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Homeland Security (2006-2009) See Homeland Security and the transformation of America Barbed Wire Camps for American Citizens
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December 2009
See Homeland Security Online Posting Reveals a "How To" for Terrorists to Get Through Airport Security: "In a massive security breach, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) inadvertently posted online its airport screening procedures manual, including some of the most closely guarded secrets regarding special rules for diplomats and CIA and law enforcement officers." In the midst of today's sophisticated technology, it's tempting to put our faith in man rather than God -- but it's not wise! See Trusting GodHomegrown Insurgency: "We are seeing the horns of a Muslim insurgency in this country. We are being Europeanized.... 'We are seeing young Americans who are inspired by al-Qaida and radical ideology,' echoed DHS secretary Janet Napolitano, while still failing to name the source of that ideology. 'Home-based terrorism is here.”'
November 2009
Senate Panel Conducting Fort Hood Probe Warned of 'Homegrown' Threat: "The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee served up startling warnings of 'homegrown threats in a May 2008 report, describing scenarios eerily similar to the mass shooting at Fort Hood last week.... More than a year before the massacre at Fort Hood, a Senate panel... warned that 'radicalization' had spread beyond Afghanistan training camps to the United States... 'Radicalization is no longer confined to training camps in Afghanistan or other locations far from our shores; it is also occurring right here in the United States,' the report stated..... Officials say [Hasan] communicated 10 to 20 times with a radical cleric overseas who had used his own Web site to incite Muslim violence against U.S. troops." The fall and rise of human violence
October 2009
DHS Video:Owning gold or firearms, donating to charity, finding out information about things all constitute suspicious activity to be reported to the authorities. 'Huge threat to power grid': "...a Chinese researcher had detailed precisely how vulnerable the U.S. electric grid is to a cyber-terrorist attack. The disclosure reveals the government's familiarity with a report released more than six months ago, in which Jian-Wei Wang used publicly available data to explain exactly how the United States' West Coast grid was connected and how the computers that control the grid could be easily sabotaged." DHS helps local police buy military-style sonic devices: "With the help of Homeland Security grants, police departments nationwide looking to subdue unruly crowds and political protesters are purchasing a high-tech device originally used by the military to repel battlefield insurgents and Somali pirates with piercing noise capable of damaging hearing.... Police acknowledge that they deployed the so-called Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRADs) as a safeguard at recent political conventions, protest-plagued international summit meetings and this summer's volatile town hall meetings on health care." September 2009
Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions: "...The lone wolf provision was created to conduct surveillance on suspects with no known link to foreign governments or terrorist groups.... The roving wiretaps provision was designed to allow investigators to quickly monitor the communications of a suspects who change their cell phone or communication device."
Coast Guard: 'Shots fired' on Potomac was just a training exercise: "Reports of the Coast Guard firing on a 'suspicious vessel' in the Potomac River panicked D.C.-area residents and officials today as President Obama made his way to a nearby Sept. 11 commemoration. CNN broke into its scheduled programming to report on radio traffic announcing that the Coast Guard fired 10 rounds at a vessel..... Turns out there were no shots fired and that it was all a training exercise." See
Homeland Security and the Transformation of AmericaAugust 2009
The Pentagon Wants Authority to Post Almost 400,000 Military Personnel in U.S.: "The Pentagon has approached Congress to grant the Secretary of Defense the authority to post almost 400,000 military personnel throughout the United States in times of emergency or a major disaster. ...it raises the prospect of U.S. military personnel patrolling the streets of the United States, in conflict with the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.... NorthCom’s Congressional fact sheet refers not just to a 'major disaster' but also to 'emergencies.' And it says, 'Those terms are defined in section 5122 of title 42, U.S. Code.' That section gives the President the sole discretion to designate an event as an 'emergency' or a 'major disaster.' Both are 'in the determination of the President' alone." See The Transformation of America Holder: Homegrown Terror Threat Increasing: "Attorney General Eric Holder... is increasingly concerned about Americans becoming radicalized and turning to terrorism. ....'In some ways it's the most sobering part of the day,' Holder said of his morning intelligence briefing, in which he gets the latest report on the landscape of 'the organizations, the people who are bound and determined to do harm to our nation.'"July 2009
Do you wonder whether he is referring to Muslim terrorists or "the right wing extremists" who criticize the abortion industry?
Obama Appoints 2 Devout Muslims to Homeland Security Posts: "Obama has appointed Arif Alikhan a devout Sunni Muslim to assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Department of Homeland Security. Mr. Alikhan was instrumental in taking down the LA Police Department's plan to monitor it's Muslim community. Alikhan is affiliated with MPAC, the 'Muslim Public Affairs Council'. Founded in 1988, ... MPAC's Senior Advisor, Maher Hathout, who has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and espouses the radical brand of Islam known as Wahhabism, was invited to address the Democratic Convention in Los Angeles in 2000."
...earlier today at a ceremony held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore-in ADC National Executive Director Kareem Shora as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC)."
July 2009
Probe found weaknesses in federal security: "Federal investigators had no trouble smuggling bomb-making materials past ill-trained and poorly supervised guards at federal buildings, senators were told at a hearing Wednesday. 'This is the broadest indictment of a federal agency I have ever heard,' [said] Sen. Joseph Lieberman..."
As we mentioned before, this department seems more concerned about pro-life "right-wing extremists" than foreign terrorists." See Barbed Wire Camps for American Citizens
Attorney General to classify pro-life, pro-gun American as terrorists: "An amendment to [The Hastings Amendment to the National Defense Authorization] bill swiftly moving through the US Congress will allow the Obama Administration's Attorney General to classify Americans as domestic terrorists if they are pro-life, pro-gun and anti-big government.... In essence Attorney General Eric Holder... will have the discretion to label Americans terrorists. [Rep. Alcee] Hastings Hastings...also proposed the creation of 'emergency camps' that are nothing more than prisons.'...
"Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) made the following remarks..... 'While the amendment seeks to keep gang members and members of violent groups out of the military, the amendment by its language is much more broad. Specifically, it confers upon the Attorney General the ability to categorize groups as hate groups, and this sounds an alarm for many of us because of the recent shocking and offensive report released by the Department of Homeland Security which labeled, arguably, a majority of Americans as 'extremists.'... 'I take extreme offense that the federal government... would dare to categorize people who are 'dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition or abortion or immigration' as 'right-wing extremists.'" See The Enemy of the People
June 2009
Guess who's supporting Sotomayor? "The way to end 'right-wing' terrorism in the U.S. is to confirm Sonia Sotomayor as a Supreme Court justice, boycott Fox News and support Barack Obama's plan for nationalizing health care, the Communist Party USA said in an editorial in its newspaper, the People's Weekly World today. The organization blamed the murders of late-term abortionist George Tiller in Kansas and Holocaust Museum security guard... on the 'extreme right,' explaining that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano's much-criticized report warning about the threat of violence by 'right-wing extremists' was in fact prophetic. 'Republican right denounced her timely report as an 'attack' on veterans, anti-abortionists, and anti-immigrant crusaders,' the editorial said. 'Some even called for her resignation.'...Napolitano adds adviser with ties to terror backers: "Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano swore in to her official advisory council the head of an Arab American organization [ADC] whose officials have labeled deadly anti-U.S. jihadists as 'heroes' and opposed referring to Hamas as a terrorist organization....
"The solution? The party said: "[T]he best answer is to defeat the hatemongers politically. Boycott Fox News. Demand Senate confirmation of Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor, latest target of hate. Build maximum unity to win healthcare for all... an end to wars, and a more inclusive, tolerant democracy in our country.'"
See The Enemy of the People
Last week, Napolitano swore in Damascus-born Kareem Shora, the ADC's national executive director, to a position on the Homeland Security Advisory Council, an outside-the-department group of national security experts that advises the secretary. Shora is the first Arab rights advocate on the panel....The ADC takes an openly anti-Israel line. Its official material has accused the Jewish state of 'apartheid' and 'atrocities' against the Palestinians."Obama Appoints Devout Muslim to Homeland Security: "Our Islamic loving President Obama has appointed Arif Alikhan a devout Sunni Muslim to assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Department of Homeland Security. Mr. Alikhan was instrumental in taking down the LA Police Department's plan to monitor it's Muslim community."
Demand: Root out pro-life 'terrorists': "The murder of late-term abortionist George Tiller in Kansas has prompted a call upon the Department of Homeland Security to crack down on pro-lifers as just the kinds of 'right-wing extremists' that the government identified earlier in a controversial report that sparked outrage across the country.... NOW, the National Organization for Women... released the following statement: 'Bringing the killers to justice is not enough – the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security must root out and prosecute as domestic terrorists and violent racketeers the criminal enterprise that has organized and funded criminal acts for decades.' ... 'We call on the new attorney general, Eric Holder, and head of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano to treat these murders in the same way they would treat politically-motivated domestic terrorism of any other kind...."
"Prolonged detention" for Americans who may break a law? Biblical Truth is clearly a major focus of the "Hate Crimes" bill. When it becomes law, Christian moral guidelines could be blamed for such contemptible acts as the murder of abortionist Dr. Tiller. In fact, that tragic killing could well be used to speed the passage of the bill -- and to vilify Christians who have no desire to hurt anyone. As Hillary Clinton said, "Never waste a good crisis."
OBAMA: "My administration has begun to reshape the standards that apply to insure that they are in line with The Rule of Law. We must have clear and lawful defensible standards for who shall fall into this category. ... Our goal is not to avoid a legitimate framework. In our constitutional system, prolonged detention [based on potential "threat" not proof of guilt] should not be the decision of any one man."
In other words, a new set of legal standards will allow the government to bypass constitutional "rights" and imprison a person based on suspicion of "threat."
Repeated Bill creates detention camps in U.S. for 'emergencies': "The proposed bill... appears designed to create the type of detention center that those concerned about use of the military in domestic affairs fear could be used as concentration camps for political dissidents.... The bill also appears to expand the president's emergency power....
"The broad specifications... contribute to concern that the 'national emergency' purpose could be utilized by the secretary of homeland security to include any kind of situation the government wants to contain or otherwise control."
The Religious Right Didn't Kill George Tiller: "Tiller's alleged killer, Scott Roeder, is a long-time radical antiabortion activist with reported ties to a militant antigovernment organization called the Freemen. Within hours after the murder, every antiabortion group in the country denounced the attack. The organized antiabortion movement has always opposed violence against abortion providers. That has never stopped opportunistic prochoice activists, however, from conflating their passionate rhetoric with the behavior of individual criminals. True to form, on Sunday, Mike Hendricks of the Kansas City Star accused anyone who had criticized Tiller as a murderer (Tiller aborted healthy, nine-month old fetuses) of being an 'accomplice' to his death...."In addition to fighting violent, Muslim jihadists abroad, some liberals argue that America must deal with its own, homegrown terrorists. These are not just people who commit violence but millions of socially conservative evangelicals and Catholics -- 'Christianists' -- who comprise the base of the Republican Party and threaten the stability of the country....
If 'Christianists' were anything like actual religious fascists they would applaud Tiller's murder as a 'heroic martyrdom operation' and suborn further mayhem.... The manifestos of Islamic militant groups are replete with paeans to killing infidels." Doctor who provided late-term abortions is shot to death in his church: "George Tiller, the nation's most prominent provider of controversial late-term abortions, was shot and killed Sunday in the lobby of his Lutheran church in Wichita, Kan.... Hours later, police stopped and apprehended Scott Roeder, 51, of Merriam, Kansas. ...The FBI and the Kansas Bureau of Investigation are involved to determine whether others were part of the attack and whether the suspect had any connection to antiabortion groups. ....
