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The Dark Realm of the Occult Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft Role-Playing Games, Toying with Death, Freemasons, The Shack Quotes & Excerpts: New Thought & Science of Mind, The Labyrinth, Theosophy, Jung, Hegel Charts & Scriptures: From God's Truth to the "New Spirituality" |
February 2018
Artificial Intelligence - Summoning Up Demons: The first troubling headline I saw stated, “Ex-Google Executive Anthony Levandowski is Founding a Church Where People Worship an Artificial Intelligence God.” The second headline read, “Why Humans Will Happily Follow a Robot Messiah.
January 2018
Ex Google Engineer Establishes Religion to Worship A.I. “Godhead”: A former Google and Uber engineer and registered a new church with the IRS whose stated goal is to "develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence.” This new religion which anticipates advanced machines ruling over humanity as gods, has more support in the Silicon Valley community than many may think. And it lines up with one of the most stunning prophecies of the book of Revelation.
The Very Heart of the LIE…war on the saints: "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons." (1 Timothy 4:1) I want to use this book ( A Course in Miracles) as a sample of a larger, end times movement of massive deception, unleashed upon the earth in these last days by Satan who knows his time is short and would deceive as many sons and daughters of Adam as possible....
The Very Heart of the LIE…war on the saints: "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons." (1 Timothy 4:1) I want to use this book ( A Course in Miracles) as a sample of a larger, end times movement of massive deception, unleashed upon the earth in these last days by Satan who knows his time is short and would deceive as many sons and daughters of Adam as possible....
The Church Of Satan Experiencing Huge Swell In Membership As Satanism Goes Mainstream In America: “Traditionalists might debate if any of it is properly ‘satanic’ at all; this new take is much more feminist than nihilist.... What’s fueling the nascent popularity of Satanism is the presidency of Donald Trump, the satanists can’t stand him. ... Looks like the Devil is not a fan of Trump for some reason.
Burning Man announces newest centerpiece: Temple to Greek Goddess: The Burning Man Festival, held in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada in August, has chosen its centerpiece structure, a massive wood temple dedicated to the Greek goddess Gaia... one of the many pagan symbols featured at the popular desert gathering.
December 2017
Ancient pagan 'gods' reappearing around U.S., world: “Why would the United Nations be involved in resurrecting these occult images and icons of the past? ... The same group that recreated the Roman triumphal arch that once welcomed travelers to the Temple of Baal is now honoring another pagan deity. The United Arab Emirates... have re-created a statue of the goddess Athena...
“Most people today don’t realize how much of a hold ancient pagan beliefs, practices and images still have on their lives,” said Joseph Farah.... “In fact, pagan values and traditions have never left us. See Sorcery & Occultism Through the Ages
March 2017
Witches pledge to cast 'binding spell' on Trump. Pray for him! With President Donald Trump and the first Lady bringing God and the Lord’s Prayer back into the mainstream, Satanists and self-proclaimed witches are up in arms. ... Let us pledge to defend the President from spiritual attack. Let us pray that President Trump may be led by Christ the King of Kings in determining the best policies for the United States of America. See Reviving Witchcraft
February 2017
US Exorcists: Demonic Activity on the Rise: There is an alarming increase in demonic activity being reported by those who work in exorcism ministry, said the exorcist for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Although steps are being taken to increase the number of exorcists, demand is still outpacing supply. ... “If people would build up their faith lives, the devil will be defeated.” See The Nature and Tactics of Satan
Many Young Adults Are Turning To Witchcraft As A Way To Rebel Against Their Conservative Christian Upbringings: ...one very popular form of witchcraft known as Wicca has been growing at a rate of more than 100 percent annually in recent years, and this has been happening at a time when Christianity has been in decline in the United States. ...other pagan and occult groups have been exploding in popularity as well. See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
Witches target Trump with mass occult ritual: It’s not just a political battle anymore. It’s spiritual warfare now. Exorcists, witches and occultists “in a number of magical groups” are announcing plans for a ritual designed to “bind Donald Trump and all who abet him.” See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
Satanic Temple Gets OK for After School Club for elementary Kids: The Portland chapter of the Satanic Temple... has just won an accommodation from school officials to offer an after-school club for children. It's called the "After School Satan Club." See Tactics of Satan
Witches Unite in Quest to Bind Trump and Tear Down His Presidency: Witches launched a new campaign of witchcraft against President Trump over the weekend, uniting to cast spells against him and bind his presidency in the spirit realm. And in case you were wondering, it's not a joke. They've launched a serious campaign on Twitter called #BindTrump. See Reviving Witchcraft
Witches Launch Facebook Group to 'Bind' President Trump by Praying to Demons: Witches from around the world gathered Friday at midnight to "cast a spell" on President Trump, and plan to perform the same ritual at midnight on every waning crescent moon until the president "is removed from office." Please pray for our President!
