From Maia: I read your online column on the pantheistic message of Pocahontas (the Disney movie), and while I happen to disagree with your fundamental religious convictions (I am a Unitarian Universalist), that's certainly not what I find troubling about your argument....
You assert that Pocahontas "models today's feminist ideal" and was conceptualized by Disney in order to conform with a "PC" message. As a feminist, I can assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. You are quite correct in asserting the large degree of historical inaccuracy in the movie.Pocahontas was a young women who, through her above average skills in diplomacy, linguistics, and communication, was able to act as an emissary between two cultures. While she did (MANY years later) marry an Englishman and convert to Christianity, these were not the foundational details of her life, and CERTAINLY not the most historically relevant ones. The truth of the matter is that Pocahontas's personal spiritual choices are of little historical importance.
What Disney has done, is disregard all history in order to tell their classic "princess" tale with a new face, poaching half-truths from whoever's culture they feel like. Their motives for doing so have nothing to do with political correctness, and everything to do with their ability to make money by exploiting stereotypes and misconceptions. So, feminists and Christians alike...we were both misrepresented by Pocahontas.
From Mari: Thank you for the two books I ordered.... A Twist of Faith was especially helpful to me because I have been invololved in a very tiring and protracted battle in the Federal Courts for the last seven years fighting feminists who declare themselves publicly to be Christians (but are New Age to the core).
The problem I experienced began when I made a stand against abortion which resulted in intense harassment from my supervisor who was a very vocal liberal feminist. I was basically harassed out of my job and ended up filing a discrimination lawsuit which I fought Pro-Se in the Federal Courts for six years (from 1997 to 2002),at which time I discovered that the U.S. Magistrate Judge handling my case had a conflict of interest. He had a relative who was directly working with the Defendants.
He wrongfully excluded crucial evidence in my case, and because I challenged his impartiality by exposing the conflict to the courts, he dismissed my case. I then appealed and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals appointed me a lawyer Pro-bono. My case is still in court. One part of it was settled, but the case against the feminist organization is still pending. They are a large, world-wide organization, and they proclaim that they are Christians (they receive Federal & state funding as a charitable, nonprofit Association). I am trying to stop this via my lawsuit, although my attorney says it can't be done this way.
I refuse to settle it because it will continue to allow them to receive funds from the government under the guise of being a Christian organization. I will probably need to find another attorney who will take my case on a contingency fee and fight this matter so the agency will not be allowed to continue discriminatory and misleading practices. Please pray for me and keep writing your books exposing this growing problem.
Did I mention that the organization I am talking about is the YWCA? They are very powerful and well-connected here. They work with everyone & that has been part of the problem I faced in exposing it.
Aloha from Hawaii, Mari
Second letter from Mari: Yes, you are welcome to share my story on your website--in fact, I am in the process of writing a book about my experience with the YWCA (and will also expose all the New Age teaching they promote in the Association). I will be happy to send you a copy when it is published (although I am not an experienced writer like you!)I wasn't experienced when my first book was published, Mari. I never liked to write. But when God gives us a message and enables us to communicate it, it's exciting!
Yes; the struggle has been a long one -- and I lost some material possessions along the way--but thanks be to God I gained a deeper understanding of what it means to "live for the Lord" and trust Him for everything. This has helped me keep my perspective and not focus on the small stumbling blocks that try to pull us away from our faith in Him, but rather, grasp a view of the "bigger picture" of where that faith will lead us... which is closer to His side.
You remind me of a special passage, Mari -- one that gave me much joy when we were burglarized. But that was a small battle compared to yours.
"Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions." Hebrews 10:32-34
First letter from Alison: This isn't a slam, because I've used your site for about the last two years. I'm just curious as to who keeps sending you all these articles on affirmative action to post on your newspage, and *why* (what does it have to do with the Bible?).
Ever since I've been going to college I've been blamed for, or had to listen to guys complaining about, affirmative action, though I haven't ever used it and the majority of beneficiaries haven't been black, for years. 60 Minutes did a report on affirmative action for elementary school boys (predominantly white) and I have yet to hear of anyone complaining about that.