"'Tiller's murder will send a chill down the spines of the brave and courageous providers and other professionals who are part of reproductive-health centers that serve women across this country,' said Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America.... Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, whose group is based in Wichita... said he was 'shocked' by the killing. 'Operation Rescue has worked for years through peaceful, legal means.... We denounce vigilantism and the cowardly act that took place this morning.'"
May 2009
Late-term abortion doctor decries Tiller killing: ‘This is a fascist movement': "Hours after the Sunday morning shooting death of late-term abortion doctor George Tiller in Wichita, Kan., a Boulder physician — who says he could be the only doctor in the world still performing the procedure — said Tiller's assassination was the 'absolutely inevitable consequence' of decades of anti-abortion fanaticism. "...we have a fascist movement in this country.... We don't have to invade Iraq to find terrorists. They're right here killing abortion doctors.'...."Dr. Tiller is dead by an anti-abortion assassin, and this is the absolutely inevitable consequence of 35 years of anti-abortion fanatic rhetoric and intimidation and assassination violence and exploitation by the Republican Party of this movement.'"These ominous accusations suggest that the deplorable murder will draw countless innocent people into the government's spreading web of reprisals. Panel votes for probe of 'extremist' report: "In a rare bipartisan move, the House Homeland Security Committee unanimously approved a resolution of inquiry that calls for Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to turn over all documents used to draft the report 'Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.'...
"'Certainly its definition of 'right-wing extremism'... raised considerable concern,' Mr. Thompson said. 'So did the suggestion that returning war veterans posed a potential threat to the homeland.'"
Homeland Security. Domestic Extremism Lexicon, 26 March 2009: "Prepared by the Strategic Analysis Group and the Extremism and Radicalization Branch, Homeland Environment Threat Analysis Division.... Definitions were derived from a variety of open source materials and unclassified information, then further developed during facilitated workshops with DHS intelligence analysts knowledgeable about domestic, non-Islamic extremism in the United States.
~ "aboveground... extremist groups or individuals who operate overtly and portray themselves as law-abiding....
~ "antiabortion extremism... groups or individuals who are virulently antiabortion and advocate violence against providers of abortion-related services... [The "Hate-Crimes" law may equate Biblical quotes as incitement to violence.....
~ "anti-immigration extremism.... groups or individuals who are vehemently opposed to illegal immigration... and who have been known to advocate or engage in criminal activity and plot acts of violence and terrorism to advance their extremist goals. They are highly critical of the U.S. Government’s response to illegal immigration....
~ "rightwing extremism.... groups or individuals who can be broadly divided into those who are primarily hate-oriented, and those who are mainly antigovernment and reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority...
~ "single-issue extremist groups.... Groups or individuals who focus on a single issue or cause—such as animal rights, environmental or anti-abortion extremism—and often employ criminal acts."
Department of Homeland Security a "Man-Caused Disaster": "The new risk that DHS is preparing for, of course, is the government's 'fear' and 'risk' of right-wing opposition to the radical totalitarian policies of the Obama Administration. Americans have begun to fear their own government." See My High Tower: Seeing the world from His perspective
April 2009
Compare the first statement with the next one (both released on April 29). Might the need for a crisis have spurred the contradictions?Only 7 swine flu deaths, not 152, says WHO. "A member of the World Health Organisation (WHO) has dismissed claims that more than 150 people have died from swine flu.... Vivienne Allan, from WHO's patient safety program, said the body had confirmed that worldwide there had been just seven deaths - all in Mexico - and 79 confirmed cases of the disease." U.S. Declares Public Health Emergency in Wake of Swine Flu: "...the Obama administration announced measures Sunday to contain the sometimes deadly virus." See Gorbachev's Plan For A United World Rightwing Extremism: "DHS/I&A assesses that lone wolves and small terrorist cells embracing violent rightwing extremist ideology are the most dangerous domestic terrorism threat in the United States. Information from law enforcement and nongovernmental organizations indicates lone wolves and small terrorist cells have shown intent—and, in some cases, the capability—to commit violent acts." See The Enemy of the People Napolitano on extremism: "Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has released a statement explaining the DHS report on 'right-wing extremism' ...that has attracted attention and controversy over the past few days: ... 'The document on right-wing extremism... is one in an ongoing series of assessments to provide situational awareness ... on the phenomenon and trends of violent radicalization in the United States. I was briefed on the general topic, which is one that struck a nerve as someone personally involved in the Timothy McVeigh prosecution. 'Let me be very clear: We monitor the risks of violent extremism taking root here in the United States. We ...must protect the country from terrorism whether foreign or homegrown, and regardless of the ideology that motivates its violence." See the next link: Seed of Persecution. You Might Be a "Radicalized Right-Wing Extremist" if… : "Department of Homeland Security Sec. Janet Napolitano has turned her attention away from acts of Islamic jihad on American soil (which she now refers to as 'man-caused disasters'). Instead, her department is sounding the alarm over an unquantified 'resurgence' in 'right-wing extremism activity.'...
"The report
[on supposed "Right-wing Extremism"] includes a sweeping definition of the threat: 'Right-wing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.'..."It's no small coincidence that Napolitano's agency disseminated the assessment just a week before the nationwide April 15 Tax Day Tea Party protests.... The growing success of the loose-knit movement has invited scorn, ridicule and fear-mongering from Obama's supporters. Liberal bloggers have likened the Tea Party movement to neo-Nazis, militias....
"The report offers zero data, but states with an almost resentful attitude toward protected free speech: 'Debates over appropriate immigration levels and enforcement policy generally fall within the realm of protected political speech under the First Amendment, but in some cases, anti-immigration or strident pro-enforcement fervor has been directed against specific groups and has the potential to turn violent.'....
