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Propaganda, Mind Control & "Mental Health"  - 3

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August 2014

Student Suspended for Saying “Bless You” to Sneezing Classmate: "A High School student at Dyer County High School in Tennessee was recently suspended, all because she chose to say 'Bless You' ...When Turner tried to defend herself, she says the teacher sent her to the administrators, where she was forced to finish the class in in-school suspension (ISS). Her classmates sent the local news station...a picture of the teacher’s white board, which lists 'bless you' and other expressions that are banned as part of the class room’s rules." See Hope, Hate & Human Nature


Justifying Mind Control: "Have you wondered why we suddenly live in a 'postmodern' world with little tolerance toward truth or traditional authorities? Or why France, Sweden and Canada are banning offensive Scriptures? Or why traditional morality means nothing to today's consensus-trained youth? [See "Ban Truth - Reap Tyranny"....

      "Remember the words of Dr. Brock Chisholm, the first head of the World Health Organization (WHO). He laid the blame for war and human conflict squarely at the feet of parents and Sunday schools teachers who -- from the beginning -- fed their children the 'poisonous certainties' of the Bible. An active Unitarian who despised God's truths, he asked a suggestive question:  'Can we identify the reasons why we fight wars...?  Many of them are easy to list....ignorance, superstition, moral certainties... religious and political pressure groups....

      "God has been banned from Christmas celebrations, art projects, seasonal songs and American history. Even a first-grader's personal prayer has led to ridicule and reproof. How did this nation slide so far from its foundations?" See The Radical Roots of the World Health Organization

July 2014


Feds Spending $10 Million to Build Robot Companions for Children: "The National Science Foundation has committed $10 million to build robots that will act as 'personal trainers' for children, in an effort to influence their behavior and eating habits.... The project will develop a 'new breed of sophisticated ‘socially assistive’ robots,' designed to help children 'learn to read..."


Beyond disturbing: Look at what a Common Core approved book is teaching children about Barack Obama: "With the introduction of Common Core ‘standards’, schools around the nation have witnessed not only a decline in the academic standards expected of children under the guise of improving problem solving skills, but we have seen numerous examples of children being exposed to very disturbing and dangerous lessons.... Our children are being taught that America is, at its core, a racist nation. This shouldn’t come as a great surprise since one can’t disagree with the policies or actions of Barack Obama without being labeled as a racist or bigot. But, this indoctrination of our youth should have Americans everywhere worried." See A "Common Core" for a Global Community


Christians "Most Persecuted Group in World": "The most historic and emblematic sign of Muslim persecution of Christians returned in February: Christians in Raqqa, Syria, under the occupation of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria [ISIS], which has since consolidated more territory, were given the three classic choices of Islam: 1) convert to Islam or 2) pay jizya (tribute or extortion money, as in the Koran 9:29) and uphold all the conditions stipulated in the medieval Conditions of Omar—which include heavy restrictions on Christian worship—or 3) the sword."


Common Core teaches Constitution as ‘living document’: "...the Constitution is a 'living document' that can 'evolve' and be interpreted differently to fit the times....

     "Michas said students will continue to learn about the Constitution only from a progressive point of view as they move into high school, college and law school. 'They don’t learn the Constitution even in law school. They learn precedent,' said Michas, also founder of the Palm Springs Patriots Coalition. '...It’s been changed, reinterpreted, so many times, so they’re not actually learning the Constitution; they’re learning it is living and breathing, and the younger generation of lawyers believes that.” See No Room for God: Reviving the 'Science' of 'Re-education'

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal Responds to Ed. Sec. Duncan's Slam over Common Core: "Asked by a reporter what Duncan thought about Jindal’s decision to remove his state from the Common Core standards last month, the secretary responded, 'Obviously, great teachers are essential to everything we're trying to do to help students. We think this is essential to moving education forward as a nation.'" See A "Common Core" for a Global Community

June 2014

Over 80 PERCENT Of New Yorkers Say Common Core Is Failure: "For months now, New York State has been ground zero for the backlash against Common Core among parents, teachers and school administrators. The latest evidence demonstrating exactly how much New Yorkers loathe Common Core comes in the form of a shocking statewide poll. ...a whopping 82 percent of the Empire State’s residents want to abandon the Common Core Standards Initiative in its current form." See Part 1: Legalizing Mind Control


Opposition to Common Core becoming cornerstone of many campaigns: "Republican David Brat, the Virginia college professor who rocked the political world last week with his primary victory, went after House Majority Leader Eric Cantor for not fighting hard enough to stop the Common Core reforms. 'I am absolutely opposed to Common Core and top-down education,' [said] Mr. Brat.... 'I'm a teacher. I'm in the classroom every day and the teachers, you have to trust your teachers." See Brainwashing & "Education Reform"


How Bill Gates pulled off the swift Common Core revolution: "The pair of education advocates had a big idea, a new approach to transform every public-school classroom in America. By early 2008, many of the nation’s top politicians and education leaders had lined up in support.... The duo needed money.... So they turned to the richest man in the world....The Gates Foundation spread money across the political spectrum, to entities including the big teachers unions, the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association, and business organizations... Within just two years of the 2008 Seattle meeting, 45 states and the District of Columbia had fully adopted the Common Core State Standards." See A "Common Core" for a Global Community


Big Brother: Meet the Parents: "Moms and dads from across the political spectrum have mobilized into an unexpected political force in recent months to fight the data mining of their children...."


Mother ‘Shocked’ and ‘in Tears’ Over Sexually-Charged School Awards Ceremony: "...filthy jokes and inappropriate awards during the ceremony.... One prize was a box of condoms." See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

Common Core and... U. S. History Set To Destroy Students’ Love for America: "George Washington gets one brief mention; other founders, such as Benjamin Franklin and James Madison, none. The Declaration of Independence is referred to in passing in one clause of one sentence. 'If the Framework virtually ignores the most important men and documents in American history, what does it find worthy of attention? ...pretty much anything that casts a negative light on our country.  '...the new College Board Framework seems determined to create a cynical generation of what it calls 'apprentice historians' – students who 'know' everything bad about their country but very little that is good." See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

May 2014

Mindfulness, Buddhist Method of Indoctrination: "If you are regrouping, in the massive effort necessary to mount an opposition to the Common Core national 'standards' that are socialized dumbed-down education for the masses, add to your watch list Mindfulness Training.... The 'secular” practice of mindfulness is 'rooted' in Buddhism."   See Global Mind Change

Norway: Jew-hate for exam: "The students were served pure anti-semitism as facts, for their the full day exam in Norwegian. ...students are set to interpret the measures in the following text (this is a fictional assignment): 'They [Jews] bombed the central vegetable market in Gaza city two hours ago. 80 injured 20 killed. ... We are wading in death, blood and amputate. Lots of children. Pregnant woman. I have never experienced anything so horrible.... We live in the history books now, everyone! “   
      Author's comment: "Norway maintains its reputation as the most anti-semitic nation in the western hemisphere since Nazi-Germany. The latest incident of indoctrination of Norwegian youth, is just one of many examples.... That 8.000 rocket have been fired from Gaza into Israel is not mentioned."
See Western Europe will soon be 'Judenrein
'  (My original land is sadly corrupted)

Parents rail against 'ridiculous' Common Core math homework: "An Iowa woman jokingly calls it 'Satan's handiwork.' A California mom says she's broken down in tears. A Pennsylvania parent says it 'makes my blood boil.' What could be so horrible?

      "Grade-school math. As schools around the U.S. implement national Common Core learning standards, parents trying to help their kids with math homework say that adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing has become as complicated as calculus. They're stumped by unfamiliar terms like 'rectangular array' and 'area model.' They wrestle with division that requires the use of squares, slashes and dots. They rage over impenetrable word problems.

     "Stacey Jacobson-Francis, 41, of Berkeley, California, said her daughter's homework requires her to know four different ways to add. 'That is way too much to ask of a first grader,' she said. 'She can't remember them all, and I don't know them all, so we just do the best that we can." See Brainwashing in America


Insane Math Lessons and Common Core — on The Glazov Gang: "The Gang discussed Insane Math Lessons and Common Core, analyzing the Left’s real agenda in making arithmetic mindbogglingly confusing for American children.... The discussion occurred with the context of The Cancer of Common Core, in which the guests discussed Holocaust-Denial Assignments for American Children, how Islam is a big investor in the Left’s new educational concept, how Mao’s Cultural Revolution has now reached America’s public schools, how individualism is being crushed in the new 'raising of standards'..."  See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health


Stealth Jew-Hate in Middle School: "The breathtakingly ill-conceived assignment asked students to 'read and discuss multiple, credible articles on this issue, and write an argumentative essay, based on cited textual evidence, in which you explain whether or not you believe [the Holocaust] was an actual event in history, or merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain wealth.”

      "...critics of the assignment were appalled that students were even exposed to the idea that the Holocaust was a myth in the first place.... Consider how classically anti-Semitic the language of the assignment itself is, suggesting in the same paragraph—not once, but twice—that the Holocaust 'is a propaganda tool that was used for political and monetary gain,' and 'merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain.'" See Western Europe will soon be 'Judenrei

San Antonio Public Schools Ban Mother from Elementary School Campus: "...the school’s decision to deprive Ms. Garcia of access to her children while at school, even to drop off or pick up her children, without explanation or an opportunity to defend herself, flies in the face of longstanding recognition by the courts that parents have a liberty interest in the 'care, custody, and control of their children.'...

     "On Monday, December 9, 2013, when Yvonne Garcia arrived at Forbes Elementary School to pick up her children, she was confronted by police officers who were awaiting her arrival. The officers informed her that she was barred from entering the school because she had allegedly used 'inappropriate language' while on campus the previous Friday. Ms. Garcia was also given a letter informing her that she is banned from being present on school grounds, even to drop off and pick up her children, or meet with school personnel about her children’s health and educational progress.... The trespass order also prevents Ms. Garcia from being present at her son’s upcoming graduation ceremony." See No Room for God: Reviving the 'Science' of 'Re-education'


Common Core School Assignment: Was Holocaust Real or ‘Merely a Political Scheme: "The Rialto school district in California gave eighth graders an 18-page assignment that asked them to consider arguments on whether the Holocaust was an 'actual event' or a 'propaganda tool that was used for monetary gain.” The project created media outrage, but the school district initially defended the assignment, saying that Common Core standards are intended to teach critical thinking. The school district, through interim superintendent Mohammad Z. Islam, revised its position when L.A.-based Anti-Defamation league expressed its concerns....

       "The assignment given to the eighth graders read: “...some people claim the Holocaust is not an actual historical event.... Based upon your research on this issue, write an argumentative essay, utilizing cited textual evidence...."

       "KTLA reports: 'The 18-page assignment instructions included three sources that students were told to use, including one that stated gassings in concentration camps were a 'hoax' and that no evidence has shown Jews died in gas chambers. 'With all this money at stake for Israel, it is easy to comprehend why this Holocaust hoax is so secretly guarded,' states the source....'In whatever way you can, please help shatter this profitable myth. It is time we stop sacrificing America's welfare for the sake of Israel and spend our hard-earned dollars on Americans.

       "The other sources were from the websites" See The Auschwitz Album


The Holocaust: "Since 1945, the word has taken on a new and horrible meaning: the mass murder of some 6 million European Jews... by the German Nazi regime during the Second World War.

      "To the anti-Semitic Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, Jews were an inferior race, an alien threat to German racial purity and community. After years of Nazi rule in Germany, during which Jews were consistently persecuted, Hitler’s 'final solution'–now known as the Holocaust–came to fruition under the cover of world war, with mass killing centers constructed in the concentration camps of occupied Poland..." Bonhoeffer: Nazi Religion versus "Religionless" Faith


The Islamization Of American Public Schools: "Endless concessions and accommodations to Islamic demands only give way to more demands for even more Islam, as shown in the recent blockbuster revelations of an Islamic takeover of UK public schools. ...the same kinds of things are happening here in the United States.

