've seen on the decline and fall of American public education.. "Parents are spending thousands to have what American ... , are now just as important as rote memorization.. Educators say the concept of' collaborative learning,' which has students working in groups and essentially answering test questions or tackling assignments for each other, continues to gain currency." Education: then and now (Thomas Sowell): "That a Southern city's school children would now top the list of big city test scores may be due to the fact that the South has not jumped on the bandwagon of the latest fads in education to the same extent as avant garde places like ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 12
... at the time-- Jeremy Allan Steinke-- who is also, apparently, a Goth, watched the film Natural Born Killers not once but twice in the hours preceding that murderous night." See Toying with Death June 2007 A Home Invader Program? [Thomas Sowell] "Just as crime and violence in American inner cities have led not only to'white flight' but also to a flight of the black, Hispanic and Asian middle classes, so in Europe much of the native-born European population has fled from cities ... Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Brussels.. "In order to feel self-respect, the young especially'needed to see themselves as warriors in a civil war.. [T ]he immigrant parents and grandparents of the violent youths came to France with a very different view. They were glad to be in France.. The later generations were.. born in France, and resented not having the same prosperity as other Frenchmen. Here again, the media and the intelligentsia in France, as in the United States, tend to turn differences in achievement-- ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 12
67. Occult
... the city using only one wing, the other covering their posterior — that the rape of young boys by warlords was one of the key factors in Mullah Omar mobilising the Taleban." Gal 5:19-26 and Resisting the Lure of Sensuality Infallible haters? (by Thomas Sowell):" .. What did the Jews ever do to Hitler? The fashionable idiocy that haters must have justifications is one of those ideas that George Orwell said only an intellectual could believe-- because no one else could be such a fool. Unfortunately ... we have a large supply of both amateur and professional intellectuals. They are busy on college campuses across the country, sounding off with their blame-America-first message. They are also an undercurrent in the mass media, where they must insinuate what they can say unopposed in academia.. "Hatred and mob violence against more productive minorities has been the rule, rather than the exception, for centuries-- whether against the Jews in Eastern Europe, the Ibos in Nigeria, the Armenians in Turkey, the Germans in Russia, the Lebanese in West ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 11
... Christ crucified. .. "Dialectic:'The process in Hegelian and Marxist thought in which two apparently opposed ideas, the thesis and antithesis, become combined in a unified whole, the synthesis." See Creating Community through a New Way of Thinking I beg to disagree (Thomas Sowell): "Too many people today act as if no one can honestly disagree with them. If you have a difference of opinion with them, you are considered to be not merely in error but in sin. You are a racist, a homophobe ... whatever the villain of the day happens to be.. "Dictators often gained total power over a whole nation by their ability to arouse emotions and evade thought. Watch old newsreels of Hitler and watch the adoring and enraptured look on the faces in his audience. Then read what he said and see if it makes any sense whatever. Yet he convinced others-- and himself-- that he had a great message and a great mission. The same could be said of Lenin, of Mao, of Pol Pot, and of ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 11
... a few comets at Earth, and its orbit will be altered. Our world will then be sent spinning into a safer, colder part of the solar system." Is there no end to the arrogance of mortal man? Rom 11:33-36 Intended Consequences: Thomas Sowell writes," .. there has not been a mass murderer executed in the past half-century who has been responsible for as many deaths of human beings as the sainted Rachel Carson. The banning of DDT has led to a huge resurgence of malaria in the Third ... , with deaths rising into the millions.. "The greens have likewise obstructed access to the fuels needed to generate electricity, run automobiles and trucks, and perform innumerable other tasks in the economy.. "The time is long overdue for us to insist that they put up or shut up, in terms of hard evidence about results, rather than the pious hopes that make them feel so good." See Local Agenda 21- The U.N. Plan for Your Community Conference highlights environmental justice: "More than 350 religious leaders participated in a ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 11
... that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration. ...It adds that'growth in these groups subsided in reaction to increased government scrutiny as a result of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing ..." Are You an "Extremist"? by Thomas Sowell: "While the rest of us may be worried about violent Mexican drug gangs on our border.. the Director of Homeland Security is worried about'right-wing extremists. Just who are these right-wing extremists? .. the Department of Homeland Security'has no specific information ... domestic rightwing terrorists are currently planning acts of violence. But somehow they just know that you right-wingers are itching to unleash terror somewhere, somehow.. So-called'honor killings' by Muslims in the United States.. does not seem to arouse any concern by the Department of Homeland Security.. When it comes to the thuggery of ACORN-- its members harassing the homes of bankers.. the Department of Homeland Security apparently sees no evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil." .. it can be sinister as a revealing and disturbing sign of the ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 11
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