"If you can redefine dissenting opinion as 'hate,' you can brand your political opponents as 'extremists' -- and you can marginalize electoral threats. 'Antigovernment'?...Feeling taxed enough already and 'recruiting' and 'radicalizing' your friends and neighbors through 'chatter on the Internet'? We are all right-wing extremists now. Welcome to the club." See Why hate crimes laws would ban Biblical Christianity
This is an amazing example of intentional vilification of ordinary Americans who value peace and freedom. Do they expect us to plan violent attacks? Or are those suggestions just part of the psychological assaults on peaceful conservative Americans? Have we become their strategic enemy -- just as Hitler mobilized hatred for the Jews? Remember what Hitler wrote:
Homeland Security on guard for 'right-wing extremists': "The report, titled 'Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment,' dated April 7, states that 'threats from white supremacist and violent anti-government groups during 2009 have been largely rhetorical and have not indicated plans to carry out violent acts.' However, the report goes on to suggest worsening economic woes, potential new legislative restrictions on firearms and 'the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.'.... It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.' ....It adds that 'growth in these groups subsided in reaction to increased government scrutiny as a result of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing...." Are You an "Extremist"? by Thomas Sowell: "While the rest of us may be worried about violent Mexican drug gangs on our border... the Director of Homeland Security is worried about 'right-wing extremists.' Just who are these right-wing extremists? ...the Department of Homeland Security 'has no specific information that domestic rightwing terrorists are currently planning acts of violence.' But somehow they just know that you right-wingers are itching to unleash terror somewhere, somehow.... So-called 'honor killings' by Muslims in the United States... does not seem to arouse any concern by the Department of Homeland Security.... When it comes to the thuggery of ACORN -- its members harassing the homes of bankers... the Department of Homeland Security apparently sees no evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil."The art of truly great popular leaders in all ages has consisted chiefly in ... concentrating always on a single adversary.... It is part of a great leader's genius to make even widely separated adversaries appear as if they belonged to one category..." See The Enemy of the People
"...it can be sinister as a revealing and disturbing sign of the preoccupations and priorities of this administration -- and their willingness to witch hunt and demonize those who dare to disagree with them.... What would be different about a new federal police force, as compared to existing law enforcement and military forces? It would be a creation of the Obama administration, run by people appointed from top to bottom by that administration.... In short, a federal police force could become President Obama's personal domestic political army, his own storm troopers."
Spies 'infiltrate US power grid': (not as friendly as Obama claims?)The US government has admitted the nation's power grid is vulnerable to cyber attack, following reports it has been infiltrated by foreign spies. ...Chinese and Russian spies were behind this "pervasive" breach. It said software had been left behind that could shut down the electric grid. Obama Census Plan: No Illegal Alien Left Behind: "I have seen the electoral future, and it is rigged. With fraud-prone, ideologically driven interest groups swarming the census-gathering process, the left is solidifying its chances of a permanent ruling majority.... The volunteer groups Locke is entrusting to protect accuracy and fairness include the voter registration con artists of tax-subsidized ACORN, the amnesty activists of Voto Latino and the labor bosses of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). The fate of $300 billion in federal funding -- and, most importantly, the apportionment of congressional seats -- rest in their hands...."Obama's census partners are using the process to pressure homeland security agents to halt interior enforcement efforts and workplace raids so that illegal alien cooperation with the national survey is maximized. Inclusion of the massive illegal alien population has resulted in a radical redrawing of the electoral map." See Resting in Him
March 2009
'Fusion Centers' Expand Criteria to Identify Militia Members: "If you're an anti-abortion activist, or if you display political paraphernalia supporting a third-party candidate or a certain Republican member of Congress, if you possess subversive literature, you very well might be a member of a domestic paramilitary group. That's according to 'The Modern Militia Movement,' a report by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC), a government collective that identifies the warning signs of potential domestic terrorists for law enforcement communities. ..."MIAC is one of 58 so-called 'fusion centers' nationwide that were created by the Department of Homeland Security, in part, to collect local intelligence that authorities can use to combat terrorism and related criminal activities. ... 'It's certainly an attempt to stifle political thought...." See A Terrorist? Me?
Waiting for the American Jihad: "Last October, Shirwa Ahmed blew himself up in a homicide bombing in Somalia. What distinguished Ahmed from other jihadists is that he was a 27-year old college student from Minneapolis and a naturalized American citizen.
"...more than a dozen Somali-American youths have disappeared so far this year. They are suspected to have returned to Somalia to wage jihad. ... .If terrorist organizations can recruit American Muslims to travel to Africa to wage jihad, what’s stopping them from recruiting American Muslims to wage jihad in America? ...'That kid that blew himself up in Somalia could have done it here in Minneapolis.'.... A culture of Islamic radicalization already exists in America. But most Americans do not know about it because it’s happening in places most of us do not go -- our prisons....
"In the opening weeks of the Obama administration, the term 'war on terror' has been all but abandoned by the State Department. Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano recently became the first DHS secretary to leave out the words 'terror' and 'vulnerability' from remarks... focusing instead on the threat of natural disasters."
Homeland Security Has Plan for Border Chaos, War: "A top Homeland Security official told a House panel Thursday that Mexican drug cartels are the biggest organized crime threat to the United States. Homeland Security official Roger Rufe said a department plan to respond to escalating violence on the southwest border includes — as a last resort — deploying military personnel and equipment to the region.... Rufe, echoing comments a day earlier from President Barack Obama, said now is not the time to militarize the southwest border." See Signs of the times
February 2009
‘Undeclared War’ on Mexican Border Greater Challenge than Afghanistan: "The violence along the U.S.-Mexico border is the biggest threat to the nation’s security.... 'We are in a state of undeclared war on the southern border that has already spilled over [into the United States].'... Witnesses said drug dealers use gliders and a massive network of tunnels to surpass border security.
"...seizures of cocaine have increased 119 percent in the last fiscal year.... 'If you are arrested in the Tucson sector, crossing into the United States illegally, carrying less than 500 pounds of marijuana, you have a 99.6 percent chance of never being prosecuted and never go to jail for more than a few hours, which is a source of great frustration to your border agents, isn’t it chief?' 'Yes, sir,' Aguilar said....
