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Feminist Power & Earth-Centered Spirituality For background information, see Our Mother the Earth? |
November 2012
Now Brussels takes aim at the Famous Five! Books portraying 'traditional' families could be barred: "The document, prepared by the European Parliament’s Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, also suggests EU-wide legislation is needed to tackle the way women are depicted in advertising during children’s television programmes. It further complains about the number of women in EU parliaments, and floats the idea of fixed quotas on a minimum proportion of female MPs." See Mine is the Power!
February 2012
Soldiers don fake belly, breasts to better understand pregnant [female] troops' exercise concerns: "The Army is ordering its hardened combat veterans to wear fake breasts and empathy bellies so they can better understand how pregnant soldiers feel during physical training. his week, 14 noncommissioned officers at Camp Zama took turns wearing the 'pregnancy simulators'....The 78th Aviation Battalion mechanic said he was ordered to do the training even though he doesn’t have any female soldiers in his unit." See God's Warnings for our Times
The New Age Comes to the Girl Scouts of the USA: "...a 12 page brochure for their upcoming annual National Council Session... states: 'Channel your inner being. Be one with your mind, body, and soul. Yoga for everyone!' Yet, on their website it states: 'Doxology is not an appropriate Girl Scout event song, as it is easily identified as a Christian church song.'" See Mine is the Power!
January 2012
Hillary Clinton Offers 'World Class' Education in the U.S. to Women from Muslim Countries: "Clinton said the scholarship program will 'create new opportunities for women from predominantly Muslim nations to pursue world-class undergraduate educations in science, technology, engineering, and math.'... 'Advancing opportunities for women around the globe is an issue that is important to me.... [T]he NeXXt Scholars program will help arm a new generation of women to be change agents in their communities....'" See The International Agenda
November 2011
The High Costs of Marriage Absence: "Prior to Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty, husbands and fathers provided for their families.... Since the federal government created the child-support bureaucracy, the majority of divorces have been initiated by women. They confidently expect that pro-feminist family courts will award them a steady income for which they will never be held accountable.
"....there are two gender gaps....The bad gender gap is that the biggest losers in the Obama economy are men...a fact that is bad for men, for families, for the federal deficit and debt problems... Men have lost twice as many jobs as women. ...Since millions of those good jobs have been outsourced to China and other low-wage countries, the husband is now lucky if he gets a $10-an-hour job.... We are now supporting 44 million Americans on food stamps. ....
"College is a dangerous place for men. They are not only a minority but they are victimized by discriminatory and unconstitutional anti-male rules. In another striking proof that the Obama Administration is totally manipulated by feminists, the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights sent out a 19-page 'DCL' (Dear Colleague Letter) to colleges and universities that should make men fear attending college at all. The letter adopts the feminist theory that in all sexual controversies or accusations, the man is guilty unless he proves himself innocent....Furthermore, the DCL 'strongly discourages' colleges from permitting an accused man 'to question or cross-examine the accuser' during the hearing.....He will likely be expelled, barred from graduate or professional school and some government jobs, suffer irreparable damage to his reputation....The feminist apparatus is constantly grinding out phony statistics about sexual assault and harassment."
See Mine is the Power?
Girl Scouts Convention Features Pro-Abortion Speakers: "The Girl Scouts... will celebrate 100 years of existence during its 52nd National Convention on November 10-13....'This year’s convention features Houston Mayor Annise Parker, who ...lives with her life partner Kathy Hubbard, campaign treasurer for Planned Parenthood.....Girl Scout 2011 convention speaker Swanee Hunt is a pro-abortion activist who organized women voters for pro-abortion President Barack Obama."
Girl Scouts Allow 7-Year-Old Boy to Join Because He is ‘Living Life as a Girl’: "The Girl Scouts of Colorado are allowing a 7-year-old boy to join a local troop because he is “living life as a girl.” Wonder what happens when the boy and others become teens? Will they still be Girl Scouts?