January 2017
Pinpointed: 'Locus of satanic power' in world today: ...many believers think it is the malevolent force behind the headlines. What exactly is “Mystery Babylon?” See Conspiracy
Witches target Trump with mass occult ritual: It’s not just a political battle anymore. It’s spiritual warfare now. Exorcists, witches and occultists “in a number of magical groups” are announcing plans for a ritual designed to “bind Donald Trump and all who abet him.” See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
Saul Alinsky - "I'd Organize Hell" TV Interview 1966: (Alinsky, Hillary and Obama were close friends) A Social Psychopath and political activist Saul Alinsky (was) interviewed at his home in Carmel, California on a wide range issues such as poverty, injustice. See Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
Six Alinsky Rules That Explain Obama's Words and Deeds: ...it is no secret that Saul Alinsky’s manual for “community organizers”—Rules for Radicals—exerted an immeasurable influence over the world’s most well recognized community organizer, President Barack Obama. (Saul Alinsky - "I'd Organize Hell"). See Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
Bill Clinton Brags About His Voodoo Training: ...reveals Bill and Hillary Clinton's penchant for voodoo, which is hidden in plain sight. See Evil
Clintons Caught Conducting Voodoo Marina and Spirit Cooking: Bizarre suicides? People beaten to death or murdered in a hail of bullets? ... Or barbells crushing a person’s throat? ... See Reviving Witchcraft
Behind the anti-Trump Disruptors, the Fine Hands of Alinsky and Obama: "In Saul Alinsky’s 1971 book Rules for Radicals, the late author could have been describing Obama’s last seven years in office. ... Alinsky’s star pupil, Barack Obama, has successfully managed to whip up global chaos."
December 2016
November 2016
FBI Exposes Clinton Pedophile Satanic Network, “Hillary is the Devil”: This is truly evil! America's top leaders are steeped in the darkest occult! See The Nature and Tactics of Satan
Bill Clinton Brags About His Voodoo Training:
...reveals Bill and Hillary Clinton's penchant for voodoo, which is hidden in plain sight.
Wikileaks Email Links Hillary Clinton To Bohemian Grove: A new Wikileaks hacked email directly links Hillary Clinton, Colin Powell and Henry Kissinger to the Bohemian Grove, mentioning the notorious occult playground of the globalist elite by name.. See Reviving Witchcraft
Hacked Email: Colin Powell Says Bohemian Grove Attendees Hate Trump: An email hacked from Colin Powell's Gmail account has him writing that he had just returned from the famed Bohemian Grove -- a place the Washington Post once described as "where the rich and powerful go to misbehave." See The Nature and Tactics of Satan
Entire US Cyber Network Is Already Compromised, Clinton Emails Are The Least Of Our Worries: The fact that her server was receiving files that passed through or originated on the State Department servers is enough to know she exposed her private system to hackers.
Clintons Caught Conducting Voodoo Marina and Spirit Cooking: Bizarre suicides? People beaten to death or murdered in a hail of bullets? ... Or barbells crushing a person’s throat? ... See Reviving Witchcraft
Radical Roots of Hillary: ...Saul Alinsky teachings... influenced both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in their formative years. ...She composed her senior thesis on the community organizing tactics Alinsky outlined in his book “Rules for Radicals”.... Alinsky dedicated the book to Lucifer as “the very first radical.” See Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
Alex Jones Proven Right About Clinton Involved In Satanism: Shocking new Wikileaks reveal Clinton camp's link to bizarre occult practices. See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
October 2016
Rise of Satanism another sign of 'America's fall from God': Elementary schools forced by the government to allow “Satan Clubs” on school grounds. Statues of Baphomet are erected in major American cities. And a national headquarters for the “Satanic Temple” in Salem, Massachusetts, famous for its “witch trials” during colonial times.... Christian leaders are speaking out – and they are reluctantly saying it has. See Spiritual Warfare
Hacked Email: Colin Powell Says Bohemian Grove Attendees Hate Trump: An email hacked from Colin Powell's Gmail account has him writing that he had just returned from the famed Bohemian Grove -- a place the Washington Post once described as "where the rich and powerful go to misbehave." See The Nature and Tactics of Satan
September 2016
Colin Powell’s Hacked Emails Reveal Insider Details of Secretive Bohemian Grove Summit for World’s Elite: ...dozens of messages contain insider details of the famed Bohemian Grove — a place... “where the rich and powerful go to misbehave.” Bohemian Grove... in Monte Rio, Calif that serves as a meeting place for top politicians and businessmen who are members of the Grove society. The site’s annual secretive meeting takes place... in July...” See The Nature and Tactics of Satan