     "...the usually subdued and sharia-compliant British authorities initiated an investigation into the charges that devout Muslims covertly sought to 'Islamize' the public schools in the UK. The bombshell was dropped last month in a leaked letter, describing an operation purportedly named 'Trojan Horse.'  ...the jihad ringleader of the Trojan Horse plot constructed and implemented a 'detailed blueprint for the radical ‘Islamisation’ of secular state schools.” ...

     "Mirroring the Muslim Brotherhood strategic goal for the U.S., which according to a captured internal document was to work toward 'eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within....The same kinds of things are happening here in America, but when my colleagues and I warn about them, we are called conspiracy theorists. Well, there is conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact..."


Battleground schools fighting over sex, evolution, Bible: "There have been hundreds of similar conflicts in schools around the country, on subjects including curriculum, freedom of expression, gender, human origins, moral values, race, reading materials, religion and sexuality...." See No Room for God: Reviving the 'Science' of 'Re-education'

April 2014

School Tells Child She Can’t Write About God: "Erin Shead, a 10-year-old student at Lucy Elementary School in Millington, was assigned to write about someone she idolized. The girl, who is a Christian, decided to write about God. 'I look up to God,' she wrote. 'I love him and Jesus, and Jesus is His earthly son. I also love Jesus.'
      "The youngster also said that God would 'always be the #1 person I look up to.'
      “'It was so cute and innocent,' Erica Shead told television station WREG. 'She talked about how God created the Earth.' But Shead said her daughter’s teacher objected to the choice and told her she could not use God as an idol for the assignment.

      "Erin told her mom that it had something to do with religion - that God could not be her idol. The teacher then allegedly told the child that she had to take the paper about God home – because it could not remain on school property....The teacher approved of Erin’s second choice — Michael Jackson." See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health


Bill Gates a sad clown; bizarre $100 million student data project failed: "Common Core-loving billionaire Bill Gates has suffered a stinging defeat in his ambitious quest to reform every cranny of the American K-12 public education system.... The reason for the shutdown is a steady cascade of parental and legislative anxiety about student privacy.... Many parents across the country... hated the bizarrely intrusive idea from the start.... The final blow came earlier this year when the New York state legislature forced its state education bureaucrats to abandon the invasive Gates-funded project....
    "Interestingly, though Gates has funded the effort to collect data about America's public school kids, he has sent his own kids to a ritzy Seattle private school." See Cradle-to-Career Education Plan by Obama and Duncan


Common Core Timeline – Who, When, Why, How: Repaying “Education Debt,” Social Justice, Education Equity: "Common Core has many players in the background that most of us are not aware of. This has been a long-time coming, and a hard-sell for a vast cast of Progressives, but sell it they did, and eventually it received the clueless support of state Governors and departments of Education who thought Race-to-the-Top bribes would shore up state education coffers. Surely, no one would teach that the Boston Tea Party was a terrorist action or that Allah is “God, or that Shariah law provides for the poor and has an exceptional code of moral conduct. Who would believe that could happen in America, but it did. These soldiers for socialism never drop-out. See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health


New York City Expels Churches from School Grounds: "A new court ruling has determined that churches can no longer rent public school facilities. Churches in New York City can be evicted from the schools. Despite the good they do in the community, they could be out in the cold. ... 'The amazing thing about all this is how contrary it is to our national spiritual heritage...

      "...the idea of schools for the masses, which eventually became public schools, is a result of the desire to teach the Bible. After about a dozen years after the Puritans founded Boston, they passed 'the Old Deluder Satan Act.' "They stated that it is one of the chief ends of that 'old deluder Satan' to keep people from the Word of God. Therefore, people need to read the Bible for themselves.... Therefore, we need to have schools to teach them how to read. This is the origin of schools for the masses in the American experience." See Legalizing Mind Control

Battleground schools fighting over sex, evolution, Bible: "It was the Associated Student Body at Kentridge High School in Kent, Wash., that ruled the Truth Bible Club would not be recognized officially because of 'its potentially offensive name and the fact that students would have to make a pledge to Jesus Christ to have full voting membership.'...

      "And there was a fight at Erie Community School in Illinois over teaching material that told students, 'Some families have two moms or two dads.'

      "And in Catoosa County, Ga., it was the Lakevew-Fort Oglethorpe school that banned cheerleaders from displaying signs with Christian scripture during football games." See The Transformation of America


Bullying Bill Passes MN House: "After 12 hours of debate the House passed HF 826 by a vote of 69 to 63. Two Democrats, Rep. David Dill and Gene Pelowski, crossed party lines and joined with the Republicans in voting against the Bullying Bill....

     "Members who voted yes on the bill did so after seeing actual samples of the unconscionable curriculum that this bill will require for implementation but they refused to acknowledge that it was a part of the prevention 'strategies' outlined in the Governor's Task Force on the Prevention of Bullying.

     "They were shown a reprehensible book list by a leading organization in anti-bullying curriculum which included books for 7th grade students with titles such as Queer 13, Growing up Gay/Growing up Lesbian, and Love and Sex Ten Stories of Truth." See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

Abolishing Representative Government through Education: Common Core, Choice & Charter Schools: "The foundation of the [unconstitutional] individual mandate in Obamacare is the same authority creating an individual mandate in education with the implementation of Common Core Standards. Both represent an individual mandate that forces individuals to comply with regulations that erase individual rights, local control, and states’ rights. This foundation has already been laid in several of the largest cities in America, and those people have felt the pangs of freedom being stripped away from them. See Common Core for a Global Community

March 2014

 Islamizing Britain’s Schools: "The most important single element of stealth Islamization is the effort to convert Western schools from centers of secular education into hubs of Islamic indoctrination. Fortunately, there are plenty of dhimmi teachers and school administrators eager to help out, convinced that they’re serving the interests of multicultural peace and harmony. ...this form of dhimmitude seems to be most prevalent – and to take its acutest form – in England.

      "...Lynn Small, headmistress of a state elementary school in Huntington, England... wrote a letter to parents of fourth- and sixth-grade students warning that if they didn’t let their children attend an 'Explore Islam' workshop at Staffordshire University, a 'Racial Discrimination' note would be placed in the kids’ permanent records. Fortunately, parents kicked up a fuss, and the media took notice, and Small backtracked." See Steps toward Global Mind Control


COMMON CORE Curriculum: Nazi Societal Restructuring Tool? "If Common Core completes its stranglehold on local school systems’ freedom of thought and action, will we see as in Nazi Germany, dissenting teachers weeded out and the curriculum re-written so that more and more brainwashed students will not only espouse green planetary 'Gaia' ideals, that man is no more than a rock or a wolf, but that eugenics is a pragmatic necessity for achieving depopulation goals."  See Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking?


Common Core: Anatomy of a Failure: "Bill Gates and Common Core are obsessed with arranging things in standardized patterns, coast to coast. So we must have standards that will somehow apply to everyone. Then we need identical curricula, and we’ll need identical tests. All of these things will be aligned to each other and symmetrically arranged....

      "...everybody knows by now that Common Core accepted all the worst nonsense in Reform Math. (That’s why we see so many articles and stories about impossible math homework.) Similarly, Constructivism is the official dogma throughout Common Core. This quackery orders teachers not to teach; students must figure out everything for themselves.

      "...Common Core embraced sophistries from Whole Word, those sophistries being the cause of our illiteracy problem.... The best plan is to have schools and cities in charge of their own education, so that parents have some control, their suggestions are listened to, and everybody involved is constantly aiming for improvement, not ruthlessly enforcing a top-down mandate." See Reviving the 'Science' of 'Re-education'


NEA Says Common Core Was ‘Botched: "At the 2013 NEA convention in Atlanta, union leadership promoted Common Core standards. Delegates introduced from the floor — but failed to pass — two measures that condemned Obama’s education policies outright and were critical of Secretary of Education Arne Duncan; both measures called on Obama to fire Duncan....

       "Van Roekel admits that Common Core implementation has been 'botched.' He writes: ...The letter ends with Van Roekel’s proclamation: “There’s too much at stake for our children and our country to risk getting this wrong.” That is exactly what Common Core opponents have been saying for years. See The Ominous "Success"of Re-Education


Broccoli to save the planet: "President Obama and the first lady have embraced the latest nutritional fads in their own home, and now insist that everyone else follow their lead.

    "The government’s 2015 'Dietary Guidelines for Americans' weren’t cooked up by scientists in white coats, evaluating the perfect combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats to achieve good health, but by a committee stacked with ideological nutritionists looking for converts to vegetarianism. They’re desperate to save the world from global warming, even if it kills everybody.

     "The scheme is not so much about health but changing behavior for political reasons. Though they’re voluntary (so far), the guidelines shape school lunches and other programs administered by the Department of Health and Human Services. School kids will be forced soon enough to reduce their 'carbon footprint' by trading in their turkey sandwiches for tofu cubes." (It's already happening!) See Green Lies and Deceptive Science


Common Core’s Little Green Soldiers: "Remember the children singing praise songs to Obama back in 2008? Remember young teenage boys marching in formation and shouting out thanks to Obama for their promising futures?

     "...the Department’s latest Green Strides newsletter (February 28) announced three contests for K-12 students who display their agreement with the government’s position on climate change....

     "Students are also encouraged to make nominations for 'Champions of the Earth,' a 'UN-sponsored award for environment, Green Economy, and sustainability.'...The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)—the next phase of Common Core—will make the situation worse, however. Students will be even less capable of distinguishing science from propaganda....

      "The Common Core math standards themselves have garnered much criticism among teachers, parents, and students; focusing so much on 'process,' they make simple problems bizarrely confusing..."


New Changes for SAT Scoring, Questions, and More: "Yesterday, the College Board announced several new changes to the SAT. These changes include returning to a 1,600 scale, removing the penalty for wrong answers, making the essay optional, exchanging pretentious vocabulary words and math problems for more practical and useful questions, and aligning the test with the Common Core Standards. The SAT has continually declined in popularity, while the ACT has increased, largely because the ACT is more curriculum-based and measures more practical skills. According to College Board president, David Coleman, the new changes to the SAT will align it with the Common Core curriculum being taught in schools, and questions will measure real-world, practical skills."   See A Common Core for a Global Community


The President’s Grab for Dictatorial Power: "Our separation of powers was designed to serve as the primary protection of individual rights because it is supposed to prevent the concentration of power in any one branch. Professor Turley warned that Obama has become 'the very danger that separation of powers was designed to avoid,' and we should not 'take from future generations a system that has safeguarded our freedoms for over 250 years.'...

      "Obama is eager to get federal mitts on school curriculum so the screws can be tightened on what kids learn and (just as important) what they do not learn. The previous law to attempt to control education, No Child Left Behind, didn’t fit into his plan, so he just nullified it by a series of unilateral waivers, and is now welcoming nationalization of curriculum by Common Core."

February 2014


Why Moms Are Protesting Common Core: "...the much ballyhooed Common Core standards... are tied to the gathering and storing of in-depth personal data about every child. The files are called longitudinal, which means they include information from birth and track the kids all through school and college....

   "The collection and retention of voluminous personal information (academic from pre-K through university, behavioral, political, and appraisals by others) is the way a totalitarian state keeps control of its people." See Brainwashing and "Education Reform"

February 2014


Disney’s “Shutterbug Time” Video Indoctrinates Children to Embrace Government Spying: Special Agent Oso is an animated series that airs on Disney Junior, a television network geared towards children from 3 to 10 years old.... Indeed, a music video entitled 'Shutterbug Time' presents Shutterbug, a ladybug-shaped robotic camera 'who keeps an eye out for children who need help'. The resulting video is pure creepy, as it depicts Shutterbug entering children’s rooms, taking pictures of them and sending back that data to a satellite in space." See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health


UK: Schoolchildren visit mosque, learn to recite prayers in Arabic: "Pre-prep school is for children before the ages of seven or eight, so these are essentially first graders who are being subjected to this indoctrination and subtle proselytizing.