August 2011
Women Falling Away From Religion [Christianity]: "Women today are attending church and Sunday school less, reading the Bible less, and consider their faith less important in their lives. ...women have become less likely to hold traditional views of God as the all-knowing creator and ruler of the universe. Women today are less likely to see the devil as a real person, considering him more a 'symbol of evil.' Women used to put men to shame in terms of their orthodoxy of belief and the breadth and consistency of their religious behavior. No more; the religious gender gap has substantially closed."
"Professing to be wise, they became fools....And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting..." Romans 1:22,28
July 2011
See Our Father in Heaven or Our Mother the Earth?'God the Father' banished by mainline denomination: "The United Church of Christ, the denomination whose Chicago pastor Jeremiah Wright blasted the United States and white people for years from the pulpit while Barack Obama sat in his pews, has decided to banish God 'the Father' from its organizational documents....The changes include a pointed deletion of a reference to God 'as heavenly Father' which....was too restrictive. ...She told WND the denomination seeks to be 'inclusive' in its language, 'so therefore we will tend to change language that is more traditional to be more inclusive.' She said some of the denomination's pastors refer to God with terms such as 'Creator' and 'Father and Mother.'"
February 2011
Just say no to feminists' boot camp: "Long considered a paragon of virtue and as American as apple pie, in the last decades the Girl Scouts have taken a sharp left turn....Unfortunately, most of these girls come from conservative, God-fearing households whose parents are unaware (or in denial) that the organization has morphed into the feminists' boot camp of choice. Just look at the organization's major sponsor: the Dove Self Esteem Fund and Unilever, a perennial donor of Planned Parenthood. Examine the organizations the Girl Scouts are promoting: CARE, a leading lobbyist for abortion-on-demand worldwide, the population control organization UNICEF, MTV, the Women's Media Center founded by Steinem and Jane Fonda, and Media Matters..." See Mine is the Power
2010Jennifer Aniston Not “Settling” For a Man: “Women are realizing it more and more knowing that they don’t have to settle with a man just to have that child,' Aniston said at a press conference Sunday. 'Times have changed ... [We] have so many options these days, as opposed to our parents’ days when you can’t have children because you waited too long.” See
Temptation and the next link:Hollywood Bored with Traditional Values: “A woman can have children without a father to raise them, but it's the children who pay the high price for that decision,' said Wendy Wright, President of the conservative...Concerned Women for America. 'Hollywood celebrities have long been in the forefront of mocking social norms, to their own detriment and the shattered lives of those who follow their example.'
“'Traditional family values may be boring for Hollywood celebrities, but they develop stable, secure and healthy people,' Wright added. 'Children need a dad. No amount of insisting 'but I can do whatever I want' can change that fact.” See Mine is the Power
The abortion nurse's daughter: "As Abigail's mother became more deeply involved with feminism, she told Abigail all people were naturally bisexual and androgynous and that gender and sexuality were merely social constructs. She cut Abigail's waist-length hair short.... She encouraged Abigail at age 12 to identify openly as a bisexual and forced her to wear GLBT pins on her backpack....
"Abigail was raised Episcopalian, but the abortion prompted her mother to change religions. The clinic owner where Abigail's mother worked was a Wiccan. Most of her new friends followed a Wicca-oriented New Age path and worshipped fertility, warrior and death goddesses. Abigail's mother dabbled in all the aforementioned but settled on Buddhism. She banned Bibles and discussion of Christianity from the house....
"When Abigail turned 13 her mother began pulling her from school on Fridays to work as what pro-lifers call a 'deathscort' at her abortion mill, one who attempts to usher pregnant mothers past pro-life sidewalk counselors into the mill before they can hear or see anything that would cause them to change their minds..." See Mine is the Power!
August 2010
The feminist gestapo goes global: "Based in the State Department, her statutory title will be 'Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues.' Her task will be to assure a 'gender integration' perspective in all State Department policies and programs. ...the feminist ambassador will also be responsible for the 'allocation of State Department resources' to carry out the mischief....
"The bill authorizes U.S. money to be spent to develop 'programs affecting social norms, community attitudes, and male and female participation in violence and response to victims.'"