Was Ben Carson Right About Hillary Tied to Lucifer: [Yes! Carson recognized the danger!] Saul Alinsky, who lived from 1909-1972, was a community organizer from Chicago.... In fact, his 1971 book, Rules for Radicals, is like the Bible for community organizers. A committed Marxist, Alinsky worked hard to implement [his kind of] social justice.... Alinsky's philosophy was that ..."any means necessary to get there is okay — lying, voter fraud, intimidation, bribery, threats — anything." See Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
Shadow Government Subpoenaed: For those who still don’t know America is run by a powerful hidden government, that the Constitution is dead, and that the Clintons are high-ranking players in this hidden cabal, here’s Congress telling you so. See The emerging New World Order
August 2016
The Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England is Prince Edward, the Duke of Kent, grandson of King George V and first cousin to Queen Elizabeth II: Freemasonry is the world's largest, oldest and best-known gentleman's fraternity.... It's said that we are a secret society. (They are indeed a secret society.) Click on http://www.crossroad.to/Excerpts/chronologies/pilgrims.htm (Pilgrims, Bible, Persecution and Thanksgiving)
Pope Francis to Proclaim Lucifer as God of One World Religion on September 23, 2016: (This video promotes all kinds of "gods" and religions. You may not want to see it all.)
Pokémon Creator Admits Games are Anti-Christian, Aimed Towards Satanists: ...Pokémon creator Satoshi Tajiri ...admits that the games were created as a backlash against his Christian parents. ...that the games are tailored towards an anti-Christian sentiment or Satanism. See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
An After School Satan Club could be coming to your kid’s elementary school: ...the group plans to introduce its After School Satan Club to public elementary schools.... The promotional video, which feels like a mash-up of a horror movie trailer and a "Saturday Night Live" sketch, will serve to promote the new club along with its website —Afterschoolsatan.com. See Spiritual Warfare
July 2016
Hillary Throws [horned occult] Hand Symbol During Raucous Rally with Elizabeth Warren: ...Hillary Clinton threw up a hand symbol after Sen. Elizabeth Warren chanted her name to rally Democratic voters in Ohio.... (See video) See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
Barack Obama flashes two fingers - Illuminati Salute at Nuclear Security Summit in Washington: "During a group photo of world leaders, Obama flashed a narrow-eyed grimace as he held up two fingers in a salute used by countless popes and Nazi leaders. A symbol that stands, not for peace, but for world domination and global conquest."
The Unseen Foe Behind Rising Evil: We don't hear much about spiritual warfare these days. Most churches seem to ignore the reality of Satan and the evil he inspires. ... Since the 18th century's birth of the "Age of Reason," an increasing number of "enlightened" Western leaders and influential "change agents" have tried to discredit the Bible and silence believers.... No wonder our public schools are becoming bastions of atheism, immorality and -- spreading fast -- the promotion of Islam.
Is Pokemon Go Evil, Dangerous Or Demonic? "One week ago, a game called Pokemon Go was launched, and over the last seven days it has become an international phenomenon. ... Is it potentially evil, dangerous or demonic? ... Like many video games, Pokémon is riddled with occult concepts. ... “magical stones”, teleportation, ghosts, all-seeing eye, psychic power... All of this is contrary to scripture. See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
Demonized Norwegians defame Christian minister: "There will be terrible times at the end of the age. Norway seems to be beyond the possibility of repair, quickly taking the path towards destruction. Even among Christians there is a shameful lukewarmness. They keep silent when the only Christian minister in the present Conservative Right wing government is dragged down in the gutters by worshipers of Satan....” Luke 8:12 - "Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved.
June 2016
Out of the Shadows: Wicca Grows in Austin and Beyond: Mary Caldwell has spiky pink hair, tattooed arms and works in customer service for a software company. She’s also the leader of a Wicca meet-up that gathers every other Monday.... Wicca is a modern version of ancient pagan religions.... Its followers worship a goddess and a god, honor the Earth and practice ritual magic...
Welcome to a Bernie Sanders Wiccan ritual: Participants were "smudged," meaning the smoke from the sweetgrass was wafted over them before they could enter the sacred circle and begin a Wiccan ritual to support Sanders ahead of Oregon’s primary on Tuesday.
Was The Gotthard Base Tunnel Opening Ceremony An Illuminati Ritual Intended To Honor Satan? "The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland featured a “goat-man” that dies, is resurrected, is worshipped and is crowned as “the king of the world”. The “goat-man” that played such a key role in this performance bore a striking resemblance to Baphomet, which in recent decades has become one of the key symbols used to represent Satan in the occult community."