     "When is their trip to a church to learn prayers in Latin or Greek (or English, for that matter)? When is their trip to a synagogue to learn prayers in Hebrew? When is their trip to a Hindu temple? Somehow I don’t think any of these trips are on the schedule. Yet another sign of Britain’s race to surrender to Sharia: “Pupils learn how to recite prayers in Arabic on visit to Crawley mosque,” from the East Grinstead Courier and Observer, February 7."  See Brainwashing & "Education Reform"


Common Corruption: What To Expect with Common Core: "...they love their children and seek to raise them with a foundation of sound moral values.... So parents in all these locales were outraged when they discovered the pornographic material being taught to their children under new Common Core English language lessons.....

       "Sex education standards under Common Core haven’t been nailed down, but they are likely to be those already developed to fit Common Core by ... SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States), Planned Parenthood...GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education). No conservative, pro-life groups or educators for authentic abstinence were involved. See A Common Core for a Global Community

January 2014

States' Taxpayers Left to Pay for Common Core: "The total nationwide cost for 7 years of the Common Core Standards Initiative is $15.8 billion! This includes the cost to states of CCS Testing, Professional Development, Textbooks, and Technology.... The taxpayers in each of the 45 states (and D. C.) that have committed to the Common Core Standards Initiative (CCSI) will be left "holding the bag" because our federal government with a national debt of $17 trillion cannot come in and alleviate the cost to the states." See Common Core for a Global Community


Kansas Middle School: Poster Listing Sex Acts Part of 'Health and Science' Curriculum: "The father of a 13 year-old girl who was upset by a classroom poster that listed sex acts was shocked to hear that the poster is part of her school’s health and science curriculum." See Common Core for a Global Community

Chicago Teachers Union delights in Rev. Wright’s pro-Marxist, anti-American message: "...the good reverend 'called for King’s ‘revolution of values’ and a rejection of the ‘three-headed demon’ of ‘racism, militarism and capitalism’ which in his mind comprise the foundations of Western society, the Chicago Sun-Times reports....Wright developed the point by noting President Obama uses a 'kill list' to determine who the U.S. government 'is going to kill this week' with drones, reports the Sun-Times. It surely wasn’t lost on anyone in the audience – which was comprised mostly of teachers and pastors – that Obama used to attend Wright’s church and that the two men were reportedly close until Obama publicly distanced himself from the fiery preacher during the 2008 presidential campaign."

Common Core and the EduTech Abyss: "The Common Core gold rush is on. Apple, Pearson, Google, Microsoft and Amplify are all cashing in on the federal standards/testing/textbook racket. But the EduTech boondoggle is no boon for students. It’s more squandered tax dollars down the public school drain. ... The stampede is widening a dangerous path toward invasive data mining." See Common Core for a Global Community

Life in the Emerging American Police State: What’s in Store for Our Freedoms in 2014?  "...when it comes to civil liberties and freedom, 2013 was far from a banner year. The following is just a sampling of what we can look forward to repeating if we don’t find some way to push back against the menace of an overreaching, aggressive, invasive, militarized government and restore our freedoms.....

      "Common Core. There are several methods for controlling a population. You can intimidate the citizenry into obedience through force, relying on military strength and weaponry such as SWAT team raids, militarized police, and a vast array of lethal and nonlethal weapons. You can manipulate them into marching in lockstep with your dictates through the use of propaganda and carefully timed fear tactics.... Or you can indoctrinate them into compliance from an early age through the schools, discouraging them from thinking for themselves while rewarding them for regurgitating whatever the government, through its so-called educational standards, dictates they should be taught." See A "Common Core" for a Global Community

God's Peace in the midst of turmoil: "My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled...." John 14:27

December 2013

Common Core Sexualizes American School Children: "The most alarming CCSS selection by far is the novel, The Bluest Eye, by Pulitzer Prize winning author, Toni Morrison. Bluest Eye, now banned from several school districts, is an explicit depiction of rape, incest, sexual violence and pedophilia. The pedophile, named Soaphead Church, claims God as his inspiration....Worse, however, is that the novel is written with sympathy for the pedophile. Morrison defends her character, and reportedly wrote the story so the reader becomes a 'co-conspirator' with the pedophile."

The Soviet Union’s $1 Billion ‘Psychotronic’ Arms Race with the U.S.: "...the US Project MKULTRA, was a 20-year CIA program that studied ways of manipulating people’s minds and altering their brain function. The Soviets had a similar program. This included experiments in parapsychology, which the Soviets called psychotronics.

        "The work built on a long-standing idea in Soviet science that the human brain could receive and transmit a certain kind of high frequency electromagnetic radiation.... Various researchers reported that this 'human energy' could change the magnetisation of hydrogen nuclei and stimulate the immune systems of wheat, vine and even humans. They even developed a device called a 'cerpan' that could generate and store this energy." See next link:

Project MKUltra, the CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification: "Prepared Statement of Admiral Stansfield Turner, Director of Central Intelligence: 'Mr. Chairman: In my letter to you of July 15, 1977, I reported our recent discovery of seven boxes of documents related to Project MKULTRA, a closely held CIA project conducted from 1953-1964. ...MKULTRA was an 'umbrella project' under which certain sensitive subprojects were funded, involving among other things research on drugs and behavioral modification. During the Rockefeller Commission and Church Committee investigations in 1975, the cryptonym became publicly known....
      "Until the recent discovery, it was believed that all of the MKULTRA files dealing with behavioral modification had been destroyed in 1973.... The recovered documents fall roughly into three categories: First, there are 149 MKULTRA subprojects, many of which appear to have some connection with research into behavioral modification, drug acquisition and testing or administering drugs surreptitiously."
See Steps toward Global Mind Control

9-Year-Old Suspended For Saying ‘Merry Christmas’ To Teacher: "Timothy Dawson, a 9-year-old student at Argon Elementary School in San Francisco, CA., was in the school cafeteria Monday eating with friends when he was taken to the principal’s office and given a week-long suspension....

     "'I say ‘Merry Christmas’ to everyone,' the boy told CNN. 'I didn’t think it would cause so much trouble just for saying a couple little words.'

     "'I warned the children not to bring religion into my classroom, Horner [the teacher] said...” See Bush, Gorbachev, Shultz and Soviet Education

10 bad laws + 10 big concerns = 20 reasons to intervene: "Founded by atheist progressive John Dewey, who promoted secular humanism and ridiculed moral absolutes and traditional religion, the government (public) school system is an unsafe place to send children -- especially today in California. Unsafe mentally, emotionally, spiritually, academically, sexually and physically, today's government schools continue to promote Dewey's immoral agenda to captivate young, impressionable minds -- surely 'bigger and better' than he ever imagined." Click on "Common Core" booklet above.

U.S.-China Collaboration on Early Childhood Development: "In recent years, both the United States and Chinese governments have given high priority to developing early childhood development (ECD) policies and social programs. The Obama administration has invested $10 billion on early childhood education. [Do you wonder what mind-changing values would be taught?]...

     "Madame Liu Yandong, Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China, and Hillary Rodham Clinton, former U.S. Secretary of State, provided keynote addresses on the importance of early childhood development programs and their potential for achieving long-term global impact."

Method of recording brain activity could lead to mind-reading devices, Stanford scientists say: "A brain region activated when people are asked to perform mathematical calculations in an experimental setting is similarly activated when they use numbers — or even imprecise quantitative terms, such as 'more than'— in everyday conversation, according to a study by Stanford University School of Medicine scientists. 'We’re now able to eavesdrop on the brain in real life,' said Josef Parvizi, MD, PhD, associate professor of neurology and neurological sciences and director of Stanford’s Human Intracranial Cognitive Electrophysiology Program." See George Orwell's 1984

November 2013

Common Core: It is About Political Power and Leftists Identifying Students Political Views: "'This quiz (survey) below was given to Ms. [Megan] Kendrick’s 7th grade Pre-AP Civics class last week at Storm Grove Middle School in Indian River County,' writes Laura Zorc, SE FL State Coordinator for Florida Parents Against Common Core (FPACC).
       "The What Kind of Party Animal Are You? quiz states:.... Question #1: “I would support a government increase of my taxes if the money were used to pay for expanded health and social programs.” Question #2: ' think the government should impose stricter limits on access to guns.' Question #3: 'I believe organized prayer should be kept out of schools. Having students pray is a violation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.'"
See A "Common Core" for a Global Community

Students asked to argue that Jews are evil and prove Nazi loyalty in assignment linked to Common Core.  “'You must argue that Jews are evil, and use solid rationale from government propaganda to convince me of your loyalty to the Third Reich!' read the description on the assignment, which the school superintendent said reflects the kind of sophisticated writing expected of students under the new Common Core standards.

    "...students were asked to digest Nazi propaganda material, then imagine that their teacher was an SS officer who needed to be persuaded of their loyalty by arguing that Jews are the root of all the world’s ills....

    "Wyngaard said the exercise reflects the type of writing expected of students under the new Common Core curriculum, the tough new academic standards that require more sophisticated writing." See A "Common Core" for a Global Community


Jewish dad questions homework assignment, gets investigated for being a 'neo-Nazi': "Josh Barry, of Camp Hill, Penn., wants to know why the president of the local teacher’s union thinks he’s a neo-Nazi after he complained about a classroom assignment that he believed to be biased. 'I’m Jewish and my wife is half-black, half-white,' Barry told me in a telephone interview. 'I am the furthest thing from a neo-Nazi.'

     "Last week, his daughter’s eighth grade American History class at East Pennsboro Middle School was asked to analyze a New York Times story about the recent government shutdown.... Barry fired off letters complaining about the assignment to his daughter’s teacher as well as the school board. But a few days later, he was shocked to discover that the head of the local teacher’s union was making calls around town – asking if he was a neo-Nazi."

COMMON PORN: Another school district pulls a raunchy Common Core-approved book: "Teachers and school officials in yet another American school district have become so appalled by the raunchy content in a Common Core-recommended book that they have refused to distribute the book to ninth-grade students. This time, the school district on porn alert is in Newburgh, N.Y...

     "The book at issue is 'Black Swan Green' by British author David Mitchell. The district spent almost $6,000 on copies of the book for 14-year-old students, apparently before anyone noticed its explicit contents. Dozens of Newburgh teachers attended a school board meeting on Wednesday to express their discontent with the bawdy coming-of-age story."

[Darpa] Initiative Will Focus on Advancing Deep Brain Stimulation: "...Darpa is 'trying to change the game on how we approach these kinds of problems.' The new program, called Systems-Based Neurotechnology and Understanding for the Treatment of Neuropsychological Illnesses, is part of an Obama administration brain initiative... intended to promote innovative basic neuroscience. Participants in the initiative include Darpa, as well as the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.
     "The announcement of Darpa’s goal is the first indication of how that research agency will participate in the initiative. The money is expected to be divided among different teams, and research proposals are now being sought."
See President Obama Wants to Get Inside Your BRAIN

October 2013

Mind Control.  Teacher Makes Students Decide Who Lives, Who Dies: "A group of high school freshman in Illinois were reportedly required to determine who would live and who would die in a chilling class assignment that school officials say was nothing more than a lesson in social bias. However, critics argue it sounded more like a lesson in death panels."  See Incremental Steps to Dictatorship

September 2013

Common Core — It is About Political Power and Leftists Identifying Students Political Views: "Thanks to Obama, government schools are starting to quiz students on their political beliefs. The schools are using Common Core as the excuse for the dictatorial quizzing of students on matters that are not the province or government education. Obama wants a seventh graders political views put in their permanent government record.... Corruption is the only word for Common Core—it is not about [conventional, factual] education, it is an Authoritarian government controlling the people..." See The Global Roots of "Common Core" Education

Gates Money and Common Core -- Part II: "Though CCSS promotes itself as 'state led'... all four major organizations responsible for CCSS from inception for its principal development -- the National Governors Association (NGA), the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), Achieve, and Student Achievement Partners -- have received in total $147.9 million from Bill Gates for a variety of purposes, $32.8 million of which is expressly earmarked to advance CCSS.