July 2010
Jailed welfare cheat granted access to IVF treatment [Australia]: "Kimberley Castles, an inmate at minimum-security Tarrengower Prison, had claimed in the Supreme Court that her human rights were breached because she was refused access to fertility treatment.... Castles sued the Justice Department....[and won!] Justice Emerton said: “...“IVF treatment is both necessary for the preservation of Ms Castles’ reproductive health and reasonable given the ...fact that she will become ineligible for further treatment [at age 46] before she is released from prison.'
"Castles is serving an 18-month minimum term for fraudulently claiming almost $140,000 in single-parent welfare benefits between 1984 and 1998, and then claiming further benefits under a false name between 2000 and 2006."Ginsburg: Roe Will Hold: "Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg declared Thursday that abortions would continue to be available to women regardless of the legal challenges.... 'Over a generation of young women have grown up, understanding they can control their own reproductive capacity, and in fact their life's destiny,' Ginsburg said in rare public remarks. 'We will never go back to the way it once was.'"
April 2010
The Allure of the Goddess: "The pastor’s wife opened the door and led me into a large room she had changed into a bookstore, leaving me to browse. Scanning the shelves along the walls, I noticed familiar authors such as Lynn Andrews who freely blends witchcraft with Native American rituals, New Age self-empowerment, and other occult traditions to form her own spirituality. Among the multicultural books in the children’s section, one caught my attention. Called Many Faces of the Great Goddess, it was a ‘coloring book for all ages.’ Page after page sported voluptuous drawings of famed goddesses....
"Driving home, I pondered today’s fast-spreading shift from Christianity to paganism. Apparently, myths and spiritualized sensuality sound good to those who seek new revelations and 'higher' truths. Many of the modern myths picture deities that fit somewhere between a feminine version of God and the timeless goddesses pictured in earth-centered stories and cultures." See
Idols and unholy gods
March 2010
Teaching Time-tested Values? "While the Boy Scouts of America organization has stood tall in its historic Christian roots, Girl Scouts appears to have been remade, with neo-feminism, New Age philosophy, and environmental activism at its forefront. Boy Scouts fought to exclude homosexual leaders and, as a result, has been barred from public buildings; Girls Scouts, whose paid personnel is reportedly one-third lesbian.... Last month, Girl Scouts was on the hot seat when news leaked about a pamphlet distributed at a Girl Scouts-hosted panel at the annual United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. The Planned Parenthood-sponsored brochure, Healthy, Happy, and Hot, subtitled, “Rights, Sexuality, and Living with HIV,” explicitly and graphically promotes a casual-sex agenda tempered with inaccurate information.... Children are told, .There is no right or wrong way to have sex....'
"The Planned Parenthood-Girl Scouts connection is not a new one. In the mid-1990s, the Girl Scout promise, recited through the ages, underwent a change.... The change, reflected with the asterisk, adds, '*The word ‘God’ can be interpreted in a number of ways, depending on one's spiritual beliefs...'.
"God’s omission was the final straw for one Girl Scout leader, Patti Garibay, who began a new organization called American Heritage Girls."
Girl Scouts hiding secret sex agenda? "A witness who attended the 54th session of United Nations' Commission on the Status of Women has unleashed a firestorm of controversy after reporting copies of Planned Parenthood's teen-sex promoting guide, 'Healthy, Happy and Hot,' were provided for Girl Scouts in attendance. The Girl Scouts organization, in turn, has issued a denial statement, distancing itself from any involvement in 'family planning,' despite clear evidence to the contrary.... The guide itself, produced by the International Planned Parenthood Federation for young people with HIV, depicts both same-sex and opposite-sex couples, contains graphic details on 'exploring' sexuality and encourages casual sex in many forms." See Mystical Girl Scout camp
January 2010
Earth-Centered Spirituality. Movie Alert: Avatar could tempt millions to accept “Ancient Wisdom”: "Avatar has a strong shamanistic, spiritual component and a message that clearly portrays the mystical and the goddess spirituality." See Is Earth our Mother?
September 2009
Re-imagining God: "'We invoke Sophia, Divine Wisdom...' prayed over 2000 women [Presbyterian, Baptist, etc.] at the opening ceremony.... Like most neopagan celebrations, the conference began by 'Making Holy Space' to the beat of Native American drums. 'The drum is feminine,' explained the program, 'and the drumbeat is the heartbeat of the earth.'... Seated in intimate Native American 'talking circles' around the tables, the assembly imagined the faces of [a] god.... 'Tell each other.... Re-imagine your God. Name! Tell! Image!'
"To help the women visualize their own goddess, the leaders suggested a medley of exotic images. Sophia might be her 'Christian' name, but the options were boundless: Mystery, Lover, Earth Mother, Spirit Woman.... Each speaker brought new images that fed the imagination. 'If we cannot imagine Jesus as a tree, as a river, as wind, and as rain, we are doomed together,' warned Kwok Pui-Lan, a Chinese theologian....
'"New gods arise when they are needed,' the women were told.... Chung Hyun Kyung suggested one of her favorite images as an option..."
May 2009
Goddess Worship in America: "Jesus consistently called God, 'Father.' When His disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray, Jesus taught them to address God as 'Our Father which art in Heaven.' ... How, then, could so many Christians accept The Shack which portrays God is as a woman?" See Idols and "other gods"
June 2009
Girl Scouts exposed: Lessons in lesbianism: "When many parents think of Girl Scouts, they imagine young girls in uniform selling Thin Mints and Tagalong cookies – not learning about stone labyrinths, world peace, global warming, yoga, avatars, smudging incense, Zen gardens and feminist, communist and lesbian role models. But that's exactly what many of 2.7 million Girl Scouts will learn about with a new curriculum called 'Journeys' released last year....
"'When teens reach their junior and senior years in high school, they begin a Girl Scouts curriculum called 'Your Voice Your World: The Power of Advocacy.' It encourages young women to begin 'raising their voices as advocates'.... Many of the female role models mentioned are feminists, lesbians, existentialists, communists and Marxists." See Mine is the Power!
January 2009
Mine is the Power! (From the 1995 UN Conference for Women held in Beijing): "At the first meeting, a Brazilian leader presented a thank offering of fruit to 'Mother Earth.' Then she lifted a Christian cross saying, 'The people from my community used to believe in the crucifixion but we have decided 'No more crucifixion.' We believe in life!" She began chanting, 'We are power.... No one empowers anyone, we do this ourselves.' ...
"Welcome, daughters of the Earth,' intoned Bella Abzug when the chant died down.... 'The exercise of imagining is an act of creation. The act of creation is an exercise of will..... Believe it. We are the women who will transform the world.'....
"'The US official delegation... headed by Bella Abzug, and representatives on staff at the UN are coordinating a worldwide feminist revolution and cover up.' A new feminist language hid the goals driving the feminist agenda: abolishing male leadership at every level of society and taking control of all issues that affect Western women. The official reasons for the conference dealt with more obvious and global concerns: hunger, illness, drought and violence. Yet, Western delegates seemed focused on feminist issues such as reproductive rights and sexual orientation....."'Gender,' they said, 'indicates that sex roles and behaviors are artificially constructed and freely chosen.... Some feminist leaders wanted to promote 'an equality of five genders.' They would include 'male and female heterosexuals, male and female homosexuals, and trans or bisexuals.' ...
"'The Network's goal of eliminating violence sounded entirely worthwhile until we read the fine print,' said Diane Knippers. 'What they are eliminating is any meaningful definition of the word 'violence.' She gave some examples: *Economic violence included 'unequal distribution of wealth.... *Political violence [included] 'women's exclusion in decision-making.' *Religious violence was... 'exclusion of women from religious leadership.' *Sexual violence [included] 'compulsory heterosexuality.'
"Don't underestimate an idea whose time has come. Whether Marxist utopianism or feminist socialism, they spread like cancer when the climate is right." See Idols and "other gods"
Feminist Spirituality - Part 1
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