“...there are wildly different levels of enforcement, the border is wide open in Tucson, we found the solution in Texas, and it’s real simple,' Culberson said. 'It’s law enforcement.'” See Signs of the times
February 2009
Napolitano backs TSA body scanners: "Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano endorsed the use of body scanners Wednesday to screen airline passengers despite concerns that the machines create vivid images of people under their clothing.... 'We actually have an I-care-deeply line,' Napolitano replied, saying that passengers who don't want to go through a body scanner can opt to walk through a metal detector." China Hired for Homeland Defense: "A company run by the son of Chinese Pesident Hu Jintao, who does business with Iran, Cuba and Venzuela, was hired a year ago for $1.9 million to X-ray cargo being loaded on to cruise ships in Los Angeles.... But were the motivations beyond securing the contract other than monetary?... Or, maybe the company so closely tied to the Chinese government wanted to get hooked up to the Department of Homeland Security's databases.... A handful of members of Congress are trying to alert the public to the threat. "We should not be depending on Chinese technology for our national security," said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher..." Mayor Cheye Calvo describes raid in e-mail to friends: "Yesterday evening... a heavily-armed county SWAT team burst through our living room door and shot and killed both of our dogs.... In the sights of two high-caliber weapons, I was ushered downstairs in only my boxer shorts before I was bound and forced to kneel on the floor. My mother-in-law was bound face down in the kitchen. The dead body of my bigger and older dog, Payton, laid in a pool of blood... The county police then proceeded to turn our house upside-down.... Blood from my dogs was pooled and tracked throughout the house. Our belongings were pulled from drawers, closets, and trunks and tossed about, piled in the middle of rooms...." Swat Team conducts food raid Bill creates detention camps in U.S. for 'emergencies': "The proposed bill... appears designed to create the type of detention center that those concerned about use of the military in domestic affairs fear could be used as concentration camps for political dissidents.... The bill also appears to expand the president's emergency power...."The broad specifications... contribute to concern that the 'national emergency' purpose could be utilized by the secretary of homeland security to include any kind of situation the government wants to contain or otherwise control."
FEMA Camps Outed on Fox: "During the Bush Administration, FEMA was given hundreds of millions of dollars to retrofit former military bases and other existing infrastructure so they can be used as "camps." Not camps as in summer camps. Camps as in prison camps and perhaps even concentration camps. One of the first thing the Obama Administration did was to legitimize their existence. These camps, which can be found in every state in the union, currently sit empty and are intended to be pressed into service in the event of an "emergency." Funny that we've made it over 200 years without needing a national network of on-demand concentration camps. Why do we need them now?" Notice the double standard: More militant police officers controlling ordinary Americans, while our elitist leaders evade legal and moral standards other must follow! Dog and Man in Washington: "Rogers, a 54-year-old regional sales manager for Georgia-Pacific, was sleeping under the stars when a large dog suddenly vaulted over a wooden fence and sank its teeth into his left arm. ... Rogers struggled desperately to free himself from the dog...."
The TriCity Herald offers a more descriptive account: 'Deke [the dog] latched onto [Rogers] and in the struggle bit him several times on the hand, back, neck and face while three [police] officers beat him.'..."Supposedly, all of this was justified because the police were hot on the trail of a criminal suspect. One would presume that they were seeking a burglar, a rapist, or some other practitioner of criminal violence. One would be mistaken: The police officers who beat Ken Rogers had been summoned as backup by Sgt. Richard Dopke after he had spotted someone riding a mini-moped without a helmet or turning on the lights."
December 2008
Gates: Review military's role in homeland defense: "Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Monday ordered his top department leaders to conduct a broad review to determine whether the military, National Guard and Reserve... have the training and equipment to defend the homeland. ....His overall tone, however, pressed officials to better integrate reservists into the modern day military and consider treating them on a more equal basis to the active duty troops. ... Arnold L. Punaro, who was chairman of the commission... [said] that improving the military’s role in homeland defense and enhancing the clout of the reserves “represent a historic break with the past.”
November 2008
Pentagon to Detail Troops to Bolster Domestic Security: "The U.S. military expects to have 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States by 2011 trained to help state and local officials respond to a nuclear terrorist attack or other domestic catastrophe, according to Pentagon officials. ... 'Now that Pentagon strategy gives new priority to homeland security and calls for heavier reliance on the Guard and reserves.... Washington has to figure out how to pay for it.'" Obama's civilian army
MI5 Discover Al-Qaeda Buying Ambulances on Ebay: "London—MI5 have warned Britain’s cash-strapped National Health Services that dozens of ambulances, along with old police cars and fire engines past their sell-by date–are being snapped up by al-Qaeda operatives in the United Kingdom to mount suicide bomb attacks. So serious is the problem that counter-terrorism officials at the Home Office have written to eBay, the Internet auctioneer, asking them to stop selling emergency service vehicles..." See Signs of the times
October 2008
Police prepare for unrest: "Police departments in cities across the country are beefing up their ranks for Election Day, preparing for possible civil unrest and riots.... Some worry that if Barack Obama loses and there is suspicion of foul play in the election, violence could ensue in cities with large black populations. Others based the need for enhanced patrols on past riots in urban areas (following professional sports events) and also on Internet rumors."
August 2008
North American Army created without OK by Congress: "In a ceremony that received virtually no attention in the American media, the United States and Canada signed a military agreement Feb. 14 allowing the armed forces from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a domestic civil emergency, even one that does not involve a cross-border crisis. The agreement, defined as a Civil Assistance Plan, was not submitted to Congress for approval." See Rapid Reaction against UN Foes
Administration Set to Use New Spy Program in U.S.: "The Bush administration said yesterday that it plans to start using the nation's most advanced spy technology for domestic purposes soon.... Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said his department will activate his department's new domestic satellite surveillance office in stages.... 'There is no basis to suggest that this process is in any way insufficient to protect the privacy and civil liberties of Americans,' Chertoff wrote."
Al Qaeda recruiting "western" fighters: CIA boss: "Al Qaeda is training fighters that "look western" and could easily cross U.S. borders without attracting attention, CIA Director Michael Hayden said on Sunday."
