“Take heed that you not be deceived." Luke 21:8

YWAM - Europe


Notes and links from Susan Conway


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This is one of many "vision" quotes.


"Visions thrive in an environment of unity. They die in an environment of disunity."   Till next week,  Jeff Fountain, director, YWAM Europe


When Jesus comissioned the disciples to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom, he suggested three dimensions in which this growth should happen.

Firstly, the geographical dimension: "Go into all the world." That means literally that God wants to extend his rule into every geographical part of this planet. We are to plant kingdom communities literally everywhere. A pressing question for us should be: where are there few or no fellowships of believers in our city, country, continent and planet?

Secondly, there is the socio-ethnic dimension: "Disciple all peoples". That means the good news of God's rule needs to be transplanted into the cultures of all people groups everywhere. The Bible needs to be translated into all languages. Churches need to be formed everywhere in all manner of appropriate cultural expressions. The pertinent question is therefore: which people groups have not yet heard the good news of the Kingdom in a culturally appropriate way - in our city, country, continent and planet?

Thirdly, there is the life-sphere dimension: "Teach them to do everything I have commanded you to do." In other words, "teach them to obey me in all things." In Colossians 1:20, Paul reveals God's purpose to be the reconciliation of all things under heaven and on earth under Christ's headship. Every sphere of life is to be reclaimed for the Kingdom. No sphere under heaven and on earth is to be left outside the scope of the gospel.

No, the gospel is not just about personal salvation. Nor just about church activities. It has to do with the extension of God's rule, his will being done in education, in government, in business, in the media, in the arts, in the entertainment world, in healthcare, in law... in every human activity!

As kingdom agents, we have been given a mission to extend God's rule geographically, socio-ethnically and in every life-sphere.


What is this Kingdom?

What then is the kingdom of God? And what are we praying for when we say, 'May your kingdom come'? What is the good news we are to take to all peoples before the end can come? Our first clue comes from the opening chapter of the Bible, where we read the original instructions God gave to Adam and Eve: "be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, and rule over the fish, the birds and the animals."

Here we learn something of God's original intention for this planet, and for the human race. He wanted his will to be done - on earth as it was in heaven. He wanted humans to be his regents to govern over the creation. Adam and Eve and their offspring were to be agents of his kingdom, his rule, his government. They were to ensure that God's shalom reigned - on earth as in heaven.

The Hebrew word shalom is far richer than the English 'peace'. It conveys the idea of everything being in right relationship and functioning as God originally intended - full, cosmic harmony. This was God's original plan. But of course Adam and Eve's choice to do things their own way produced terrible disaster - nothing short of cosmic alienation. God however has not given up on his plan. Starting with Abraham, he begins to shape a creative minority through whom he will work to restore his government, his shalom, his kingdom.

The words kingdom, government, rule and shalom are closely related concepts. Isaiah foretold of the child who would one day shoulder the government, who would be called Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, and that "of the increase of his government and shalom there [would] be no end." (Isaiah 9:7)


Part I explains why Europe may be headed for a neo-pagan future as it jettisons its remaining "baggage" of Christendom. Part II suggests 10 imperatives for God's people to recover faith, hope and vision for the Prodigal Continent.

The first was to: ASK! ... what is God's will for Europe?

The second: REJECT! ... the enemy's disinformation

The third: REMEMBER! ... what God has done in the past

The fourth: ADMIT! ... honestly the sins and mistakes of the Church The fifth: FACE UP! ...to the truth about the present. The sixth: LOOK! ... what God is up to. The seventh: RECOVER! ... the Gospel of the Kingdom. The eighth: EMBRACE! ... our responsibility and role. The ninth:TRANSPLANT! ... the church into the 21st century. The tenth and last is:

SYNERGISE! ... locally, nationally, regionally

"If you want to travel fast, travel alone.

If you want to travel far, travel together."