The Spread of Wicca In The US: Witchcraft and Satanism (devil worship) in America are growing by leaps and bounds. No longer are their highly secret activities being kept in-the-closet. Today's witches are no longer at risk of getting burned at the stake, but rather honored and revered. They are increasingly being accepted as spiritual experts who ... tap into, their extensive access to supernatural spirit powers and hidden knowledge. Wicca - the key umbrella organization for formalized Witchcraft and New Age practice in general - has finally come out of the shadows. See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
May 2016
Ex-Witch Reveals How the Occult Is Affecting Your Life Every Day: Hidden magic, astrology, supernatural powers or agencies, also known as the occult, has slithered its way into society with little fanfare. "...each time they do witchcraft they are inviting in demon spirits..." See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
April 2016
'Never before has evil had such a stage and such a microphone': "Even the secular press gives the devil his due, as reports of violence driven by occult beliefs are sweeping the global media. In Mexico, a restaurant worker was reportedly tortured to death as part of a Satanic ritual....
"Thus, mainstream media outlets are proclaiming the global 'comeback' of exorcism and spiritual warfare as Christians try to combat a perceived rise in occult practices. And experts warn demonic influence is real, and not to be taken lightly.
“'It is incorrect to say that Satan or demons have authority to kill human beings,' said Payne (the author). Jesus Christ alone ultimately holds the keys to life and death. ... The Word of God clearly states that the Last Days would experience an outpouring of demonic activity and influence, even affecting the church and the perversion of contextual biblical doctrine.” See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
Satanic 'Black Mass' in Oklahoma opposed by 100,000: "The upcoming 'black mass' will be led by Satanic group Dakhma of Angra Mainyu.... The event will involve two rituals — the black mass and the 'consumption of Mary by Jai Kali Maa.'... Colorado middle schools and high schools have started allowing atheists and Satanists to distribute their literature.... As of Apr. 19, the petition has managed to gather 104,700 signatures for the call to have the Satanic black mass in Oklahoma canceled.... Among the literature handed out to the Colorado students is a coloring book titled 'The Satanic Children's Big Book of Activities,' created by The Satanic Temple." See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
(Slow to open) Satanism as a new political movement in America: "Did you know that when Barack Obama began his presidency with his mother-in-law inviting a voodoo priestess to perform a Santeria ceremony in the White House? It is therefore not surprising that since 2008, self-described Satanists increasingly became active in America — holding Black Mass in public places... and erecting a statue to Satan in Detroit." See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
April 2016
Malaysia schools hit with 'body possession' epidemic: • Students claim they are seeing evil spirits such as female vampiric ghosts • The incident of mass hysteria saw 20 students sent home from one school • One teacher also complained of being physically pinned down by a spectre • Religious leaders have been invited into schools to remove the 'bad spirits'." See The Nature and Tactics of Satan
The Arch From The Temple Of Baal Planned For New York City Has Been CANCELED: "The Temple of Baal is NOT coming to Times Square in New York City next month. This is great news, and it represents an incredible victory for Christians in the United States."
The Occult (Is this where America is now headed? What a tragedy!) Temple of Baal Coming To Times Square: Satan is Marking His Territory: "Just months ago, the Hindu Demon Goddess 'Kali' was projected on the Empire State Building in NYC. ... In Christian circles we were alarmed that such an evil demonic Hindu goddess would be displayed for all of NYC to admire.... Baal was the son of El, the chief god, and Asherah, the goddess of the sea."
The Bohemian Grove (The Mystery of Molech): "...the 'Elite' Businessmen, Bankers, Journalists, Politicians, Stars and Presidents) meet there during July of every year to worship a 30-40 foot owl 'god' they call 'Molech'. ...you can read about the 'strange' happenings (Rituals, mock sacrifices, homosexual orgies, etc.).'" See Reviving Witchcraft
Temple Of Baal In New York Is Going Up Same Day The Blood Sacrifice To The Beast Begins: "...the exact day when reproductions of the arch that stood in front of the Temple of Baal are going to be erected in Times Square in New York City and in Trafalgar Square in London is also the exact day when a very important occult festival related to the worship of Baal begins. ... April 19th is also known as 'the Feast of Moloch'..."
