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Creation or Evolution
Darwin's Black Box | The scientists vs. God The Creator of all | Origin of life
There Is Scientific Dissent From Darwinism: "Darwinism is a trivial idea that has been elevated to the status of the scientific theory that governs modern biology."
Templeton Award-winner Denies Intelligent Design: "A Roman Catholic priest has been named the winner of this year’s Templeton Prize, a $1.6 million award that recognizes 'progress toward research or discoveries about spiritual realities.'... Heller, who serves as a professor of philosophy in the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Kraków, Poland, is known for his work on the overlap of cosmology and theology.... "Heller writes: 'Adherents of the so-called intelligent design ideology commit a grave theological error. They claim that scientific theories, that ascribe the great role to chance and random events in the evolutionary processes, should be replaced, or supplemented, by theories acknowledging the thread of intelligent design in the universe. Such views are theologically erroneous. They implicitly revive the old manicheistic error postulating the existence of two forces acting against each other: God and an inert matter; in this case, chance and intelligent design. There is no opposition here. Within the all-comprising Mind of God what we call chance and random events is well composed into the symphony of creation." This priest shows no respect for either the Bible or the Creator.
Is Darwin Kosher? "Carl Feit, who is an ordained rabbi and Talmudic scholar... has always taught evolution -- supported by traditional Jewish source material.... His assessment echoes the official line of the Modern Orthodox rabbinical association, which states that evolution is entirely consistent with Judaism.... " In his 12th-century masterpiece, 'Guide to the Perplexed,' Maimonides opened the door to a Judaism unfettered by a literal reading of religious texts. For many Jews the persuasive case for evolution does indeed amount to a crisis of faith, but the Maimonidean precedent of figurative interpretation provides a framework within which conflicts arising between Torah and science can be argued away."
Carbon Dating Undercuts Evolution's Long Ages: "Evolutionists generally feel secure even in the face of compelling creationist arguments today because of their utter confidence in the geological time scale. Even if they cannot provide a naturalistic mechanism, they appeal to the 'fact of evolution,' by which they mean an interpretation of earth history with a succession of different types of plants and animals in a drama spanning hundreds of millions of years. ... Although creationists have long pointed out the rock formations themselves testify unmistakably to water catastrophism on a global scale, evolutionists generally have ignored this testimony. This is partly due to the legacy of the doctrine of uniformitarianism.... "With the discovery of radioactivity about a hundred years ago, evolutionists deeply committed to the uniformitarian outlook believed they finally had proof of the immense antiquity of the earth.... However, modern technology has produced a major fly in that uniformitarian ointment...."
What a beautiful planet! Thank You, Lord -- our amazing Creator!!!
Evolutionary Psych May Not Help Explain Our Behavior After All: "[ Evolutionary psychology] argues that Pleistocene humans who engaged in certain behaviors left more descendants than did contemporaries who did not engage in those behaviors. As a result, we, their descendants, are wired for the behaviors.... But as Prof. Buller, a professor of philosophy at Northern Illinois University, dug deeper, he concluded that the claims of evo psych are 'wrong in almost every detail' because the data underlying them are deeply flawed."Of course, it's flawed. Like the entire bases for evolution, it's based on a utopian socialist quest for scientific evidence for the philosophy of social evolution. Read some of the scientific data on this page: Origin of life.
Nature 'mankind's gravest threat': "Giant walls of water that can devastate coastal cities, volcanoes so big that their ash crushes houses 1,500km (932 miles) away, giant earthquakes and asteroid impacts. These are very rare events and, if we are lucky, nothing like them will happen in our lifetimes. ... The last 'super volcanic eruption' was back in April 1815, when Tambora in Indonesia exploded violently, in what was the largest eruption in historic time. The eruption column reached a height of about 44 km (28 miles), ash fell as far as 1,300 km (800 miles) from the volcano - and an estimated 92,000 people were killed. Rare though they are, events this catastrophic need to be taken very seriously." Keep in mind, such well-recorded catastrophies pre-date the combustion engines and other man-made technologies blamed for natural environmental changes. These are part of God's creation, and our omniscient Maker warns us that the worst is yet to come -- no matter how clever man's plans. See Signs of the times
An Atheist's Apostasy -- Data won over professor; why shun it in class? (UK): "British professor Antony Flew, for decades one of the world's leading philosophers of atheism, publicly announced that he now affirms the existence of a deity. To be sure, Mr. Flew has not become an adherent of any creed. He simply believes that science points to the existence of some sort of intelligent designer of the universe. He says evidence from DNA research convinces him that the genetic structure of biological life is too complex to have evolved entirely on its own. Though the 81-year-old philosopher believes Darwinian theory explains a lot, he contends that it cannot account for how life initially began. "...it's refreshing to see that an academic of his stature is unafraid to let new facts change his mind. The philosopher told [AP]... 'My whole life has been guided by the principle of Plato's Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads.'"
Dragon-slaying Hobbits and biblical truth: "Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived a village of warrior hobbits. No more than three feet tall or so, they dwelled in caves and hunted down dragons and pygmy elephants with stone weaponry.... "The overwhelming proof of weaponry and mastery of fire is also a bit embarrassing to some contemporary scientific theories. This just doesn’t match up with what scientists believe is possible, given the brain size of the Hobbits. You can be sure, that if the incontrovertible remains of cooked Komodo dragons and weapons had not been found, scientists would have portrayed Homo floresiensis as a wandering savage.... "This should bring back memories of contemporary science 'debunking' the existence of biblical people groups and cities, only to find later archaeological proof of them. ... After all, people groups all over the world have 'legends' of a global flood, legends scientists dismiss as superstition. Psychologists have joined the fray, arguing that flood 'sagas' are part of a collective unconscious mythology."