     "...other key education organizations have taken millions from Gates in order to promote CCSS, not the least of which are both national teachers' unions, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) ($5.4 million) and the National Education Association (NEA) ($4 million)."

August 2013

The Confused & Misguided Youth: (Thomas Sowell) “The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t even that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.” ...And the culprits are the American public education, an ever growing lack of religious education, and the indifferent parenting that does not question what children learn or do not learn in school. Young people in any generation tend to be naďve, idealistic, and gullible; it is easy to sell them anything because they confuse feelings with rational thought. They are told so often and so early in life that they are special that they form a distorted view of themselves." See Brainwashing in America



‘Camp Jihad’: U.N.-Sponsored Camps Encourage Palestinian Kids to Destroy Israel: "In between those kid-friendly activities, counselors convey belligerent, anti-Semitic lessons to the children who are repeatedly taught to take back 'their land” Palestine by means of war, martyrdom and jihad, as seen in a new video. All this is being sponsored by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) which is funded predominantly by the United States and the European Union....

     "The campers are third- or fourth-generation descendants of Arabs who either fled or were forced out of their homes during the 1948 war when Arab armies attacked Israel after it declared independence....'They expelled us and deported us. They killed us and shot our families,' one of the adults tells the children. [A] little girl Tayma says, 'I will defeat the Jews…They are a gang of infidels and Christians...”


Harvard creates brain-to-brain interface, allows humans to control other animals with thoughts alone : Harvard creates brain-to-brain interface, allows humans to control other animals with thoughts alone.... Researchers at Harvard University have created the first noninvasive brain-to-brain interface (BBI) between a human… and a rat. Simply by thinking the appropriate thought, the BBI allows the human to control the rat’s tail. This is one of the most important steps towards BBIs that allow for telepathic links between two or more humans — which is a good thing in the case of friends and family, but terrifying if you stop to think about the nefarious possibilities of a fascist dictatorship with mind control tech." See George Orwell's 1984

July 2013

The Russians Are Coming (Part 1): "Former Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov, a well renowned media/propaganda expert defected to the United States. in 1970, and subsequently exposed the KGB’s subversive tactics against American society. Yuri Bezmenov has conducted a number of interviews in which he explains how Marxist ideology is deconstructing America’s values by controlling the media and which would ultimately serve to demoralize the country, destabilize the economy, and provoke crises in order to sovietize the United States.   

     "Bezmenov is well known for revealing Russia’s doctrine of 'ideological subversion', a slow, long-term multi-decade process of media-based brainwashing in which the sole purpose is to confuse, confound, and destroy the moral base of America." See From Marx to Lenin, Gramsci & Alinsky and Demoralization

Obama Inc. Defends German Homeschool Ban as 'Promoting Tolerance for a Pluralistic Society': "The Justice Department said German laws outlawing homeschooling do not constitute persecution and they want a German homeschooling family kicked out of the United States.... 'The goal in Germany is for an open, pluralistic society,' the Justice Department brief states in their battle against the Romeike family. 'Teaching tolerance to children of all backgrounds helps to develop the ability to interact as a fully functioning citizen in Germany.”

     Yes, apparently Obama believes in tolerance toward all religions except Christianity!

June 2013

American Psychiatric Association: Half of Americans 'mentally ill': "...the American Psychiatric Association’s new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders takes obfuscation and euphemistic language to a whole new level, calling temper tantrums 'disruptive mood dysregulation disorder' and labeling grief 'major depressive disorder. Based on the broadened definitions and categories, the new edition asserts that nearly half of all Americans will face a diagnosable mental illness at some point in their life.... The sharp increase comes as the federal government begins to implement the government-controlled Obamacare system....

      "Critics are expressing concern that the new edition of the manual could be insidiously used by government to label certain Americans with mental disorders as a pretext for curbing rights of all kinds. [That's what the Soviet Union did!]....

      “While even key DSM contributors admit that there is no scientific/medical validity to the disorders, the DSM nonetheless serves as a diagnostic tool, not only for individual treatment, but also for child custody disputes, discrimination cases, court testimony, education and more,' the group said." See The Road to Serfdom: The End of Truth

Enemies of the State: "The misuse of psychiatry as a tool of political repression has a long and sordid history. In the modern era alone, repressive regimes – from Nazi Germany to Castro’s Cuba to Mao’s China – have used involuntary psychiatric imprisonment, false diagnoses of mental illness, and other pseudo-scientific methods as a means of marginalizing, neutralizing or destroying dissidents, ideological enemies and other individuals troublesome to the .. The Soviet state still maintained a vast network of gulags (prison camps) across the Soviet Union, and while the secret police were just as capable of breaking bones and taking lives as before, the party sought more subtle means of handling its internal enemies.
       "Enter the Fifth Directorate of the KGB, the division charged with maintaining 'internal security' against... political and religious dissent. By then, the KGB had perfected the use of psychiatric medicine as a tool of the state.... of this method lay in the fact that the state could punish its enemies and remove them from society without any of the negative propaganda or poor public relations attendant to harsher, visibly crueler techniques."

Video:  Marxism in Education—The Infiltration of Our School Systems by the Common Core Standards: A set of five videos that explain the radical changes in education and traditional freedom.

May 2013

Usurping Parental Rights: “We all need to wake up and realize how much indoctrination is going on in our public schools, including the promotion of man-made global warming, Darwinism, LGBT affirmation, population control, feminism, reproductive ‘choice’ and other social and political issues.” .... A recent survey revealed the drastic decline in U.S. literacy: 21 to 23 percent, or some 40 to 44 million of the 191 million adults in the United States, demonstrated incompetence in the lowest level of reading, writing, and mathematical skill.” See No Room for God: Reviving the 'Science' of 'Re-education'

April 2013

Common Core opens a Republican rift over education standards: "The Common Core system is meant to unify K-12 education standards in states across the nation. It’s having the opposite effect within the Republican Party, as a rift grows between supporters including high-profile figures such as Jeb Bush... and other Republicans who had a hand in crafting it and those who fear it’s a well-disguised federal takeover of schools.. ...the Obama administration strongly supports Common Core." I hope to write a warning to parents next week.

San Diego County considers forcing residents to take psychiatric medication: "San Diego County in California is considering implementing Laura's Law, which would give the state's second most populous county - home to over three million people - the uncontested right to force psychiatric medication upon its residents. Funds for the forced inpatient or outpatient psychiatric incarceration, known as 'assisted outpatient treatment' are to be provided by taxpayers..'"

Non-Invasive Mind Control Lets Humans Wag a Rat's Tail: "The strobe stimulates the human subject's brain which then puts out brainwave signals that are picked up by an EEG. The EEG data is then translated into an ultrasonic frequency that's blasted into the rat's head..."

President Obama Wants to Get Inside Your BRAIN: "President Obama announced Tuesday his plan to spend $100 million to 'revolutionize our understanding of the human mind.' Dubbed the BRAIN Initiative — short for Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies — the program calls on the National Institutes of Health, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the National Science Foundation to kickstart the research....Freeing the human race from disease is a noble endeavor, but perhaps President Obama should explain how the military’s super-secret research and development group (DARPA) is going to help. DARPA answers that question on its own website....'Better understanding of human brain supports national security.'

       "...Readers will rightly be concerned about the president’s plan to order DARPA to fiddle with the mind in the name of 'national security.'....Development of such mind-control technologies is certainly consistent with DARPA’s recent efforts to speed of the growth of the surveillance state.... In its announcement, DARPA names 'Detection and Computational Analysis of Psychological Signals (DCAPS)' as one of its primary areas of emphasis..." See George Orwell's 1984

        "Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Romans 8:39

February 2013

Students Who Refuse to Affirm Transgender Classmates Face Punishment: "Parents across Massachusetts are upset over new rules that would not only allow transgender students to use their restrooms of their choice – but would also punish students who refuse to affisupport their transgender classmates." See The Road to Serfdom: 'The End of Truth'

The Kidnapping Lobby Is at It Again: "What's the real message behind Barack Obama's call in his State of the Union speech for taxpayer-funded 'universal' preschool...?  From the time children are five or six years old up through their senior year, government schools run by leftwing teachers unions have them at least seven hours a day, five days a week during most of the year. They use that time to teach them just enough English and math to pass standardized tests, while force feeding them a secular, progressive mindset that views American capitalism as a world problem and more government as the solution.

     They also teach them Kinsey-inspired sex education that corrupts kids.... Finally, they impart history in a way that implies that as soon as we are rid of America's pesky Christian heritage... the sooner we can achieve 'equality.'" See Brainwashing in America

6th Graders Asked to Design “Communist” Flag: "6th graders are being asked to design new flags for communist countries in school districts across Texas as part of a curriculum critics have decried as 'mind control' intended to make children sympathize with socialist ideals.... Other lesson plans, which are included to ensure teachers, 'adhere to complicated state curriculum requirements,' portrayed participants in the Boston Tea Party as terrorists while promoting pro-Islamic ideals....Over the years, there have also been several incidents of children being suspended for “patriotic” drawings, such as pictures of a US Marine firing a weapon." See Symbols and their meaning

Students taught: It's unfair to be white : "Despite the longstanding message that a person’s skin color should not matter in America, students at the University of Wisconsin... are now being taught that it’s 'unfair'to be white. It’s part of a controversial effort known as the Unfair Campaign, designed to teach America’s youth that 'systems and institutions are set up for us [whites]' and as such are “unfair.” One of the main slogans for the campaign is: 'It’s hard to see racism when you’re white.'

     "CampusReform reports the campaign was initially sponsored by the University of Minnesota... but after an investigation by conducted by CampusReform, that college dropped its partnership, and labeled the program 'divisive' and 'alienating.' The Unfair Campaign uses online videos, billboards and lectures to help promote its message...”  See Brainwashing in America

 6th Graders Asked to Design “Communist” Flag: "6th graders are being asked to design new flags for communist countries in school districts across Texas as part of a curriculum critics have decried as 'mind control' intended to make children sympathize with socialist ideals.... Other lesson plans, which are included to ensure teachers, 'adhere to complicated state curriculum requirements,' portrayed participants in the Boston Tea Party as terrorists while promoting pro-Islamic ideals....Over the years, there have also been several incidents of children being suspended for “patriotic” drawings, such as pictures of a US Marine firing a weapon." S

 Imprinted: Kids’ Brains “Branded” with Fast-Food Logos: "If you think the millions that fast food restaurants spent on commercials don’t have a profound effect on our brains, you may be in for a surprise. It turns out their logos are having a serious impact on the brain—in particular, the brains of children."