March 2016
Will a gateway be opened when the Arch from the Temple of Baal is reconstructed in Times Square? "The worship of Baal, also known as Bel, can be traced all the way back to ancient Babylon. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Marduk was 'the chief god of the city of Babylon', and ultimately he became known as 'Bel' or 'Lord.'" See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
Satanists Open Fire On Christians In The Middle Of The Road: "In the state of Guerrero, devil worshipping gunmen opened fire on a transportation van, slaughtering four people, Isaac Xochitempa Chantla, the driver of the unit, as well as three women." See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
Air Force Academy Celebrates Witchcraft and Voodoo While Demeaning Christianity: "...in 2014 and 2015, the Academy used its 'Chapel Tithes and Offering Fund' to pay for cadets to participate in worship services featuring witchcraft, 'Faery Magick,' and voodoo. ...the Air Force Academy paid to send cadets to a Wiccan festival in Denver in May 2014 and a Denver Witches Ball in October of the same year...'" See Trusting God as Freedom Fades
Scalia's death linked to Bohemian Grove, Illuminati: "Esoteric artwork, sinister ambiance surrounded Scalia during his last earthly hours. ...Scalia died during a meeting of an Austrian secret society founded by the Bohemian Grove as a feeder group for the real Illuminati – and the resort hosting the society is filled with esoteric artwork. ...Scalia died among members of the U.S. chapter of the International Order of St. Hubertus, which was launched in 1966 by associates of the Bohemian Grove which itself was a spin-off of the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati founded in 1776.... 'George Washington, in his famous anti-Illuminati letters before he died, talked about ... the liberty movement in Europe and the U.S. and how dangerous the French Revolution became by being run by these people." See The Nature and Tactics of Satan
January 2016
Pagan sacred places in New Hampshire: "When most people think about 'sacred places', images of Stonehenge, or the great cathedrals of Europe, or the Pyramids in Egypt, or the Sphinx, or ancient Roman or Greek temples ... these are the things that come to mind. ... But here, in the New World, in New Hampshire in particular, can there truly be a sacred place? ...a pagan sacred place?" [Indeed! The occult has many followers in New Hamshire]
October 2015
Church of Lucifer’ to Open in Texas: "The first 'Church of Lucifer' is set to open later this month in a small town outside of Houston, Texas.... Co-founder Jacob No, who goes by a fictitious name to protect his identity... told reporters that the Church of Lucifer is not Satanic. 'We are not devil worshipers in any form of the word...'"
Halloween overtakes Valentine's Day as the third biggest retail event: "Halloween has become the third biggest 'event' for retailers behind Christmas and Easter... The craze...is sweeping Britain as supermarkets dedicate more space to ghoulish-themed items. ... Across the Atlantic, the US National Retail Federation says Halloween rakes in between $7-8billion each year for shops."
Steep rise in immigrant 'witchcraft' and ‘EXORCISM’ related child abuse: "The number of quasi-religious 'witchcraft' and exorcism related child abuse cases has nearly tripled in just three years. The phenomenon of children being accused of 'possession” and 'witchcraft” is most commonly seen in West African and South Asian immigrant communities." See The Nature and Tactics of Satan
September 2015
Girl 'possessed by Satan' inside video game: "An 18-year-old woman in Lima, Peru, reportedly became possessed by a demon – convulsing, foaming at the mouth and even trying to kill herself – after playing a version of a Ouija board game on her phone Saturday. 'In a video posted by the London Express, Patricia Quispe can be seen thrashing and crying out as medics hold her down on a table. Medical experts said she exhibited abnormal strength, and it took them more than 30 minutes to restrain her." See Popular Occultism
August 2015
The Spirit of Jezebel & The Empire State Building: "Just when I think this nation can't turn any further away from YHWH, I see the disturbing image of the Hindu goddess Kali projected on the Empire State Building.... 'It was the fierce portrait of Kali, who is the Hindu Goddess of Time, Change, Power and Destruction. She was presented as an avatar 'to fight the dangers of pollution and extinction.'"
Investigators say the claw hammer, slit throats and purposeful positioning of the bodies led them to the witchcraft conclusion: “'It’s witchcraft...,' said Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan...
"Deputies discovered 77-year-old Voncile Smith and her two sons, Richard, 49, and John, 47, dead inside their Pensacola home on Friday, hours before the rising of the blue moon – a significant event for Wiccans. ...the three had been beaten and had their throats slit, in 'wicca[n] ritual killing' style, deputies said... The beatings were brutal. The mother and younger son were clubbed to death with a claw hammer....Investigators say the claw hammer, slit throats and purposeful positioning of the bodies led them to the witchcraft conclusion." See Reviving Witchcraft
July 2015
Group To Unveil Satan Statue In Detroit During ‘Largest Public Satanic Ceremony In History’: "A group is planning to unveil an 8-foot-tall bronze statue featuring a goat-headed Satan in Detroit during a gathering that’s being billed as the 'largest public satanic ceremony in history.' The Satanic Temple has said Saturday’s private event will be open only to people with tickets, $25 each. Invitations to “The Unveiling” summoned guests to prepare for 'a night of chaos, noise, and debauchery… Come dance with the Devil...." See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
May 2015
Warning for Parents. Don’t Call Charlie: "A new challenge game is going viral. It’s about connecting with a dead spirit from Mexico named 'Charlie.' Fueled by thousands of videos from young people supposedly showing 'contact,' the game is played by placing two pencils in the shape of a cross on a piece of paper with the words 'yes' and 'no.' Those present then repeat the phrase, “Charlie, Charlie can we play?” in order to make contact with the demon.