March 2008
Border Fence Easily Crossed [link and photo are now obsolete]: "A new border fence near Naco, Arizona has done little to stop illegal immigration, according to a local rancher.... The fence is 13 feet high. The type of van used to shuttle people along the border is seven feet high. Posts on the U.S. side are six feet high. 'It would seem to be a simple matter of driving up to the fence on the Mexican side, getting a boost to get over the now six-foot fence, and dropping down on one of the six-foot 4'x4' posts on the U.S. side,' said Glenn Spencer of American Border Patrol.... 'Once again, our border defenses have been designed to fail." See The UN Plan for Global Migration
Terror U -- What's behind the boom in homeland-security and emergency-management majors? "The traditionally slow-moving education industry is churning out a slew of students with specialties in 'mass catastrophe' and 'international disaster.' More than 200 colleges have created homeland-security degree and certificate programs since 9/11.... DHS [Dept. of Homeland Security] has doled out more than $300 million since 9/11 to eight prestigious U.S. universities to open 'centers of excellence' devoted to narrow topics like 'the psyche of terrorists'..."
Homeland-security majors type out term papers on how to identify and outwit America's foes. The inevitability of disaster permeates every syllabus.... Emergency-preparedness and disaster-management classes might have geography majors and biologists, language majors and economists all dreaming about rescue scenarios in a mock situation room. An anthropologist might look at how culture makes people susceptible to foreign influence...."
September 2007
Chicago Video Surveillance Gets Smarter: "Chicago already has thousands of security cameras in use by businesses and police—including some equipped with devices that recognize the sound of a gunshot, turn the cameras toward the source and place a 911 call. But the new system would let cameras analyze images in real time 24 hours a day.... The system could be programmed to recognize license plates. It could alert emergency officials if the same car or truck circles the Sears Tower three times or if nobody picks up a backpack in Grant Park for, say, 30 seconds."
License with alien-driver ID: "Gov. Spitzer announced yesterday that illegal immigrants will get driver's licenses - but at a cost to legal citizens because they'll now be useless as airport ID.... States that fail to meet the standards will lose their certification by the Department of Homeland Security, meaning that driver's licenses in those states will no longer be valid for air travel, entry to federal facilities and for tax purposes."
August 2007
DeFazio... denied access: "As a member of the U.S. House on the Homeland Security Committee, DeFazio, D-Ore., is permitted to enter a secure 'bubbleroom' in the Capitol and examine classified material. So he asked the White House to see the secret documents. On Wednesday, DeFazio got his answer: DENIED....
'"I just can't believe they're going to deny a member of Congress the right of reviewing how they plan to conduct the government of the United States after a significant terrorist attack,' DeFazio says.... 'We're talking about the continuity of the government of the United States of America.'"
July 2007
Barbed Wire Camps for American Citizens: "America is building internment camps for civilians... The stated purpose for these camps is 'in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs.' ... That is so open-ended that it could include almost anything....
"The 1975 Senate report also exposed the existence of the Master Search Warrant and the Master Arrest Warrant. These were never terminated.... The Master Arrest Warrant authorizes the U.S. Attorney General to give the head of the FBI instructions to 'Arrest persons whom I deem dangerous to the public peace and safety. These persons are to be detained and confined until further order.'" See
The Enemy of the PeopleMarching toward Global Solidarity: "'What’s needed is an interfaith center in every city of the globe,' said James Morton, former dean of the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine [Speaking at the 1996 UN Conference on Human Settlements]. "The new interfaith centers will honor the rituals of every… faith tradition: Islam, Hinduism, Jain, Christian… and provide opportunity for sacred expression needed to bind the people of the planet into a viable, meaningful, and sustainable solidarity." See Five Types of Religions
US: Halliburton' Internment Camps: While thousands of people were celebrating the contribution America's undocumented immigrants make to our economy, and demanding justice and recognition for workers who are denied basic rights, the government was making plans for large-scale detention centers in case of an "emergency influx" of immigrants. KBR, the Halliburton subsidiary recently reprimanded for gross overcharging in its military contracts in Iraq, won a $385 million contract to build the centers. According to the Halliburton website -- www. Halliburton .com -- "the contract, which is effective immediately, provides for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities to augment existing ICE Detention and Removal Operations Program facilities in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs." What new programs might those be?
May 2007
The location of concentration camps in America: "There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general's signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached. Ask yourself if you really want to be on THE list. The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a "mass exodus" of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. See
Barbed Wire Camps for American Citizens
The White House: National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive: "This policy establishes 'National Essential Functions,' prescribes continuity requirements for all executive departments and agencies, and provides guidance for State, local, territorial, and tribal governments, and private sector organizations in order to ensure a comprehensive and integrated national continuity program.... 'Catastrophic Emergency' means any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions.... GEORGE W. BUSH."
April 2007
One-Third of Religious Visas Fraudulent: "The visa program was established in 1990 to allow churches, synagogues and mosques to hire qualified foreigners to fill open jobs. Applicants for a religious visa must have a sponsor in the U.S. /Now Homeland Security plans to implement new regulations in an effort to prevent radical groups from using the visa program to get terrorists into the U.S. The regulations will allow inspectors and Customs officials to investigate religious organizations sponsoring applicants to assure that they are legitimate." See The emerging New World Order
March 2007
The Late, Great American Nation: "Not only do many Americans view their government with suspicion, but how their government views them has drastically changed.
"...the Bush Administration pushed for the inclusion of two stealth provisions into a mammoth defense budget bill. The additions made it easier for the government to declare martial law and establish a dictatorship.... According to the new law, Bush doesn’t even have to notify Congress of his intent to use military force against the American people—he just has to notify them once he has done so. The defense budget provision’s vague language leaves the doors wide open for rampant abuse.
"...under martial law, the Bill of Rights becomes null and void.... Thus, if we were subject to martial law, there would be no rules, no protections, no judicial oversight and no elections. And unless these provisions are repealed, the president’s new power will be set in stone for future administrations to use—and abuse....
"A fundamental principle of American government is to not trust public officials. But modern Americans, primed by television pablum and ignorant of their history, have a tendency to trust people in office simply because they appear to share a common faith, say the right things.... But lest we forget, power has a tendency to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Homeland Security revives supersnoop: "Homeland Security officials are testing a supersnoop computer system that sifts through personal information on U.S. citizens to detect possible terrorist attacks, prompting concerns from lawmakers who have called for investigations. The system uses the same data-mining process that was developed by the Pentagon's Total Information Awareness (TIA) project that was banned by Congress in 2003 because of vast privacy violations....The technology is expected to analyze more than 3 million 'relationships' or connections per hour, says the report, which included an example of how friends, family members, locations and workplaces can be linked by pinging the data."
February 2007
10,000 Saudi Students on US Campuses: "Two years ago President Bush and Saudi Arabia's then Crown Prince Abdullah jointly called for a greater exchange of students, but recent revelations of a terror plot and a history of lax screening have raised concerns about the nearly 10,000 Saudis in the United States on student visas.... Considering that 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudis and some had been issued student visas, the new information on Saudi student visa numbers is highly relevant." See Homeland Security
January 2007
Thousands of illegal aliens preying on little children: "Top officials at the Department of Homeland Security had announced that arrests during the first two years of Operation Predator, an initiative aimed at foreign nationals who prey on children, have exceeded 6,000. The majority of the arrests under Operation Predator -- roughly 85% -- have involved foreign nationals in this country whose child sex crimes make them eligible for removal from the United States.... 'We are seeing an alarming number of illegal aliens with criminal records for everything from homicides to rapes of children as young as three years of age'...
'The illegal immigration problem is allowing hundreds of thousands of criminal aliens to invade our nation and kill, maim, rob and abuse our citizens,' warns the one of the vice presidents of the 14,000-member National Association of Chiefs of Police....'If anything, the President and the two houses of Congress are actually helping these fiends enter the US.... They appear more intent on locking up border patrol agents that stopping illegal alien thugs."
October 2006
Spychips in Passports May be Just the Start: "RFID-laced passports may be just the start of an Orwellian airport experience, warn privacy advocates... as the nation braces for a rollout of the controversial technology in passports this week. They point to a U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) concept video... that shows how citizens can be tracked and monitored throughout an airport terminal — without their knowledge or consent."
Air Force chief: Test weapons on testy U.S. mobs: "Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before being used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday. The object is basically public relations.... Nonlethal weapons generally can weaken people if they are hit with the beam. Some of the weapons can emit short, intense energy pulses that also can be effective in disabling some electronic devices."
The Constitution vs. Counterterrorism: "Last week a federal district judge in Detroit ruled that the National Security Agency's conduct of electronic surveillance outside the boundaries of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is illegal. ... Other countries have greater flexibility in tailoring their judicial procedures to the special problems posed by terrorism. We are boxed in by our revered 18th-century Constitution as interpreted by the Supreme Court. The Hamdan decision suggests that a majority, albeit a bare majority, of the court is unsympathetic to arguments that our understanding of certain provisions of the Constitution needs to be revised to meet contemporary needs." (8-22-06) See Ban truth - Reap Tyranny
Texas Sheriffs Say Terrorists Entering US from Mexico: "...Arabic-speaking individuals are learning Spanish and integrating into Mexican culture before paying smugglers to sneak them into the United States....
Iranian currency, military badges in Arabic, jackets and other clothing are among the items that have been discovered along the banks of the Rio Grande River. The sheriff... described the individuals in question as well-funded and able to pay so-called 'coyotes' - human smugglers - large sums of money for help gaining illegal entry into the U.S. 'It's clear these people are coming in for reasons other than employment,' Gonzalez said."
That sentiment is shared by Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.). 'For years, Muslims and other 'Special Interest Aliens' from places other than Mexico have been streaming into the U.S. across our porous border.... These people are not paying $50,000 or more a head just to 'take jobs no American will do.... Terrorists are working round the clock to infiltrate the United States,' he added. 'Congress and this administration must address this gaping hole in our national security....'
"'We see patches on jackets from countries where we know al Qaeda to be active,' Gonzalez explained.... Sheriff Wayne Jernigan... told members of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in March about one patch that read 'midnight mission' and displayed an airplane flying over a building heading towards a tower....
"Al Qaeda leadership plans to use criminal alien smuggling organizations to bring terrorist operatives across the border into the U.S.' ... Carlos Espinosa, a press spokesman for Tancredo, said his office is aware of a training camp in Brazil that actually teaches people from outside of Latin America how they can assimilate into the Mexican culture. 'They come up as illegal aliens and disguise themselves as potential migrant workers.'" See The emerging New World Order
U.S. Hiring Hong Kong Co. to Scan Nukes: "The administration acknowledges the no-bid contract with Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. represents the first time a foreign company will be involved in running a sophisticated U.S. radiation detector at an overseas port without American customs agents present."
Death blow to guest worker amnesty -- GAO Report exposes massive mismanagement: "In a devastating report released today, the GAO charges the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) – this is the agency under the Department of Homeland Security that would be in charge of proposed Guest Worker Amnesty – with a failed organizational infrastructure and massive mismanagement and corruption.... Among the GAO's most alarming findings are that 33 percent of religious worker visas were issued fraudulently. There is documented evidence that radical Islamists, with ties to terrorist organizations, have used the religious worker visa category to gain admission to the United States."
U.S. Reviewing 2nd Dubai Firm: "The Bush administration, stung by the public outcry over the Dubai port deal, has launched a national security investigation of another Dubai-owned company set to take over plants in Georgia and Connecticut that make precision components used in engines for military aircraft and tanks.... It is also investigating an Israeli company's plans to buy the Maryland software security firm Sourcefire, which does business with Defense Department agencies. Sources familiar with the Israeli investigation said cybersecurity officials at the departments of Defense, Justice and Homeland Security all raised serious concerns about the purchase before the port controversy erupted."