    [Whether it's TV ads, computer games, or any other enticing offer, today's clever suggestion are designed to build cravings for the marketed product. Children and youth are especially vulnerable]

Army developing ‘synthetic telepathy’: "A new Army grant aims to create email or voice mail and send it by thought alone. No need to type an e-mail, dial a phone or even speak a word. Known as synthetic telepathy, the technology is based on reading electrical activity in the brain using an electroencephalograph, or EEG. Similar technology is being marketed as a way to control video games by thought." See Steps toward Global Mind Control

January 2013

Melody Valentin, 5th-Grader, Scolded And Searched After Bringing Paper Gun To School: "A Philadelphia fifth-grader was searched and reprimanded by school officials after bringing a piece of paper that resembled a gun [just a plain piece of paper with the corner torn off] to school. Last week, Melody Valentin found a paper gun her grandfather had made buried in her pocket. When she went to throw it away, a fellow classmate saw and alerted school officials.... Other students began calling her a 'murderer.'... 'He yelled at me and said I shouldn’t have brought the gun to school and I kept telling him it was a paper gun but he wouldn’t listen,' Valentin told Fox 29. This official also allegedly told the young girl she could be arrested.” See No Room for God: Reviving the 'Science' of 'Re-education'

Apocalypse Sooner or Later: "While I don’t believe that the momentum of statists (the political left) in the US can be abated at this point... anyone who wakes up along the way may be able to prepare themselves for the worst.... [The mainstream] press, indoctrinated into liberal-socialism by communist journalism school professors, have become no less than a state propaganda bureau.... We can count on their doing all they can to aid Obama and the mission of the radical left.... The most harmful realm in which they currently operate is that of nondisclosure, whereby they are withholding vast amounts of information.... Under the pretext of entertainment... the industry fashioned itself into an Olympian pantheon of demigods, which now has the power to sway millions to their morally ambivalent social creed. Through their influence, we have come to celebrate sexual deviance..." See Rockefeller and Global Media Censors


December 2012

[Emotions] now classified as a mental disorder in new psychiatric manual DSM-5: "Virtually every emotion experienced by a human being -- sadness, grief, anxiety, frustration, impatience, excitement -- is now being classified as a 'mental disorder' demanding chemical treatment (with prescription medications, of course). The new, upcoming DSM-5 'psychiatry bible,' expected to be released in a few months, has transformed itself from a medical reference manual to a testament to the insanity of the industry itself." 

November 2012

Chicago Teachers Strategize on How to Indoctrinate Kids with Marxism: "In September, the Chicago Teachers Union went on strike, shutting down the Windy City’s schools for 10 days. Many of those same teachers were in attendance on Nov. 10 at the Midwest Marxism Conference held at Northwestern University in Chicago. The topics of the conference were:

  • Marxism, Crisis & Resistance
  • The Meaning of Marxism
  • Russia: A Case Study in Workers Power & Revolution
  • Lenin’s Theory of the Revolutionary Party...


U.N. Wants 'Homophobia' Criminalized: "Homosexual advocates in Brazil have been joined by a coalition of United Nations groups in an effort to pressure the nation to criminalize 'homophobia' under the guise that such 'prejudices' are a hindrance to AIDS prevention programs....
       "The letter claims that the 'main culprit of the high HIV prevalence among homosexuals is the high violence against them.' The letter also says prejudices against homosexuality are a strong hindrance to AIDS prevention programs. The recent letter came from... Brazil, in joint partnership with USAID, UNHCR, U.N. Women, UNAIDS, UNESCO, UNFPA and UNICEF and several other groups."
See Legalizing Mind Control

August 2012

How They Can Brainwash You in a Psych Ward: "It is clear that the federal government, on the vaguest of pretexts, can override state laws and put people in psych wards. In the early 1990s, while researching the extension of the CIA MKULTRA (mind control) program, I had occasion to interview people who had been placed in mental institutions.... The psychiatric drugs, particularly the so-called anti-psychotics, are used to put the patient in a state of semi-trance. Not only is he more suggestible and malleable, his brain is undergoing an assault, one effect of which is motor-damage. This is labeled tardive dyskinsia, to cover over the stark reality that the drugs are scrambling brain circuitry, often permanently."

US Veterans Forcibly Sequestered In Mental Hospitals is Indefinite Detention: "The RAND Corporation paints US veterans as dangerous because of the degree to which they are mentally affected by their service exposure to war and war-like conditions. The globalist think-tank says veterans are suffering from 'schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, major depression, and substance use disorders.' Doctors have classified Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) as an incurable brain disease that soldiers returning from war suffer from. After having injured the brain during battle, soldiers are being touted as displaying large bursts of anger and depression while having their vital motor skills and memory impacted. Symptoms of CTE are recognized as memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, impulse control problems, aggression, depression..." See  Psalm 62:5-8

July 2012

Project MKUltra, the CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification: "Prepared Statement of Admiral Stansfield Turner, Director of Central Intelligence: 'Mr. Chairman: In my letter to you of July 15, 1977, I reported our recent discovery of seven boxes of documents related to Project MKULTRA, a closely held CIA project conducted from 1953-1964. As you may recall, MKULTRA was an 'umbrella project' under which certain sensitive subprojects were funded, involving among other things research on drugs and behavioral modification. During the Rockefeller Commission and Church Committee investigations in 1975, the cryptonym became publicly known....
      "Until the recent discovery, it was believed that all of the MKULTRA files dealing with behavioral modification had been destroyed in 1973 on the orders of the then retiring Chief of the Office of Technical Service, with the authorization of the DCI, as has been previously reported. ... The recovered documents fall roughly into three categories: First, there are 149 MKULTRA subprojects, many of which appear to have some connection with research into behavioral modification, drug acquisition and testing or administering drugs surreptitiously."
See Steps toward Global Mind Control

Shooter James Holmes and DARPA Weird Science : "James Holmes was one of six recipients of a National Institutes of Health Neuroscience Training Grant at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver.... Holmes also worked as a research assistant intern at the Salk Institute... The Salk Institute teamed up with DARPA, Columbia University, University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wake Forest University, and the candy bar company Mars 'to prevent fatigue in combat troops through the enhanced use of epicatechina, a blood flow-increasing and blood vessel-dilating anti-oxidant flavanol found in cocoa and, particularly, in dark chocolate....'

      "The DARPA program was part of the military’s 'Peak Soldier Performance Program,' which involved engineering brain-machine interfaces for battlefield use and other bionic projects. In addition, James Holmes’ father, Dr. Robert Holmes, worked for San Diego-based HNC Software, Inc., a company that worked with DARPA to develop 'cortronic neural networks' that enable machines to translate aural and visual stimuli and simulate human thinking." See Steps toward Global Mind Control


Video:  Elizabeth Loftus on How to Implant False Memories


 Creating False Memoties: "During therapy, the psychiatrist used hypnosis and other suggestive techniques to dig out buried memories of abuse that Cool herself had allegedly experienced. In the process Cool became convinced that she had repressed memories of having been in a satanic cult, eating babies, of being raped, of having sex with animals, and of being forced to watch the murder of her eight-year- old friend. She came to believe that she had over 120 personalities -- children, adults, angels and even a duck-all because, Cool was told, she had experienced severe childhood sexual and physical abuse....

     "When Cool finally realized that false memories had been planted, she sued the psychiatrist for malpractice. In March 1997, after five weeks of trial, her case was settled out of court for $2.4 million dollars."

May 2012

 'Political correctness' is totalitarian mind control : "Today, increasing numbers of people refer to pedophilia as 'intergenerational sex' and child molesters as 'minor-attracted persons' or MAPs....Of course, Islam has become a major beneficiary of political correctness, reminiscent of what George Orwell called 'Newspeak' in his novel '1984.'See The Original Introduction to Animal Farm

Whoever Controls the Language Controls the Debate: "If you can control the language, you can control ideas. By controlling ideas, you can control the way people think and act. ...The words ‘right wing,’ ‘fundamentalist,’ ‘pro-life,’ ‘absolutist,’ and ‘deeply religious,’ are put-downs more than categories. ...Consider a few of the examples:

       ~ Delicate Wetlands or Swamp
       ~ Undocumented Worker or Illegal Alien
       ~ Non-viable Tissue Mass or Unborn Baby
       ~ Equal Access to Opportunity or Socialism...."

Spreading Islam through Public Schools. Please watch this important video warning.

Public School Obscenity: "This incident is featured in the major movie 'IndoctriNation—Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America.' [See http://indoctrinationmovie.comThe book from which the parent read also has dialogue that blasphemes Jesus Christ. It was used in Kanawha County, WV public schools.

    "In 1974...Bible believing Christians and their conservative allies brought national attention to the influx of anti-Christian and anti-American textbooks into the public schools. They were not able to stop the onslaught of academic sewage." See Brainwashing in America

April 2012

Public School Obscenity: "This incident is featured in the major movie 'IndoctriNation—Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America.' [See http://indoctrinationmovie.comThe book from which the parent read also has dialogue that blasphemes Jesus Christ. It was used in Kanawha County, WV public schools.

    "In 1974 an event occurred in West Virginia that has been called the first shot in the cultural war. Bible believing Christians and their conservative allies brought national attention to the influx of anti-Christian and anti-American textbooks into the public schools. They were not able to stop the onslaught of academic sewage as this year 2000 video shows. The only solution is for a mass exodus out of ...(government) schools." See Brainwashing in America

Are your children going to the wolves?

Political Correctness has a double standard when it comes to teaching about religion in public schools:  "Drop Christianity... but give extensive and mostly favorable coverage to Islam. The students were given Muslim names and told to recite Muslim prayers in class. They were required to give up things for a day to recognize the Islamic practice of Ramadan, and the teacher gave extra credit for fasting at lunch. For the final exam, the students had to write an essay about Islamic culture. The essay assignment warned students in these words: 'Be careful here; if you do not have something positive to say, don't say anything!!!'

     "Parents naively thought they could appeal to the courts to uphold their right to reject this class for their children, which was really not education but behavior modification. They didn't realize that federal court decisions have ruled consistently against parents' rights....Charter schools have opened up a path for foreigners to run schools at the expense of the U.S. taxpayers..." See Spreading Islam through Public Schools

Kids think we're better off dead: "The conversation started with Sussman’s question, and Kalie responded the most serious threat facing humanity today is simply 'human existence.' “I guess you mean there are too many humans on the planet,' he said. 'Yes.' 'What are they doing to harm this Earth?' [Sussman] asked....

    “How many other youngsters like Kalie have been led to believe that the human species should be eliminated?' he wondered." See Saving the Earth

March 2012

How Bad Can It Get? "In Canada, normally considered a free society, government officials are insisting that every school, including not only private schools, but home schooling parents, teach the government's vision of 'tolerance.' ...homeschoolers and faith-based schools will not be permitted to teach that homosexual acts are sinful as part of their academic program.... 'Under Alberta’s new Education Act, homeschoolers and faith-based schools will not be permitted to teach that homosexual acts are sinful as part of their academic program...Whatever the nature of schooling—homeschool, private school, Catholic school—we do not tolerate disrespect for differences.' ...How Orwellian can you get?"

But God tells tells us to "Train up a child in the way he should go..." (Proverbs 22:6)  Let us pray that He enable families to follow His ways in spite of these anti-Christian regulations!

Freedom of religion, R.I.P: "...the full court held that it's okay for Quebec's education minister to compel believers to describe God to their children, not as they see him, but as non-believers do. ...What exactly is religious freedom, if it isn't teaching God to your children as you see him?...

    "In 2008, Quebec's provincial education ministry saw fit to replace religious instruction in elementary and secondary schools with a curriculum of its own. ...About 2,000 parents requested to have their children exempted from having to take their religion from the state....The parents lost in every forum, from administrative tribunals to the Quebec Court of Appeal. ... Canada's top court sees its task as defending the state against the rights and freedoms it guarantees.... 

    "But what about parents having to send their children to be indoctrinated in values different from their own? Sorry, says Justice Deschamps, 'the early exposure of children to realities that differ from those in their immediate family environment is a fact of life in society.' Well, er, no, it isn't, Judge. Early exposure is very much under parental control in any society, except in tyrannies. Canada is turning into a theocracy with its own jealous God: The smug, self-worshipping state." See What can parents do?

January 2012

 Freedom of religion, R.I.P: "...the full court held that it's okay for Quebec's education minister to compel believers to describe God to their children, not as they see him, but as non-believers do. ...What exactly is religious freedom, if it isn't teaching God to your children as you see him?...