"If 'Charlie' is there, the pencils are said to move toward his answer. If 'present,' then questions of any kind are asked…and answered. To end the game, players say, 'Charlie, Charlie can we stop?'
"If you are ever invited to play this game, don’t. In fact, flee the entire situation. Don’t even be present as an observer. If you are a parent that catches even the slightest whiff of this in your child’s life, do quick intervention. Because it’s... the occult. The word 'occult' just means that which is hidden, or secret, beyond the range of ordinary human knowledge or below the surface of normal life. ...a reference to those practices which link up, intentionally or not, with the hidden, or secret, world of Satan and his demons." See The Nature and Tactics of Satan
February 2015
Iceland to build first temple to Norse gods since Viking age: "Icelanders will soon be able to publicly worship at a shrine to Thor, Odin and Frigg with construction starting this month on the island’s first major temple to the Norse gods since the Viking age. Worship of the gods in Scandinavia gave way to Christianity around 1,000 years ago but a modern version of Norse paganism has been gaining popularity in Iceland....” See The Nature and Tactics of Satan
January 2015
The Occult. Are Over Half of Evangelicals Wrong About Satan? "Mention of Satan has disappeared from most Evangelical churches' doctrinal statements.... Today, the majority of Evangelicals believe that Satan is not a living being, but merely, at most, a symbol of evil or an impersonal force. These developments bespeak a woeful, widespread ignorance of what the Bible says about Satan, the active enemy of every believer. From beginning to end, the Bible makes plain the facts of Satan's personal existence as a created being, and his immense power and influence in the present world."
"In his fallen state Satan is still subject to God, but he is the chief enemy of God, manifesting unremitting hatred toward God, His Word, and the person and work of Christ. Satan is also the chief adversary of mankind, and continually seeks to afflict mankind and seduce men toward every kind of evil. He especially wages war against believers in Christ. Satan's ultimate defeat was pronounced by God after he deceived our first parents into sin; it was secured at the cross by Christ, and will be consummated when Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity." See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
JK Rowling: Hogwarts had ‘LGBT’ students:
"J.K. Rowling, author of the controversial Harry Potter children’s book series, confirmed by way of a tweeted
response to a fan's question that homosexual students would most certainly
attend her fictional Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry....
"Rowling announced that the prominent character of the 'good' wizard headmaster, Dumbledore is, in fact, a homosexual. Rowling explained to a packed audience, which was largely made up of young children..." See Twelve reasons not to see Harry Potter movies
December 2014
Twelve reasons not to see Harry Potter movies
Satanist group mounts Capitol display to little fanfare: "The Detroit chapter of the Satanic Temple set up its 'Snaketivity Scene,' which features a snake offering a book called 'Revolt of the Angels' as a symbolic gift, just after 7 a.m. this morning. The snake is wrapped around the Satanic cross on the 3-feet-by-3-feet display." See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
Darren Wilson Breaks Silence, says Michael Brown Appeared Demon-Possessed: "...Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson stated that he believed teenager Michael Brown appeared to be demon-possessed the night to the got into an altercation that resulted in Brown’s shooting death." See Sorcery & the Occult Through the Ages
November 2014
Darren Wilson Breaks Silence, says Michael Brown Appeared Demon-Possessed: "...Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson stated that he believed teenager Michael Brown appeared to be demon-possessed the night to the got into an altercation that resulted in Brown’s shooting death.
"'That moment before the second shot, you guys are staring at each other, and you said that there was a look in his eye like something you’ve never seen before. You described it as a demon,' ABC’s George Stephanopolous said to Wilson....” See Sorcery & the Occult Through the Ages
Satanists Seeking to Distribute Satanic Coloring Books Results in School Board Banning Bibles: "A Florida school board has moved to change its policies to ban the distribution of Bibles and all other religious materials after a New York-based Satanic organization [FFRF] sought to distribute coloring books to students." See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
Satanic Temple Approved For Capitol Holiday Display: "The Florida Department of Management Services this week approved the proposed holiday display from the Satanic Temple, which a year ago was rejected because the agency said its proposal was 'grossly offensive.'... The approved display will banner the phrase 'Happy holidays from the Satanic Temple' atop a diorama of an angel falling into hell. 'We hope that, this holiday season, everybody can put their religious differences aside and respect that the celebratory spirit of responsible hedonism is available to all,' Greaves said." See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
Exorcisms Are On The Rise: Priests Point To Growing Fascination With The Occult: "The International Association of Exorcists blames Satanic groups for the growing demand for exorcisms. ...Ouija board séances... and reading witchcraft books may be common teenage obsessions, but for one mother this was a cause for concern....