Why must Christian websites in the US toe the right-wing and/or GOP party line? Coming to a page I've come to trust and seeing right-wing racial politics on it is disturbing (I felt the same way about that Zimbabwe letter, because the person who wrote it seemed to think Zimbabweans were singling out white people even though they've been killing and robbing other black Zimbabweans for centuries, and he said the blacks in Zimbabwe weren't much higher than animals before "The White Man" came to their country).
Thank you for asking that question, Alison. I waited a day before posting anything on the topic. When I saw this editorial, I used it because I have always appreciate Thomas Sowell. I didn't want to post a white person's views -- I wanted to hear it from a black person who might have more personal insight into these problems. That's why I also included Justice Thomas' quote.
I can't answer for other Christian websites, just for ours. And I try to apply Biblical truth and its principles to all that I post. But some social issues are too complex for any clear Biblical position. God works in different ways in different lives -- no matter what their color or original culture.As for your last sentence, that person was absolutely wrong. The brutality we see in Zimbabwe is not unlike the heartless brutality we saw among Hitler's disciples 60 years ago. This is an issue of human nature and surrender to the forces of darkness, not skin color and geographic location.
See also Romans 1:22-32 and What Darwin didn't know
Second letter from Alison: I ought to have looked at the author of the article before writing, because I knew you liked Sowell. I have never gotten the impression that *you* were prejudiced (which is part of why I trust this site as opposed to some of the other Christian sites).
FWIW, as a black person (and female), I never thought affirmative action should be based on skin color any more than hair color (which is no different than skin color because it's caused by the same genes). I always thought it should be based on class and income rather than superficial traits, but I think basing it on gender is fair because the "glass ceiling" still exists in the business world, for women.
A Twist of Faith, especially chapter 9) and hesitate to endorse affirmative action for women -- or anyone. While it has it's beneficial sides -- and might help stop injustices and meet the desperate needs of many women -- it can so easily be twisted and misused.I know it does, Alison. And I don't want to diminish the need for fairness and justice in employment and salaries. Yet, I am concerned about the direction of feminist influence in many places (See
I am also concerned about all the men who want to be the supporters and protectors of their families, but can't find jobs. I tend to believe it would be more devastating for men not to be able to fulfill their God-given responsibilities to their families. The preservation of the traditional family is so important to all of us.
Third letter from Alison: Part of the reason I trust your site more than many American Christian sites is the fact that it is female-written.
Actually, Andy and our son Troy works closely with me, share in the research, and scrutinize everything I write. But they both have their professions and can't spend the time I can at the computer.
I don't agree with *everything* in your latest letter yet
(though you are probably 100% correct because you know more about the Bible
than I do) but I agree with most of it. I embraced feminism in the 80s and
still haven't completely gotten rid of its influence, e.g., it took forever
for me to accept the fact that a husband can be *head* of the house without
being the *dictator*, but after considering the husband's position as a type
of Christ's relationship with the church (a loving, protective one) I would
gladly submit to a man who has read that entire chapter and not just the
"Women, submit" part.
I hadn't thought of the fact that working-class men might be shut out of a job
by affirmative action (I was thinking solely of white-collar jobs and
specifically the small number of female CEOs, corporate presidents, etc.)
Aside from the feminist issue: I still think affirmative action can benefit
working-class school kids because they often are unable to afford a decent
education (a better idea would be to force local governments to resurrect
educational standards for kids of all classes, but that will never happen). I
wish I had taped that 60 minutes show on affirmative action for boys, which
showed that boys are being neglected in elementary and high school.
Affirmative action is a bandage for the gaping wound of a decadent, uncaring
educational system. If parents and other citizens forced schools to give girls
and boys of any class or ethnicity the kind of education my parents got in the
30s and 40s, nobody would see a need for affirmative action.
When we know Jesus Christ and are filled with His Spirit, we want to follow His ways, don't we?! It's such an exciting life! And He brings His sweetness and love into the hardest times. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
From Chris Houghten: Reading your 2 links in today's news about women and education are sad. I'm 41 and unfortunately listened to so many of the lies feminists have told over 30 years or so. I remember being out with my family for dinner, I was 19 or 20, so 1980, and we were all having one of those stupid philosophical discussion about what exciting times we lived in and what wonderful choices women had now.
My mom being 20 or so years older, eyes twinkling, said, if only she could have those years back and do so many things like women can do now.
I remember being the pessimist and making the absurd statement, choices, they won't be choices, we won't have choices to work, we will have to work, mom, and how can we have and take care of families if we work? We will be locked into a system and not be able to get out. But all they could see is excitement for us, that they didn't have.
Many books have been written on this subject. I wish I could tell all the 18-20 year old women, run, don't listen to their lies. 20 years is going to go quick and you will have a lot of regrets if you go down their chosen path for you. If I were to do it over - I'd marry at 20, not 30, have my children between 20 and 35, not wait till I was 35 to start.
Feminists want you to start a family at 35 or so cause it gets near impossible to conceive by then. We live close to Amish country in Indiana and drive over once in awhile, and we drive down their country roads and I just want to cry - it's wonderful, large families, children everywhere, all together, farms, animals, such closeness.
Feminists have almost single-handily ruined this nation and are attempting to ruin the families or all the earth, I believe, with all their social engineering, and encouraging women not to marry and have children, the majority of them think there are to many children on the planet anyway and anyone who has more is just selfish. They don't have your choice in mind, they have population control in mind and then running the planet. I know how they think and read. I've heard them preach at me for years that a women who would choose to submit to God their Father, to Jesus Christ and to their husband make their skin crawl.
We must obey God's Word. God's plans are perfect, so decide today to make a feminist angry - fall in love and get married and have 4 children by the time your 25, and stay home with them and bake cookies and teach them to plant vegetable gardens. You won't regret it!!!
From Michelle: I went to Wal Mart this morning, and you wouldn't believe what I found for sale. Crystal Balls! I'm serious. They were near the lamps/picture frame section. They were big: about 15 in. in diameter. You know, Wal Mart is as America as you can get (he he he). If they start selling things like crystal balls, what does that say about our society? Can the End Times be far behind?
Would I be wasting my time writing them (Wal Mart) and expressing my displeasure? As a Christian, I have a hard time letting things like this just "roll off my back".
In today's pluralistic and post-Christian climate, many more people are fascinated by divination and fortune telling. Even more important than speaking up and resisting these trends, we need to prepare our children to live in a pagan world and resist its practices. I pray God make equip and train us for the intensifying spiritual battles Christians are sure to face in a world that rejects God's values but loves occult thrills.
From Catrina: I haven't even finished reading excerpts "From God To Mother Earth" and I am already being blown away by the anointing words, revelations and discernments God has given to you. I know all too well everything you wrote so far.
I am a born again Christian. I truly believe now, God has protected me these past few years. I also work in New York as a professional actress. Needless to say, the amount of New Age, wicca, and other religions that are involved in this area is overwhelming. I have met many actors who were into spiritualism, crystals, etc. I also teach part-time and had a bonafide witch in my class! That was a difficult semester. I also attended a Episcopal church in Detroit. It was charismatic. But there were those who had some Native American beliefs. I attended a Presbyterian church in New York. I won't even begin to tell you what I encountered there. Nice community and I loved everyone there. I now attend Times Square church in Manhattan (David Wilkerson, "The Cross and the Switchblade"). It's huge and I miss a smaller community setting. But I have grown from the teaching and worship.
Your article was quite poignant because you were able to articulate a lot of things I never know quite what to say when I encounter folks who tell me about the "craziness" they are involved in. But what I notice was you engaged them into conversation first, then asked them their viewpoint about Jesus. That was very obvious.
I have my own opinions why so many Christians take New Age religion,
astrology and wicca for granted. I think there is nothing more dangerous than subtlety. I think so much subtlety has creeped into the church and it is very dangerous. It's like a lures you...entices you...then hooks you. I have seen over the years how the bait grabbed me in certain areas. Years ago I was given that abominable book by Helen Schulman. It looked like a Bible. It smelled like a Bible. But it was a lie! Then I went to college and I got involved in feminist theology. Okay... let's forget about that chapter. I won't even begin to tell you what I encounter while being an actress. Conversations with God is like the actors handbook around here in New York. I read the first three pages and put it down.Christians want to feel comfortable and be in non-confrontational
situations. I fight those feelings constantly because it's so easy for me to get caught up into those things. Now with the Hate Crimes Bill, the powerful same sex lobbyists in governmental positions and people getting others arrested for just saying "Jesus" in a prayerful manner instead of a profane one, folks get intimidated and conform to the majority. I tell people often, we are just seeing the beginning of things.___________________________________________________________
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