    "In 2008, Quebec's provincial education ministry saw fit to replace religious instruction in elementary and secondary schools with a curriculum of its own. ...About 2,000 parents requested to have their children exempted from having to take their religion from the state....The parents lost in every forum, from administrative tribunals to the Quebec Court of Appeal. ... Canada's top court sees its task as defending the state against the rights and freedoms it guarantees.... 

    "But what about parents having to send their children to be indoctrinated in values different from their own? Sorry, says Justice Deschamps, 'the early exposure of children to realities that differ from those in their immediate family environment is a fact of life in society.' Well, er, no, it isn't, Judge. Early exposure is very much under parental control in any society, except in tyrannies. Canada is turning into a theocracy with its own jealous God: The smug, self-worshipping state." See What can parents do?

IBM Reveals Five Innovations That Will Change Our Lives within Five Years: "You will never need a password again....Each person has a unique biological identity and behind all that is data. Biometric data – facial definitions, retinal scans and voice files – will be composited through software to build your DNA unique online password....

     "Mind reading is no longer science fiction....Scientists in the field of bioinformatics have designed headsets with advanced sensors to read electrical brain activity that can recognize facial expressions, excitement and concentration levels, and thoughts of a person without them physically taking any actions."

     Sound like the government would know more about you than you do!  See George Orwell's 1984

December 2011

4th-graders brainwashed with Occupy 'propaganda': "A Connecticut dad has accused an industry giant in education, Scholastic [published Harry Potter books], of delivering Occupy Wall Street propaganda to his 4th grade daughter in her school classroom.....The father, Edward...grew up in the old Soviet Union, and recalls when an official media there would print the 'news,' from only one perspective. ...I left the Soviet Union to come to the U.S. and then I'm seeing the Occupy Wall Street anti-Semitism. Where do I go from here?'... The American Textbook Council found that textbooks for children in U.S. public schools these days reflect 'the interplay of determined Islamic political activists, textbook editors, and multiculturally minded social studies curriculum planners.'" See The Power of Suggestion and Brainwashing in America

October 2011

Classroom Brainwashing in Australia (just like America): "The last Christian school we encountered, a small country school with only three hundred kids from kindergarten to year twelve, was the worst. This school had a chaplain who was convinced that the children should be taught the popular ‘cognitive behavioural therapy’ [CBT] in order to deal with ‘stress.’...Cognitive Behavioural Therapy’s core tenet is that you can change your behaviour by changing your thinking."

   The real issue is: what kind of "behavior" and "thinking" will fit their agenda for tomorrow's world? This article will help answer that questions: Cultural Marxism

June 2011

The Spiritualization of Science, Technology, and Education in a One-World Society: "... 'a social order which tolerates such wide-ranging pluralism of norms must seek unity through diversity.'...Educational experiences must be contemplated which are akin to psychotherapy….a felt shift in the most basic values and premises on which one builds one life. In a sense, this means bringing something like ‘person-changing technology’ into the educational system....

      "The 'modus operandi' of how [Willis] Harman envisioned this 'new guiding philosophy' to mould the thinking of the world’s population was outlined by him in a World Goodwill (Lucis Trust) occasional Paper, For a New Society, a New Economics – published... by the United Nations Division for Economic and Social Information....With this change comes a long-term shift in value emphasis.” See The International Agenda and A New Way of Thinking

May 2011

Mental health testing planned for three-year-olds as part of early intervention program: [Australia] "EVERY three-year-old child could have their mental health tested under an ambitious program designed to catch problems early. Part of the Federal Government's $1.5 billion spend on mental health is directed towards early intervention....Mr Butler said the checks would be voluntary, but the Government would 'promote' the benefits to families." See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

April 2011

Tough decisions for the ditherer-in-chief: "The Arab League, on whom the United States and the 'great powers' of Europe depend for the moral authority to impose the no-fly zone over Libya, now wants the United Nations to impose a similar no-fly zone over Gaza, whence the Palestinians fire their rockets at Israeli schoolchildren. The Israelis, naturally, fire back with airstrikes. This inconveniences the Palestinian rocket batteries no end, of course, and the Arab League is eager for someone, since the Arabs have never been able to do it, to make the Israelis submit to their own destruction."

January 2011

Kids put on 'hate crimes' list for schoolyard taunts -- Teachers required to report 'homophobic' jibes on permanent record: "Nearly 30,000 British schoolchildren last year alone had their names added to a 'hate crimes' bullying list for making taunts deemed racist or 'homophobic.' More than 10,000 of those children are in elementary school, and the figures even include nursery school students down to toddler age....

    "Following last year's publicized case of 10-year-old Peter Drury – who was added to his school's hate register for calling his friend gay boy – Dr. Michele Elliott [said], 'Children are being criminalized and singled out here from a very early age when they don't know what they're doing.'"

Kids put on 'hate crimes' list for schoolyard taunts -- Teachers required to report 'homophobic' jibes on permanent record: "Nearly 30,000 British schoolchildren last year alone had their names added to a 'hate crimes' bullying list for making taunts deemed racist or 'homophobic.' More than 10,000 of those children are in elementary school, and the figures even include nursery school students down to toddler age....

    "Following last year's publicized case of 10-year-old Peter Drury – who was added to his school's hate register for calling his friend gay boy – Dr. Michele Elliott [said], 'Children are being criminalized and singled out here from a very early age when they don't know what they're doing.'" See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

December 2010

Nothing neutral about this unholy scheme: "The fixers here [in America] are pursuing something called 'net neutrality'....'Net neutrality'....must be accomplished by a seizure of authority to do so, a seizure not by Congress...but by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

     "...this would be a first step toward revival of the so-called Fairness Doctrine, sought by Barack Obama and the Democrats since he first arrived in Washington. The Fairness Doctrine would require broadcasters, definitely including the cable-TV networks, to provide airtime for anyone criticized by someone else on the air....[No freedom to expose global, regional and national problems? No right to question the rising power of Islam and the persecution of Christians?]

     "The new 'net-neutrality' regulations here, which will have the force of law...." See George Orwell's 1984 and Media-made "Foes" and Deceptive "Friends"

November 2010

Baby killed for interrupting mom's Facebook time: "A north Florida mother has pleaded guilty to shaking her baby to death after the boy's crying interrupted her game on Facebook. She told officials she shook the boy, smoked a cigarette to compose herself and then shook him again." See Toying with Death

October 2010

American Groupspeak: "Juan Williams was just fired from NPR. His sin? He confessed to occasional anxiety when Muslims board airplanes.... Americans have developed two personas -- one public and politically correct, the other private....

     "Here are some reminders about what to shut up about. Don't discuss the deficit. Instead, call borrowing 'stimulus.'...To appear noble, call for more unemployment benefits, free medical care and more entitlements. To sound cruel, talk about borrowing to pay for them....

     "Closing the border is a taboo subject. Also taboo is the phrase 'illegal alien.' Speak instead about the need for social justice.... Don't get caught up in discussing global warming....Instead of citing recent doctored research or the inconsistencies in Al Gore's advocacy, just mention that Sarah Palin denies climate change.....Do not, under any circumstances, associate global terrorism with Islam."


Pizza Express teaching staff to flirt with customers [UK]: "The family-friendly restaurant... has recruited classically trained actor Karl James to teach flirting and the art of chit-chat to staff to help them to butter up the restaurant's customers....Mr James runs The Dialogue Project, a specialist school that helps people master the art of conversation. The company's other business clients include Unilever and the BBC." See Human Nature

September 2010

Medical Foundation urges retailers to boycott violent video games promoting torture: "A computer game... that encourages players to relish in the torture of their opponents demonstrates a dangerous decline in social attitudes towards inflicting suffering, says the Medical Foundation.... Licensing bodies in Australia and New Zealand have already banned the game....

     "...the British Board of Film Classification has approved the game.... saying that the violence is merely implied and based on fiction, therefore making it unlikely to have any impact in the real world....

    "Players, who participate as gangsters, are rewarded for maiming and killing police and hostages. They can execute hostages with a gunshot to the head, pistol whip the sides of people's heads, burn the eyes of hostages with a cigar until they scream and die and cut off victims' fingers amid bursts of blood. The violence can be further enhanced....

      "In 2004, many British retailers stopped stocking the game Manhunt after 14-year-old Stefan Pakeerah from Leicester was savagely beaten with a hammer and stabbed repeatedly by his 17-year-old friend Warren Leblanc. ... Stefan's parents said Leblanc had been obsessed by the game, which they described as a manual on how to murder someone." See The Power of Suggestion 


U.S. soldiers to be subjected to 'mind control': "In a report at the Armed with Science military website, Tyler explains that 'Warfighters' can be given 'strategic advantages' through helmets fitted with ultrasound transducers and microcontroller devices for a range of applications to include pain intervention, 'cognitive enhancement,' reducing stress and anxiety, 'behavioral reinforcement'.... He said he worked to develop a technology that implements 'transcranial pulsed ultrasound to remotely and directly stimulate brain circuits without requiring surgery.' ....'This is the missing link between artificial intelligence, brain computer uploading, even cyborg research and special ability of telepathy, esp." See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

July 2010

A new worry for parents: 'digital drugs' sold on the Internet: "../they've got a new arena for concern: Sound waves that, some say, affect the brain like a drug - and cost only 99 cents on iTunes and

     "Parents in the town of Mustang, Okla., were warned about I-Dosers in March when the school superintendent there sent a letter saying some students at Mustang High who listened to the sounds 'exhibited the same physical effects as if they were under the effects of drugs or alcohol.'... Some say they can be used for improving sleep or intensifying alertness, while others are aimed at improving performance in role-playing video games...'

      " is the next in the series of increasingly technologic ways for people to alter their minds, whether its real or imagined,' Doering said. 'The power of suggestion is very strong. Like the Ouija board. I could have sworn that thing was moving around.'" Popular Music with Pagan Roots

June 2010

President Signs 'Lifestyle Modification' Executive Order: "Obama signed an executive order that creates a federal council to address 'lifestyle behavior' modifications of Americans. The order was signed on June 10, and could pave the way for more government say in how Americans lead their lives....The executive order states that changes in federal policy should be made to 'achieve national wellness, health promotion, and public health goals, including the reduction of tobacco use, sedentary behavior, and poor nutrition.'” More information in the next link:

Obama's plan -- "Behavior Modification": "Herb Titus, a constitutional expert... told WND Obama's executive order was copied almost verbatim from the text of Obamacare. He said, 'The council is designed to basically implement future policy that ultimately everything will be governed by federal authorities, from food to dietary supplements to vitamins.'...

     "The council's membership, including the chiefs of the Agriculture, Labor, Health and Human Services, Transportation, Education and Homeland Security departments as well as the heads of the Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Trade Commission, National Drug Control Police, Domestic Policy Council, Corporation for National and Community Service and others, also is alarming.... Most of those positions have no qualifications for making decisions about health care, so what would be their involvement[?]... Ultimately bring everything under the federal umbrella." See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

Marxist 'Education'. Mexican Revolutionaries in America: "One of Bill Ayers’ courses at the University of Illinois includes Pedagogy of the Oppressed as required reading. Author Paulo Freire, a Brazilian Marxist, declared: 'This, then, is the great humanistic and historical task of the oppressed: to liberate themselves and their oppressors as well.' It turns out that the Freire book is required reading in “Raza Studies” or Mexican-American courses in the high schools in Tucson, Arizona, where students have been protesting Arizona’s new immigration law. Other required books are Occupied America... and Prison Notebooks by Antonio Gramsci, the Italian Communist.

      "Occupied America... refers to white people as 'gringos' and actually includes a quotation on page 323 from Jose Angel Gutierrez of the Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO), who...declared: 'We are fed up. We are going to away with the injustice to the Chicano and if the ‘gringo’ doesn’t get out of our way, we will stampede over him.'” See Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking?

March 2010

Parents arrested for keeping sick child home from school: "When Shannon Anderson asked the police officers standing on the porch of her Orland home why they planned to arrest her, an officer radioed the question to headquarters.... She was shocked by the one-word response that came back over the police radio: truancy. Then, the 37-year-old mother of four was booked into Glenn County Jail on a $10,000 warrant....

     "Eight-year-old Logan suffers from asthma, the cause of most of his 24 absences this school year.... And the same charges were filed against her husband, Jamie, who was arrested and jailed the following day."  Ban Truth - Reap Tyranny



December 2012

[Emotions] now classified as a mental disorder in new psychiatric manual DSM-5: "Virtually every emotion experienced by a human being -- sadness, grief, anxiety, frustration, impatience, excitement -- is now being classified as a 'mental disorder' demanding chemical treatment (with prescription medications, of course). The new, upcoming DSM-5 'psychiatry bible,' expected to be released in a few months, has transformed itself from a medical reference manual to a testament to the insanity of the industry itself." 

November 2012

Chicago Teachers Strategize on How to Indoctrinate Kids with Marxism: "In September, the Chicago Teachers Union went on strike, shutting down the Windy City’s schools for 10 days. Many of those same teachers were in attendance on Nov. 10 at the Midwest Marxism Conference held at Northwestern University in Chicago. The topics of the conference were:

  • Marxism, Crisis & Resistance
  • The Meaning of Marxism
  • Russia: A Case Study in Workers Power & Revolution
  • Lenin’s Theory of the Revolutionary Party...


U.N. Wants 'Homophobia' Criminalized: "Homosexual advocates in Brazil have been joined by a coalition of United Nations groups in an effort to pressure the nation to criminalize 'homophobia' under the guise that such 'prejudices' are a hindrance to AIDS prevention programs....
       "The letter claims that the 'main culprit of the high HIV prevalence among homosexuals is the high violence against them.' The letter also says prejudices against homosexuality are a strong hindrance to AIDS prevention programs. The recent letter came from... Brazil, in joint partnership with USAID, UNHCR, U.N. Women, UNAIDS, UNESCO, UNFPA and UNICEF and several other groups."
See Legalizing Mind Control

August 2012

How They Can Brainwash You in a Psych Ward: "It is clear that the federal government, on the vaguest of pretexts, can override state laws and put people in psych wards. In the early 1990s, while researching the extension of the CIA MKULTRA (mind control) program, I had occasion to interview people who had been placed in mental institutions.... The psychiatric drugs, particularly the so-called anti-psychotics, are used to put the patient in a state of semi-trance. Not only is he more suggestible and malleable, his brain is undergoing an assault, one effect of which is motor-damage. This is labeled tardive dyskinsia, to cover over the stark reality that the drugs are scrambling brain circuitry, often permanently."

US Veterans Forcibly Sequestered In Mental Hospitals is Indefinite Detention: "The RAND Corporation paints US veterans as dangerous because of the degree to which they are mentally affected by their service exposure to war and war-like conditions. The globalist think-tank says veterans are suffering from 'schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, major depression, and substance use disorders.' Doctors have classified Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) as an incurable brain disease that soldiers returning from war suffer from. After having injured the brain during battle, soldiers are being touted as displaying large bursts of anger and depression while having their vital motor skills and memory impacted. Symptoms of CTE are recognized as memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, impulse control problems, aggression, depression..." See  Psalm 62:5-8

July 2012

Project MKUltra, the CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification: "Prepared Statement of Admiral Stansfield Turner, Director of Central Intelligence: 'Mr. Chairman: In my letter to you of July 15, 1977, I reported our recent discovery of seven boxes of documents related to Project MKULTRA, a closely held CIA project conducted from 1953-1964. As you may recall, MKULTRA was an 'umbrella project' under which certain sensitive subprojects were funded, involving among other things research on drugs and behavioral modification. During the Rockefeller Commission and Church Committee investigations in 1975, the cryptonym became publicly known....
      "Until the recent discovery, it was believed that all of the MKULTRA files dealing with behavioral modification had been destroyed in 1973 on the orders of the then retiring Chief of the Office of Technical Service, with the authorization of the DCI, as has been previously reported. ... The recovered documents fall roughly into three categories: First, there are 149 MKULTRA subprojects, many of which appear to have some connection with research into behavioral modification, drug acquisition and testing or administering drugs surreptitiously."
See Steps toward Global Mind Control

Shooter James Holmes and DARPA Weird Science : "James Holmes was one of six recipients of a National Institutes of Health Neuroscience Training Grant at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver.... Holmes also worked as a research assistant intern at the Salk Institute... The Salk Institute teamed up with DARPA, Columbia University, University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wake Forest University, and the candy bar company Mars 'to prevent fatigue in combat troops through the enhanced use of epicatechina, a blood flow-increasing and blood vessel-dilating anti-oxidant flavanol found in cocoa and, particularly, in dark chocolate....'

      "The DARPA program was part of the military’s 'Peak Soldier Performance Program,' which involved engineering brain-machine interfaces for battlefield use and other bionic projects. In addition, James Holmes’ father, Dr. Robert Holmes, worked for San Diego-based HNC Software, Inc., a company that worked with DARPA to develop 'cortronic neural networks' that enable machines to translate aural and visual stimuli and simulate human thinking." See Steps toward Global Mind Control


Video:  Elizabeth Loftus on How to Implant False Memories


 Creating False Memoties: "During therapy, the psychiatrist used hypnosis and other suggestive techniques to dig out buried memories of abuse that Cool herself had allegedly experienced. In the process Cool became convinced that she had repressed memories of having been in a satanic cult, eating babies, of being raped, of having sex with animals, and of being forced to watch the murder of her eight-year- old friend. She came to believe that she had over 120 personalities -- children, adults, angels and even a duck-all because, Cool was told, she had experienced severe childhood sexual and physical abuse....

     "When Cool finally realized that false memories had been planted, she sued the psychiatrist for malpractice. In March 1997, after five weeks of trial, her case was settled out of court for $2.4 million dollars."

May 2012

 'Political correctness' is totalitarian mind control : "Today, increasing numbers of people refer to pedophilia as 'intergenerational sex' and child molesters as 'minor-attracted persons' or MAPs....Of course, Islam has become a major beneficiary of political correctness, reminiscent of what George Orwell called 'Newspeak' in his novel '1984.'See The Original Introduction to Animal Farm

Whoever Controls the Language Controls the Debate: "If you can control the language, you can control ideas. By controlling ideas, you can control the way people think and act. ...The words ‘right wing,’ ‘fundamentalist,’ ‘pro-life,’ ‘absolutist,’ and ‘deeply religious,’ are put-downs more than categories. ...Consider a few of the examples:

       ~ Delicate Wetlands or Swamp
       ~ Undocumented Worker or Illegal Alien
       ~ Non-viable Tissue Mass or Unborn Baby
       ~ Equal Access to Opportunity or Socialism...."

Spreading Islam through Public Schools. Please watch this important video warning.

Public School Obscenity: "This incident is featured in the major movie 'IndoctriNation—Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America.' [See http://indoctrinationmovie.comThe book from which the parent read also has dialogue that blasphemes Jesus Christ. It was used in Kanawha County, WV public schools.

    "In 1974...Bible believing Christians and their conservative allies brought national attention to the influx of anti-Christian and anti-American textbooks into the public schools. They were not able to stop the onslaught of academic sewage." See Brainwashing in America

April 2012

Public School Obscenity: "This incident is featured in the major movie 'IndoctriNation—Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America.' [See http://indoctrinationmovie.comThe book from which the parent read also has dialogue that blasphemes Jesus Christ. It was used in Kanawha County, WV public schools.

    "In 1974 an event occurred in West Virginia that has been called the first shot in the cultural war. Bible believing Christians and their conservative allies brought national attention to the influx of anti-Christian and anti-American textbooks into the public schools. They were not able to stop the onslaught of academic sewage as this year 2000 video shows. The only solution is for a mass exodus out of ...(government) schools." See Brainwashing in America

Are your children going to the wolves?

Political Correctness has a double standard when it comes to teaching about religion in public schools:  "Drop Christianity... but give extensive and mostly favorable coverage to Islam. The students were given Muslim names and told to recite Muslim prayers in class. They were required to give up things for a day to recognize the Islamic practice of Ramadan, and the teacher gave extra credit for fasting at lunch. For the final exam, the students had to write an essay about Islamic culture. The essay assignment warned students in these words: 'Be careful here; if you do not have something positive to say, don't say anything!!!'

     "Parents naively thought they could appeal to the courts to uphold their right to reject this class for their children, which was really not education but behavior modification. They didn't realize that federal court decisions have ruled consistently against parents' rights....Charter schools have opened up a path for foreigners to run schools at the expense of the U.S. taxpayers..." See Spreading Islam through Public Schools

Kids think we're better off dead: "The conversation started with Sussman’s question, and Kalie responded the most serious threat facing humanity today is simply 'human existence.' “I guess you mean there are too many humans on the planet,' he said. 'Yes.' 'What are they doing to harm this Earth?' [Sussman] asked....

    “How many other youngsters like Kalie have been led to believe that the human species should be eliminated?' he wondered." See Saving the Earth

March 2012

How Bad Can It Get? "In Canada, normally considered a free society, government officials are insisting that every school, including not only private schools, but home schooling parents, teach the government's vision of 'tolerance.' ...homeschoolers and faith-based schools will not be permitted to teach that homosexual acts are sinful as part of their academic program.... 'Under Alberta’s new Education Act, homeschoolers and faith-based schools will not be permitted to teach that homosexual acts are sinful as part of their academic program...Whatever the nature of schooling—homeschool, private school, Catholic school—we do not tolerate disrespect for differences.' ...How Orwellian can you get?"

But God tells tells us to "Train up a child in the way he should go..." (Proverbs 22:6)  Let us pray that He enable families to follow His ways in spite of these anti-Christian regulations!

Freedom of religion, R.I.P: "...the full court held that it's okay for Quebec's education minister to compel believers to describe God to their children, not as they see him, but as non-believers do. ...What exactly is religious freedom, if it isn't teaching God to your children as you see him?...

    "In 2008, Quebec's provincial education ministry saw fit to replace religious instruction in elementary and secondary schools with a curriculum of its own. ...About 2,000 parents requested to have their children exempted from having to take their religion from the state....The parents lost in every forum, from administrative tribunals to the Quebec Court of Appeal. ... Canada's top court sees its task as defending the state against the rights and freedoms it guarantees.... 

    "But what about parents having to send their children to be indoctrinated in values different from their own? Sorry, says Justice Deschamps, 'the early exposure of children to realities that differ from those in their immediate family environment is a fact of life in society.' Well, er, no, it isn't, Judge. Early exposure is very much under parental control in any society, except in tyrannies. Canada is turning into a theocracy with its own jealous God: The smug, self-worshipping state." See What can parents do?

January 2012

 Freedom of religion, R.I.P: "...the full court held that it's okay for Quebec's education minister to compel believers to describe God to their children, not as they see him, but as non-believers do. ...What exactly is religious freedom, if it isn't teaching God to your children as you see him?...

    "In 2008, Quebec's provincial education ministry saw fit to replace religious instruction in elementary and secondary schools with a curriculum of its own. ...About 2,000 parents requested to have their children exempted from having to take their religion from the state....The parents lost in every forum, from administrative tribunals to the Quebec Court of Appeal. ... Canada's top court sees its task as defending the state against the rights and freedoms it guarantees.... 

    "But what about parents having to send their children to be indoctrinated in values different from their own? Sorry, says Justice Deschamps, 'the early exposure of children to realities that differ from those in their immediate family environment is a fact of life in society.' Well, er, no, it isn't, Judge. Early exposure is very much under parental control in any society, except in tyrannies. Canada is turning into a theocracy with its own jealous God: The smug, self-worshipping state." See What can parents do?