Dubai ports firm enforces Israel boycott: "The parent company of a Dubai-based firm at the center of a political storm in the US over the purchase of American ports participates in the Arab boycott against Israel, The Jerusalem Post has learned. The firm, Dubai Ports World, is seeking control over six major US ports, including those in New York, Miami, Philadelphia and Baltimore. It is entirely owned by the Government of Dubai.... 'Yes, of course the boycott is still in place and is still enforced,' Muhammad Rashid a-Din, a staff member of the Dubai Customs Department's Office for the Boycott of Israel."
Dubai funds Neil Bush's company: "Neil Bush's frequent travels to Dubai are documented by Datamatix, a Dubai-based information technology company that has featured Neil Bush as a speaker.... the company's website also shows Dubai appearances of various Democratic Party luminaries including Al Gore....
"Bush has also turned up in the Philippines and Taiwan at the side of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the head of the controversial Unification Church.... In a separate business venture involving semiconductors, Neil Bush took investment money from Jiang Mianheng, the son of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin."
February 2006
Arab firm to oversee 6 U.S. ports: "A company in the United Arab Emirates is poised to take over significant operations at six American ports as part of a corporate sale, leaving a country with ties to the Sept. 11 hijackers with influence over a maritime industry considered vulnerable to terrorism....
"DP World said it won approval from a secretive U.S. government panel.... The committee, which could have recommended that President Bush block the purchase, includes representatives from the departments of Treasury, Defense, Justice, Commerce, State and Homeland Security."
December 2006
Undercover Air Marshals to Expand Mission: "Federal air marshals are expanding their work beyond airplanes, launching counter-terror surveillance at train stations and other mass transit facilities in a three-day test program."
Supreme Court says schools can be sued for student harassment: "Students can sue their schools under provisions of a state anti-discrimination law if they're subjected to harassment by other students, the Vermont Supreme Court said on Friday. ... 'The standard for (public accommodation act) claims must accommodate both a student's right to be `free of harassment in educational institutions,' ... and a school's opportunity to respond to alleged harassment before being subject to litigation.'" See Clinton's War on Hate Bans Christian Values and the first three items here.
October 2005
Hospitals to treat avian flu epidemic same as terrorist attack: "'We're correlating it to a weapon of mass destruction type thing,' said Bernie Heilicser... medical director of South Cook County Emergency Medical Services.... The avian flu does not have a vaccine; the creation of one could take months, if not years, after the first human-to-human case is identified."
Bird Flue, Liberty, and Quarantine: "President Bush is asking Congress to supersede the American traditional possee comitatus and allow federal use of armed troops to perform the police function of keeping sick people in and well people out of those streets, towns, cities, or sections of the country where Bird Flu will rage, sicken, and kill."
Bush says he may need more power in disasters: "Bush’s backing for the congressional inquiry raised the possibility that lawmakers might expand presidential authority to: • Order mandatory civilian evacuations • Dispatch U.S.-based armed forces for emergency search-and-rescue operations • Grant wider leeway for active-duty U.S. military personnel to carry out law enforcement operations."
House Votes to Extend Patriot Act: "...the House approved the measure 257-171. ... The bulk of the back-and-forth centered on language making permanent 14 of 16 provisions that had four-year sunset provisions under the original law, which Congress passed overwhelmingly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The bill also includes 10-year extensions to the two other provisions set to expire on Dec. 31, one allowing roving wiretaps and another allowing searches of library and medical records."
Intelligence czar resume: "Bush’s new nominee for national intelligence director has a background in human rights and Geneva Convention violations with respect to torture and renditions just like the new attorney general Alberto Gonzales and the new Homeland Security director Michael Chertoff.... From 1971 to 1973, Negroponte was the officer-in-charge for Vietnam at the National Security Council (NSC) under Henry Kissinger. In 1987, during the administration of George Bush the elder, Negroponte returned to the NSC to work under Colin Powell as deputy assistant to the president for national security affairs."
We have been warned, now what? "CIA Director Porter Goss said, 'It may be only a matter of time before al-Qaida or another group attempts to use chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons.' FBI Director Robert Mueller III said he is 'very concerned' about the lack of intelligence data on a network of al-Qaida sleeper cells in the United States....
"Coast Guard Adm. James Loy, who was acting Homeland Security Secretary until Michael Chertoff was sworn in last Tuesday, testified that recent information showed 'al-Qaida has considered using the Southwest border to infiltrate the United States.'...
"...sleeper cells are ad hoc entities with one cell knowing little about other cells. The cells become operative when an 'execution cell' arrives to carry out the final stages of a planned attack. Sleeper cells try to appear non-threatening and avoid notice.'"
Apparently, safety can no longer be taken for granted. Therefore, we have all the more reason to appreciate our security in Christ! Seeing the world from His perspective
January 2005
Homeland insecurity: The year in review: "2004 was a good year for terrorists, violent gang members, law-breakers and fraud artists seeking safe haven in America.... The savage El Salvador-based gang, Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), has now penetrated more than a dozen states. ... Active in alien, drug and weapons smuggling, MS-13 members in America have been tied to numerous killings, robberies, carjackings, extortions and rapes. The gang has also been linked to efforts to help al Qaeda infiltrate the U.S.-Mexico border....
"Border Patrol officers and local investigative journalists in the Southwest reported on increasing numbers of Middle Eastern males entering illegally from Mexico....
"...a suspected al Qaeda agent arrested in Queens, N.Y., revealed a scheme to smuggle terrorists across the U.S.-Mexico border. In July, two alert Border Patrol agents apprehended Farida Goolam Mohamed Ahmed at McAllen (Texas) airport. She was carrying an altered South African passport.... She confessed to having entered the country illegally by crossing the Rio Grande River. Court documents showed that she was on a government watch list and had entered the United States up to 250 times...." See Merging the Americas in a New Global Order
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