"Last week, in an advice column in the online Catholic magazine Crux, an anonymous mother asked whether her child’s occult interests could lead to 'black lipstick and Satan worship' in the future. Films like the recent blockbuster hit 'Ouija,' ghost-hunting 'reality' TV shows, and even the Harry Potter books have made magic mainstream...
"In late October, the International Association of Exorcists held a conference on the impact of the occult and Satanism. Valter Cascioli, a spokesman for the 300-member organization, warned of an "extraordinary increase in demonic activity," citing how Satanic groups are “constantly increasing." For exorcists, this means their jobs are in high demand." See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
What Could Soon Be Given To Unsuspecting Florida School Kids Will Outrage Lots Of Parents: "Recently, Western Journalism told you about the Bible-bashing booklet that will soon be handed out to Florida high school students by an atheist organization — a publication whose front cover depicts a lecherous, cartoon Bible sexually assaulting a screaming woman. The pamphlet entitled 'An X-Rated Book: Sex and Obscenity in the Bible' will be distributed in 11 public high schools in Orange County, Florida.
"An atheist organization, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), pressured reluctant school officials who eventually agreed to allow the booklet to be handed out to students. Now, The Satanic Temple is reportedly getting in on the act by asking school officials for the okay to distribute free coloring books to youngsters in Orange County.
"The Orlando Sentinel obtained a copy of the coloring book, which features cartoon children performing Satanic rituals and drawing pentagrams. The children in the book wear Satanic symbols on their shirts and spread anti-bullying and religious tolerance messages." See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
October 2014
University of Missouri Recognizes Pagan, Wiccan Holidays: "Students at the University of Missouri that identify as Wiccan or Pagan have garnered recognition of their religious holidays due to the release of a new handbook for staff.
"The university’s Guide to Religions: Major Holidays and Suggested Accommodations was compiled to assist faculty in understanding the various religions that may be represented at the university as well as the holidays celebrated by these religions. It is also meant to serve as a guide in knowing when and when not to schedule exams surrounding some religious activities." See The Nature and Tactics of Satan
September 2014
Satanic Temple Plans To Distribute Satanist-Themed Children’s Activity Book To Florida Students: "The Satanic Temple pamphlet is designed to be appealing to kids, featuring a colorful, cartoonish cover showing children wearing satanic symbols on jewelry and clothing. It contains coloring pages, jumble words, word searches, mazes, and other children’s activities with Satanist themes....
"Among the materials to be distributed are pamphlets related to the Temple’s tenets, philosophy and practice of Satanism, as well as information about the legal right to practice Satanism in school.” See Toying with Death
Satanists to Distribute Materials to Florida Public School Students: "A prominent Satanist organization plans to distribute pamphlets and other materials to public school students in Florida after an atheist group that took issue with the distribution of Christian materials was given the green light to also share its printed publications." See The Nature and Tactics of Satan
Pagan Unity Festival Brings 'Devil-Worship' Into the Light: "Here’s what I learned about Paganism after spending a day at the Pagan Unity Festival in Burns, Tenn.: Paganism... is an umbrella term... There are Druids, who believe in the Celtic pantheon and have a deep reverence for the environment. There are Ásatrúar [I never heard that word in Norway], whose pantheon consists of the Norse gods....
"There are Wiccans, who themselves can be divided into several different categories; some invoke pantheons ranging from Egyptian to Greco-Roman, while some Wiccans pay sole tribute to Diana. Then there are eclectic Pagans, who borrow elements from other Pagan sects...
"Bur remember, we pray to God or heavenly Father who created us, while wiccans cast spells to get what they want!"
August 2014
Occult. Satanism in America Today - Part 1: "I suffered at least two attempts on my life for my Christian witness.... Had they successfully abducted me, I would have been hauled to the infamous satanist caverns of the Smoky Mountains, to be nailed to a cross and sacrificed to 'teach me a little lesson' (as my father’s former high priest admitted to me as I interviewed him) for daring to stand against satanism in those mountains...
"There are many fine Christians living in this region as well.... Please pray for the many lost youth in that pagan mecca of America’s southeast, Asheville, NC. The battle is always raging… the power of satan, or the power of the Living God through Jesus Christ, their only hope....
"I can never forget my years of working among and interviewing these young people, and hearing of their tragic experiences of being raised in multi-generational occult households throughout this region.... Yes, vampirism is also found in the mountains of NC [North Carolina ]and TN [ Tennessee ]." See Spiritual Warfare: Reviving Witchcraft
Occult. Satanism in America Today - Part 2: "...some of these precious children were then sold to homosexual households out of state. They were forced into satanist covens. They were even sacrificed. Or sold to pedophiles in that region as well.
"A friend, former CIA, admitted that the DHHS in that area was the most satanist-infiltrated agency there. When one Christian family I was assisting, tried to rescue such children from the corrupt hands of the satanists with the DSS there, they came under horrific attack. … As he later recounted to me, John Bruce threw himself out of the vehicle and rolled down an embankment in the dark. They could not find him, and so shot up his vehicle and then fled....
"...they warned me, “This kind of thing is much more common in these parts than most people think. And don’t even trust the police you think are working with you…because many of them ARE SATANISTS....
"Unlike so many naive Christians, even these younger satanists know exactly what is to come under martial law. ... If these people are NOT reached for Jesus Christ now, they will certainly be used for Satan’s dark purposes THEN.... Oh, God, have mercy on their eternal souls! And have mercy on their intended victims as well." See Toying with Death
July 2014
Yes Virginia, Freemasonry is a Religion: "Pike is not the only spokesman for the truth of Freemasonry. Alice Bailey, the one-time leading spokesperson for the Theosophical Society and a member of Co-Masonry with her husband, Foster, declared: 'The Masonic Movement is the custodian of the law, the holder of the Mysteries, and the seat of initiation....
"...'the guardianship of the Ancient Mysteries has been traced from the Magi of Medo-Persia, to Western Gnosticism, to the Knights Templar, and finally to the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry." See Freemasonry
June 2014
Vatican Cantor: Hail Lucifer: (Watch the two minutes video: "The Vatican announce Lucifer to be the father of 'Christ'. ... Let see who the Bible say Lucifer is: 'How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!' (Isaiah 14:12)." See The Occult Through the Ages
May 2014
Harvard Will Host 'Reenactment' of Satanic Mass: “To us, the Black Mass is an amalgamation that developed through time based on witch-hunting fears and later adopted by some as a declaration of personal Independence against what they felt to be the stifling authority of the church, said Greaves.
"...during the Black Mass reenactment, representatives of The Satanic Temple will provide narration on the academic and historical aspects of a Satanic Mass. ....
"Harvard University was launched in 1639 through a financial gift from the Protestant clergyman John Harvard. In its early decades, Harvard trained many Protestant ministers who went on to serve the various Christian churches of New England.
"The Satanic Temple, which is scheduled to perform the reenactment Black Mass, is the same group that is trying to have a statue of Satan (depicted as “Baphomet”) installed on the grounds of the Oklahoma State Capitol."
Skull & Bones plan gives Jerusalem Holy Sites to Vatican: "The decades old globalist plot to 'internationalize' the Israeli capital city Jerusalem was first proposed in the 1947 partition plan at the UN (itself a brainchild of Rockefeller), but was flatly rejected by the Arabs.... Subversion against Jerusalem by globalist operatives like Tony Blair and globalist NGOs - all of whom are funded by WallStreet-backed foundations and Eurocratic governments is well documented." See America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones
America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones: "The Anglo American Establishment...has a lot to do with the British establishment.... Quigley describes in minute detail the historical operations of the British establishment controlled by a secret society and operating very much as The Order [of Skull & Bones] operates in the U.S....
"The British secret society, known as 'The Group' or just plain 'US', was founded at Oxford University, much as The Order was founded at Yale, but without the Masonic mumbo jumbo. As we noted in Memorandum Five, the Group operates in a series of concentric circles and like The Order consists of old line families allied with private merchant bankers, known in the U. S. as investment bankers." See Antony Sutton - Skull & Bones
March 2014
Satanic Ritual Abuse Permeates America - YouTube
January 2014
Occult. N.Y. Group Applies To Build Satan Statue At Oklahoma State Capitol: "The Satanic Temple unveiled designs Monday for a 7-foot-tall statue of Satan it wants to put at the Oklahoma state Capitol, where a Ten Commandments monument was placed in 2012. The group formally submitted its application to a panel that oversees the Capitol grounds, including an artist’s rendering that depicts Satan as Baphomet, a goat-headed figure with horns, wings and a long beard that’s often used as a symbol of the occult."
Note: Children would have fun climbing onto the lap of Baphomet and laughing at its images. The battle against Christianity is intensifying fast! Perseution has already begun in the land of the free!
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