IBM Reveals Five Innovations That Will Change Our Lives within Five Years: "You will never need a password again....Each person has a unique biological identity and behind all that is data. Biometric data – facial definitions, retinal scans and voice files – will be composited through software to build your DNA unique online password....

     "Mind reading is no longer science fiction....Scientists in the field of bioinformatics have designed headsets with advanced sensors to read electrical brain activity that can recognize facial expressions, excitement and concentration levels, and thoughts of a person without them physically taking any actions."

     Sound like the government would know more about you than you do!  See George Orwell's 1984

December 2011

4th-graders brainwashed with Occupy 'propaganda': "A Connecticut dad has accused an industry giant in education, Scholastic [published Harry Potter books], of delivering Occupy Wall Street propaganda to his 4th grade daughter in her school classroom.....The father, Edward...grew up in the old Soviet Union, and recalls when an official media there would print the 'news,' from only one perspective. ...I left the Soviet Union to come to the U.S. and then I'm seeing the Occupy Wall Street anti-Semitism. Where do I go from here?'... The American Textbook Council found that textbooks for children in U.S. public schools these days reflect 'the interplay of determined Islamic political activists, textbook editors, and multiculturally minded social studies curriculum planners.'" See The Power of Suggestion and Brainwashing in America

October 2011

Classroom Brainwashing in Australia (just like America): "The last Christian school we encountered, a small country school with only three hundred kids from kindergarten to year twelve, was the worst. This school had a chaplain who was convinced that the children should be taught the popular ‘cognitive behavioural therapy’ [CBT] in order to deal with ‘stress.’...Cognitive Behavioural Therapy’s core tenet is that you can change your behaviour by changing your thinking."

   The real issue is: what kind of "behavior" and "thinking" will fit their agenda for tomorrow's world? This article will help answer that questions: Cultural Marxism

June 2011

The Spiritualization of Science, Technology, and Education in a One-World Society: "... 'a social order which tolerates such wide-ranging pluralism of norms must seek unity through diversity.'...Educational experiences must be contemplated which are akin to psychotherapy….a felt shift in the most basic values and premises on which one builds one life. In a sense, this means bringing something like ‘person-changing technology’ into the educational system....

      "The 'modus operandi' of how [Willis] Harman envisioned this 'new guiding philosophy' to mould the thinking of the world’s population was outlined by him in a World Goodwill (Lucis Trust) occasional Paper, For a New Society, a New Economics – published... by the United Nations Division for Economic and Social Information....With this change comes a long-term shift in value emphasis.” See The International Agenda and A New Way of Thinking

May 2011

Mental health testing planned for three-year-olds as part of early intervention program: [Australia] "EVERY three-year-old child could have their mental health tested under an ambitious program designed to catch problems early. Part of the Federal Government's $1.5 billion spend on mental health is directed towards early intervention....Mr Butler said the checks would be voluntary, but the Government would 'promote' the benefits to families." See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

April 2011

Tough decisions for the ditherer-in-chief: "The Arab League, on whom the United States and the 'great powers' of Europe depend for the moral authority to impose the no-fly zone over Libya, now wants the United Nations to impose a similar no-fly zone over Gaza, whence the Palestinians fire their rockets at Israeli schoolchildren. The Israelis, naturally, fire back with airstrikes. This inconveniences the Palestinian rocket batteries no end, of course, and the Arab League is eager for someone, since the Arabs have never been able to do it, to make the Israelis submit to their own destruction."

January 2011

Kids put on 'hate crimes' list for schoolyard taunts -- Teachers required to report 'homophobic' jibes on permanent record: "Nearly 30,000 British schoolchildren last year alone had their names added to a 'hate crimes' bullying list for making taunts deemed racist or 'homophobic.' More than 10,000 of those children are in elementary school, and the figures even include nursery school students down to toddler age....

    "Following last year's publicized case of 10-year-old Peter Drury – who was added to his school's hate register for calling his friend gay boy – Dr. Michele Elliott [said], 'Children are being criminalized and singled out here from a very early age when they don't know what they're doing.'"

Kids put on 'hate crimes' list for schoolyard taunts -- Teachers required to report 'homophobic' jibes on permanent record: "Nearly 30,000 British schoolchildren last year alone had their names added to a 'hate crimes' bullying list for making taunts deemed racist or 'homophobic.' More than 10,000 of those children are in elementary school, and the figures even include nursery school students down to toddler age....

    "Following last year's publicized case of 10-year-old Peter Drury – who was added to his school's hate register for calling his friend gay boy – Dr. Michele Elliott [said], 'Children are being criminalized and singled out here from a very early age when they don't know what they're doing.'" See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

December 2010

Nothing neutral about this unholy scheme: "The fixers here [in America] are pursuing something called 'net neutrality'....'Net neutrality'....must be accomplished by a seizure of authority to do so, a seizure not by Congress...but by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

     "...this would be a first step toward revival of the so-called Fairness Doctrine, sought by Barack Obama and the Democrats since he first arrived in Washington. The Fairness Doctrine would require broadcasters, definitely including the cable-TV networks, to provide airtime for anyone criticized by someone else on the air....[No freedom to expose global, regional and national problems? No right to question the rising power of Islam and the persecution of Christians?]

     "The new 'net-neutrality' regulations here, which will have the force of law...." See George Orwell's 1984 and Media-made "Foes" and Deceptive "Friends"

November 2010

Baby killed for interrupting mom's Facebook time: "A north Florida mother has pleaded guilty to shaking her baby to death after the boy's crying interrupted her game on Facebook. She told officials she shook the boy, smoked a cigarette to compose herself and then shook him again." See Toying with Death

October 2010

American Groupspeak: "Juan Williams was just fired from NPR. His sin? He confessed to occasional anxiety when Muslims board airplanes.... Americans have developed two personas -- one public and politically correct, the other private....

     "Here are some reminders about what to shut up about. Don't discuss the deficit. Instead, call borrowing 'stimulus.'...To appear noble, call for more unemployment benefits, free medical care and more entitlements. To sound cruel, talk about borrowing to pay for them....

     "Closing the border is a taboo subject. Also taboo is the phrase 'illegal alien.' Speak instead about the need for social justice.... Don't get caught up in discussing global warming....Instead of citing recent doctored research or the inconsistencies in Al Gore's advocacy, just mention that Sarah Palin denies climate change.....Do not, under any circumstances, associate global terrorism with Islam."


Pizza Express teaching staff to flirt with customers [UK]: "The family-friendly restaurant... has recruited classically trained actor Karl James to teach flirting and the art of chit-chat to staff to help them to butter up the restaurant's customers....Mr James runs The Dialogue Project, a specialist school that helps people master the art of conversation. The company's other business clients include Unilever and the BBC." See Human Nature

September 2010

Medical Foundation urges retailers to boycott violent video games promoting torture: "A computer game... that encourages players to relish in the torture of their opponents demonstrates a dangerous decline in social attitudes towards inflicting suffering, says the Medical Foundation.... Licensing bodies in Australia and New Zealand have already banned the game....

     "...the British Board of Film Classification has approved the game.... saying that the violence is merely implied and based on fiction, therefore making it unlikely to have any impact in the real world....

    "Players, who participate as gangsters, are rewarded for maiming and killing police and hostages. They can execute hostages with a gunshot to the head, pistol whip the sides of people's heads, burn the eyes of hostages with a cigar until they scream and die and cut off victims' fingers amid bursts of blood. The violence can be further enhanced....

      "In 2004, many British retailers stopped stocking the game Manhunt after 14-year-old Stefan Pakeerah from Leicester was savagely beaten with a hammer and stabbed repeatedly by his 17-year-old friend Warren Leblanc. ... Stefan's parents said Leblanc had been obsessed by the game, which they described as a manual on how to murder someone." See The Power of Suggestion 


U.S. soldiers to be subjected to 'mind control': "In a report at the Armed with Science military website, Tyler explains that 'Warfighters' can be given 'strategic advantages' through helmets fitted with ultrasound transducers and microcontroller devices for a range of applications to include pain intervention, 'cognitive enhancement,' reducing stress and anxiety, 'behavioral reinforcement'.... He said he worked to develop a technology that implements 'transcranial pulsed ultrasound to remotely and directly stimulate brain circuits without requiring surgery.' ....'This is the missing link between artificial intelligence, brain computer uploading, even cyborg research and special ability of telepathy, esp." See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

July 2010

A new worry for parents: 'digital drugs' sold on the Internet: "../they've got a new arena for concern: Sound waves that, some say, affect the brain like a drug - and cost only 99 cents on iTunes and

     "Parents in the town of Mustang, Okla., were warned about I-Dosers in March when the school superintendent there sent a letter saying some students at Mustang High who listened to the sounds 'exhibited the same physical effects as if they were under the effects of drugs or alcohol.'... Some say they can be used for improving sleep or intensifying alertness, while others are aimed at improving performance in role-playing video games...'

      " is the next in the series of increasingly technologic ways for people to alter their minds, whether its real or imagined,' Doering said. 'The power of suggestion is very strong. Like the Ouija board. I could have sworn that thing was moving around.'" Popular Music with Pagan Roots

June 2010

President Signs 'Lifestyle Modification' Executive Order: "Obama signed an executive order that creates a federal council to address 'lifestyle behavior' modifications of Americans. The order was signed on June 10, and could pave the way for more government say in how Americans lead their lives....The executive order states that changes in federal policy should be made to 'achieve national wellness, health promotion, and public health goals, including the reduction of tobacco use, sedentary behavior, and poor nutrition.'” More information in the next link:

Obama's plan -- "Behavior Modification": "Herb Titus, a constitutional expert... told WND Obama's executive order was copied almost verbatim from the text of Obamacare. He said, 'The council is designed to basically implement future policy that ultimately everything will be governed by federal authorities, from food to dietary supplements to vitamins.'...

     "The council's membership, including the chiefs of the Agriculture, Labor, Health and Human Services, Transportation, Education and Homeland Security departments as well as the heads of the Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Trade Commission, National Drug Control Police, Domestic Policy Council, Corporation for National and Community Service and others, also is alarming.... Most of those positions have no qualifications for making decisions about health care, so what would be their involvement[?]... Ultimately bring everything under the federal umbrella." See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

Marxist 'Education'. Mexican Revolutionaries in America: "One of Bill Ayers’ courses at the University of Illinois includes Pedagogy of the Oppressed as required reading. Author Paulo Freire, a Brazilian Marxist, declared: 'This, then, is the great humanistic and historical task of the oppressed: to liberate themselves and their oppressors as well.' It turns out that the Freire book is required reading in “Raza Studies” or Mexican-American courses in the high schools in Tucson, Arizona, where students have been protesting Arizona’s new immigration law. Other required books are Occupied America... and Prison Notebooks by Antonio Gramsci, the Italian Communist.

      "Occupied America... refers to white people as 'gringos' and actually includes a quotation on page 323 from Jose Angel Gutierrez of the Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO), who...declared: 'We are fed up. We are going to away with the injustice to the Chicano and if the ‘gringo’ doesn’t get out of our way, we will stampede over him.'” See Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking?

March 2010

Parents arrested for keeping sick child home from school: "When Shannon Anderson asked the police officers standing on the porch of her Orland home why they planned to arrest her, an officer radioed the question to headquarters.... She was shocked by the one-word response that came back over the police radio: truancy. Then, the 37-year-old mother of four was booked into Glenn County Jail on a $10,000 warrant....

     "Eight-year-old Logan suffers from asthma, the cause of most of his 24 absences this school year.... And the same charges were filed against her husband, Jamie, who was arrested and jailed the following day."  Ban Truth - Reap Tyranny


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