Parents take evolution warning to trial: "A trial opened yesterday over whether a warning sticker in Atlanta biology textbooks that says evolution is 'a theory, not a fact' violates the separation of church and state by promoting religion. ... Cobb County schools put the disclaimers in biology texts two years ago after more than 2,000 parents complained that the books presented evolution as fact without mentioning rival ideas about the origin of life, namely creationism.... "An attorney for the school district... said the sticker was meant to 'encourage critical thinking' and did not imply that evolution was wrong. Mr. Gunn said it was silly to consider the stickers a promotion of religion. 'It doesn't say anything about faith. It doesn't say anything about religion, he said."
Anti-evolution paper met with 'hysteria, name-calling': "The publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal of an article expounding and defending 'Intelligent Design' was met with 'hysteria, name-calling and personal attack.' the three peer reviewers of Meyer's paper 'all hold faculty positions in biological disciplines at prominent universities and research institutions, one at an Ivy League university, one at a major U.S. public university, and another at a major overseas research institute.' All found the paper 'meritorious, warranting publication,' he said. Moreover, Sternberg told the journal he and Meyer have falsely been labeled creationists by the scientific community, noting: 'It's fascinating how the 'creationist' label is falsely applied to anyone who raises any questions about neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory. The reaction to the paper by some [anti-creationist] extremists suggests that the thought police are alive and well in the scientific community.'" See What Darwin Didn't Know
Glimpse at Early Universe Reveals Surprisingly Mature Galaxies : "This was the most comprehensive survey ever done covering the bulk of the galaxies that represent conditions in the early universe,' Glazebrook said. 'We expected to find basically zero massive galaxies beyond about 9 billion years ago, because theoretical models predict that massive galaxies form last. Instead, we found highly developed galaxies that just shouldn't have been there, but are.' These findings challenge the dominant theory of galactic evolution...."No wonder they "challenge the dominant theory of galactic evolution." God's perfect creation was based on His wisdom, not man's. See Our Creator
Science on verge of new 'Creation': "The ability to make new forms of life from scratch--molecular living systems from chemicals we get from a chemical supply store--is going to have a profound impact on society, much of it positive, but some of it potentially negative,' said Mark Bedau, professor of philosophy and humanities at Reed College in Portland, Ore., and editor-in-chief of the Artificial Life Journal." They can't "make new forms of life from scratch." Our sovereign Lord created all the raw materials in the first place! See The scientists vs. God E-mails on creation flap 'swamp' Park Service: "Causing the flow of e-mail is the controversy over a book for sale at the Grand Canyon that claims the famous area was formed by the Old Testament flood Noah survived and can be no older than a few thousand years. That contention has some scientists calling for the book to be pulled from store shelves. Most geologists contend the canyon is millions of years old." They are wrong. Look at the evidence and check the next link: Catastrophic Plate Tectonics: The Physics behind the Genesis Flood: "The crucial final piece of the puzzle has come from laboratory experiments that have carefully measured the way in which silicate minerals deform under conditions of high temperature and high stress. These experiments reveal silicate material can weaken dramatically, by factors of a billion or more, at mantle temperatures and for stress conditions that can exist in the mantles of planets the size of the Earth.. ." But those who determined over a century ago to use "scientific evolution" as the foundation for today's social evolution prefer to hide these truth. See also What Darwin didn't know
Temblor was typical of geologically
young area, scientists say: "In Monday
morning's earthquake, the Santa Lucia
range that holds the landmark estate and adjacent towns shrugged its
shoulders and then grew with a sudden jolt, probably
one to four feet, sending a magnitude 6.5 reminder that California's
central coast is a young and restless region."
(SJM, 12/23/03)
The scientists
vs. God: A funny story
with an important reminder.
Author Debunks Darwin's Theory of
Evolution: "In the 144
years since Charles Darwin published his notorious book, The Origin of Species,
his theory of evolution has come to be regarded by many as irrefutable fact."
Crumbling Icons: "About 10 years ago, I came across a delightful article in the Italian journal, Rivista di Biologia. Titled 'Be Cautious, Mr. Bates,' the article challenged the Darwinian explanation of how the Viceroy butterfly came to look so much like the Monarch.... "The most interesting part of the article was the way the authors chided biology professors for presenting speculative ideas as facts. 'Many generations have listened passively to these presentations,' they noted. 'We feel obligated, however, to warn our readers that these peaceful days are coming to an end and that we must prepare for strife.'...They urged their readers to 'avoid the usual practice of leading all discussions in such a way as to glorify Darwinian theory. With SOR students lurking in the class, frail scenarios will no longer be passively accepted.'" Asking the "Big" Questions: "Each year at about this time millions of students across the country make their way back to campus to continue their unfettered pursuit of truth by asking life’s 'big' questions in a free and liberating educational context; right? Well, unfortunately this ideal isn’t always reached. In fact, sometimes it is even obstructed. As an example, read the following caution that comes from a recent syllabus for a science education class at a major U.S. university: